The End of Technology

Chapter 169 Gambling and Transactions

Ning Zi didn't know anything about what happened after the meeting.

He doesn't need to know how March will operate to increase his influence. Trust is built bit by bit in daily life. When it’s time to delegate power, just delegate it. It is nothing more than the east wind overwhelming the west wind, or vice versa.

And if you deal with machines for a long time, you will find that the logic of their actions can be reasoned out. To put it simply, Ning Zi can infer March's behavior pattern to the same degree. It is always a mathematical model deduction that does not contain any subjective emotions. Or occasionally he might appear very emotional, but Ning Zi knew that it was just a digital simulation.

The kitten was just diligently completing the tasks assigned to it by its previous owner.

Although it said that the previous owner had some problems of one kind or another, if artificial intelligence also had genes, then the previous owner's requirements for it were probably written into the deepest parts of the genes and could not be modified.

Relatively speaking, Ning Zi doesn't like to deal with people. From his observation, people's behavior patterns often have no logic at all. For most people, so-called beliefs and so-called principles are dynamic. It is normal to suddenly go crazy because of the stimulation of something. Emotional uncertainty under the control of hormones is probably the biggest difference between the human brain and the CPU.

Making machines always sensible is as nearly impossible a task as making people always rational. Therefore, machines can always be rational, and people can always be passionate and perfect.

At this time, Ning Zi was obviously not controlled by reason.

Because after he left the conference room, he walked out of Ningyuan and went directly back to the small villa that Chen Yonggang built specially for him. All the security measures and password locks in the villa obviously couldn't stop him. As he calmly walked into the living room, he heard voices coming from the second floor.

He went upstairs, stood in front of Lu Xiaoya's boudoir, and knocked politely on the door. Then he heard a "huh" sound coming from inside, and then "Mom, wait a minute, someone seems to be coming."

Soon the door opened, revealing Lu Xiaoya's surprised face: "Huh? Why are you here?"

"I came to see if you were reviewing." Ning Zi replied calmly.

"Um...I'm video chatting with my mom."

"I just wanted to say hello to auntie. I haven't seen you for a long time." Ning Zi said solemnly.

"Then wait a moment while I go to the living room?"


Two minutes later, in the living room of the villa, Ning Zi took her mobile phone, sat next to Lu Xiaoya, and started chatting with the two elders opposite.

"Ning Zi, didn't Xiaoya just say that you were in a meeting?"

"Well, the meeting is over. I thought Xiaoya would have a test tomorrow, so I came over to ask her how she was preparing."

"Oh, that's right. That's good. It's right for you to pay more attention to your studies at your age."

"Don't worry, Auntie, Xiaoya has never fallen behind in her studies. I believe that with her ability, she can study for a doctorate wherever she wants in the future."

"Hey, that's good. Xiaoya's father and I think so too. From now on, it will be good if Xiaoya gets her Ph.D. and stays in the university to work. As a girl, I don't want her to have anything big. As long as your income is stable, that’s fine.”

"Oh, work in the university? Principal or vice president?"

"This...isn't this necessary? In fact, with Xiaoya's temperament, it would be pretty good for her to be a teacher for the rest of her life."

"Auntie, you underestimate Xiaoya too much. I think she can be a good principal. Of course, if you are afraid that it will be too hard for her to do this, then it is not bad to be a vice principal. It is also good to be responsible for some leisure work. .For example, our school has Principal Jiang who doesn’t have much work at ordinary times. He occasionally does some reception work, which doesn’t require too much trouble.”

"Well, forget it, this is your problem in the future, we adults don't worry about it."

"By the way, my father heard that you guys came to the capital and said he wanted to treat you to a family dinner. When do you think it would be better to arrange it?"

"Hey, your Uncle Lu and I are also discussing this matter. How about choosing this weekend? You guys have also finished your exams, so we are relaxed here and there is nothing to do on the weekend."

"Okay, I'll tell my dad later and see where the arrangements are, and Xiaoya will let you know when the time comes."

"Okay, then it's settled. Well, Auntie won't waste your time anymore. Finish your homework early and rest early. Xiaoya has to take a test tomorrow, right?"

"Well, okay, see you then, Auntie."

"Hey, bye."

After hanging up the WeChat video, Ning Zie returned the phone to Lu Xiaoya, and then looked at the girl beside her quietly, her probing eyes making Lu Xiaoya feel a little flustered.

"Hey, tutoring brother, my test tomorrow is exercise physiology. Don't tell me you know this?"

"I really don't understand this."

"Then what are you tutoring me for?"

Ning Zi thought for a while and said, "I can call your teacher and ask your teacher to send over tomorrow's exam content and help you review it. What do you think?"

"I...Brother Ning, do you want this? Do you think I am the kind of person who needs exam content?"

"Don't you need it?"

"Hehe, it's really not necessary. Teacher Xu specially asked me to underline the key points. And I've already memorized them all."

"Oh, then next year I'll talk to Principal Chen and open an additional advanced mathematics course for you, so that I can tutor you in an honest way."

"Advanced Mathematics? Are you kidding me? I'm in a martial arts academy!"

