The Emperor of the Primordial World

C197 purple gas from the east

"To cultivate the Arhat Golden Body also requires a lot of effort and effort. It's impossible to practice it overnight, it will take some time." After Yuan Beidou heard the bird cry, he opened his eyes. He had been training the Arhat Golden Body the whole time during the latter half of the night, but the results were not very good.

Yuan Beidou stretched out his muscles and touched between his eyebrows, muttering: "This trip to the Sky Mystery Realm can be said to be a big harvest, and now I have cultivated the White Tiger Spirit Qi, and with the refining of the stony embryo of nine orifices, my fighting strength, I can once again increase by a level."

When Bai Chixiao, Zhong Huiyu and the others saw Yuan Beidou again, they couldn't help but be stunned.

"You've become stronger again!" Bai Chixiao said with a serious expression, "And more than a little stronger."

"Maybe so... After all, I have just refined a stony embryo of nine orifices. " Yuan Beidou said. stony embryo of nine orifices was a Spiritual Being, and once refined, it could increase one's Inherent Skill quickly. It was extremely useful.

However, a Spiritual Being like the stony embryo of nine orifices was extremely hard to find. Even if the stony embryo of nine orifices was able to give birth to another life form, this life form would still refine the stony embryo of nine orifices and would not leave it for anyone else.

Wang Lie was lucky to have found the stony embryo of nine orifices. The creatures inside had already been killed by misfortune and strangeness, so he had gotten lucky. But if he died in Yuan Beidou's hands, it would naturally benefit Yuan Beidou.

Zhong Huiyu said: "I'm afraid it's not just the stony embryo of nine orifices!"

She could still feel a faintly discernible divine aura from Yuan Beidou's body, it was extremely wonderful, but it seemed like Yuan Beidou was deliberately concealing this aura, so it wasn't very obvious.

The Qilin was an auspicious beast, so its body naturally carried a divine aura. The metal power contained the aura of a Qilin, and this aura even strengthened Yuan Beidou's blood vessels, so the Qilin's auspicious aura could be used on him. If nothing unexpected happened, Yuan Beidou's luck would only get better and better. The Qilin represented luck, and even the emperor hoped that there would be a qilin appearing in his territory.

"The luck on your body has become stronger. As long as you don't die, the luck on your body will become stronger and stronger, and the number of good things that happen to you will also increase." Zhong Huiyu said as she looked at Yuan Beidou.

"How can you tell?" Yuan Beidou said in surprise.

"Our royal family has the potential to become a Qi Master, and I've learned a bit of the Fur Method from the Qi Master, so I can naturally see through it." The first time I saw you, I knew your luck was good. " Zhong Huiyu said.

Yuan Beidou had suffered in the Demon Lord's ancient mine, so his luck was naturally extremely poor. However, when he met the female emperor Wu Huayi, she helped him, so he borrowed the female emperor's luck to gradually improve his own, that was why Zhong Huiyu thought his luck was so good when he saw him at that time. In truth, it was just Yuan Beidou borrowing the luck of the female emperor. Even if Wu Huayi were to help an unlucky person, a Heaven Slayer, then his luck would have gotten better. After all, she was the Nine Heavens Goddess.

"So that's how it is. What do you think of my luck now?" Yuan Beidou asked.

"Your destiny is already purple. The purple qi from the east represents the highest level of destiny." Zhong Huiyu said, "Looks like I have to get along with you in the future, maybe I can share some of your luck."

Yuan Beidou laughed, but he understood in his heart that he had gotten the light of the Qilin horn, and there was even the Qi of a Qilin in the Qilin horn.

Yuan Beidou's previous luck could be said to be extremely bad. He didn't have any status within the house of the Marquis, and even the servants looked down on him. After that, he was framed and sent to the Demon Lord's ancient mine.

stony embryo of nine orifices was a spiritual being and could also improve a person's luck. With Yuan Beidou's help of these two, it was not strange for his luck to have turned into the highest level purple.

"Let's not go out for a stroll today. Find a better place and call for the two Peak Masters to set up a feast." Yuan Beidou said.

"Great!" "Alright!" When the Dragon-bird heard the words "delicious food", it flew out of nowhere and landed on Yuan Beidou's shoulder, and bounced up and down.

She had already obtained the Body Transformation Pill, but at this time, it was not a good idea to use it. She didn't want her enemies to see it, so that she wouldn't be in trouble when the time came.

Yuan Beidou didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He flicked her head and said: "I didn't see you earlier, the moment I mentioned food, you flew out. You really are a glutton!"

"Tch, stop mocking me here! If it weren't for me, you wouldn't know what was good and what wasn't. "Listen to my commands later. I'll teach you how to cook. The bagging is delicious!" The Dragon-bird said proudly, its tail wagging, its feathers shaking.

