The End of Technology

Chapter 125 Flammable and Explosive

"Tom, I bet you a hundred dollars that nothing will happen in half an hour."

"I hope so, but why would he do it?"

"Maybe just crazy!"

“A mathematician goes crazy after just winning the Fields Medal in Mathematics?”

"Haha, Tom, don't think too much. It has nothing to do with us anyway. This is something that the people above need to decide."

"Yeah, but the video conference isn't over yet."

"Yes, I heard that the expert group was quarreling. The academic group represented by Professor Morton believed that it was possible for Ning Zi to do this, while Marcus and others thought that the posts on the forum were nonsense, even if it was God. It’s impossible to do this. I believe Marcus, after all, those academic experts don’t understand the front-line environment at all.”

Tom looked at the time and saw that there were only 20 minutes left before the final reaction time given by Ning Zi. He couldn't help but sighed: "But Bernie, have you ever thought about this question? If Marcus is right, he can indeed make money." A lot. But if Professor Morton is right... the value of more than one million Bitcoins has been reduced to zero. Even the director cannot bear this responsibility, right?"

Obviously his companion was not so easily persuaded, and sneered: "But this possibility is very slim. Because of one person's intimidation, giving up a large amount of profits, the director will not only be unable to afford it, but may even be laughed at by more big guys. .Tom, you are worrying unfoundedly."

The sneer did not dispel Tom's doubts, he just shook his head and said: "But, have you ever thought about it, Bernie, if you bet on Professor Morton's opinion, losing will just be ridiculed, and at most you will be in your current position. Be replaced; but if you bet on Marcus’s opinion and lose, you may be dead. It’s a multi-billion dollar bet, are there not many big shots jumping off buildings during this time?”

Well, after these words, Bernie finally looked a little more serious, but just a little more serious.

After a moment of silence, the optimist employee just shrugged and said: "Actually, it's too late to say anything now. In fact, the fact that the meeting hasn't ended yet shows a lot of problems. There are only the last twenty minutes left. This may be The wisdom of big people is that sometimes not making decisions and letting the experts quarrel is enough for them to get away. So why not go back to the topic just now, I bet a hundred dollars that nothing will happen at all, will you accept it or not? "

Tom breathed a sigh of relief. As a front-line operator, he certainly knew that it was too late to do anything now.

More than one million Bitcoins, if they had reacted as early as possible, maybe half of them could have been sold, and of course the price would have been directly hit even lower.

There are still twenty minutes left, and if you can sell tens of thousands of coins, it will be incredible. Even short selling for risk hedging requires counterparty orders. In fact, this is indeed the case. Half an hour ago, almost all platforms stopped accepting large short orders.

Now the entire Bitcoin market has basically been adjusted, and there is still some trading volume, but currently it is only some retail investors who are trading.

There is no big movement, which means that the top holders are probably gambling.

Thinking of this, Tom suddenly felt that his worries might be unfounded.

Unless he's really crazy, he shouldn't be doing this at this point.

Maybe it really was just a joke.

But he still smiled and said: "Okay, I'll take it. But this is the first time I hope to bet with you, and I will lose."

"Haha, Tom, you are lost! Even if God comes, it is impossible to do this!" Bernie Rosen laughed.

Time passed by in the chat, and the video conference was over.

It's just that the results of the final discussion were not notified to these front-line operators.

It was not too unexpected.

Anyway, by this time it is too late to do anything. To paraphrase Bernie, God can’t do anything for five minutes at this time. In fact, if you really want to say it, this two-hour arrangement is well aware of human nature. For large investors, it is impossible to finish all the chips in their hands in two hours, but for retail investors, two hours is enough to clear their positions. Try to recover losses as much as possible.

Of course, the premise is that you can make that determination.

Even in the previous hour, the basic operations were completed, and strangely only scattered transactions were left. At this moment, probably all the Bitcoin players around the world are staring at their wallets, right?

0.1 Bitcoin may not be worth much, but it can leverage a market value of trillions of dollars.

Soon, the time agreed upon by Ning Zi finally arrived. Watching the countdown gradually pass, 59, 58, 57... Really, when Tom and Bernie stared at the movements of the entire blockchain wallet, they could even feel their little hearts beating at any time. They may jump out of the chest in the next second...

