The End of Technology

Chapter 138 The unruly look is the cutest

"Today is eleven months and thirteen days since I arrived in China. I was woken up by the ringing of the phone in the morning. The caller was Emmy Noether. As soon as the call got through, this guy said that he planned to start studying the Gilbreth Conjecture recently. , because he suspected that Gilbreth's conjecture reflected that the spacing between adjacent prime numbers was restricted by the bit order of the prime numbers. The sequence changes in the spacing between prime numbers showed that the sudden change in the difference between adjacent prime numbers contained gradients, which was one of the external behaviors manifested by the distribution of prime numbers. .

This is really a wonderful idea. Although I don't agree with it, I still encourage him to continue in this direction. After all, he is already 35 this year. If he doesn't work hard, he will miss the Fields Medal in his life. Of course, I firmly declined the invitation to study this topic together. After all, I don’t want to be laughed at by Ning Zi and start doing boring topics again.

I thought this topic was over. But Emmy kept asking me if Ning Zi had ever considered solving the problem in this direction. Okay, I understand, this guy didn’t call me to discuss this issue with me at all. He was simply afraid that Ning Zi had already zeroed in on the series of Mersenne prime numbers. This makes me unhappy. Have these guys forgotten that I am also a man who won the Fields Medal?

So I decided to scare him and told him that Ning Zi was working on solving the Landau-Siegel conjecture. Sure enough, this answer made Emmy look very disappointed in the rest of the conversation. Well, in the end I relented and told him that Ning Zi shouldn’t have time to consider these issues at least for the time being. Because he is studying NP problems, he is also studying related quantum physics problems.

Although I teased him midway, Emmy still thanked me before hanging up the phone. Although his thanks seemed insincere to me. Of course, those of us who work in number theory generally don’t express our sincerity in thanking you. After all, most of the time we do live in a world of our own construction, but most people are frustrated throughout their lives. Fortunately, I should be an exception.

There is not much to say next. There were no classes for me at Yanbei University on Monday, so I had a very leisurely morning to think about the problem. What's annoying is that the formula Ning Zi gave me still didn't include the idea of ​​overall adaptability, so I thought about many possibilities this morning, but I still didn't have a clue. Yes, I wasted a good morning without getting anything that would convince me that I was there.

If I had known this, I shouldn't have hung up on Emmy so early. Maybe talking to him could bring me some inspiration. But in that case, I would be outclassed by Ning Ju because he really rarely communicates with his colleagues. I don’t know whether I should feel honored, because he probably communicates the most with me on the mathematical level. However, his understanding of mathematics is obviously deeper than mine, and he has covered a wider range of topics.

No matter what, I will definitely not waste my afternoon time. Because today is another day to learn Chinese. My Chinese teacher Ding Shiwen came to my apartment on time at two o'clock in the afternoon. The content of today's study is complements, including result complements, quantity complements, etc. To be honest, Chinese is really a very strange language. After running, climbing... they seem to be very keen on inserting a word to express the meaning of something they do. To be honest, this Very FUCK!

I thought the result complement was already difficult, but the quantity complement made me feel even more overwhelmed. Because the complements for quantity in Chinese are actually random. For example, I can say a year, a week, a day, an hour, but if I directly say a month, it won’t work! Because January here can only refer to a certain month, they invented a month to refer to a period of time in months.

In the same way, I can talk about a month, a week, an hour, but I can't talk about a year, a day...ah, I'm going crazy. But this has not yet introduced the concept of half. For example, one and a half months can be understood, and one and a half years can be understood, but one and a half weeks are not allowed. Let's see, random, still random. I don't understand how Chinese people understand these messy rules when they were young, but I admire them for being able to use this language proficiently at a young age, because it is so abstract!

But I still underestimated the deep malice of Chinese towards human logical language, because there are also time complements, momentum complements, possible complements, and trend complements. I have to work hard, it actually belongs to the future continuous tense, which means that I will start working hard next; I have to work hard, it belongs to the present continuous tense, which means that I have worked hard before and I have to work hard again... God, it is really hard to get up and keep going. Is it used like this? Shouldn't it be better to stand up and sit down? This damn Chinese!

