The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 788: Farewell

"The recommendation is from General Drew Barry. Your father is his subordinate, and the letter of recommendation has been recorded."

"Great mentor... can I eventually become a political commissar? No matter how hard it is, I hope to fulfill my father's last wish."

The grand tutor's expression was frozen, and he turned his head to look at Yarek.

Suddenly, his stern expression disappeared, and a trace of affection flashed in his only eye.

"Of course, as long as you firmly believe in the emperor, Yarek."

With that, the grand tutor’s wheelchair walked to the side of the room, then boarded the gear structure, and slowly climbed onto the mountain of bookshelves.

He moved a small handle, and then his wheelchair began to slowly rise along, and stopped at the third shelf of the bookshelf, and started looking for a book.

"The power of the emperor is... fast back."

"It's humans, and the power of humans is the emperor, the sermon of Sebastian Sol, volume 23, chapter 62."

The grand tutor continued to raise the wheelchair and picked another book.

"What is the meaning of war?"

"It's a victory, the memoirs of Lord General Gresh, Chapter 9."

"Then I ask how we can give back to the emperor?"

"When I face the Golden Throne, I will return it with my duty."

"Very good."

The Grand Instructor will once again land the wheelchair on the carpet and turn around to look at Yarek.

"It seems you have done enough homework."

He stared at the boy, and Yarek tried not to avoid the exposed bone tissue on this half of his face.

"So, do you have any questions now?"

"Great mentor, what does it take to become a great political commissar?"

"Child, why do you want to know?"

"I... I don't know either."

"Well, if you ask, how to become a qualified political commissar, I will tell you, determination, faith and courage, but if you say great... then you must know how to sacrifice."


"Yes, it's not just self-sacrifice, but an equal sacrifice. When you face the choice, you need to understand how to truly serve the Emperor. This may be too complicated for you, but you will understand in the future. ."


Looking at the devastated land and city on the spire of Chaodu, Yarek took a long breath, and the white mist in the air slowly rose to the sky.

"Master, I finally understand what you mean."

"Self-sacrifice is easy, and it is necessary to choose the sacrifice of others. It is really difficult."

Suddenly, a strong male voice sounded behind Arrick, but he did not turn his head back, but was still standing behind the guardrail, letting the gale blow his tattered political commissar coat.

Accompanied by heavy footsteps, Soshyan in the ritual armor walked to his side.

The interstellar warriors are about to leave. It is the job of mortals to deal with this devastated planet. They still have endless wars waiting in the void.

But before leaving, Soshyang had to chat with Yarek anyway.

He always felt that he owed the other party something.

The two were silent for a long time, and finally Soshyan's eyes moved to the broken arm of Yarik, where there was now a rough power claw, which was the relic of the war leader who was beheaded by Yarik.

Undoubtedly, it looks very uncoordinated to equip Arrick’s body with such a huge power claw, and in order to be able to use this huge thing, he must always carry a small energy backpack behind his back, or just rely on it. The weight of the power claw can tear his shoulders.

But even so, the political commissar does not look easy.

"That thing... has no practical meaning."

As a friend, Soshyang persuaded the other party.

"I didn't expect it to fight."

Arik answered calmly, but didn't turn his head.

"Its existence is a reminder to remind me to always remember all this."

"It's a good thing to have a sense of responsibility, but if you have too many things on your back, your future path will be difficult."

"My lord, there is only one way forward for me, killing the beast called the Bonecrusher, for Hades, for everyone."

Hearing him say this, Soshyan sighed and did not continue the topic.

"I, Captain Randall and Captain Dante jointly recommend you as the commander of Lord Armageddon. I believe the appointment will come down soon."

This news made Yarek stunned for a while.

"The Governor of the Planet..."

"He is still a child, and the threat of Green Skin has not been completely relieved, so in his adulthood, all military operations are under your command."

Arek was silent for a while and nodded.

"I will launch an expedition to the Bonebreaker."

"That is your destiny, Political Commissar Yarek, our mission here is over."

Soshyang turned around and looked at him solemnly.

"In the future, I hope that when I meet again, I can see that you have completed your mission."

Yarik also turned around and saluted Sosh.

"Yes, my lord."

Suddenly, he thought of something, his expression hesitated for a moment, and then he said softly:

"Captain Soshyan, there is one more thing..."

"What's the matter?"

"There is one called—"

Soshyang thought that he had guessed what the other party was going to say, so he answered first:

"Do you mean that illegal psionicist? He has been taken as a servant by Judge Horst."

But Yarik shook his head.

"I know this. It's a good thing for my friend, but it's not him that I want to talk about."

"That is..."

"A kid named Milovan."

Speaking of generality, Arek stopped suddenly. He recalled the last words of that old friend’s death. This was originally out of his plan. He planned to send the child to the home of a familiar interior ministry official in some time. Adopted son—some strange thought made him arrange a path away from war for the boy.

However, Milovan's personality was far beyond his expectations, and he was taciturn, and even sneaked to Astarte's conscription by himself.

"A recruit?"

Soshyan guessed it immediately.

But Yarek also figured out in these ten He knows what Astarte is, and he also understands how difficult and dangerous it is to be an Astarte.

But this is Milovan's decision, his own decision.

"Maybe this is destiny... Your lord, you don't need to care what I say, what is normal is what it is. If he is destined to become a great warrior and be loyal to the emperor, then no one can change. "

Soshyang looked at him, was silent for a few seconds, then turned around and walked toward the side of the tower. On the tarmac not far away, a Thunderhawk had already warmed up its engine.

When the roar of the engine gradually sounded, Soshyang's last words floated into Yarik's ears.

"Goodbye, Political Commissar Yarek."

Arik raised his head and watched the Thunder Eagle slowly rise into the air, and then accelerated into the sky, and couldn't help muttering:

"Goodbye, Captain Soshyan."


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