The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Vol 2 Chapter 2554: Disaster is approaching

The bright sun goes out,

And the stars are lost in the dim eternal void,

No light, no way,

The frozen planet turns blindly,

Covering the netherworld under the moonless sky

Morning comes and goes—

Day never came,

People forget their passion in the fear of loneliness;

Those cold and frosty hearts

All selfishly praying for the dawn...

In the stagnant air current,

The wind is cut off and the smoke disappears,

It is useless for them to remain,

Because of the darkness—

It is the universe itself. (From Byron's poem "Darkness")

Wearing armor, a star-studded robe, and a winged dragon helmet on his head, Giulio Pura melodiously recited an ancient Ada poem, and at the same time gently turned his eyebrow-high sword in a circle. Command staff, a slender staff made of five-color crystals, is engraved with a roaring dragon head on each end. It was awarded by the Phoenix King and represents his authority as the star commander of the Eternal Royal Court.

He stepped forward and walked on a circular astrolabe with a diameter of more than a hundred meters, translucent and almost only a few inches thin. Planets, battleships, and even launched missiles were all realistically presented on it, making him feel like a Observing and controlling the entire battlefield from an almost god-like perspective.

As the most proud flagship of the Ancient Ada Empire, each Stygian Butterfly's bridge and even structure are unique. Tal Anlek's bridge is a unique spindle, just like a giant crystal, connecting countless long corridors and open walkways. Huge statues of famous heroes in Ada history are neatly arranged above and below it. The magnificent arches shimmer with energy fields connecting the corridors with the domes scattered throughout the ship. Connected, so even though the ship is so big, it doesn't take more than two seconds to get from the bridge to anywhere on the ship.

In the center of the bridge, the huge spiritual bone pillar was shaped into the shape of a tree by the Bonesinger. The interconnected spreading branches looked too gorgeous to be overwhelmed. They were each connected to a platform. On the platform were small groups of small groups. A group of crew members gathered together, including bone chanters, sect warriors, or other technical personnel.

People kept leaving on anti-gravity motorcycles and anti-gravity airships, and people kept appearing from the arches in vehicles and returning to the platform.

The platform where Giulio Pula was standing was the center of the entire bridge. At this time, the battle situation on the astrolabe was already obvious.

The defense line urgently set up by the Tau's weak guardian fleet has been easily broken through. Tal Anlek led a convoy fleet composed of two Embers, eight Star Dragons, eight Nova Dragons, and thirty small ships. Surrounded by them, they passed through the overlapping debris belts and approached the target.

At this time, even with the naked eye, one could see the huge outline of Ke'shan, the Tau family world, through the observation crystal window. Wang Tingxingshuai let go of his hand and let the command stick float beside him, then stood with his hands behind his back, looking quietly Looking at the scene in front of me.

According to the latest battle plan, as soon as the fleet left the webway, he commanded Tal Anlek to activate the jumping equipment, "drag" the fleet directly across the short distance of the void to the enemy's homeland, and the psychic engine was fully turned on. Going straight to the heart of the enemy, their plan is not only to attack here, but also to make the enemy panic and call back the fleet, and then they can turn around and attack the enemy's main force head-on, while the fleet remaining on the other side of the webway will It will attack the Kingdom of Lilarsus and annihilate the remaining enemy ships.

The core of the plan is to use their overwhelming strategic and tactical maneuverability to pull the enemy's slow fleet, and then defeat them one by one.

So after defeating the enemy's weak defensive fleet, he didn't have to worry.

Giulio Pula hopes to use this victory to further consolidate his prestige. In fact, not only others, he himself also knows very well that he can become the star commander simply because of his origin. He is a member of the ancient fleet. He is a descendant of the commander's family, but it does not mean that he is an excellent naval commander. In fact, he does not have great military exploits. There are many cynicisms about him in the royal court, and his way of dealing with it is hard. Study, study and train.

The only pity is that these Tau people are not worthy of his efforts.

The enemy's heart has been exposed, leaving only the dying orbital defense facilities. From time to time, some bright light from the explosion will briefly illuminate Jiulio's pupils.

The icy starlight shines on this cemetery. The wreckage of many battleships is floating in the cold space. Most of the wreckage has cooled down. Occasionally, the engines of some escape boats will be started to briefly illuminate the mountainous wreckage.

Giulio crossed his arms. The enemy ships were all very small and weak. It was not considered an honor, but could only be regarded as a small entertainment. Especially when the Tau warships were destroyed and exploded, it could also be regarded as a conversation on the battlefield. The soothing beauty - the silent flames tore apart the thousand-meter-long steel hull, and the flowers of death and destruction bloomed from the inside of the steel behemoth, there was a cruel and ultimate beauty.

This kind of death flower has bloomed in the dark galactic void countless times. The stamens of this death flower are mostly composed of the fire of the ether engine and the curvature engine and the explosion of the energy system. The petals are made of molten high-speed metal flow and ships. Composed of body fragments, no, no, it was also embellished with the lifeless remains of the Tau crew.

Since there is no atmosphere in space, when the ship explodes, the explosion's flames only last for a moment. Soon after, the flower will quietly wither, just like those fragile lives, sinking completely into darkness.

Giulio hopes that he can create more of these flowers. The Tau are an insignificant opponent. He hopes that his goal is something more powerful and grand, such as.


It's a pity that he only dares to think about it when he is alone. After all, he also respects that Highness. He just hopes that maybe one day the other person can truly wake up and get rid of that meaningless identity.

His wisdom and bravery would just be better used on Ada. Humanity is no longer worthy of having such a leader. They are only suitable for worshiping a rotting corpse.

"Commander Giulio, Captain Carmustine asked whether to launch an attack now?"

Hearing the voice from the communication crystal floating on the side, Giulio raised his eyebrows. Carmustine has been his friend since childhood and one of his confidants, so he can command the precious Ember Sword." "The Killer", UU Reading However, this person has a more radical personality and is more warlike. He is more eager to create meritorious deeds than Giulio.

"Wait a minute."

As Gioulio spoke, he called up close-up images of the enemy planet. At this time, there were very few guardian fleets left. There were only two old cruisers that had been severely damaged and lost their offensive and defensive capabilities and a dozen frigates. Around the planet's orbital facilities, it's like a cub desperately trying to protect its mother.

The trapped animals still fight, their fate has been determined.

But it has to be said that these Tau people are indeed very courageous. Even in the face of such a majestic Ada fleet, the only more than forty frigates and cruisers are still not afraid to fight, trying their best to hurt even a single person. An Ada battleship.

But they were too weak, too small, too slow, and too backward. They were said to be cruisers, but in fact, the largest battleship was not as good as the smallest ship in the Tears of Heaven fleet. Tal Anlek almost vaporized them all with one blow.

Tomorrow’s routine will be updated…

(End of chapter)

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