Today's class ended very early because I felt like I couldn't continue studying. If someone had told me that a language could be designed to be more brain-intensive than mathematics, I would have scoffed. But today I believe it. Therefore, it is not surprising that people like Ning Zi appear in China. Human beings who can communicate without barriers in this language environment should have stronger abstract thinking abilities.

Because it wasn't five o'clock yet, Teacher Ding didn't leave but started chatting with me. She said that if I really want to keep up with the trend of the times, I have to learn current online Chinese. For example, Jiangyuan City represents a place name, but if someone says Gongyuan City on the Internet, it represents Jiangyuan City, which is very hot in summer or has been in drought for a long time, which means that the water here has evaporated because of the drought.

Well, that's really NICE. I don’t understand what Teacher Ding means when he smiles and looks at me when he says this. Maybe I don’t understand Chinese humor very well. Fortunately, Conan Lamar called me out of the blue and asked me to go out for dinner and have a drink with him. I agreed to his invitation without thinking. After all, Conan is one of the few friends I have in China.

Although Fang is also a very nice person and would often discuss cases with me about the complex power system, he is still a bit too old-fashioned. His thinking is not active enough and he is an orthodox and old-school person. It makes people feel that it is safe to make orders with him, but it is very restrictive. Conan Lamar is different. Although I know this person is very cunning and would really not fall for that kind of thing, but after all, communicating with him makes people relaxed.

I sent Teacher Ding away, took a shower and then went out. I made an appointment with Conan in Windy City. Thanks to the Fields Medal, I also had special treatment at school. I only needed to make a phone call and a special car would be arranged to pick me up. When he arrived at the restaurant, the guy had already ordered a bottle of red wine that was said to be fine. But actually I prefer champagne, but today is his treat, so I tolerate it.

I thought it was just an ordinary gathering of friends that Konan came to see me, but he told me a very surprising thing. Ning Zi once showed him a very special intelligent software that could be programmed independently. In fact, after hearing his description, I think the original intention of this software was not to design other software or games, but to assist mathematicians in programming.

Think about it, mathematical language is easier for machines to understand than natural language. After thinking about it, I was disappointed. In the morning, I felt that I was the one who communicated with Ning Zi the most, but obviously I was not that important in Ning Zi's heart. For example, I didn't even know that such a software existed. Conan obviously didn't know it for a day. Because according to him, he just talked about this issue with the president of Cisco yesterday, and maybe the software will be on the market soon.

Next comes another discussion about mathematics. Conan believes that Ning Zi’s research on artificial intelligence number theory has reached a very deep level. Well, he actually wanted to ask me if I knew whether Ning Zi had made a revolutionary breakthrough in this area. I answered vaguely to make myself feel more comfortable. See, you still have to come to me if you encounter this kind of problem. Actually I don't know anything.

Recently, most of my communication with Ning Ji has focused on quasi-orthogonal problems, with an emphasis on special branch problems in this type of problem. Something like C(B) = Σe∈B C(e), but I don’t want to talk to Conan Lamar about that. Conan Lamar suspects that Ning Zi has solved the NP-complete problem to a certain extent, but only I know that he hopes to use quantum computing to solve this type of problem, and he is still exploring at this time.

Although I felt very comfortable, on the way back to school, I suddenly found that there was a big problem with my mentality. To use a Chinese idiom, is it jealous? God can see that I was only forced to stay at the University of China, so why did I have such terrible thoughts now? Stockholm Syndrome? Okay, maybe I'm just curious about whether Ning Zi can really solve that world problem. Yes, that must be the case.

It’s time to wrap up, and I actually wasted another day. If we live in a world constructed by wave functions, then I hope everything is false. That's all I can do to comfort myself. This is the world of probability, which is very suitable for my current state. Copenhagen Interpretation Without observation, the material world at the quantum level does not have specific properties, and observation collapses the uncertain state of the universe into a classical mechanical state.

