The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 102: 1 good boy

   In the silent private cabin, Soshyang gradually fell asleep.

   I don't know if it was in a dream or in reality, the ethereal bells of the church came into his ears, followed by chanting and prayers.

   Soshyang was not disturbed in any way. Instead, his body became soothed and his limbs gradually relaxed...

   The pastor's deep voice and the beautiful singing of the choir did not seem to stop over time, but continued to echo around them, becoming more and more ethereal.

   Soshyang’s ears were full of this wonderful movement, and he couldn't help crying.

   Although his eyelids tried to fill with tears, he was still unable to do so. Instead, he felt unbearably dry.

   He felt that he had become lighter, lighter than when he was in the void, and his soul seemed to be leaving the **** of his body soon.

   Soshyang's breathing became smooth, and his sleepiness kept pouring into his head, as thick and heavy as the quagmire of a swamp.

   There are many images in his consciousness. They are so real that Soshyan regards them as reality.

  Wandering, he returned to the old mansion, his parents were looking at him, and the wind gently fiddled with their clothes.

   "Father! Mother!"

   Soshyang couldn't help screaming, while his father was watching him, holding his wife's shoulders tightly.

   His mother, who hugged his mother in her dreams countless times, nodded to him with a smile.

   "You are already an angel, my son."

   She waved her hand and smiled and said:

   "Open your wings and fly, fly."

   Suddenly, a golden light flashed in the sky behind her.

   The music has become softer and softer, like a heavenly movement, presumably even the emperor’s voice will not be sweeter than this.

   However, he could not fly, instead he began to fall, falling deeper and deeper into the bottomless abyss——

   Then he saw himself.

   He saw him on another ship, a certain type of capital ship, tightly holding on to the railing of the commanding throne, and he successfully coordinated an action and eliminated a group of traitors at the orbital station.

   The joy of victory and cold determination rolled in his heart.

  He won his first victory after becoming the captain of the battle group——

   He continued to fall.

   saw him standing among his brothers, with a medal on his chest, on a high platform, facing the applauding recruits, in a glorious, echoing marble room.

   He is young, his body is no longer as dry as before, strong and vibrant.

  Excited joy filled his thoughts.

   The fall continues.

   The boy with an indifferent expression was receiving congratulations from many people. A group of people walked past him, shook hands with him, and took a photo with him. The gorgeous graduation gown looked out of place on his body.

   He is so silent, but he is the only one who can taste the excitement in his heart.

  He has passed the selection.

   Finally, everything will end.

   He fell into a forgotten corner.

   In a room lit by wagging candles.

   The current Superman is just a child, dressed in plain, childish clothes, curled up on the cot.

   He was crying, trying to cover the cry with one hand, while the other hand was holding a toy, a metal statue of Astarte that had lost an arm.

   He is still so young, thinking almost like when he was just born.

  Occupy its senses, only those impressions that have been fixed-warmth, comfort, and love.

   Father's encouraging voice, mother's safe embrace.

   Suddenly, a hand was placed on Soshyang's shoulder, making him sober.

   He turned around from facing the wall and saw Sol, who was not wearing a helmet, bent over and stood by his bed, with his hands on his shoulders.

   "I'm sorry I didn't knock on the door."

   Although the other party said so, Soshyang knew that his room was not so easy to get in. Sol definitely used other methods-such as finding a certain technical priest.

   But in any case, since the other party broke in like this, it means that something happened that must be solved by him.

   Soshyan swept those heavy emotional burdens into the corners of his heart.

   He once again became the commander of the Astral Knights.

   "Instructor Thor, what happened?"

   Soshyang rubbed his sour face and sat up from the bed with his legs on the edge of the bed—he was not wearing power armor right now.


   In Soshyan's confused gaze, Saul pulled a chair from the side and sat on it.

   "I just heard something."

   Soshyang froze for a moment, then dropped his hand.

   "I have taken care of those things. You don't need to put too much attention on it. The preliminary selection of recruits is about to begin. You are the main planner and you have to be prepared."

   "There are three days left."

   Thor smiled and patted the other person on the shoulder.

   "I mean, Alexei, you don't need to blame yourself too much, you are a good boy."


   Soshyang also laughed.

   "Soshyan Arikshe is a good boy."

   Thor certainly understood Soshyan's mockery, and he shook his head.

   "You know what I mean, you are their pride, maybe your departure made them feel lost and even painful, but today you are definitely what they would like to see."

   Soshyang’s chuckle turned into real He kept laughing until his dry eyes were wet.

   Since he became an angel and a superman, tears have appeared in his eyes for the first time.

   Then, his laughter stopped, and both of them fell silent.

ten minutes later--

   "Instructor Thor, am I very weak?"

"Why do you say that."

   "We are taught that we should abandon all the thoughts, restraints and desires of mortals, including our memories of the past. Human nature is our weakness."


   Thor crossed his chest with both hands, leaned back on the chair, and nodded lightly.

   "Soshyan, let me ask you a question. Do you think that the great rebellion happened because of too much humanity in those Astarte's minds?"

   Soshyang was speechless for a while.

   "Those massacres, those destructions, are they all because they are too human?"

   Thor shook his head.

   "No, on the contrary, most traitors I know are the scum of extinction."

   said, he put his hands on Soshyang's shoulders, bringing the two closer together.

"Remember, human nature is certainly our weakness, but it is also human nature that makes us fighters, not mere weapons. Those traitors simply embrace their desires, but this is not the reason for us to abandon humanity. You know there is nothing. What are human things? You must know, because you have faced them before."

   Soshyang nodded, of course he had faced it.

   Those soulless mechanical undead, in a sense, they are indeed.

   "So you have to remember the things that make you cry, remember their value, not forget... someday, they will help you."

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