The exciting feeling was simply indescribable, 30, 29, 28... The two of them could not help but make swallowing sounds almost at the same time, but neither of them felt anything. Just staring at the screen with his eyes, it could be seen that even Bernie, who had always acted quite indifferent, was nervously sweating on his forehead.

If the two people appreciate the expressions on both sides at this time, they will probably understand the truest feeling in their hearts. In fact, it has always been fear, almost extreme fear...

The final countdown of the first minute is 10, 9, 8...

When the last second is coming, it feels like the world has stopped for a second!

"Haha, Tom, I knew...oh, fuck, He's crazy!"

Seeing the sudden change in the wallet, Bernie cursed loudly. When he looked up at John, the colleague had already started to operate quickly. Only then did Bernie realize that now was not the time to sigh. However, when Bernie opened the On the trading platform, we can already see that everyone's response is extremely fast. A large sell order for two million Bitcoins has been placed, and the transaction price only costs 1 US dollar.

However, it did not lead to crazy buying, because there were scattered trading volumes at lower prices from time to time under this large order.

The two of them raised their heads and looked at each other, with shock in their eyes...

That guy really did it!

When all the dust settled, the pot was finally smashed. Ning Zi set the entire process to ten hours, and smashed it once every hour. He probably still had the idea of ​​​​killing some people.

As long as the time is extended long enough, no one will wake up without knowing anything and experience the pain of shrinking wealth.

It's really cruel to say that.

But for those formal and informal virtual currency markets around the world, this operation is like a bolt from the blue. This is not only the collapse of Bitcoin, but also a death sentence for the business of currency speculation.

The consensus on security has been shattered.

What's this?

This is a collapse of faith!

Ning Zi's simple operation is like telling those currency speculators around the world that after you purchase virtual currency, it is like opening a hole in my wallet. I can reach out and take money out of it at any time. Who can bear this? Come on?

In fact, some reasonably sensible retail players are grateful to Ning Ju from the bottom of their hearts. After all, Ning Zi openly disclosed such a gameplay to the public. It would be really scary if he revealed the technology in private.

The Bitcoin bosses will definitely hide the news after discovering this technology, and then find a way to clear out all the goods in their hands before releasing this technology.

Operations like Ning Zi's approach protect the interests of retail investors to the greatest extent.

Of course, the premise is not to be greedy!

It is no exaggeration to say that at least one in ten people in the world is paying attention to this minute.

When everything really happened, the global market was in an uproar.

Especially for typical network equipment design manufacturers such as Cisco, Samsung, Ericsson, Nokia, etc. who are still discussing how to start negotiations with China.

If this operation is a collapse of faith for people in the currency circle, then it is nothing more than another warning to them. This is no longer a purely technical issue. People who dare to directly attack a global trillion-dollar market are somewhat crazy in the eyes of many big shots.

How to put it, this means that China not only does not recognize Bitcoin as legal, but even prohibits domestic transactions. If Ning Zi was not really doing it elsewhere, someone would probably have invited him to tea just after the post was posted.

It's a pity that Ning is alone in China.

But there are also benefits, at least it makes it easier to unify the thoughts of the top management.

Of course, the news quickly spread across the Internet.

At 17:13, # Bitcoin collapsed # became a hot search topic.

At 17:15, # virtual currency collapsed # became a hot search topic.

At 17:19, # Who is the banker behind the virtual currency? # became a hot search topic.

At 17:27, # Can mathematicians really do whatever they want? # became a hot search topic.

At 17:32, # The excitement of Wall Street in the early morning # became a hot search.

At 17:39, # Many Wall Street executives warned that the global financial system is facing the highest level of security threats # became a hot search.

At 17:47, # This is a War # became a hot search topic.

At 17:59, # Hua Xia Yanbei Sports University entered a state of emergency safety # and became a hot search topic.

At 18:11, # Bitcoin wallet collapsed again # became a hot search.

At 18:27, # Will the price of game graphics cards be reduced? # became a hot search topic.

At 18:37, # China’s best Bitcoin retail investor was found to have jumped off a building in New Zealand. # became a hot search topic.

At 18:56, # Did the mining boss stop all the mining machines? # was on the hot search.

At 18:57, # the world's major virtual trading markets are closing down transactions one after another # became a hot search.

19:03 minutes: # The founder of XX coin was suddenly shot while attending a meeting # and became a hot search topic.

19:09: # How did Ning Zi do it? # became a hot search topic.

