The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 205: Awakening

   Whenever he recalls what happened that night, Falla has nothing but regret except fear.

   In fact, in addition to him that night, Bodley also escaped. He was able to break free, to a large extent because Bodley, the mechanical priest, had made some combat transformations on himself long ago.

   But they didn't escape very far before they were blocked by the rebels.

   "In the name of the emperor, where are you going, wizard?"

   It was a strong bald man who was in charge of kidnapping them, and he led the team to block the two in the alley.

   He let out an evil laugh, and walked straight towards them. The four followers followed closely, walking through the enclosed space of the alley together.

   "Raise your hands obediently and don't make any unnecessary movements, otherwise I won't guarantee your safety."

   "You stay and don't move."

   Bodri took off his red robe, revealing his sturdy muscles and the electric discharge device inlaid on his chest. Then he slammed his fists hard, and the fingers on the tiger slammed into a spark.

   "Trash, let you know the consequences of offending Omnisia!"

   After speaking, he rushed to the kidnappers.

   "You deal with him."

The chief    ordered his men, and those people immediately rushed over to try to grab Bodley and press it against the wall, but they were shocked by electric shocks as soon as they touched, but they were knocked to the ground with punches one by one.

   But the bald leader didn't seem to be worried. Instead, he rushed past them, his eyes flashing fiercely.

   "He is not a wizard, then you are the only one."

   Subconsciously, Falla turned and ran.

   There was almost no lighting in the alley, and he staggered through the semi-dark area, but the sound of the opponent's footsteps caught up with him.

  Here, he could hear Bodri's roar when he was fighting, and the yelling when he realized he was abandoned afterwards.

  Faya didn't look back, he just wanted to escape, because he knew the true identity of these kidnappers, and they had no chance of winning.

   But the other party still caught him, grabbed the back collar of his robe and staggered him.

   The scarred fist of the bald leader hit his shoulder and dragged him to the root of the wall, then slammed him into a pile of dirt.

   "Damn monster!"

   The bald leader took a sip and slammed Falla's stomach with his fist.

   The thin priest bent down, and the air was squeezed out of his lungs. Because he wanted to stand firm and gasped for breath, he instinctively grabbed the water pipe on the side, but was immediately pushed back to the wall.

   "You would be nothing without your master, right?"

   He grabbed Faya's short black hair and forced him to look behind the tunnel.

   A monster is killing Bodri, a purebred gene stealer, and that kind of electric shock has no effect on it.

   Bodri was thrown to the ground by it. Before he stopped yelling, his huge claw had already opened his chest and pulled out the **** internal organs.

  Faya's body was filled with shame and anger, and his gurgling breath was stuck.

   "Where is your wizarding power, freak?"

   The bald leader sneered and turned his head to let the two face each other.

   The scarred face looked distorted in the shadows, like an inhuman alien—in fact, he was indeed.

   "Say, where is your master hiding!"

   The bald head raised his fist, ready to teach Falla a lesson.

   But with an angry roar, Falla caught him unexpectedly. The purebred gene stealer felt the crisis and turned around to jump away, but was frozen in an instant.

   The time in the alley seemed to freeze, and everyone's movements remained the previous second.

   The only exception is Falla.

   His eyes burned, and they were alive with weird, burning light, and the roar turned into a wild roar.

   "Your soul is mine, alien bastard!!!"

  Faya clenched his fist tighter with incredible power, and the bone he held in his hand snapped with the damp crunch.

  The surging pain and the nightmarish picture coincide and are pushed into the will of this bald alien hybrid.

   The purebred screamed and lit a supernatural flame, turning it into a torch dripping wax.

   Then, Falla let go of the bald man-his will has been completely ravaged, the whole person knelt on his knees, his face twisted, and his eyes blank.

He left here and walked towards the residence along the passage in his memory. He knew that after this incident, he could no longer return to his original identity, but he still wanted to take some things with him and to his three colleagues who died. There is an explanation.

Facts proved that he was right. After being questioned by the Legal Department the next day, he realized that it would be difficult for him to continue hiding. He could only use unskilled psychic means to manipulate the interrogator to release himself, and then fled to the mining area as soon as possible. .

   He didn't dare to take the big road, so he could only take a hidden path. In the process, the whimper always echoed in the crowded mouse hole.

   This road is very narrow and there is almost no space to stand on. Most of the area can only be bent and passed before expanding to the larger pits of the surrounding sub-district mining areas.

   That's where Falla wants to enter, the No. 14 mining area.

  If he were given a choice, he would actually choose jail and shackles more happily instead of getting lost in the dark underground world.

   But his life no longer belongs to him.

   He took a dilapidated illuminator from the basket at the entrance of the mouse hole. Its flashing light was now his only partner, and he was convinced that with every second of the past, the shadow was invading its faint lighting range.

   His shoulder was scratched by the wall of the cave, and after some time he had to push the lamp into the cold, damp mud in front of him, pushing it down in the suffocated space.

   He continued, trying not to think about the claustrophobic walls or the dirt that was pressing against him.

   He can still hear the voice of the other party when he abandons Bodri. The terrifying noise echoed in his mind with the alien scream.

   For a moment, he seemed to be blind, and when the vision came back he realized that it was not his own.

   The strange picture forced itself into his retina, like a slender, morphing phantom with a shining limb, and an aftershock of a bright lightning behind him.

   He heard sonorous laughter resounding frantically around the dirt corridor.

   Something came for him.

   He must leave before it finds him.

   He felt that he might be or even worse, so he broke out another sob and echoed along the mouse hole.

   At this time, an existence responded to him.

   A thought broke into his mind. It was a broken voice, a grating sound that was confided to him in the darkest hours of the night—a weird but not entirely aggressive whisper.

keep going.

   It urged.

"I can not make it."

  Faya said, wiping her nose with her sleeve, and a blood stain suddenly appeared on the sleeve.

   "They came to me."

   There is still time, come to me, now, I will protect your safety.

  Faya managed to obey, and managed to force his tired limbs to work when passing through the semi-dark space. He walked very slowly, dragging himself without thinking, as if the advice in his mind had spread to the rest of his body.

   It is an extraordinary willpower that encourages him to act.

   Eventually, he fell out of the hole and came to the secondary mine, although his body was burning from fatigue, covered with sticky plaster from head to toe.

   Very good, my agent, it's time to completely abandon your past identity and return to your followers.

   Some kind of will drove Falla to stand up, ignoring the pain of her limbs, and placed a crow mask and a feather cloak on the ground.

  Faya was stunned for a while, he didn't know if he really wanted to bid farewell to the past.

   But he had no choice. The moment he put on the mask, Faya, the weak mechanical priest, ceased to exist.

   He turned into a black ghost and staggered down the corridor on the ground. Before he left, he placed the searchlight at the entrance of the mouse hole, but he did not look back.

   Behind him, the light flashed once and then went out.

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