The Empress’ Livestream

Chapter 892: 892: Northern Overlord (29)

Chapter 892 Chapter 892: Northern Overlord (29)

Before the start of the Hongmen Banquet, there was still calm in Chongzhou.

If you are more sensitive, you will find that this is just the tranquility before the storm.

The noble ladies from each household are busy with their own affairs. Some are in charge of housework, serving in-laws, some are educating their children, beating the nuns, some are dill flowers, and some antiques are enjoyed. The seemingly peaceful backyard is surging undercurrents, and everyone calculates for their own benefit.

The banquet is an important channel for the clergy to communicate with each other, and there is almost no day off.

Today, this family holds a collection, tomorrow's family will open a poetry party, and then we will invite others next day, everyone will enjoy the flowers and the moon.

The men went out to visit, and the women in the backyard were not to be outdone, and often went out to dinner.

The moonlight in the sky was as cool as possible, and the underground people were stunned, and the clothes were fragrant, and the laughter was endless.

Although the Chongzhou clans have been criticized by the outside world as outbreak households, they also have decades of history and even hundreds of years of history, far richer than ordinary people. Now the weather is cold, but the yard where the banquet is held is warm and warm, and there is no sense of coolness.

Several good ladies talked and joked with each other. The content revolved around the husband, husband's little sister-in-law, mother-in-law, sister-in-law, sister-in-law, and gossip in various provinces. Most of them were short nonsense among parents. There is no nutrition, but gathering together in a spit, even boring topics can become interesting. Talking, they mentioned Liuzhou Muliu, who was in his prime, and the topic became more and more distant.

Liu Ye was in his prime, and there was only a niece and a sister-in-law under his knees. His successor who continued the string later separated from him for a long time.

After Liu Ye came to Chongzhou, many people tried to plug Liu Ye's backyard and blow a pillow wind in the name of beauty.

However, he is not slippery, no matter how expressly implied by others, he always has a way to keep the women sent by the crowd out of the door.

The man said that Liu Ye was false and serious, but the noble woman in Chongzhou respected him quite a bit.

Which ancient woman does not want her husband to love only one woman and one woman in the backyard?

At least before the death of Gu Min, there was only one such person in Liu Yi's backyard.

Such a relationship alone is enough to envy them.

Whenever talking about this, the noble woman in Chongzhou was jealous of the deceased Mrs. Gu Min, saying that she died early in the years, and she would still sigh a sigh of redness at the end. After talking about such a good man as Liu Yan, it is inevitable to complain about his fancy man.

No matter whether it is cheap or expensive, one by one entered the door.

The lady in the main room must have a generous face, and she must be commensurate with those fair and cheap sisters, which is disgusting.

"I heard that Liuzhou Mu's niece is coming. Today the state house feast is for that girl."

I don't know which lady said it in succession, the response of the other ladies seemed very flat, and some even quietly snorted.

"It's just a little girl film. Where is it worthy of all the grandfathers?"

In the opinion of many ladies, Jiang Xiji arrived at the time and Liu Ye invited family members, but happened to run into time.

After all, it's just a woman. No matter how good she is, she has to marry a child and stay in the backyard for the rest of the house.

It's amazing that Liu Ye's daughter can become Marushima Mu.

They don't think Jiang Yanji can go further, and even think she's a bit silly.

Honestly enjoy my father's asylum. It's so good to be a carefree gentleman noble girl. I want to show my face and imitate Xu Gong before, just like a strong woman. And finally? She may not be able to fight the man, and she wasted the most important years in a woman's life.

As for the rumors that Liu Ye was going to retreat behind the scenes and give power to Liu Ye some time ago, it is even nonsense.

"This kind of unrealistic news makes people laugh."

"That's what it is--what a boudoir woman, how capable can it be?"

"I heard that the girl named Liu is now eighteen years old, and she hasn't been married at this age. Wouldn't it be an old girl after two years?"

"Liuzhou Mu is quite enthusiastic about this niece, and should help her pay attention to it, but a woman who is fooling around all day ... I heard that she often mingles with the big, ruthless pariahs ... Daughter-in-law, which one dare to ask? Even if you can treat her in the face of Liuzhou Mu, you ca n’t take care of her son-in-law's back house at will. In my opinion, the girl named Liu ... ah! "

This topic is very new to them. For a while, she talked vigorously, and the topic was unconsciously biased.

A young lady said, "Must, Liuzhou Muyan invites ... is it for this niece's wedding?"

Liu Ye's power is in Chongzhou and Ye County. For the sake of the daughter-in-law, Xuan Ye will definitely choose within his own sphere of influence.

Such a guess, many people think it makes sense.

If a sensible person listened to their conversation, maybe they would laugh big teeth.

If the patriarchs of Chongzhou "gentlemen" are all so virtuous, it is unlikely that they will be passed on for generations.

Chongzhou is close to northern Xinjiang, and the war between the two countries continues.

Because of environmental factors, the forces here have changed rapidly. The so-called scholarly forces are plainly upstarts and lack the details.

For example, some of the ladies present were from their butcher's family, but they didn't know a few characters.

Of course, in addition to lack of knowledge, the more important reason is that they don't care about things outside.

With this time to care about those things, it's better to think about rouge gouache, pearl jewelry, and silk satin.

The ladies said with a smile, the atmosphere of the banquet was warming up.

It was at this time that two maids wearing riches rushed in.

Their appearance made everyone look sideways, and seemed to ask with their eyes-which one is this, so rude?

A lady recognized her skinny girl, and her face smeared with fat powder instantly stretched.

Today she hosted the banquet, and she did a good job. I didn't expect her daughter-in-law to be in trouble.

Before waiting for her to scold, the two maidservants said something that made her eyes dark.

"Ma'am, it's not good, Master is gone!"

The lady's heart was tight, and she snapped sharply, "Take them down and slap your lips, can the master and your two little hoofs make fun?"

The older girl said, "This is true, ma'am, there are many soldiers around, and they returned the corpse of the master."


The news was like a heavy hammer, knocking her in the dark, and the body that had just stood up almost collapsed to the ground.

When everyone heard the news, they had no worries, they prepared to look at the situation, and then found an opportunity to say goodbye.

However, they never thought that the same bad news was waiting for them.

The backyard, which was still lively, was deserted in no time.

There was a series of wailing sounds in the front hall. The lady opened the white cloth and took a look. The lying man was her dead husband!

(End of this chapter)

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