The Empress’ Livestream

Chapter 1876: .7pm tomorrow, live event

7 pm tomorrow, live event

The new book "After the Big Brother Retired" has been serialized.

It is still a storyline, with ease and humor as the main, supplemented by a paper monster, and the male lead has been offline for a long time.

Tomorrow at 7 pm, the starting point APP (girls homepage banner click ‘Wonderful new book, first exposure’) or QQ reading live area can watch.

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After losing weight for two years, the more you lose, the more fat you feel. You can fill your entire screen with one face.

ε = (′ ο ` *))) 唉, think of it all in despair.

The Empress has a few more articles, even more boring when idle, and will officially change the book to the finished state before February 5.

(End of this chapter)

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