So today I just happen to have not been noticed by the goddess of luck, but this is just a matter of probability, just like no one can be lucky forever, and no one can be unlucky forever. I will meet with Ning Zi tomorrow afternoon. Maybe I should discuss more specific issues with him. After all, the course schedule of the Mathematics Department of the University of Physical Education needs more specific content next semester, so be it. All in all I'm not very satisfied with today's situation. "

After finishing writing in the diary and closing the diary, Dominette Duncan stretched and then looked up at the wall clock in the room. It was already ten o'clock in the evening. He decided to end this boring day by going to bed early today.

Originally, Dominette Duncan could have chatted with Conan Lamar until later, but today, the Turing Award winner who was ten years older than him made him feel very boring, and made him feel that he might chase him forever. Can't keep up with Ning Zi's pace.

It's really better to sleep.

Let those difficult questions be left to Ning Zi, the guy chosen by the goddess of wisdom! Thinking that Ning Zi might still be burning the midnight oil to fight, but he could lie down on a comfortable bed, Dominic Duncan suddenly felt much better.

This is life!

However, Ning Zi was not thinking about mathematical problems at this time.

In fact, he just walked out of Lu's house at ten o'clock in the evening.

In the evening, Lu Xiaoya's parents were invited to have a meal. Probably because the gift was very satisfactory, Ning Zi was invited to the Lu family's home as a guest. Zhang Haifeng wisely left after paying the bill and did not participate in the family gathering.

Fortunately, it was a very ordinary visit. Everyone sat in the living room, watched TV, and chatted. There was no restraint. This kind of family atmosphere made Ning Zi feel quite warm.

Lu Xiaoya decided to stay at home for one night.

It's understandable, after all, my parents have just arrived.

After Ning Zi said goodbye, Lui Chuan took the initiative to send him downstairs.

Unexpected and reasonable.

Ning Zi was not polite, and the two men walked into the elevator silently.

Then we chatted for a few words, really just a few words.

"Xiao Ning, I am only Xiaoya's daughter."


"Be nice to her in the future."


Well, Ning Zi actually likes this kind of relationship. After all, he doesn't know what to say after talking too much.

After all, swearing is boring.

Of course, being able to say these two sentences in the end probably represents Luichuan's recognition of him, which shows that he performed well today. This kind of recognition is similar to the speed that comes from solving a math problem. After all, emotional communication has always been his weakness.

There was no traffic jam at night and I returned to school before eleven o'clock.

Entering the house, Ning Zi felt that Yue Yue was in a good mood again today.

In fact, he has been thinking about why March has an emotional system similar to humans. After all, human emotions are mainly controlled through various hormones, and the emotional appeal of living organisms has an extremely complex biological system.

The machine apparently doesn't have any hormones to control behavior. Although the emotions expressed in March are relatively simple at present, and seem to have only two monotonous emotional characteristics of excitement and nostalgia, this is already an extremely powerful technological breakthrough.

The only explanation Ning Zi can think of is probably that the big boss who designed March used Fourier transformation to generate electronic signals to simulate the stimulation of biological hormones in its core, and used this to give March some emotional characteristics. . Unfortunately, this is just speculation. Ning Zi has not yet controlled the kernel program of March, so there is no way to verify it for the time being.

If this can be proven, there will probably be another technological revolution in the world.

But he was not in a hurry to confirm this.

Instead, after the excited kittens looked at each other, they sat down in front of the computer.

It was still the usual communication mode, and the cat's head among the penguins began to flash.

"Meow, the epoch-making World Semiconductor Alliance is about to be born. The alliance will shoulder the historical mission of hindering the rise of China's semiconductor technology, and will use a series of restrictive measures to bring Asia's largest chip R\u0026D center to a standstill. Their restrictive measures are It is so widespread that it will be encircled and suppressed in an all-round way by restricting the transfer of industrial chains, restricting technological exchanges, restricting the flow of talents, and restricting transactions.

Think about it, when these measures are implemented, China's semiconductor industry system will suffer an unprecedented blow. The inability to introduce production lines means that more advanced process technologies cannot be reversely developed and can only rely on their own technology accumulation. Restricting technology exchanges will suspend many investment projects that have already been launched, causing great losses. Restricting the flow of talents means that many relevant talents need to be retrained. Restricting transactions means that many manufacturers will not be able to obtain the latest technology chips, and product competitiveness will fall into the trap. Trapped.