Zhong Huiyu said: "I will call Junior Sister Fang over, and also the two Peak Masters."

She went off to fetch someone.

Bai Chixiao glanced at Yuan Beidou, and said: "Your destiny has actually already turned purple, and a person who is able to obtain purple energy, will definitely have a great achievement in the future. However, you have to be careful. If you cannot withstand this kind of luck, you will instead be crushed to death by it. Not only will it not benefit you, it will also become something that wants your life. "

Yuan Beidou nodded his head, and said: "Thank you for your reminder Senior Brother, what color is your luck, and?"

Bai Chixiao replied: "I don't have any luck, even if I did, no one else would be able to tell."

This couldn't help but cause Yuan Beidou to be taken aback.

"I'll teach you a technique that can hide your destiny. Your violet destiny is too eye-catching, and if others see it, they will have evil intentions." the best way to seize destiny, do you know what it is? " Bai Chixiao asked.

"What?" Yuan Beidou did not understand, he did not understand many things, and knew very little.

"It is to kill this person and then pass his destiny onto his own." Bai Chixiao said, "A purple aura, is usually something only emperors possess, and there are many other extremely powerful existences that have it. You are currently a flame mind cultivator, yet you are already using purple energy to form the appearance of purple energy from the east. If people who know how to look at it were to see you, they would definitely think of you. It's not hard to cultivate the Breath of Desire, and there are quite a few people who know it. "

Yuan Beidou said: "So that's how it is Then can Senior Bai please teach me! "

Bai Chixiao said: "I'll pass it to you right now, you must remember to hide your luck and not easily reveal it. Something like luck is originally invisible. Don't think that concealing your luck will damage your prestige. "

Yuan Beidou could not help but not know whether to laugh or cry, and said: "Am I not such a high-profile person?"

"Aren't you high-profile?" Bai Chixiao asked, meaning to say that Yuan Beidou was too arrogant.

Yuan Beidou was speechless, he had indeed become a little high-profile recently, both in Void Dao Realm and in Sky Mystery Realm, all sorts of battles broke out and many people noticed him.

Yuan Beidou said: "It seems to be a bit high-profile."

Bai Chixiao immediately taught Yuan Beidou the method to hide his luck. It was very simple, he only needed to think of himself as a sword, and then return the sword into the sword sheath. That way, he wouldn't be able to hide anything.

"With this skill, I won't have to worry about others using the Qi Seeking Technique to see my luck in the future." Yuan Beidou praised.

It was said that he, a cultivator of the flame mind, had come from the east with purple qi. If this matter were to leak out, countless people would come to seize his energy! Especially for those old monsters that had been stuck in a deathtrap for a long time, they would definitely take action. After seizing his luck, they would attempt to break through, so that they might be able to gain some benefits.

"You can imagine how much luck a true qilin has!" Yuan Beidou could not help but think, "No wonder even emperors would want to see a beast like this Qilin!"

"This is not only because you have obtained the kylin's destiny, but also because of the stony embryo of nine orifices. The stony embryo of nine orifices is a spiritual object of heaven and earth, and originally was richly endowed by nature. With the two added together, you will have a purple destiny. " Wu Huayi said.

Not long after, Zhong Huiyu brought Fang Yuan, Ye Jianhan and Chen Tianji over.

Yuan Beidou wanted to invite them to a feast, but the two Peak Masters didn't know whether to laugh or cry. However, since he had nothing to do, he decided to follow Yuan Beidou and the others. After all, Yuan Beidou was at the heart of the struggle.

"This " When Yuan Beidou took out the "fresh meat" that he stored in the treasury space, the two Peak Masters couldn't help but be dumbstruck.

This was It was a mountain of corpses!

Ye Jianhan could not help but spit, and scolded: "How many people did you f * cking kill!"

"We've almost killed them all here. There are still some humanoid forms that I have not been able to enter. After all, we don't eat human flesh." Yuan Beidou said.

"Damn it..." Chen Tianji couldn't help but to curse. Yuan Beidou was too brutal, he could even see some powerful races from these corpses.

The Dragon-bird was the happiest one. It flapped its wings and shouted: "Do it! Attack! I'll teach you how to make good food. "

Chen Tianji said: "Don't let the Spirit Demon Race in the city know that you are running a cooking assembly here, if not, we won't be able to protect you! I'll definitely kill you when the time comes. "

Yuan Beidou had killed off their young generation and even stored their corpses away, ready to cook them in the future. If word of this got out, it would be too despicable.

"I know." Yuan Beidou nodded.

Zhong Huiyu and Fang Yuan both shook their heads, and said: "Calling you Homicidal Devil is true!"

Yuan Beidou could not help but cough, and said: "It's all their fault for provoking me first, it's none of my business."

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