The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 192: A big win

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The noise outside was like fire, but the airborne cabin was silent like night.

All ascetic fighters let their minds immerse themselves in the pre-war meditation.

The sound of Oak’s anti-aircraft fire also gradually fell silent, which allowed the orbiting fleet to mobilize more support forces and drop them down—including the Rand Raiders, Predator Tanks, and Dreadnought Mechas.

This greatly accelerated the process of offensive.

Once the wave of destruction begins to spread, it can no longer be stopped, and blood flows from one control point to the next.

Viewed from space, the entire area seemed to be infected by some kind of terrible cancer that cannibalize extremely fast, and the blazing fire spread rapidly from one node to another.

Finally, the first airdrop capsule fell steadily to the ground, and the sound was so violent, as if the ground was shaking.

It pierced deep into the earth's crust, splashing dust and mud, and the rock was unavoidably shattered under the impact, and rushed to the surrounding with the billowing waves.

In the next second, the hatch peeled off and hit the ground. The bolts originally installed on the frame were also suddenly loosened, shaking endlessly.

Under the traumatized shell, the restraint cage cracked open, releasing the dangerous and deadly cargo it contained.

After such a long wait, the ascetics finally rushed into the battlefield under the cover of firepower, and the shining blasting gun joined the already woven firepower net and attacked the enemy in front of them overwhelmingly.

With the efforts of the Astral Knights, the bridgehead had been built before the airborne capsule fell.

A few minutes after the fierce exchange of fire, the ascetics seized their foothold under Greenskin's counterattack. The follow-up troops used this as a basis to launch a steady stream of attacks and repelled all the Greenskin troops that had poured out of the fortress.

Attacks from the air followed the team’s usual tactics—barbarous and efficient, but also extremely terrifying deterrence.

After gaining an initial advantage, the heavy transport ships also began to land on the surface of the planet one after another, relying on the firepower of ground forces to protect them, and the predator tanks carried in the cabin drove out one after another.

The engines roared and the barrels moved back and forth. They were eager to lock onto enemy targets one after another.

There are also fearless mechas. These most precious and rare battlefield resources have also been deployed on Furen. At this moment, they are walking out of their uniquely shaped airborne capsules, the revolving cannons spit out fiery flames, and the lightning claws are high. Up.

The sky at this moment is like a grotesquely colored tapestry, and intense flashes caused by bursts of explosions and flares rise from the ground to illuminate it.

From above the invisible void, laser beams continued to bombard the surface, although sometimes their pure and flawless halo would be disturbed by the trajectory of rockets flying by or passing by the wings.

The green-skinned warlord guards, trapped in the main block, are still struggling to resist the first wave of ascetics.

These big men in heavy armor braved the rain of bullets and launched a charge, trying to get close to the temporary position established by the ascetics, and the roar was shaking.


At the same time, on the shell of the fortress, various artillery pieces appeared after the fortifications that had not yet been destroyed. The barrels were almost parallel to the ground, shaking endlessly under the action of recoil.

The larger, heavily armed cans of fear also walked out slowly from the shadow of the city wall. They looked very much like the machine that Soshyan killed before, but it was not that big.

The launchers mounted on their shoulders aimed at the area where the fighting was the worst, and blasted the grenade and rockets mercilessly.

For a time, the battle was in a stalemate.

There is no doubt that the guard here is indeed the most elite Ouke on the planet. They are fighting to death even in desperate situations. Once anyone falls, the space will be immediately filled, and no one is willing to take a half step back.

During the period, there were even special Ouke squads carrying more deadly weapons to join the battlefield—the storm kid, the explosive kid, the nerve kid, and a lot of them.

All this, until the Cybertinika Legion emerged from the gunpowder at a neat pace, and finally came to an end.

With the assistance of combat robots and astral knights, the ascetics quickly strangled all the enemies around the landing site, and began to advance toward the depths, expanding the scope of occupation, and gradually establishing a stable front.

Pulling the battlefield perspective to a greater height, just like the previous plan, with the main plug as the core, the Astral Army and the Weeping Band have completed their respective deployments, and the battle lines spread out in a long and narrow arc.