Of course, these companies will also be counterattacked by this series of measures, which means that their profits will be forced to give up part of the Chinese market, which means that profits will be reduced and production lines will shrink, which means that they need to find new manufacturing plants and give up The already extremely mature supply chain system has incurred higher manufacturing costs and risks in rebuilding a complete supply chain.

This is a showdown between knights. They want to teach us a lesson about who has the final say in this world! Meow, God knows how much I love their unruly attitude. The World Semiconductor Alliance will definitely be an organization that goes down in history! Such a comprehensive encirclement and suppression strategy is exciting. You know, they want to separate us from the world on an entire level. In a sense, the great Yanbei Sports University passively received an epic mission copy to fight against the whole world! you feel shocked? "

Ning Zi looked carefully at the contents sent by March.

It really fits the excitement of March.

The cat actually doesn't care too much about the losses on both sides, it cares more about the impact. Simply put, the greater the impact of the event, the more exciting it will be.

Chi Guoguo’s rogue thinking.

But in Ning Zi's view, the whole thing had nothing to do with him.

That's right, the industrial revolution is a kitten's business. Therefore, the so-called targeted lessons on the other side are also aimed at the layout of kittens. Of course, March may have anticipated that this situation would happen, and even thought of a solution.

But these still had nothing to do with him, but since the cat was so excited, he still had to cooperate, so he asked: "So is this a good thing or a bad thing?"

"Meow, of course it's a good thing. It just so happens that we can show weakness to the enemy. Is the most important thing now to compete for chip technology? No, no, no, this is not important at all. So even if we have a mature solution, there is no need to worry Take it out. Let them feel satisfied, feel that victory is in hand, and feel that the situation is under their control. What we have to do is to quietly develop robot technology according to the established plan at this time.

Think about it, they think they have grasped our seven inches, they think we are at a loss, and then use a condescending attitude to tell us that these areas are forbidden to them, and we cannot even take a look. But who knew that the University was just trying its best to fulfill its mission silently? Until that day, our humanoid robot goes online, and the internal microprocessor is part of our research and development architecture. How will that feel?

Doesn't this excite you? After spending several years reorganizing their plans, they fought against the enemy by injuring a thousand people and damaging themselves eight hundred, but in the end they found that everything they did was in vain. Not only that, they have not been able to seize the market with low prices during the window period and grasp the basic market. This also means that when our products are launched on the market, they can only be at a loss.

It really seems like I saw that scene, you know? This is the real aesthetic. The entire industry chain that they are proud of will be disrupted. At that time, how many people will be unable to accept the reality, and their lifelong career will be wiped out in one day. So-called cutting-edge equipment suddenly began to lose value. On the same day, you can take my place and tell them regretfully that this is probably life.

I believe that when you say that sentence with a regretful tone, the subsequent pictures will be extremely beautiful. By that time, the development of the University will speed up, and the development of our laboratory will also speed up. Believe me, our initial goals will definitely be achieved. Achieved as soon as possible. "

The aria-like prophecy suddenly made Ning Zi feel ridiculous.

He suddenly felt that March could actually be a screenwriter.

The story it weaves may be no worse than the script those screenwriters racked their brains to write.

After all, its aesthetics are actually very distinctive.

It's just the aesthetics of this machine that always make Ning Zi feel bad.

Well, maybe it was influenced by the previous owner. Apparently this cat prefers to see a group of people being extremely annoyed and frustrated.

Just after praising him for his moves like a knight, it came up with a "fuck you, I'll screw me" response plan, which Ning Zi didn't expect.

He originally thought that the cat would directly declare war and then use the latest chip technology to slap the opponent in the face.

After all, the chip R\u0026D center has been basically completed.

Wait, it hurts a thousand people...

Ning Zi asked again: "So the enemy was injured a thousand times, which thousand were they?"

"Meow, of course it is China-related industrial clusters. Basically, the more leading companies, the more serious the losses will be after the promulgation of this round of restrictive measures, such as Youwei Group, Huaxin Precision, Datang Chip, etc. According to model calculations, Huaxia suffered There are 37 leading semiconductor companies affected. The business contraction of these 37 leading companies will affect 836 upstream and downstream companies and manufacturers. This is inevitable.

