The Empress’ Livestream

Chapter 1757: 1757: Lantern Festival Daily

Chapter 1757 Chapter 1757: Lantern Festival Everyday

"Why are you so clean today?"

The wind came out, and saw that his wife's makeup was somewhat indifferent and somewhat uncomfortable.

The atmosphere of Xiangyang is very open. Most women's makeup is mainly bright and bright. In recent years, the dyeing process of fabrics has also made great progress. The color of red and purple is no longer able to be worn by the family. Walking to the street, the woman's clothes were called colorful.

The shops under Feng's name are the most profitable ones for women and children.

Feng Feng is not a pedantic person, and Ming Yan is popular now, and he will certainly not stop his wife from pursuing the trend.


Since she got married, she has always been cautious, and her jewelry and clothes are all pure and old-fashioned.

It's OK on weekdays, but today it's so lively outside.

The wind is actually letting his wife send a lot of cloth jewelry, rouge gouache, but his wife used it in the room, refused to see people.

The wife laughed. "It's not good to be too gorgeous. I'm worried about making people talk."

Feng Feng said, "Is there any gossip?"

The wife smiled and didn't talk, Feng Feng frowned and remembered that he was a second marriage, and his wife was a second marriage.

Although Feng Ling is the patriarch of Feng Clan, in this troubled time, Feng seems to be standing in the right place, not to mention going further, but maintaining the original glory is no problem, but he is a man with a pair of mules after all, not his wife It's kind and peaceful, the sister-in-law's mother is still alive. Under such a condition, even if there is a halo of family history, his market in the clan marriage market is not good.

The high-minded families disdain to let the niece marry, even if the style is clean, there is no janitor room in the backyard, and the personal conditions are considered good, but the girl married to the mother of the second child, and in the future, if she has a parent, she will also have a third child, which will not account for the length. Not attacking Zong is too bad.

Xiaomen Xiaohu wants to eat this pie, but the maternal grandmother He Feng's requirements are also high, they can't climb high.

In the end, the old lady had to worry about white hair, and Feng Ye said that when she was single, she found a suitable candidate.

The conditions of this candidate are not bad. His family is clean and noble, his father is a great Confucian, his mother is from Wangwang, and he is fifteen years old and has a relative who is a gentleman. By the way, the talented Feng Feng also knows that he had some friendship in the early years. When he got married, he also gave a gift.

Unfortunately, this product is a short-lived ghost. After marrying, he thought about the waves less than a month ago, and the horse was thrown off the horse and trampled to death.

Leaving a widow and never giving birth to a widow and widow, she was forced to return to her mother's family by the rumours of Koffen at the time when the Fourth Women's Book was popular. Feng Ling also went to the gifted funeral of the gifted man, and was so emotional for a few days that he did not expect to marry his wife after a few years.

_ (: з) ∠) _

Anyway, Feng Ye really likes this lady, especially when he has the original match as a control group.

"What are you afraid of gossip, you can come to you to chew your tongue, maybe you don't know how to write the dead words." Feng Feng said, "Isn't a new batch of winter clothes picked in the government a few days ago? I see that primrose color is good , I remember making two new heads? "

After all, it is the prince Feng, who cannot be summed up with the words "there are mines in the family." How can you dress as shabby as a small portal?

The lady looked helplessly at the wind.

In the end, he couldn't twist the other person, went back and changed his make-up.

I have to say that the fresh colors and bright makeup make the visual impact not so great, and standing there can be eye-catching.

Feng Yan also played cards with two sisters for a while while waiting for his wife.

This has to complain about Jiang Tingji, Lan Tinggong, too many kinds of entertainment gadgets.

Say she didn't fight outside, why did she still have time to do these things?

Mrs. Feng Feng may have been widowhood for too long, and was not used to such bright colors for a while, especially when someone looked at her.

However, when she saw that the woman on the street was more beautiful than her, the nervousness gradually subsided.

The New Year's Eve Lantern Festival is held in several of the largest bazaar business districts in Xiangyang County. At this time, red lights are hung in front of every household, and street lights are bright, and tourists are like weaving. In addition to the usual projects of guessing lantern riddles and drawing lanterns, there are also a variety of other emerging entertainment projects. For example, the official theater team will perform on this day. Basically, they are popular and festive repertoires. You only need cheap tickets to watch them .

Of course, the lantern festival is also indispensable. Under the leadership of Jiang Yanji, an unreliable prince, Xiangyang County is very enthusiastic about the development of cuisine. Although there are some dark dishes, most of them are delicious and easy to make. They are very suitable for roadside stalls.

How charming will New Year's Eve lights be?

Feng Yan came along and saw a lot of familiar faces-these guys are the best of Jiang Jieji. One of them also sprayed Jiang Jieji with too much attention to businessmen yesterday, and put the cart before the horse-but their lips are not honest, but their bodies are quite honest .

Feng Ye and the other party salute each other, and the other party smiles embarrassingly and politely.

The clans will still come out for a fun, let alone other people.

Feng Ling won't learn from ordinary people to eat while walking, but he also bought some and found a nearby elegant room to enjoy slowly.

"uncle and auntie!"

Feng Yan brought his wife and servants into the store and heard the call of Changsheng.

Turning around, I saw Chang Yi's second brother Feng Jin, who had a toothache after seeing it, and several other young girls who looked or looked familiar or strange. Judging by their temperament, most of them are not ordinary people.

Changsheng whispered something to other people and brought Fengyi to salute.

"Why don't you see the two cousins?"

Feng Feng said, "As they get older, they can't restrain themselves. They have been invited by friends to play."

Although the two sons were distorted by the original straps, Feng Feng took them to the side to raise them personally, and then threw them into the Jinlin Academy to polish them up. They finally came back. The shadow of childhood did not seem to leave them any aftermath . Standing out now, that's the standard child of Feng. Feng Ye also heard that the two sons were fighting late for the graduation assessment of Jinlin College, and they were very relieved.

The combination of work and rest is the right way.

I learned too hard a while ago, and I should go out to meet friends while I am on holiday. Of course, the real reason is not outsiders—Feng Ying feels that his wife is young. If he goes out with his son, he is afraid that people will misunderstand the old father with his son 媳 (: з) ∠) _

"My brother Rongli said that the two cousins ​​have been tired recently, and my uncle has also enlightened them. They must not force themselves too much."

The talents of Feng Yi's two sons can only be said to be ordinary. They are also the oldest in their class, and the pressure is naturally high.

If you are relegated, what is the face of Feng's family?

The wind nodded.

Feng's family style has always been like this.

Otherwise, there will not be such a strange wind.

His son ... he really should be more concerned.

Chatting a few words, the wind will let the longevity go to play by himself, there is an elder on his side, and the young people are not enjoying themselves.

Today is a day to meet acquaintances.

Feng Qian's forefoot just groaned. The third brother, Feng Ji, saw him as soon as he went upstairs.

Feng Yan is staring at the second brother Feng Jin with big eyes.

The three brothers of Feng's are still so tidy for the first time these years.

_ (: з 」∠) _ Tomorrow, I will take the bus early to take care of my grandfather in Yueqing, and the mushrooms will sleep first.

(End of this chapter)

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