Especially the Weeping Group in the north. They adopted a more violent and rapid tactic. With the assistance of the armored assault battalion, they quickly consolidated the advantages they had gained and completely destroyed the energy core on the main star of Fren. .

At the same time, after the fierce battle, the astral army also occupied and secured the access to the east of the fortress, and cut the huge fortress apart from the reinforcements.

Although the green-skinned warlord of Foren Star is still under the protection of the fortress, in fact, the fortress built by it has become its own prison.

The executioner has already entered.


The airdrop hatch crashed to the ground, revealing the night sky that seemed to be bordered by flames, and the sight of destruction was turning into ruins wherever he could see.

Looking to the west, it is not difficult to judge the position of each team from the echoing volley of blasting guns.

Magyar’s sight has never left the north from beginning to end—the yellowish-brown giant rising upwards has been turned into a large faint scorched black by flames, and after repeated baptisms by the orbital bombing pouring down like a torrent, it leads to the warlord fortress. The passageway has now been bombed beyond recognition, and the gravel soil lifted up even obscured the horizon.

The fortress and the tower are squeezing and biting each other, just to compete for space. The inorganic steel shells are intertwined to form the curtain wall and buttresses surrounding the fortress. On top of this, they piece together the shape of the half moon fort and the fortress. The creation stands proudly like a cliff.

At this moment, the fire was slowly licking along the whole body of this monster, and the thick boiling smoke was as thick as a curtain, covering the barriers and protective walls layer by layer.

Although the shield on the top of the fortress was still rock solid, the surrounding low-level platforms were completely destroyed. The place where the entrance and exit were supposed to be, only the debris of rubble falling down the slope.

This means that there are no obstacles that can delay the charge of ground troops.

The ascetics began to run, and as soon as they jumped out of the airborne cabin, they rushed along the road to the giant gate in front of them and rushed to the defenders' position.

In the night sky, the fire blasted into the sky, and the light burst from the energy weapon continued to shine through the surrounding gloomy world like stars.

The Predator tank continued to bombard forward, and every time the main artillery stretched and retracted, it would sway slightly backwards on the road, while the Rand Predator ran over the unrecognizable ground without anyone else.

Above the steel torrent, the Storm Crow gunboat kept hovering at a low altitude, while the fuel in the engine boiled and roared, continuing to provide the downward thrust for this group of steel raptors that unreservedly release their lethality.

Magyar opened his mouth and took a deep breath, savoring the taste of the world he was about to slaughter.

Finally, Magyar pulled out his death sickle and sprinted.

The first prey didn't make him wait long. The hapless group was shooting at a Rand raider without even realizing that Magyar was rushing towards them.

By the time they came back to their senses, it was already too late, and the roaring sickle swept across with the force of thunder.

Death bloomed in the center of the Oak Front.

Whether it is armor or flesh, the huge sickle can easily tear them apart.

Along with the trajectory of the waving, the spark of the arc explosion leaves a string of fleeting light in the air.

Suddenly, Magyar began to laugh, although through the filtering of the helmet's audio system, the laughter mixed with thick white noise sounded almost exactly like the roar of a beast.

With the sickle rising and falling again and again, the body that lost its life kept flying up and then falling to the ground.

Under Magyar's personal leadership, the vanguard force composed of the Terminator squad pushed forward like a bamboo, and soon came to the front of the causeway.

At this time, the armored troops also approached the city, aiming at the fortress wall and starting a salvo of gunfire.

Although the green-skinned defenders also set up defensive artillery positions on the city walls, there were also sporadic counterattacks from time to time. This weak firepower was like sinking into the sea, and there was no way to delay the momentum of the entire battle group's growing and expanding charge.

After breaking through the gate, Magyar was the first to rush into the fortress, and Soshyan and the astral knights only assisted them in fighting outside the fortress, and did not enter the fortress together.

Because this is the honor of the ascetics.

In the end, three hours after Lord Magyar entered the fortress, the alien reaper appeared under the sky again, but stood on the top of the fortress.

With a shattered shoulder armor on one side and covered in blood, he was holding a huge sickle in one hand, and a huge and hideous head in the other—

The green-skinned warlord of Foren Star officially became the 245th collection of the Death Temple.

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