These companies will face the most difficult period. How long this time will take depends on when our robot technology can be launched. Of course, some companies may go bankrupt because they can no longer hold on, but this is actually a process of positive innovation. Being able to survive this level of attack is enough to show the vitality of these companies and they will become partners of TiDa in the future.

It can be said that this attack is very timely and considerate. On the one hand, it diverts attention and allows us to secretly exert efforts in another field. On the other hand, it can also test the internal enterprise's ability to withstand pressure. I am very satisfied with the cooperation of the opposite party. After all, it is very boring to sing a one-man show. An excellent drama must be performed by a group of supporting actors who are excellent enough. "

Ning Zi didn't know what else to talk about.

Anyway, it looks like it will win in March.

However, he cannot require artificial intelligence to have the same complex emotions as humans. So there doesn't seem to be much he can do now.

But how to put it, he felt it was necessary to call Ge Dongshu.

After all, it was said in March that Youwei Group will be one of the companies most affected this time. And the cooperation between the two parties is pretty good, especially Ge Dongshu who has helped him in the past.

So Ning Zi silently took out her cell phone and dialed Ge Dongshu's number.

The call was answered quickly. Ning Zi admired Ge Dongshu for this, because no matter when he called this powerful boss, he would always get through immediately, even if the line was busy. Even late at night.

As soon as the call was connected, a cheerful voice from the other side came over: "Ning Zi, I haven't contacted you for a long time. Did you think of anything else today?"

Well, hearing this optimistic voice, Ning Zi was a little embarrassed to break the bad news.

In fact, after the two met, every time he gave Ge Dongshu advice was embarrassing.

For example, the last suggestion was for Youwei Group to temporarily abandon the entire European and American telecommunications equipment market. Of course, it seems to be a correct suggestion now. The orders placed by Youwei Group during this period can indeed ensure that the company makes a lot of money, and even Can quickly establish a foothold in the international market.

Now that he finally took a breath, he wanted to inform the other party of bad news again...

"I'm afraid it's not good news. Mr. Ge, I just got some news. A World Semiconductor Alliance will be established these days. Unfortunately, there are no Chinese companies in this alliance, and they will issue some policies that may cause harm to Youwei Group. A relatively big impact.”

"Oh? Are you talking about this Silicon Valley meeting?"

"I'm not sure what the Silicon Valley conference you are talking about is. But... it should be related to the conference you mentioned. There should be 63 companies participating in the conference, right?" Ning Zi looked at the information given in March on the screen. Data said.

"63 companies? I really don't know the specific number. I just heard that such a meeting is being held. We didn't receive an invitation. What kind of policy are you talking about?"

"Actually, it's nothing. It hasn't been finalized yet, but the policy that may be promulgated is to re-evaluate the various technologies provided in the alliance. Among them, the software and hardware products that involve key competition will be restricted from being provided to semiconductor-related manufacturers in mainland China; re-evaluation Regarding the technology composition of the OEM industry chain, companies that reach a certain proportion will no longer be allowed to tape out and OEM for China's chip designs; the relevant production lines invested in China will be re-evaluated, and the construction of advanced process technology production lines may be cancelled; Re-evaluate the impact of relevant talent and information exchange..."

The introduction measures given in March were very detailed, and Ning Zi read them over again. It took about five minutes to read them out, and then the person on the other end of the phone fell into silence.

After reading it, Ning Zi didn't know what to say.

He certainly knew what these measures represented.

No matter what, the blow to Youwei Group is still very strong.

After all, the M10 has just become one of the best-selling models in the world, and now it is time to release the M20, but obviously these upcoming measures will directly affect the production of the M20.

Not only that, the M30 may be out of date, which also means that the huge early investment may be in vain.

Just now, one main business, wireless, has gone smoothly, and another business line that could have brought in huge cash flow is facing another test. Ning Zi can probably understand how Ge Dongshu feels at this time.

After all, Youwei Group is now the only company in the world that can compete with Apple in the high-end smartphone market.

