The Empress’ Livestream

Chapter 915: 915: Dormant for two years, the general trend of the world (six)

Chapter 915 Chapter 915: Dormant for Two Years, the General Situation in the World (6)

Mr. Yuan Jing, as a major in the education industry, how can he not see the infinite potential hidden in this "Da Xia Yun Shu"?

This is a terrifying beast. I wonder if it will promote the development of the entire civilization, or will they devour everyone present?

"You, you, Lanting, how do you pronounce these rhymes?"

Mr. Yuan Jing already had a plan in his mind, but he still couldn't believe it. He had to listen to Jiang Yanji in person.

After all, just a few words didn't explain anything, he needed more powerful evidence.

Obviously, the "Da Xia Yun Shu" given by Jiang Yanji is far simpler than the original direct sound or reversed, and it is astonishingly simple. If you can spell out the pronunciation of all the words with such a few rhymes, does it not mean that everyone in the world can read?

Just thinking about that scene, Yuan Jing felt that his long-quiet chest had begun to heat up, and his veins were boiling.

Jiang Yanji did not sell Guanzi intentionally, but taught each other, one teaching is two hours.

It's not that Yuan Jing and others have insufficient learning abilities. They learn from each other while learning, and they have become another seminar.

When they learned all the pinyin methods of Professor Jiang Yanji, they also tossed out a new enlightenment plan.

With more convenient and efficient pinyin Zhuyin, of course, they have to give up the tedious and complicated "Da Xia Yun Shu".

"These ghost-painting-like things look strange, but they are very simple to learn." Feng Ren smiled and said, "If the old man can be born a few decades later, it would be good. In the year, I learned" Da Xia Yun Shu ". Rote memorization all night long, very hard. "

Jiang Yanji said, "This is not possible. If Mr. Feng was born a few decades later, then who do I look for to use Huaiyu's good left and right arms? It is not too late, and I will enroll in school in two years. You If you do n’t enjoy it, eternal life will bear it for you. "

Feng Ren laughed, he was amused by Jiang Yanji's intimate and playful words.

He thought of his chubby granddaughter, and his heart softened. He said, "The girl in Changsheng, looking at it is lively. With a new phonetic method, she is also easy to learn. Otherwise, the girl will definitely Impatient to learn, I would n’t learn it. As a noble lady of the Feng family, if you do n’t know a big character, would n’t it be shame to say it? Liuzhou Mu ’s pioneering work really helped a lot! ”

When Mr. Yuan Jing thought about it, he asked babblefully.

"Liuzhou Mu wants to promote this pinyin notation? Or is it just a trial at Jinlin College?"

He can fully imagine that if the pinyin notation can be promoted, how many people can "literate" by then?

Following this situation for three or five generations, what was the situation then?

Breaking the clergy monopoly will no longer be a nightmare.

That's really amazing!

"It took so much effort to figure out the pinyin. It was for those children who had difficulty in enlightenment. It is a rare treasure for others, but it is not necessarily for me. I won't cherish it." Jiang Yanji laughed. "I want to I tried it for a while at Jinlin College, and during this time, I was troubled by several gentlemen to complete it. After another half a year, the children's foundation was also solidified. At that time, I planned to open Jinlin Pavilion's permissions to allow students We went to Jinlin Pavilion to borrow basic books ... ”

Cheng Yi wondered, "But the Golden Scale Pavilion ..."

Most of the people who are eligible to enter the Golden Scale Pavilion are adult men. What is it about a group of children mixing in?

Speaking halfway, he suddenly understood something, and the worry on his face turned to joy.

A group of children mixed in, and those adult scholars would naturally be curious.

Let the children show their hands at that time to ensure that they can fool people!

The protagonist wants to use these scholars' mouths to advertise their Jinlin Academy for free.

As long as outsiders see results in this group of children, and then promote pinyin labeling, the resistance will be much smaller.

Jiang Yanji laughed and said nothing.

Mr. Yuan Jing asked, "What name does Lanting want to take?"

Jiang Yanji cast suspicious eyes, what's the name?

"You made this phonetic method, naturally you should give it a name."

This is a good thing for Ming Qingshi!

How many people are jealous?

Jiang Yanji Yuyu, she is not good at naming, but some people like her.

"This ... is it called" Xin Yun "?"

Mr. Yuan Jing's eyes squinted and asked her with his eyes--

Do you really need to put a prefix like "last name" in front of "Xin Yun"?

This is a good opportunity to stay in history, not street cabbage.

Miss this village, there is no such shop.

Jiang Yanji thought about it and saw the content on the barrage in the live room, and then changed his mind.

"Just call" Chinese New Rhyme "."

Mr. Yuan Jing looked away and nodded. "Very good."

Youyuan mirror they are there, Jiang Yanji is not worried about Jinlin College.

Yuan Jing and others were aggressive, thinking about how to do their best, and Jiang Xiji took the opportunity to sneak away.

[Oh, hello]: Anchorman, you are a shopkeeper, so your group of princes haven't turned their face with you?

[You and me under the funny tree]: Xiaogong jue are not the opponent of the anchor at all, the fighting power is not in one dimension.

Givenchy Lambskin: Where is the anchor going?

Jiang Yanji asked the maid to bring clean water and wipe her cheeks, neck and arms slightly.

[Anchor V]: Check out Hyelin and her little baby.

When Jiang Yanji saw Hyelin, she was sitting under the porch and looking at the book, beside her was a wooden baby carriage.


The latter heard the movement, looked for a voice, and quiet eyes gradually lightened.

"Why is Lang Jun back?"

Jiang Yanji said, "Come back for business. I heard someone say that the woman should pay attention to maintenance after giving birth. How did you go outside?"

"The children have been born for three or four months, and the slaves have recovered well. There are not so many taboos." Hyelin smiled slightly and pushed the baby carriage into the house. Two white and tender babies were sleeping loudly. Without being awakened at all, she said, "The courtyard sun is big, Lang Jun don't bask outside."

"Which is Amei?"

Jiang Yanji asked as he lifted the diapers of the two little dolls.

Both children were carved in pink, with chubby cheeks and white powder.

In comparison, the baby girl is smaller than the baby boy and her facial features are more delicate and exquisite.

"This is Amei. When she was born, she was as small as a **** cat, and she cried loudly. The slave family almost thought that she could not support her."

Jiang Yanji tried to pinch the girl's face, and Xiaoya's head was slightly crooked, and she opened a small mouth and spit out a bubble.

The audience in the live broadcast room has been sprung up by two little babies, one after another, incarnations of strangers and strange aunts, and howling.

"Is the name taken?"

"Not yet, waiting for Lang Jun to give his name." Hui Yan smiled.

Jiang Yanji: "..."

Fu Wang (crying in the toilet): Why didn't you let me take it?

(End of this chapter)

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