19:16 minutes: # Graphics card prices on major e-commerce platforms have plummeted, and the RTX2080 series has broken prices for the first time #

At 19:22, # players shouted to the mine boss that he would not be killed if he paid the card # and became a hot search topic.

19:36 minutes: # According to statistics, the total market value of the virtual currency market before bankruptcy exceeded one trillion US dollars. # It became a hot search.

At 19:57, # Where did the money that evaporated in the virtual currency market go? # became a hot search topic.

At 20:17, # A big boss on Wall Street lined up on the rooftop # became a hot search topic.

20:44 minutes: # Will Lao Huang be cool? # Top trending searches.

21:07 minutes: # Many countries are considering listing Ning Zi on international wanted orders. # It has become a hot search topic.

21:22 minutes: # Is Internet information really safe? # became a hot search topic.

21:32 minutes: # NVIDIA and AMD stock prices crashed at the opening # and became a hot search topic.

21:36 minutes: # Virtual collapse triggered a crisis in the world bond market # became a hot search.

21:50 minutes: # The boss of the mining farm, a big boss in the currency circle, may turn on the free flight mode # and become a hot search.

21:55 minutes: # Scientists explain that blockchain and modern bank security systems are not the same system # Top trending searches.

22:00: # Experts say China’s financial system is absolutely safe and reliable # has been on the hot search list.

What is excitement?

This is called lively, and the hot searches provided by netizens are beating one after another.

The people inside were stunned, and ordinary people were already overwhelmed.

This made countless ordinary netizens finally feel that they were too much to eat. One after another, this was probably the first time in the history of the Internet, accompanied by a topic, in just two or three hours, surrounding One topic, almost countless topics popped up, and it directly dominated the hot search list.

Just open Weibo or a certain search engine, and you will find that the hot topics next to it are all about derivative topics after the Bitcoin crash. Whether you want to be involved or not, you don't have a choice.

Even if you are not interested in finance at all, you can't escape it.

Really, at this time, it is very difficult to find the shadow of a celebrity idol on trending searches.

Many netizens even raised questions about whether Teacher Wang had made a big move today.

But then again, there are some topics related to the interests of ordinary people.

For example, even blockchain technology, which is said to be extremely secure, can be easily broken, and a 256-bit private key cannot prevent a wallet from becoming passive. Can a 6-digit bank card password really ensure the safety of the money in the bank card?

This alone is enough to attract the attention of countless people.

Topics keep popping up, and various opinions keep popping up. On a well-known Chinese question and answer software, the active and relevant high-quality answerers can no longer even keep up with the update speed of hot list questions. Often before a question is answered, several related questions pop up.

Correspondingly, there was a collective collapse of some post bars and a collective carnival in some post bars; Huaqing University's Weibo became lively again, but this time many people's messages had changed their style: "Suddenly I can understand you, such a big If you don’t have a strong bone, you won’t be able to survive.”

Of course, many people find it difficult to hold back even if their bones are strong enough.

Santa Clara, California, United States.

One of the world's most powerful fabless IC semiconductor design companies and a global leader in graphics technology and digital media processor industries - the famous NVIDIA headquarters is located here.

Of course, for countless netizens, the most powerful thing about Nvidia is the programmable graphics processor technology it provides to the world, which is also commonly known as graphics card. In the graphics card market, this company already has a near-monopoly dominance, especially in the game card market. It once made it impossible to fight back when bidding for ATI series graphics cards.

But even such a dominant company is confused at this time.

The development of Bitcoin has made the company realize the potential of the mining machine market, especially the consumption potential of high-end graphics chips.

After all, mine bosses purchase hundreds or thousands at a time, which is unmatched by ordinary gamers. The emergence of mining machines has directly changed the consumption structure of the global graphics card market. For a company that aims to make profits, it is natural to attach great importance to this changing trend.

In fact, it’s not just them, AMD is the same.

Although in the announcement, NVIDIA will also condemn the emergence of mining farms, which has disrupted the global graphics card market and pushed up graphics card prices, but in the face of this group of large customers, it is naturally impossible not to pay attention to it. After all, pushing up the price of graphics cards also means that companies can be more unrestrained when setting ex-factory prices. Even if the graphics cards cannot be sold, these mine bosses will still have to support them.

Not to mention that these large orders will eventually be reflected in the financial report.

