The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 212: Blood Mine (Part 2)

   After a while, Soshyang realized that the rest of the aliens had disappeared.

   The tunnel is suddenly empty.

   Thor, who walked forward, pierced with a bullet and was still struggling on the ground, but his entire lower body was torn to pieces, and he stood beside Soshyang.

   "It seems that the alien threat has been completely confirmed."

   Hearing Saul's words, Soshyan responded with a cough.

They stood among the piles of corpses like this. He could hear the heavy breathing of the fighting brothers from the communication, and knew that they were struggling to quell their fighting spirit-when Astarte used his own violence, he also Have to know to control it.

   "Your opinion is back -"

   Before the words fell, they heard a loud explosion and collision from the previous passage.

   There is no doubt that the tunnel to return to the secondary mining area has collapsed. The enemy has clearly arranged an ambush, or that the killing itself is part of the ambush.

   These aliens are by no means brainless beasts.

   And what happened next also confirmed Soshyan’s idea

  From deeper in the mine tunnel ahead and from the other two tunnels leading to the intersection, various firearms began to scream and spit.

   "Move to the right."

   Soshyang gave a concise command, turning from the darkness illuminated by the firelight and retreating to the light at the intersection.

   They ran, the bullets stirred up gravel and blown up large pieces of mud from the walls on both sides.

   During the operation, Soshyang felt a heavy bullet hit his left shoulder pad, but it was blocked by the outer layer of fine gold.

   Another shot exploded when it was rubbed on his backpack. There was no doubt that it was a blaster gun. The enemy also had a heavy blaster-level weapon.

   Then the third shot threw a huge spark on the rails under his boots.

   More bullets flew into the other two adjacent tunnel entrances, and the fire from the heavy muzzle revealed faint but flying red eyes.

   "Bird divination has failed."

   Thor said loudly as he hid in the bunker next to him, that the filled mine bucket trembled when the bullet hit its surface and exploded.

   "Are there other routes?"

   "I am scanning, it may be possible, but it will take time."

   Having said that, but the alien will not give them time.

  The firepower from the attackers in the dark is increasing, and even when Soshyang’s thoughts are formed, with the screaming of the launch, a crash and a fragmented rocket trajectory appeared from the opposite tunnel.

   In the next second, it smashed into an overturned ore bucket in front, smashed it into a sieve with fragments, and let it fly.

  According to the Astarte scripture, the standard procedure to resolve an ambush of this type is a roundabout counterattack with cover, but the narrow terrain restricts such operations.

   Then there is only one solution.

   "You need to attract them to the open area and solve them all at once."

   Soshyang said on the public channel:

   "We retreat."

   "Where? They have blocked the only way back to the secondary mining area."

   "There is a transportation lane over there, that will lead them to the intersection."

   "According to the scan, there is no shelter there."

   Thor then warned.

   "You have to think about it."

   "If we try to be dragged here without support, we will only waste time, and there will be more uncertainty."

   Soshyang made up his mind.

   "Withdraw in battle formation and retreat to the tunnel on the left."

   The astral knights then withdrew from the bunker, and at the same time the first half of the tactical squad began a cover salvo, blindly splashing explosive bombs into the tunnel under attack.

  While they did this, the second half of the team got up and kicked the gravel on the railroad sleepers, rushing back to the transportation channel.

   They were attacked when they left. The physical bullet hit Tao Gang and caused the weak spots of their armor to bleed.

   But they simply went into the real darkness without any loss of personnel.

   "Fire cover."

   Soshyang then commanded the second half of the team to open fire, covering the front team to withdraw.

   The former team is led by Saul. He uses a blaster pistol as he moves and fires a series of bullets at the nearest tunnel entrance.

   He suspected that he had hit anything, but that was not the purpose.

   Before entering the entrance of the passage, Thor threw a grenade backwards, and after a loud noise, there was a wailing.

The white-burning energy exploded on a tunnel wall, and at the same time it stirred up a burst of blood fog, it also instantly illuminated the attackers-a group of fourth-generation mixed men wearing miners uniforms with no hair on their heads and holding guns. Kind.

   They look almost the same as humans, except for their slightly pale skin and appearance, but they are undoubtedly alien and non-human.

The appearance of    also means that the planet has been infiltrated extremely seriously.

   This again has to mention the unique reproductive mode of the gene stealer.

   First of all, pure gene stealers will inject genetic material into the host to start the cycle of infection.

   After the parasites spread and the sect of stealers grows, the first stealer will control the patriarch of the stealers, and then slowly grow into an extremely huge psionic monster-the nest master.

  The host will return to their society, and then begin to have an urgent desire to find a partner to form a family, and this partner will later be infected by the stealer's gene.

  The body structure of the host is still similar to their race, although there are some pale and bluish skin, and will be controlled by the patriarch's mind to become slaves, which makes them perfect infiltrators forever.

   Then, the host will give birth

   The first generation of alien freaks, also the first generation of hybrids

   Compared with other gene stealers, the first generation hybrids are just a group of animals, slow, clumsy, and low-powered. The stealer sects often only treat them as consumables.

  They usually have three to four arms and do not use the technology and weapons of the host race, but they will give birth to

   The second generation hybrid.

Each second-generation hybrid is unique. This generation can reproduce selectively. Most of them treat their parents as writers and animals ~ and some characteristics have been enhanced, such as speed and strength. , Aggressiveness.

   Compared to the conventional gene stealers, they are more like the host race, but they still cannot use the host race's technology.

   And their offspring is the third generation hybrid.

   This hybrid is very close to the appearance of the race they are parasitizing, and can even mix into the host race. If you wear camouflage clothes or hide in the shadows, you can even move in the society of this race.

   More importantly, some individuals in this generation can already use the weapons of the host race.

  The fourth-generation hybrid they produced is also the most difficult generation to distinguish from the host race.

  The fourth-generation hybrid has only some minor deformities, but some individuals still have signs that reveal their identity, such as bald heads or fangs.

  Because they can integrate into the host society, they will try to seduce, kidnap, or whatever method they can to increase the host as much as possible.

   Some rare individuals in this generation even have psionic powers, and these individuals will become elders of stealers.

   Here, the most bizarre reproductive part of the gene stealer is here.

   The fourth-generation hybrid that most closely resembles the host, the fifth-generation they produce, but

   will be "beaten back to its original shape" abnormally.

   In the fifth generation, the DNA of gene stealers will reappear on them, making them complete Tyrann gene stealers, a terrifying alien killer, but with some physiological characteristics of the host race.

  The cycle of penetration also begins, and a brand new stealer will have the potential to penetrate another world.

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