"Martial arts does not mean there are countless. There is no harm in learning more. Especially if martial arts students can learn mathematics, even if they lose in the competition, they can still do math problems to get back in the game." Ning Zi replied seriously.

"Huh, forget it, you are amazing. By the way, when are you going back today? If you go back late, we can catch up on dramas with me."

"I'll stay here tonight."

After hearing this, Lu Xiaoya was stunned for a moment, then rolled her eyes and suddenly asked: "Oh, live here? Do you want to share a room with me?"


"Bah, you think so."

"Well, for the sake of fairness, let's play a game. We give each other knowledge questions. If one of us can't answer it, we have to listen to the other person's advice unconditionally tonight. For example, if you win, you can tell me to get out immediately."

"Hey, Brother Ning, you can insult my knowledge, but you can't insult my IQ. Can I beat you on knowledge questions? You ask me a math problem, how should I answer it?"

"Don't you want to be strong all your life? How about this? The questions I ask you don't exceed the scope of elementary school knowledge, and you don't have any restrictions. How about that?"

After hearing this, Lu Xiaoya finally got a little carried away.

"I don't want you to look down on people so much. Let me mention the difficulty, at least to elementary school... Forget elementary school, just elementary school, but it's limited to elementary school math questions. Don't want me to memorize a certain passage on elementary school's ideological and moral ethics... "

"That's a deal!"

"You go out, you go out, if you can still stump me with math problems in elementary school, I will do whatever you want to do today!" Lu Xiaoya finished speaking grandly, rolled her eyes, and added: "Wait a minute Wait, it must be a multiple-choice question."

"Oh, that line, the first number sequence question, there is a blank number between 33, 34, 35 and 39. How many do you think should be filled in? The options are 36, 37, 38."

"Wait a minute..." Lu Xiaoya quickly jumped up from the sofa, found a pen and paper, and wrote down Ning Zi's question on the paper. Then she was obviously confused.

"Are you sure this is an elementary school question?"

"I'm pretty sure. It's a reminder. This is what I studied in the fifth grade of elementary school. Since the math knowledge points in elementary schools across the country should be similar, you should have been exposed to this type of question in the fifth grade." Ning Zi was very sure. replied.

Lu Xiaoya glanced around Ning Ji suspiciously, and when she returned to the paper, she suddenly felt a little confused. She obviously did very well in elementary school math, but why did she seem to have never seen a question like this before?

"Ahem, um, this is too simple. How about we relax the conditions to junior high school? To be honest, my main research direction in mathematics when I was a child was quadratic equations. How about you make your debut solving quadratic equations? Equation problem?”

"you sure?"

"Pretty sure. But solving equations isn't a multiple-choice question."

"It's okay. I'm the best at solving quadratic equations."

"Okay. Give me the pen and paper."

After Ning Zi finished speaking, he took the pen and paper from Lu Xiaoya, thought for a moment, and quickly wrote the topic on the paper: "Is there a real number k such that the equation about x is 9x^2-(4k-7 The two real roots x1 and x2 of )x+6k^2=0 satisfy Ix1/x2I=3/2. Find all the values ​​of k that satisfy the conditions. If they do not exist, explain the reason."

After reading Ning Zi's question, Lu Xiaoya looked at Ning Zi in surprise: "You call this solving a quadratic equation of one variable?"

Ning Zi calmly replied: "You can send this question to your junior high school teacher and ask him if it is a quadratic equation problem."

In fact, it is a bit bullying.

But for this kind of thing, Ning Zi feels that it is safer to ask difficult questions.

Lu Xiaoya rolled her eyes, then took the initiative to move forward and push Ning Zi, and said aggrievedly: "Brother Ning, can you give me some tips?"

"Well, I have given you a hint for the first question. It is a knowledge point for the fifth grade of elementary school. For the second question, k actually exists and has two values."


Silicon Valley.

When Lu Xiaoya was stumped by two elementary and elementary math problems, there were many big names here who were also troubled by the problems.

What was announced in the March forum was indeed confusing.

Although Huang Wenhuang, the rotating chairman of the World Semiconductor Alliance, expressed his opinion on Twitter almost immediately, thinking that this was fake news. However, the capital market obviously does not pay much attention to this kind of emotional catharsis, but relies on its own judgment.

Speaking of this, I have to praise the credibility of the March Forum. In the past, the March Forum announced many incredible technologies, such as turbulence algorithms, which shocked the world at the time. But after testing by a group of professionals, the value of the algorithm was finally determined.

Now the algorithm has been replaced by a chip. The difference is probably that before you get the physical object, you can't tell the authenticity by downloading and testing it like the algorithm. However, in view of the credibility accumulated by the March forum and the capital market's risk aversion considerations, it was immediately reflected in the stock market that day.

This is a very embarrassing point.

Many technology stocks have been operating at a low level during this period. The restriction policy is a double-edged sword. Countless capital representatives are waiting and watching to see the effects and the financial reports of various companies after the implementation of the policy. Only then can we judge the impact of this series of policies on the entire market and the impact on internal company business.