Although Nvidia does not directly produce graphics cards, major graphics card manufacturers around the world need to order GPU chips from it in order to have finished graphics cards for sale. From this point of view, NVIDIA directly determines the life and death of countless graphics card manufacturers, and even determines the supply of the graphics card market.

In fact, in order to cope with the emerging consumption power of mining bosses, Nvidia has begun to invest heavily in research on chips that are more suitable for mining minerals. After all, this is a market with great potential. Bitcoin mining pools are becoming increasingly rare, but as long as the price remains high, someone will eventually invest huge computing power to mine it.

Not to mention that the virtual currency market is endless.

Even if Bitcoin is really mined in a few decades, there will still be countless new extended virtual currencies to support the market.

So this decision is absolutely wise from a business perspective.

As for how to allocate production to downstream graphics card manufacturers after providing chips, Nvidia only needs guidance. Similarly, whether the high-end graphics card needs of gamers can be met is not a problem that Nvidia considers.

Not to mention that mining machines eliminate mining cards much faster than gamers.

Except for the most high-end game players who chase new cards, the vast majority of players can even use a high-end game card for three to five years or even longer. But if the graphics card is used for mining, the maximum lifespan is two years.

You must know that in order to maximize mining efficiency, each graphics card is used 24/7, and the core memory maintains high power consumption and full frequency operation for a long time. It only takes one year for the computing power to drop significantly. Condition.

At this time, mine owners often choose to directly replace the graphics card.

There is also a very interesting logic in this. Due to the shortage of game graphics cards on the market, these mining cards can even be shipped at the original price when purchased, or even slightly lower, and then replaced with brand-new graphics cards.

When these mining cards fall into the hands of players, it often doesn't take long for problems to arise, creating demand again.

Of course, in appearance, he must announce various strategies to fight against mining cards, but physically he is actually very honest.

After all, in 2017 when Bitcoin was soaring, Nvidia’s financial report was right there.

According to the financial report, NVIDIA's full-year revenue in 2017 hit a record high, reaching US$9.71 billion, a year-on-year increase of 41%, and profits increased by 83%. NVIDIA's full-year GAAP earnings per share reached US$4.82, a year-on-year increase of 88%. Especially in the 2017Q4 quarterly financial report, the performance was from red to purple, with revenue of US$2.17 billion, a year-on-year increase of 55%, and net profit reaching US$655 million, a year-on-year increase of 216%.

What's even more frightening is that while revenue surged, its operating expenses only increased by 6%, which is completely worth mentioning.

During the entire fiscal year, Nvidia returned US$739 million to shareholders in the form of stock repurchases and US$261 million in the form of cash dividends. A total of US$1 billion was returned to shareholders in one year.

This also led Nvidia to make a plan to return $1.2 billion to shareholders the following year.

As for where the high profits come from, the financial report did not elaborate. Of course, if we really want to attribute these achievements to the craziness of the game market, everyone will probably throw away rotten eggs.

But generally speaking, the booming development of the Internet mining industry has made Nvidia's life very comfortable.

But who would dare to think that not long after the good days, the entire mining industry would be taken over by one pot?

Really, when Huang Wenhuang woke up and saw this world-shaking news, he was completely confused.

How long have the good days passed? Will the entire mining machine industry chain collapse? The possibility of development was strangled directly at the source.

The most terrifying thing is that as the founder and CEO of NVIDIA, Huang Wenhuang knows very well what this means from a macro perspective!

You must know that there are currently a huge number of game graphics cards in the mining machine market.

The falling price of Bitcoin is not terrible. These mine owners are alive after all, and they can use their computing power to mine other emerging cryptocurrencies. But the entire market suddenly came to an end. The world's mainstream cryptocurrency trading markets were shut down, which meant that all these mining machines would be shut down immediately. No one would waste energy doing such a loss-making thing.

So here comes the problem. When the entire mining industry no longer has any value, the mine owners will definitely not care about the market rules, but will swarmly start selling off assets that can still recover a little bit. After all, many mine owners even borrowed money to enter the mining industry. When virtual assets are reduced to zero, it is almost impossible to keep them sane.

Basically, it is no different from the stampede effect in the stock market. For many people who are leveraged, once the despair of losing money is realized, they will only frantically think of ways to recover a little loss.

Think about it, if millions or even tens of millions of mining cards hit the global graphics card market at the same time without any plan or even scrambling for the first place, what kind of disaster will it bring to the entire world graphics card market!

