The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 222: the ancients

In Soshyang's eyes, the two fighters turned into a phantom of ferocious movements. The hacking and stabs were so varied that they looked like choreographed dances.

Thor wields two swords, each with the speed and power that a champion can have, and sparks when it collides with the claws.

The opponent responded with a more violent attack.

In the darkness, more sparks flew around them and on the scarred equipment. When they drove each other back and forth on the metal frame, the fierce duel turned into a turbulent moment of light and darkness.

Of course Soshyang couldn't stand by, watching the battlefield all the time, waiting for the opportunity.

Finally, he found the flaw exposed by the opponent within one second, and the left side of the mysterious person was exposed because of Thor's dexterity block. Immediately, the Sacred Yan sword fell towards the opponent like a meteor.

"Ha, come sneak attack?"

But the person's reaction was incredibly fast, and after blocking Thor's continuous stabbing, he jumped back in time.

The Sacred Yan sword only hit a spark on the opponent's fist's iron armor, and it scorched the neighboring leather.

Afterwards, there was a crisp sound of metal falling from the darkness.

"Broken again..."

The man made a grunt, then turned over and rushed towards Soshyang again.

Soshyang knew that he didn't have Thor's skills, and immediately replayed his sword, but the opponent had already bullied him and kicked him into the thick steam pipe.

With a loud bang, the diameter of the rusty metal pipe was dented and cracked. The hot steam scoured Soshyang's power machine, causing a garbled jump out of his helmet's tactical eyepiece.

The power of this foot is exaggerated to terrible, you must know that an Astarte body with a power machine can weigh nearly half a ton.

But the man didn't stop, and continued to attack. After passing through Thor's sword like a ghost, his claws rushed towards Soshyang's face.

Soshyang immediately bent over and rolled, avoiding the fatal blow, and the floor was also shattered when the metal glove slammed deeply into it.

Feeling the breath of the opponent on top of his head, Soshyang instinctively changed his action into an upward thrust-if he could make this blow with both hands, he might still have a chance.

But the reality is that he stabbed a hole.

Before Soshyang got up from the ground, the mysterious man, who was stuck in the air like a big bird, kicked his feet down suddenly.


Soshyang suddenly felt a large mountain pressing on his back, and his power armor made a terrible crunch under the destructive force, and pushed him to the ground.

Although he couldn't turn his head, Soshyang could feel the man squatting on him, as if he had captured prey—he couldn't help thinking of the statue in the temple.

Then? He heard the metal rubbing sound? The other side was scratching his helmet with the horrifying giant claws.

The voice was extremely cold, penetrating the eardrum straight into his soul.

"At least you are slightly stronger than Arachos..."

Soshyang didn't know who the other party was talking about? But that contemptuous tone made him very angry.

While holding his breath? His hand slowly touched the grenade on his waist...

But suddenly, his body lightened suddenly.

The other party left? Then he heard messy gunfire.

Thor used the explosive pistol to drive away the shadow squatting on Soshyang, and then again fought with the opponent with his sword.

The mysterious man swung his claws contemptuously and deflected the sword that pierced his stomach? Then he stepped forward into the short-range engagement range? He slammed Thor's helmet with his thorny metal gloves.

Thor retreated, the black goggles shattered and Tao Gang was dented by the thorns.

A trace of blood dripped from the shattered eyepiece, and this was also the first time Soshyang saw Thor bleed.

With a successful blow, the mysterious man immediately cut the Skyhawk emblem on Thor's chest with a sinister slash - if it wasn't for Thor to withdraw in time? This one might spill a string of blood and internal organs.

Sol tried to fight back? The two swords danced in his hand, after blocking the claws, they followed the opponent's left shoulder all the way up, trying to cut into the opponent's covered head, but he was immediately blocked and locked by the huge gene stealer's claws.

But a scorching sword separated them.

Soshyang also joined the battle group again, and the three extraordinary fighters immediately fought together.


