The Eagle of Eastern Europe

Chapter 458 Appointment of Ambassador

"I know it"

Listerine discussed other Near Eastern issues with Peter, such as sending troops to Ashkelon and the Canal Zone, and continuing to support the expansion of the Aden colony into the southern part of the peninsula.

The Egyptian canal can bring an income of 300,000 lei to the empire every year. In order to protect the money bag, Rome paid 40,000 gold coins to obtain the right to build a trading station in the Sinai Peninsula.

You see, after building a trading station, it needs to be protected by guards. Does it need to be expanded? And as the trade becomes bigger and stronger, it will naturally need to be expanded. Hotels and stables must also keep up. We bear these costs, of course. There is also a lot of filial piety towards Your Excellency.

"In any case, the empire cannot build fewer trading stations in Egypt. Give them whatever money they want. They will cry when the time comes."

Your Majesty's move is really cruel. If this continues, the entire Sinai Peninsula will be useless in less than three years. Even if the Mamluks wanted to increase their troops, it would be to no avail.

"Send an order to Aden and ask them to find ways to make the southern Arabs surrender. I will give them the greatest support."

Peter planned to squeeze the living space of the Two Holy Lands from the north and south directions. If he could not completely conquer this place, the battle with the pagans would have to continue.

"Your Majesty, they are coming."

When Peter heard that it was them, he asked Listerine to retreat, and he was ready to discuss other matters with the mysterious guest.

It was the first time for John and Charles to come to the Grand Palace of Constantinople, which has been restored to its former glory after repairs. It seems to John that even the most luxurious Council of Florence cannot compare with this place. This time he brought his son here with the emperor's order, and he didn't know what would be waiting for them.

Although he was prepared, John still felt incredible when he saw the emperor. He did not expect that several years would pass in the blink of an eye. At that time, he was still the consul of Florence. Now he is just an ordinary commoner, but he did not expect to be received by the emperor.

"I have met His Majesty. May God bless you."

John kissed Peter's clothes. He was very grateful to the emperor. His decision to leave Florence was undoubtedly the right one.

"Come, try the tea from the East."

The two of them did not dare to disobey the emperor. Although they also had it, it was quite precious and they would not be willing to drink it. However, tea was a common item in the palace and there would be no shortage problem.

"Time flies so fast. When we first met, you were still the consul of Florence, and you stood up to protect your hometown."

Peter talked about John's past, but the other party remained silent. Instead, Charlie began to speak.

"Your Majesty, those in Florence are bullies and shy of the strong. They think this is not possible, so they focus their anger on their father, otherwise they would not come..."

Just when Charlie was about to say something, John stopped him. So as not to displease the emperor.

"What happened back then has passed. Now I just want to live quietly with my family. I wonder why Your Majesty called me here today?"

John asked about his doubts, but Peter did not say his purpose, but talked about Andrew.

"Your other son is a talented person. The mission I gave him to explore the East has been completed perfectly. I also promised him that I would seal the land of the south to him. Only good tutoring can cultivate such an outstanding person. You are a great contributor. pieces."

John was a little embarrassed to hear the emperor praising himself. After all, the family's current prosperity is also due to Andrew's credit. They own trading stations and land in Sofia, Zanzibar and Aden, as well as a fleet of 23 ships, which have become one of the pillars of the family.

From Sala Island (Madagascar) to Constantinople, although the trade profits between the two places are not as good as those of the Eastern Route, they are still considerable. The wood and vanilla produced on Sala Island are highly profitable products, and various daily necessities transported from the mainland to the island can also be sold at high prices locally.

Relying on the southern route, the Mason family and the Taziu family became the new business families in the empire, and the route south of Sofia was almost controlled by them. And in order to obtain more profits, they invested in expansion into the island and invested in workshops and estates in the port area.

"Your Majesty is so complimentary. Andrew can help Your Majesty. This is my greatest comfort. It is probably God's will that the family can take root here."

"It's a pity" Peter took a sip of tea, "I'm afraid you have to go back to your hometown."

The cup in John's hand is almost unsteady. Could it be that the emperor wants to expel him? No, he is a serious citizen. He still pays taxes every year and helps to build cities such as Thessaloniki. Your Majesty, don't you? Should he be so heartless? Could it be that Florence wanted to vent her anger and reached an agreement with the emperor?

Knowing that the other party was thinking wrongly, Peter said again.

"I intend to appoint you as the Empire's ambassador to Florence. You have the right to deal with matters in Florence and Siena first, provided they are not harmful to the Empire."

He didn't expect that the emperor was going to appoint him as an official, so John didn't react for a while. But he soon learned of his future position, fearing that the emperor wanted to annex both republics.

Nowadays, Rome's deterrence power ranks first in Europe. If Britain and France were not competing for power, they would be directly open to the outside world. In addition, the King of Naples is a relative of the Roman Emperor, and now there are only a few independent countries left in the Apennines. Rome's intention to unify the peninsula is well known to everyone. He was appointed ambassador to other countries, probably to help with future annexations, which would also allow him to Complete revenge, after all, the faces of Florence's gang are still vivid in his mind.

"Your Majesty thinks so highly of your important minister, I will definitely not disappoint you."

John changed his tune so quickly, from me to minister. It can be seen that he accepted the position. That's right, if he returns to Florence in the name of the Imperial Ambassador, how many people will be pissed off.

"I hope you can be qualified for this position and don't let me down."

Peter's order soon reached the Senate, appointing former Florentine consul and businessman John Mason as the imperial ambassador to Florence and Siena. The foreign ministry issued a document directly to John, along with the emperor's decree.

John was delighted. He knew that those Florentines would definitely want to eat him alive when they saw him coming back, but who told them to be unjust and throw them away after using them? Originally, I planned to live quietly in Rome, but now my status has been directly surpassed. I don't give them any color to read my name and write it backwards.

Without further ado, he quickly packed up and took the army to Florence. The emperor specially approved 100 soldiers to follow him. This is to give him the most face. With such an emperor, what does the empire have to worry about?

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