For gamers, it was once hard to find a card, which will directly translate into a surplus of graphics cards.

For a period of time, new cards will never be able to compete on price with those mining cards that are eager to get rid of them. Under the current circumstances, if those bosses who spend huge sums of money to buy a bunch of mining machines hesitate for a second longer in the face of all kinds of ridiculously low prices, they are disrespecting their own wealth.

Not to mention that there are still a group of merchants on the market who are interested in hoarding and keep a large number of graphics cards in their warehouses, waiting for the next wave of price surges. These bosses probably want to jump off the building at this time, but Huang Wenhuang believes that even if these people jump off the building, they will put the graphics cards into the market first.

Yes, it seems that what Ning Zi did was just bloodbath the currency market, but the chain reaction was enough to make the entire upstream and downstream graphics card manufacturers go crazy. You must know that the production of any industrial product is planned well in advance. Facing a market that is already extremely hot, everyone has planned to order more various components from upstream in the first half of the year than in previous years, and has been ordering more components from upstream than in previous years. Expand the production line. After all, money can be exchanged immediately after production at this time.

As a result, the original carnival situation suddenly came to an abrupt end, without even giving them any buffer time. New cards are still being produced continuously, waiting to be put into the market, but the market on the other side has suddenly become so saturated that they want to spit it out.

If it is not handled well, the global gaming graphics card market may be sluggish for several years.

The force of this knife was heavy enough. When it hit, it directly split the virtual currency market that bore the brunt of the attack into two parts. Before it was exhausted, it also split the graphics card market half to death.

Huang Wenhuang didn't even need to think carefully. He had already experienced the miserable situation of the entire industry chain vividly before his eyes.

It is inevitable that NVIDIA's stock price will plummet.

It is inevitable that the financial reports for the next two consecutive financial quarters or even the entire fiscal year will be ugly, but these are not important. How to restore the confidence of downstream manufacturers is the most important.

Yes, the moment he saw this news after getting up, Huang Wenhuang thought about too many things after a brief moment of shock, and then he was shocked to find that the situation he faced was unsolvable at least at this moment.

When he sat in front of the computer, he saw that the mailbox had exploded.

Well, this is actually expected.

But at this time, Huang Wenhuang was completely numb. Although he had recovered from the initial shock, it was naturally impossible to come up with countermeasures in such a short time.

Once the laws of the market begin to exert their inherent power, they often bring about an almost unsolvable situation.

Very busy this time!

Wei Hongchang stood blankly in the mine he invested heavily in building.

Last week, he was still lamenting that fortunately he had followed the market and made a lot of money. At this time, he had to accept tens of millions of investments, only to recover less than half of the original capital, and he was forced to close down.

Next, he needs to face a series of troublesome issues such as how to repay the bank loan, the site lease contract will inevitably default, what to do with this batch of mining machines that have only been used for less than half a year, and so on.

At this moment, Wei Hongchang really felt that he had lost hope in life.

At this time, he didn't even have the energy to curse.

But who can blame it?

Chinese officials have never recognized Bitcoin as legal, and have even announced a ban on illegal mining within the country.

It was a wrong payment after all...

However, after a few minutes of regret, Wei Hongchang returned to reality and picked up the phone and started dialing the number.

However, the line was always busy. Finally, after he dialed for the tenth time, the call was finally connected.

"Hey, Lao Wang, can you recycle the mining machines here? What? No more? Lao Wang, you know, my batch of mining machines are very new and have been used for less than half a year... I just ordered them. One month old ones are also selling? Well, one month has the price of one month, and I can also have the price of half a year in this half year. You can always quote me a price? What? Lao Wang, you... I was looking for That's not what you said when you ordered this batch of machines...Okay, remember the surname Wang! I'll find someone else."

"Hey, Boss Xu, I want to know about a batch of machines that I want to sell here. How long will it take? Two thousand units, the specific model is... yes, yes, yes, it will take less than half a year, four or five months at most. What? Your price is too bad...dududu..."

Listening to the busy tone on the phone, Wei Hongchang was in a daze.

These profiteers... are too cunning, right? He has only used these machines for half a year and the price quoted is not even one-sixth of what he paid for them before? Not even giving you a chance to bargain?

When he absolutely accepted the reality and called the boss who sold him the mining machine again.