But less than ten seconds after they confronted each other? The whole temple trembled with a loud noise, and from time to time rubble fell from the top of the head.

"Damn it!"

Seems to realize what's going on? The shadow uttered a curse, then dashed into a corner.

Soon? Soshyang heard the drag of heavy objects.

The entire space suddenly became darker, and Soshyang could only vaguely see the figure? He dragged a long object out.

"Be careful……"

Thor softly issued a warning? And put on a defensive stance.

A few seconds later? At a distance of less than fifty meters from Soshyang, the shadow regained its footing.

Soshyang carefully put his sword across his chest, not knowing what the opponent was playing, until Saul suddenly shouted:


In the silence, a roar suddenly sounded, and Suo Shiyang heard it really, it was clearly the sound of the chainsaw activation.

Then, the entire space trembles at the moment the shadow falls from the sky.

Soshyang and Thor raised their weapons to block at the same time.

For an instant, several weapons were twisted together, and the will and body of their respective users were in a stalemate, and the power armor's server also made a harsh rubbing sound.

Soshyang couldn't even see what the weapon was.

The ground under their feet began to burst, the slabs bent and gave up resistance.

In the end, the accumulated power exploded.

A thunderous impact rebounded along the ground, and they separated sharply, and Thor flew out directly.

Soshyang tumbled a few times before holding his body in a half-squatting posture, but the shadow also regained its footing, waving a huge weapon like a winged beast.

He let out a low growl, grabbed and pulled the shadow behind him with invisible power, entangling the bat-like silhouette.

Soshyang struggled to prop up one knee and clenched the Sacred Yan sword with both hands.

His body was trembling, gray marrow was flowing through his blood vessels, and his heart shook as it dig deeper.

An empty and silent realm appeared, shattering the surge of invisible psychic energy.

The shadow whispered in surprise, and then just smiled, letting the shadows dissipate, and the whole person was like a vague, grinning ghost forced to Soshyang.


Suddenly, there was a loud shout, and at the same time the temple vibrated strongly again.

The shadow really stopped, only less than ten meters away from Soshyang.

Soshyang stood up and saw Sol standing 100 meters away, with the sword in his hand touching a two-person high metal tank. After looking at it for a few seconds, he immediately remembered the original name of this thing-the survival capsule.

Star Whisperers sleep in this kind of life-sustaining pod when they travel long distances.

"Sol Taviz, I don't remember you being such a despicable person."

The mysterious man whispered, containing suppressed anger.

"You still remember me, that's a blessing."

Saul let out a chuckle, but confused Soshyang.

"Instructor Thor, do you know him?"

"Yes, how come you don't know, right? Are you going to continue to cover up."

Hearing Saul's words, the man did not answer, but rather impatiently tore off the leather cloak from his body.

This is a tall man, wearing a close-fitting black leather jacket, judging from his body shape, he should still be an Astarte.

His face is There are two scars on his left forehead and cheek and mouth corners, no matter what the expression is, it seems to be a sneer.

It is difficult to tell his age from the outside, but the years have left many marks on his body, including short white hair and slight wrinkles on the brows and corners of the eyes.

Covering him is a simple set of primitive iron armor with obvious handwork marks, covered with spines and leather, and some brand-new scars can be seen.

In the case of wearing power armor, he was able to fight inextricably with two Astartes wearing power armor. This person's strength made Soshyang feel a little horrified.

And in his hand, he also held a huge chain saw halberd, just now he used this weapon to simultaneously suppress Soshyang and Thor at the same time.

"Soshyang, let me introduce it to you."

Thor pointed at the survival capsule with one sword in his hand, and pointed at the mysterious man with the other.

"The commander of the Eighth Legion, the commander of the Black Guards, one of the members of the Night Bat Council, the killer who killed many loyal warriors in the Great Rebellion, and the only guy in the scum pile who is still like that little talk, the crow prince, Ya Go Savitarion."

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