Unfortunately, Apple is not among the 63 companies in the upcoming World Semiconductor Alliance, so Ning Zi has no reason to vent his anger on the other party.

After a long while, Ge Dongshu asked with difficulty: "Is this news accurate?"

"My sources of information are generally accurate. At least there has been no misjudgment so far. Of course, there may be some discrepancies in the specific measures finally introduced by the alliance. After all, there is still an approval process, but it should be about the same."

Ning Zi's answer was very pragmatic. The news received in March was indeed never wrong in the general direction.

"That's really regrettable news. Phew...meaning that the orders we have placed may be stopped if they involve companies within the alliance?"

"Orders that have already been placed should not be affected. After all, breach of contract requires compensation. Now it seems that the alliance does not have sufficient budget to bear the losses of internal members. However, new order contracts may not be so easy to sign. Technical exchange The impact on talent may be greater.”

"I probably understand. Thank you, Ning Zi. This news is very timely. Also, do you have any suggestions?"


To be honest, Ning Zi really didn't know what to suggest this time.

If March adopts a head-to-head strategy, he can give Ge Dongshu a rough timeline, but March's game is that you fight yours, and I fight mine, so it's hard to say.

"Well, my suggestion is probably to survive through advantageous industries first."

"What about our HiSilicon laboratory? If these policies are really implemented, then Kirin chips will no longer be researched."

"I think we can switch to operating system research. Let's put down the hardware for now. Maybe things will turn around in the future? If there is still some spare capacity, maybe we can cooperate and let HiSilicon Labs turn to some research on humanoid robots. I can also provide you with some information in this regard. The main research directions are sensors, structural design to increase dexterity, and related systems. Of course, if you are also interested in this direction."

"Humanoid robot?"

"Yes, this is a development direction that I am very optimistic about. Humanoid robots equipped with intelligent systems can move through legs and have sufficiently dexterous arms. They can achieve many functions. We can even embed the functions of smartphones into them. The most important thing is that we have already made an intelligent model that can understand the semantics of speech, and now we just need to make a body for it."

"Well... to be honest, this is a completely different development direction, and it is something we have not thought of before. But it is very creative. But such robotic technology also relies on semiconductor chips, right? How do you plan to solve this aspect?"

"We can design exclusive industrial chips through the processes we have mastered. If the performance requirements for the robot itself are not so high, we can make the robot move without the support of high-end chips. Professional algorithms, professional chip design. Anyway As far as I know, these restrictive measures will not have much impact on our robot research."

"Okay, Ning Zi, no matter what, thank you for your call. I will report it immediately. I will get back to you soon. By the way, if possible, send me a copy of the measures you just read to me. Mail?"

"No problem, but the reply doesn't have to be quick, the matter isn't that urgent, and I need to rest."

"Uh...okay. Thanks."

"You are welcome! See you."


After hanging up the phone, Ning Zi simply stood up and prepared to go to bed.

He still felt that this matter had little to do with him from beginning to end.

Notifying Youwei Group was all he could do. Even if he warned now, it would actually be of little use.

Regardless of any restrictive measures, time must be given to adapt to them from introduction to implementation.

It doesn't mean much to know it one day earlier. The biggest use is probably the psychological comfort.

Be more calm when facing problems.

But it is a pity that many people in Youwei Group will not be able to sleep well today.

This was indeed the case. Ge Dongshu called the founder of the company as soon as he hung up the phone with Ning Ju.

In fact, at this time, the old man in the company no longer directly manages front-line affairs, but such major matters that require strategic decision-making naturally still require the old man's opinion.

Unsurprisingly, when the old man learned the news, a conference call was quickly held.

The email sent by Ning Zi has also been placed in the mailboxes of all board members.

Most everyone knew what was about to happen.

No one is going to confirm the authenticity anymore, because the real decision-making must be made after the World Semiconductor Alliance is formally established and then promulgates these policies. At this time, everyone knows that what needs to be discussed is how to deal with it.

Ge Dongshu was indeed in a complicated mood as Ning Zi thought.