"Hey...Boss Wei, I'm really sorry, I really can't accept it. I have no cash. Otherwise, you can bring the machine to my warehouse first, and I will help you sell it. When will I sell it?" When will I pay you the bill? Do you think it’s okay? If you don’t agree, there’s really nothing we can do. You also know that there are too many people doing this here, and now everyone wants to sell it, so it’s difficult for us to do it... "

Wei Hongchang hung up the phone and started yelling!

Lao Xu, who was being scolded by Wei Hongchang for being a profiteer, was looking at the hundreds of brand-new graphics cards piled up in the warehouse and was crying without tears.

It was not that no one wanted this batch of graphics cards, but he always felt that the cards he finally grabbed could be worth several hundred yuan.

Before he could react, the prices of graphics cards on major platforms had already started to plummet...

There is no need for him to check specifically. He has already paid attention to these products specifically for this business. Once a merchant on the platform increases or decreases the price, he will receive a notification.

Looking at the price reduction content that kept popping up and thinking about the losses of hoarding this batch of cards, Comrade Xu was also irritable.

Even if he ships the goods one day in advance, one card can easily increase the price by 3,000 yuan, and 500 cards is 1.5 million yuan. This is pure profit...

But now he even doubts whether these cards can be successfully sold at the original price.

After all, he knows the first-line market better than Lao Huang, and he also understands the psychology of those players better.

Don't look at those gamers who are jumping online every day, constantly clamoring for replacement cards at the original price, and seem to be very impatient, but in the current situation, there is a high probability that these people will suddenly become less anxious again...

He has even seen someone shouting the slogan "If you don't buy it, I won't buy it, JS will be reduced by 500 tomorrow" in the forum.

What made him want to jump even more was that all the replies under this slogan were: "Thanksgiving and peace of mind."

It hurts...

Seeing this reply is enough to show that the whole world now knows that the virtual currency is over and the mining machines are about to be sold off like crazy.

In the past, he could sneer at such words, but now he just wants to put such calls back into the mouths of those garbage people.

After all, if he can't sell it today, he might really want it for five hundred cheaper tomorrow.

Yanbei Sports University, Sports University faculty community.

After dinner, around seven o'clock in the evening, Lu Xiaoya sneaked into the community with a teacher while the uncle in the concierge wasn't paying attention.

I can't help it. The two trips in and out today were really embarrassing.

Lu Xiaoya felt her face get hot when she thought of the uncle's cheerful look when she went to the concierge to explain that she invited her classmates to move the computer. Fortunately, Father Ning didn't notice her when she sneaked in, which made the little girl feel much better again.

I just don’t know why there seem to be more security guards at the gate of the community.

Oops, never mind, she is still smart anyway.

After returning home, Lu Xiaoya first sent a WeChat message to ask Ning Jie how to divide the money lost by the merchant.

But Ning Zi didn't reply, and she didn't bother to care.

The computer was moved away, and she planned to use her mobile phone to continue watching the show.

However, before she could open the video app for watching dramas, she saw messages popping up one after another on her phone.

This is...what happened?

No wonder there were so many security guards at the school gate just now, and students had to verify their student ID cards before entering the school...

But what puzzles her even more is that Ning Zhe suddenly caused such a big thing.

The two people had obviously been apart for a short time.

Is this showing her what it means to cause trouble?


Soon Lu Xiaoya found the description of the mining card in the hot search. There are also many people who have discussed the relationship between mining machines and Bitcoin at length.

Lu Xiaoya, who knew nothing about this, quickly understood the logic...

Without Bitcoin, there would be no mining machines, and mining cards would no longer be available...

Then she went to read Ning Zi's statement on the March forum...

Then she thought about the ten times compensation that the platform had just refunded to her, and also thought about Ning Zi's serious assurance to her that the store owner would never try to cheat anyone again, and Lu Xiaoya suddenly felt bad.

This is - it is indeed an exaggeration, right?

How much trouble must she get into at school to compare with such a sloppy and unrestrained operation?

I feel very angry, but also confused.

It makes countless people around the world jump in a hurry, and a market worth trillions of dollars is gone. This will probably make many people crazy, right?

After thinking about it, Lu Xiaoya couldn't help but open WeChat and dial Ning Zi a voice message.

What she didn't expect was that the other party actually answered the call.

"Hey, what's going on?"

"Ah...that's the one I just read online that you blew up Bitcoin?"

"Yeah! What's wrong?"

"I just want to ask you, isn't it just because of that broken graphics card?"

"That's right."