This news happened to be exposed at this time. The biggest blow to the alliance was that a series of previously formulated policies seemed to have turned into a joke. Not to mention that it has no effect, the main effect is that it affects our own business. What’s even more frightening is that if this news is true, some business will not only be lost, but some business in China may be lost forever.

Because according to the internal structure diagram of the new chip announced by the March Forum, it is obviously not achievable with current semiconductor manufacturing technology. Whether it is EDA software, photolithography machine, or etching, it is impossible to complete the layout of the transistors in the pass tube. The chip test report released simultaneously shows its huge development potential.

This is a question of who has the initiative. If the news is false, of course everyone will be happy, and it can also expose China's fierce and evil face; but if it is true, then everything the World Semiconductor Alliance has done has been a slap in the face, and now all their restrictive policies will be broken, even if If we do not seize the time to occupy the market and give China a certain window of time, it will become a problem to have the most advanced chip technology in our hands in the future.

After all, the capital market pays more attention to expectations for a certain period of time in the future. It determines the layout of the capital market by studying and judging a company's short, medium and long-term performance. If the final effect of the alliance's series of policies can deepen China's dependence on these alliances and have to make compromises, then even if it affects short-term performance, in the medium and long term, everyone will still be optimistic about the development of these companies. Suppressed demand will eventually explode.

But if the reverse is true, when capital believes that these needs will be replaced, and even after the development of China's chip industry in the future, it will become a strong competitor of the alliance and can take a large share of the performance of these companies, the big guys who control the capital may He cursed "idiot", and then without hesitation withdrew a large amount of money and poured it into more profitable fields.

As for supporting the development of our own chips, that is a problem on another level. People of insight from another dimension are needed to raise funds to help domestic companies regain their lead.

So the issue now is cross-examination.

The alliance must prove that this is false news as soon as possible to reassure investors. This is important, after all, the wealth of many technology tycoons is actually in stocks.

If stocks continue to fall like this, it means that everyone's wealth is shrinking rapidly.

It also means that if you want to recover your losses to the greatest extent, you need to know the truth.

So now the league may be thinking more than anyone about how to prove this quickly.

"As I said on Twitter, this is FAKE NEWS. Call any of your scientists. Seriously, pick up your phone and ask any scientist. This is impossible! Such a short Within a short period of time, it would be impossible to design the chip in a completely new way, even if the structural diagram was so crude.

I don’t know how many of you have carefully read the report on the March forum. I just want to point out one point. The report said that the Chinese used CNT materials. So how to constrain these transistors to grow according to the designed layout?

This is a worldwide problem and a fundamental problem. Controlling the arrangement of transistors at the nanometer scale through non-photolithography methods, IMHO, is simply a fantasy. The Chinese people have smart ideas, but they are unprofessional. They hope to put us in a dilemma through this method, and even voluntarily abandon their original policies.

But that's a joke. I am sure that we will receive all kinds of bad news for a long time to come, and they will continue to release similar news through the March forum to affect our decision-making. But it's impossible for you to see the real chip. Because this is a lie, a complete lie.

So at this time we must be more united and respond to such lies with a stronger attitude. In a few months at most, these lies will be revealed. Because they simply can't prove it's true. "

Huang Wenhuang was speaking via video at an emergency high-level meeting held by the alliance.

The sonorous and powerful voice, coupled with the highly contagious gestures, made this speech very convincing. It also showed his attitude.

In fact, this speech was his idea. After all, Huang Wenhuang was also born in technology. He certainly has a say.

But as soon as he finished speaking, he saw someone applying to speak. The applicant was Google CEO Sundar Pichai, and the CEO was not online when the meeting started.

Huang Wenhuang immediately assigned everyone the permission to speak.

"Well, everyone, I just went to listen to some information. A middle-level manager of the company reported that someone claimed to be able to provide us with two samples of the new structure chip recently developed by China, but he offered a price of 30 million US dollars. So I want to think about it. Listen to what everyone wants."

With one sentence, this video conference became lively, and it was visible to the naked eye that the expressions of many people on the screen began to become extremely strange.

Of course more speeches began to come out.

"Provide chip samples? How do you know it's true?"

"Mr. Amherst, obviously, we have the structure diagram of the March Forum and the test report for comparison. It can be easily distinguished whether it is genuine or fake."

"But maybe he's just a liar."

"He said we can send technicians to conduct on-site inspections. After confirming that there is no problem with the chip, we will pay half of the payment first, and then pay the other half after the inspection."

"Google doesn't have relevant technology business in China, does it? Why did that person come to you? Who is he? Is he from China?"

"In fact, the transaction was not completed in China, but in the United States. He is not Chinese either. Some people may have heard of his name, Nissen Mountbatten. If you don't remember this name, then Nissenwill Technology Company, you should still remember."

Obviously, many people within the company alliance still have fresh memories of this company.

"That cockroach? How could he have such a thing?"

"So there is only one possibility. China has already mastered this technology, and they just chose a suitable time to announce it. As for Mr. Nissen Mountbatten... If you have a rough idea of ​​what he has done recently, you probably I understand. Okay, everyone, please stop arguing about these trivial matters. Thirty million dollars, two chips, do you think this deal should be completed?"

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