The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 386: Survive from the Dead

The ship shook around him, and Ottavia was still in her seat, watching the stars floating in the display in front of her.

"They moved."

The navigator whispered.

"The warships of the spirit race tried to keep their distance."

Setimus was standing by the driver's seat, his wound was still bandaged, and the abrasions on his face were even more red.

"Should you be here?"

Ottavia asked, inadvertently more like a Terra noble than before.

The other party ignored the question.

"I didn't see how you noticed that they were moving. It was a little red dot in the dark."

She didn't look away from the screen.

"I can."

Several entourages are on the other side of the pool, the guardian's hatch.

Suddenly, one of them approached, and the sound of footsteps echoed in the damp room.


Ottavia glanced at the bandage.

"What's the matter?"

"The hatch has been sealed, and the Fourth Lie Claw has heard a word to ensure that this floor will not be attacked."

"Thank you."

He bowed and returned to his colleagues.

"You treat them better."

Setims pointed out that he knew he still missed the hound.

Ottavia smiled reluctantly and looked at the screen again.

"We are working hard to get out of the enemy's firepower range, but it is too slow and the engine warm-up time is too long. I can imagine that the captain of the enemy ship is also watching us at this time, hoping for his jumping team. Can occupy our bridge?"


At this time, the gargoyles carved on the walls of the room made a deep rumble, and their large stomachs were carved into the shape of an audio amplifier.

She immediately reached out and activated the control lever on the armrest, which activated with a click.

"Master, what's the situation?"

"A tragic victory, pay attention, listen carefully, now I want you to keep the ship in a subspace leaping state."

Ottavia blinked.

"I... what?"

"The Void Shield will reach its maximum power in two minutes. You are about to start bending, understand?"

"But we are on the trajectory scheduled to sail."

"Then get off track, you know."

"But we are very close to the planet, the pulling of the gravitational well may cause irreversible damage to the warship, and the orbital station—"

"There is no time to debate, Ottavia, I order you to jump into the subspace as soon as the Void Shield reaches its maximum power."

"I will do it, but where is the destination?"

"No destination."

She was surprised and curious to find that he sounded too impatient.

"Just get close to the orbital station, I...I want to row our ship across the dome, live on a high orbit, and enter the dead-end of the orbital station.

Ottavia blinked again.

"You are talking about tearing a hole in space and jumping over the narrowest point at the top, but the engine won't even activate the moment I start... This jump will not take more than a second, even In this way, we may also go far beyond the target."

"I don't care how to drive."

"Talos, I'm not sure if I can do it."

"I didn't ask this, you just let it go and drive."

"as you wish."

She said that when she lowered the lever, she cut off the contact with the bridge, and then took a deep breath and looked at her male companion next to her.

"This time it will be fun."

"Let's live! The Pistons of Omnisia!"

After a busy period, Dieterian activated his biochemical arm again, and the slave worker returned to his side and obeyed.


One of them spoke to him.

"Follow me."

Dietrian said that he was already moving, and his electromagnetic boots trembled and moved forward silently.


The birds of prey waited on the edge of the crater, with three alien helmets held in their claws.

"It's finally over, isn't it? We must return to the ship immediately."

Lukovus leaped lightly, climbing and moving. This looseness made him some kind of more deadly creation.

Guide the thruster to spray a stream of air under silent pressure, keeping him in suspension.

Suddenly, the mechanical bishop froze for a moment, which was immediately caught by the Raptor.

"what happened?"

"Talos intends to make the ship fold."

"This term is incorrect."

Lukovus snorted softly.

"But it will still happen."


Dietrian kept walking, striding to overtake the Raptor, and lowered his head, his eyepieces focused on the nearest hatch through the shell, which was three hundred meters away.

"Do I have to answer this question with a series of details? He intends to start the Yuejin engine immediately after the Void Shield reaches its maximum power. I have repaired the final tower. This shows that the work is complete. This also proves that he wants to do it now. Breaking ship... have you seen unprotected living creatures in the subspace?"

Dietrian could hear some noise in the audio. He suspected it was the laughter of a bird of prey.

"Oh yes, tech pastor, of course I have seen it."

The boat rumbling under the feet of the two, accumulating power like a roar of a beast.

Dietrian pressed the audio call button.

"Lakuna Absolutus?"

"grown ups?"

"Inform your coordinates immediately."

A lot of interesting code is fed back through the link.

"I can see a little concern from your question, dear lord?"

"please tell me."

"My team is only 16 to 20 seconds away from the nearest maintenance bulkhead, about 600 meters away from you, I believe..."

Suddenly, the other party's words disappeared in a burst of static electricity.

"Lakuna Absolutus, end the call."

The only response is static electricity.

Talos watched the enemy ship fully drive, trying to imagine them driving them like a pack of wolves, rushing to the planet as a death trap.

The orbital station is still at full fire, and various long-range lasers, macro cannons and missiles are constantly attacking the moving path of the Curse Echo.

But it doesn't matter, his idea will be useful.

The prophet turned sideways to the microphone.

"Please help me find Dieterian."

The officer was busy on her console for a while.

"Okay, my lord."

"Talos calls Dietrian. You have ten minutes to activate the scream, and the target is the enemy warship."

When the answer came, the tech pastor's voice was covered by Lukovus's roar.

"We are at the starboard terminal, and it takes ten minutes to get to the priest's room."

"Then run faster."

Talos signaled that the communication was disconnected and exhaled again.

"Weapons Supervisor."

The officer looked up from his console, his fashionable and elegant uniform fading with the passing years.

"My lord?"

"Tornado torpedo ready."

"grown ups?"

The officer's eyes were full of shock.

"Tornado torpedo ready."

Talos repeated one side in the same tone.

"My we only have two torpedo warheads left."

Talos swallowed, gritted his teeth and closed his eyes, as if he could control his anger by closing his face.

"Tornado torpedo ready."

"My lord, I think we should keep them--"

In the next moment, mortals can't say a word anymore.

The officer's face bloomed with a sickly crack, and blood and broken bones creaked in the hands of the midnight lord.

Talos ignored the fallen body and threw the rest of his skull to the ground.

This is the speed of the prophet, no one even saw him move.

In one heartbeat, he crossed ten meters, and then crossed a console.

"I try to be reasonable."

Talos said to hundreds of eye-catching crew members, and a low, ferocious audio sounded through the room.

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