The Empress’ Livestream

Chapter 1369: 1369: Tea Party for Husbands (12)

Chapter 1369 Chapter 1369: Tea Party For Husbands (12)

Some people can communicate in words, and some animals can only use sticks.

[Poorly see your chrysanthemums are poisonous]: My host is really kind, and I still have the idea of ​​letting those animals and horses go.

[Nongfu Spring is a little overhanging]: Hey, how thick a fan filter do you wear upstairs? Those personal dregs are being forced to "force goodness", after all, they are misleading by the anchor. This is fishing law enforcement, and we should sympathize with those dregs.

[Ghost Talent Guo Fengxiao]: The crime of exceeding the system can be as large or small, depending on whether those in power are willing to be merciful or ruthless. The anchor should be more ruthless, let them see a blood, so that they can kill chickens and tamarins, and deter others who have a thief but do not take action.

[Smuggling in Africa]: Right! In troubled times! Kindness is useless at this time. Kindness is a weapon against gentlemen, but it is indulgent to villains. To deal with villains, they will only be obedient when they use poison to attack poison and pay an eye for an eye, and they really fear you.

The audience kept the barrage, and Jiang Yanji had calculations in his heart.

"The matter is left to Wenzheng and Huaiyu. In order to deter the secret nightmare, we must deal with it seriously."

The **** asked He Fengjin to take the lead.

Jiang Yanji sent the two of them to do this, apparently not giving those dregs room to turn over.

Eunuchs have a low birth background and a low-key and weird temperament. They rarely interact with outsiders on weekdays, and there is almost no possibility of attracting them. Feng Jin is the only person in Jiang Yanji's account who has a "great rich handsome", and he will not show mercy to the underdogs of poor character.

It's almost impossible to stand up when I meet these two people.

The people of Maruzhou have seen a good show these days.

They like the drama of evil and revenge the most. They watched those guys who spoiled their wives, overwhelmed them, and forced them to be good. They were all celebrated, and some people bought firecrackers to congratulate them. Aggrieved and depressed.

Feng Jin and eunuchs did not show resignation. Although these people were not sentenced to death, they also had to be punished in public ranging from 80 to 50. Each household was fined thousands of times, illegal properties were confiscated, and the entire family was exiled to their original places. No entry within the three races and three generations——

In addition, those women who were forced into low-income status returned to their good-income status, and each household had to pay them a hundred dollars as a safe deposit.

That board went down, and although we were lucky enough to live, people were mostly scrapped.

The result of this disposition was a plan that eunuchs asked after discussion with Feng Jin.

It is true that these people were killed a hundred times, but the deterrent effect was insufficient.

It would be better for them to die than to live. Seeing that the three races and three generations have been implicated, there is no hope of rise, and it will last for thousands of years.

Cooperating with Wei Ci's public opinion means, this wave of operations not only did not provoke a rebound, but also gained a wave of brain powder.

Those who have the thief's heart yet to act are secretly thankful—

Fortunately, they managed the lower body, did not spoil their wives, and did not exceed their allowances.

Some people who secretly raised three or five outside rooms were also frightened, and a large sum of money was sent to send out the outside rooms, and they were divided.

Jiang Yanji asked Han Zheng to re-draft the marriage law while the team was still hot.

However, there was a live broadcast audience to let her take the opportunity to abolish the admission system, but after carefully thinking about Jiang Yanji, she gave up the proposal.

The abolition of nagging is unrealistic at the current social level, and it will also cause a sharp rebound.

Rather than abolishing it across the board, it's better to standardize the system of accepting people. For example, a man and a woman, how many officials can be accepted after 40 years of age, use this compromise method to stabilize those who are tempted. No one knows better than Jiang Yanji. As long as the society has reached a certain stage, the system of accepting people cannot keep up with the times and will naturally be eliminated. Abolish it, not in a hurry.

Furthermore, there are countermeasures under policies.

Men can't put "到" on the bright side, they have other ways.

For example, 豢 Yangge Ji Wu Ji, adopt the so-called "adopt daughter", wife's dowry maid ...

It is said that the woman who is temporarily living in the house is actually a woman who warms her bed.

Of course, if someone who is not qualified to accept a child has a child, it will inevitably result in a heavy penalty.

Under the intervention of Jiang Yanji, Han Yan summarized the drafted marriage laws into several categories, such as marriage, divorce, protection during marriage, the responsibilities and obligations of both parties in the marriage ... each of them has a detailed classification and Description, for example, divorce has "wife", "euphemism" and "harmonious divorce", in which cases can you choose which form of divorce ... In order to draft these, Han Zheng has seen no less than 5,000 related files He also led people to run a lot of places, seeing Mrs. Han's expression more and more gloomy.

What do you mean?

Is this Han Han planning to have a wife?

The eldest son, Han Run, was also upset, and one day finally he called up the courage to ask Han Yan.

Han Yan first met with a smirk and explained it immediately.

Han Run asked, "Why did Lanting give this to his father?"

He thought that his father preferred to make plans on the battlefield, amend the law, and so on, and it was boring.

Han Run also found that his father's study was almost overwhelmed by old files, and there was no place to settle down, which was too hard work.

Han Yan smiled and shook his head. "You are still young and don't understand your father's choice."

Compared to the battlefield, he is more suitable for this stage.

Jiang Yanji gave Han Yan enough powers to let him choose someone to set up a department to amend the legislation.

Although no specific official title has been given, judging from the treatment and duties of Xunlu, it is almost equivalent to Tingwei, one of Jiuqing.

Of course, Han Yan's current task is to amend and supplement the new law.

Although the Marriage Law was revised by Han Yan, the people who actually made the final decision were Jiang Yanji and an 850,000 salted fish audience.

Because of the predecessors' information and experience, the revision took less time, and the entire article was more than 5,800 words.

Jiang Yanji could not help but have a wave of Han Yu with salted fish.

She said, "Wen Bin did this job by nature."

The classical Chinese is indeed concise, but it is easy to read through. Han Yan chose to learn from teachers Mr. Yuan Jing and Cheng Zheng. He boldly uses vernacular that ordinary people can understand, and reduces the chance of intentional people to drill holes. .

This is very good, it is easy to spread, and the only drawback is that it is too wasteful of paper.

During the live broadcast, there were all kinds of salted fish. Jiang Yanji also discussed with several barristers for a while, and revised some of the unreasonable contents, so that Han Yan could take it back to work. Of course, it does n’t mean that it can be finalized in this way. In the end, everyone in the account has to look at it.

The big guys are satisfied, it's all over.

For Han Yan, amending the new marriage law can only be regarded as a warm-up. The law of marriage can still follow the experience of the predecessors, repair and make traces, but the child protection law replaced by the main bus, but he has to find out from scratch, and try to accumulate little by little.

The stormy January finally passed.

With the advent of spring, the tense atmosphere was finally eased, and the wives slowly moved away.

Mrs. Han's tea party is still the highest in the circle.

(End of this chapter)

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