"It's just a small matter. It looks lively, but it's not a big problem. Relax, I have to go to a meeting. I'll hang up first."

"Oh, alright."

Seeing the other party simply hang up on WeChat, Lu Xiaoya was in a state of extreme confusion.

That guy actually said it was really because of that graphics card?

Because a graphics card costing more than 3,000 yuan caused such a big incident? Is Ning Zi crazy or is she crazy?

The screenwriters of "The Story of Ancient Swords" wouldn't dare to make such nonsense, right? !

Yanbei Sports University, administrative building.

There was already a circle of people in the large conference room.

Ning Zi sat in the front seat holding the cat.

As the president of the National Sports University, Chen Yonggang was not able to sit at the conference table, but was in the back row of the conference table.

In fact, Chen Yonggang didn't want to attend the meeting, but he couldn't help but be curious.

No one cares about him anyway, and there are quite a few people around. Sitting at the conference table were the boss's secretary, the person in charge of security, and an old acquaintance, Zhang Haifeng.

It seems that many people want to hear how Ning Zi answers these big guys' questions.

Anyway, Chen Yonggang is not the only one, it can always open your eyes.

"Of course I can guarantee that the banking system and the formal financial system are absolutely safe."

"Ning Zi, you can't just say a conclusion like that. There must be evidence to support it."

"First, attacking the banking system and financial system of any country is a serious crime and is unforgivable. Second, technically speaking, most of the current banking systems are complex systems that use different encryption systems in different business scenarios. . It is well known that it is difficult to crack complex systems. I don’t know if others can do it, but at least I can’t.”

“Blockchain’s encryption technology is also complex.”

"But it's relatively pure. I just happened to find a way to make the blockchain collapse, but there is really nothing I can do about the extremely complex banking system."

What Ning Zi said was reasonable, but Chen Yonggang, who was sitting beside him, always felt a little unconvinced.

But fortunately, his thoughts don't matter too much.

"Okay, Ning Zi, can you tell us how you broke through the encryption technology of the blockchain?"

"I can write mathematical principles into a paper, but I can't guarantee whether you can understand it."


"By the way, Ning Zi, can I ask you why you want to do this?"

"A friend of mine bought a mining card, but the other party not only refused to admit it, but even refused to compensate, so I had to find a way to put an end to the mining card once and for all."

When Ning Zi said these words, the conference room suddenly became eerily quiet. Those gazes can really cut people. After all, no one had thought before that this big event that caused the whole world to collapse would actually originate from a graphics card, well, to be more specific, it was a mining card...

You can imagine the complicated emotions in the hearts of the participants at this time. Although whether Bitcoin collapses has no impact on the vast majority of them, if it were those holders who have invested heavily in virtual currencies, they would most likely go crazy if they heard such a reason, right?

To do this kind of thing just for a mine card?

The memes about the world on the Internet all have their answers today.

"Why should we be enemies of the world?"

"Because of a mining card!"

This is definitely the most expensive graphics card in the world, worth a trillion dollars. If you also include the impact of event derivatives on the value of various financial bonds, there is no estimate.

But what is certain is that this card deserves to be recorded in history. Of course, the premise is that there is such a graphics card.

"I know you may not believe it, so I kept the chat records and product transaction records with the merchant. Because the other party later took remedial measures and my friend also received compensation, I coded the store name and transaction records. And the graphics card, I have brought it and took it apart just to make sure it is indeed a mining card."

As he spoke, Ning Zi took out his mobile phone and the dismantled graphics card from the laptop bag next to him.

"If you think this reason is not enough... This computer was given to me by a friend. She spent nearly half a year preparing it as a surprise for me. By the way, this is also my first The first time I received an unsolicited gift from a friend of the opposite sex is very meaningful to me, so please don’t use its own value to measure this card.”

This explanation is powerful.

It can be said to be very idealistic and even makes many people want to laugh, but how should I put it...

The same words spoken in different people's mouths have different weights.

Regardless of whether others believe it or not, Chen Yonggang, who has been listening silently in the corner, really believes it.

It's normal for young people to occasionally do something excessive because of feelings.

After all, he saw with his own eyes today that after Ning Zi came back from the World Congress of Mathematicians, she ignored the activities organized by the school and went on a date with a little girl.

As we all know, love is a flammable and explosive material.

It is more acceptable for young people to go berserk for love than to go berserk for graphics cards...

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