The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 115: Final election (middle)

  As a child of the nest capital nobles, Oscar often pilots his own aircraft, but even so, in the bumpy transport aircraft cabin, his belly is overwhelming.

   In the cabin, he could still control his emotions, but when the transport plane landed and they walked out of the cabin door, he suddenly felt sick.

   But he suppressed the urge to vomit.

   Time seems to pass faster in the crowded cabin than outside, as if in a dream, when he recovered from his nausea, he found himself standing in an unfamiliar mountainous area.

   The range of this mountainous area is about 100 hectares. It is surrounded by a river, making this mountainous area look like an isolated island.

   There are three main peaks visible to the naked eye in the mountainous area. Oscar's visual elevation is all around 700 meters, not particularly high. The only rare thing is that the entire mountain area is shrouded in lush forest, which is rare on Nathan-4.

   Soon after the first transport plane landed, the other transport planes also landed one after another. The boys walked out of the cabin in a daze and looked at this strange mountainous land.

   Later, the Thunder Eagle branded with the Legion's mark also landed on the flat clearing.

   The priest in black armor walked towards them.

   At this time, Oscar's mind suddenly began to think about a strange situation-what would it be like if all these candidates started attacking this priest.

   Then he came to the simple conclusion that this **** of death will take care of all of them unharmed.

   "This mountain area is where you will fight."

   Pastor said, he stretched out his **** fingers towards the lush mountains, and his armor made a light sound.

   "Once you enter, you will not be able to leave it. If any of you leaves it before the trial is complete, then he will be killed on the spot."

   As he said, a red armored Astarte walked out of the Thunder Eagle. His most notable characteristic was the huge backpack and the mechanical appendages on the backpack.

   "He looks so unique, why is there a mechanical teaching sign on his shoulder?"

   Dade attached to Oscar's ear and asked in a low voice.

   "I think about it... this should be a technical sergeant in the battle group."

   Sure enough, when the soldier walked up to the boys and introduced himself after standing still, Oscar's statement was confirmed.

   "I'm Rico Rogris, a technical sergeant of the Astral Knights! Now, all of you have to wear this collar!"

   said, the star warrior raised his arm, and on his finger, he picked a dark brown collar with a small instrument on it.

   "This collar can capture the position of each of you. Once one of you leaves the designated area, the explosives in this collar will blow your little heads from your neck to the sky!"

  As soon as he said this, all the boys shrank their necks unanimously.

   "Also, if someone wants to take it off privately in the middle, it will also explode!"

   For a time, the boys were quiet.

   "Now, everyone wears it consciously!"

   When the servants brought the collars to the boy one by one, some of them were reluctant, but they still put on them.

   After all, here, the words of the Star Warriors are absolute authority.

   "You may think this is inhumane, but it is completely reasonable."

   Yazdan took Rogers’ words and said loudly:

   "Because the one who flees before the battle is tarnishing his own name with shame!"

   The pastor's stern scolding made everyone realize that this trial may no longer be the "peaceful" competition in the academy.

"In this mountainous area, there are a total of ten strongholds, so the goal of this trial is also very simple! In the five-day trial, you need to find one of the strongholds and guard it! Until five days later, it is still The group that stays in the stronghold will become the winner! The other stronghold can only accommodate one group. If there are two groups in it, then they will all become losers!"

   As he said, the priest lowered his arm and his voice was lowered a little.

"Victory doesn't mean everything. Simple fierceness is not the quality we are looking for. Brotherhood, honor, humility, kindness, binding force and wisdom are the qualities we value most, but we should also not have an illusion. This is not In a civilized game, if you refuse to kill, you will inevitably be killed by others."

   "Decisively is the forerunner of success, you must seize the opportunity, otherwise you will fail."

   said, the technical sergeant turned to the servant behind him, and they were in groups of four, pulling the trailer to the front of the team.

   Then the technical sergeant reached out and lifted the white cloth covered on the trailer.

"Everyone can get a standard equipment, a combat suit, a tactical dagger, a small-caliber live ammunition weapon, an external flashlight, fifty rounds of ammunition, and a standard supply, but remember, there is Food and water are very limited. In addition, each team can get two walkie-talkies, three smoke bombs, a map and a compass. The map shows the terrain and the locations of 9 strongholds."

   Having said this, the technical sergeant turned to other trailers and lifted the cloth on them one by one.

   "Each team has an opportunity to choose the same additional material. You have 20 minutes to consider it. Please be cautious, because this will determine whether you can succeed or fail next."

   Oscar stared wide-eyed, and found that the supplies on the trailer were in order.

   An extra walkie-talkie, a special map ~ ~ marked the location of the tenth secret stronghold.

   Ten shares of extra supplies, equivalent to doubling the amount of supplies and ammunition carried by each person, and two medical boxes with fixed plates, gauze bandages, hemostatic agents, analgesics, antibiotics and simple first aid equipment.

   Ten camouflage suits and ten night vision equipment.

   Ten sets of crustacean protective gear, including helmets and knee pads, have a certain probability of resisting small-caliber bullets at longer distances. There are also four-sided explosion-proof shields that can resist small-caliber bullets at close range.

   A heavy machine gun with 300 rounds of ammunition, but it requires multiple people to operate it.

   Twenty high-explosive grenades and three remote controlled shaped bombs.

   Two biochemical hounds, both of them have received bio-enhancement and mechanization. They are equipped with sensors and identification devices. They can accurately sense abnormal activities and odors within a range of 500 meters. They can understand basic instructions and participate in investigations and operations.

A flare gun and three flare flares. The red flare can summon an airdrop supply, there is a small amount of food, water and ammunition, and the blue flare can summon a combat robot (made by Loken, carrying live ammunition), but it You can only fight for five minutes, and the green flare can get an electronic map. The map will mark the position of each team before the flare is launched.

"The sign of the beginning of the trial is a golden firework, and the sign of the end is also a golden firework. When the second firework rises, all of you must immediately put down your weapons! If anyone is still there after the trial is over Fight, I will kill him myself."

   After the pastor finished speaking, looking down on all of them, Oscar immediately thought of the scene where the other's huge handguards crushed his head.

   The boy shivered immediately.

   He guessed, no one would want to try.

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