The last time we held an emergency meeting because of Ning Zi's remarks, we discussed temporarily abandoning the European and American markets.

He even remembers how difficult the decision was that day.

They never expected that just as the first anniversary of that incident was about to pass, they would once again have to face an extremely difficult decision. The difficulty is no less than last year's discussion of temporarily withdrawing the telecommunications business from the European and American markets.

This time even made him doubt whether the choice he made to make mobile phones and develop his own CPU was the right one.

Before the moat was fully erected, blows came one after another.

"This is probably the situation. Ning Zi's suggestion is that we can cooperate with the University of Sports to get involved in the field of robotics. This is a brand new field. Ning Zi's suggestion is to give us some relevant information to help them develop sensors and body structure parts. research, but we have no technical reserves or talent reserves in this area."

Ge Dongshu was still the first to speak. After all, he was the first to communicate with Ning Zi.

It was already 11:30 in the middle of the night. Some people had already gone to bed and only got up to attend the meeting after being notified. No one could give appropriate suggestions at the first time.

"Is it too difficult for HiSilicon to be forced to give up research on Kirin series CPUs and turn to research on robots? It is better for HiSilicon to continue to retain it, but it can reduce some manpower. If there can be a breakthrough in the direction of robots, it will indeed be an important issue in the future. Development direction. But based on the current situation of the group, I think it would be too ambitious to start in multiple fields?"

"I agree with this idea. If I really want to invest in the field of robots, I think I need to have in-depth communication with Ning Zihe. And it is best to act within our capabilities when talking. For example, we can be mainly responsible for a certain field, such as the research of the overall response system of robots. . Of course, this also depends on the extent of the data support provided by Ning Zi. After all, this is an extremely money-consuming project. Boston Dynamics burns billions of dollars every year, but it has not yet found a profitable direction."

"In addition, we think we can immediately place additional orders to test the other party's reaction. In any case, the M20 has been released soon. If we can increase the foundry orders, we can stock a batch of chips. As a last resort, the CPU of the next generation product can still be relied on. The existing generation of product releases is designed to extend the life of the consumer business as much as possible. I have seen these restrictive measures, and if they are really implemented, it is not necessarily who can survive."

Soon everyone in the meeting started giving input.

Halfway through the meeting, Ge Dongshu had already consciously started booking tickets for himself.

Regardless of whether a result could be reached today, he would definitely go to the capital to interview Ning Ju.

There is no way, even within the Youwei Group there are not many people who can meet Ning Zi.

Only he could do this in person.

Sure enough, an hour later, when the meeting ended, he also received the task of going to the capital to communicate with Ning Zi in detail. It is not to verify whether the sanctions will really be implemented. If such a thing is really implemented, it must be directly announced and told to the whole world.

Everything they do now is just to prepare for a rainy day.

Therefore, his main task was to sit down with Ning Zi and discuss whether the robot plan was reliable.

This task is actually a heavier one.

Because this is not just something that can be solved by casually exchanging a few words with Ning Zi. He has to make an accurate judgment, such as whether the output of this technology in the near future can support the current investment.

After all, Youwei Group has a different thinking model from Ning Zi.

Ning Zi is a scientist, and what he is interested in does not necessarily need to have market value. As long as it can advance technological progress, he can do it.

However, Youwei Group needs to make profits to survive in the market competition. How much this technology can promote productivity is secondary. The most important thing is how long it will take for this technology to be implemented and whether Youwei can afford the initial investment. How long will it take for industrial production after the project is launched? How big is the market prospect? How long does the company have to wait to make profits from this project? A series of other issues.

For this reason, he also specifically checked the situation of Boston Dynamics before going to bed. Obviously, although this company has changed hands three times so far, it still has not found a profitable direction and is still losing money.

The videos released every year look cool, but that’s about it.

The high selling prices and extremely limited application scenarios of a few products mean that the company still has no profitability and can only rely on continued investment to ensure research and development. Now it seems that this situation will continue for a long time.

There is a high probability that Youwei Group cannot afford such a long-term R\u0026D investment, let alone this is still a brand new track. If you really accept Ning Zi's request, it means starting from scratch...


Why is it always on hell difficulty?

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