The Eagle of Eastern Europe

Chapter 454 Challenge

"Lord Woick, I came to negotiate on the orders of the Emir of Damascus."

In Aleppo, a negotiation to determine the ownership of the Syrian region began. On one side was the well-equipped Roman Empire, and on the other side were the rulers of Syria. One wanted to regain lost territory, and the other wanted to preserve family property. Both sides Everyone has their own thoughts.

The conditions given by Wojke were to surrender troops, convert to Orthodox Christianity, and use Romanian.

"Sir, is this forcing someone to do something difficult?"

"Is it difficult? I can guarantee you that your property will be intact. This is the greatest kindness His Majesty the Emperor can give you."

Of course, they also gave a candied date. In addition to protecting their property, as long as they complete the conditions, they can obtain the corresponding noble title, and they will also be given some money. However, their land and property will have to pay taxes in the future, and their descendants will also receive corresponding promotions for their military exploits in wars.

At this time, the negotiators on the opposite side realized that this Roman Empire was different from the previous Roman Empire. The previous Roman Empire emphasized submission and restraint on the borders, but the current Roman Empire emphasized long-term control. And still completely in control.

"I need to write to the emir to inform him"


This negotiation was actually unequal from the beginning, and the Syrian emirs also understood that they were negotiating on the basis of their current conditions. If they really let the other party bring troops over, they would have nothing.

According to the news from the capital, the Senate approved the use of troops against Syria, but rejected the use of troops against Zarayier. This was enough for Woick. Taking Syria would restore Rome to the empire. An important step in the territory.

Now their only assistance is the religious blessing of Mecca and Medina. Everyone knows that Syria is the barrier to Jerusalem. Without Syria, Jerusalem will be in danger, and then Mecca will be in trouble. But for now, the other party obviously has no help.

----Dividing line----

The anti-Romanian alliance continues to gather strength, and they are preparing to attack Bartlan's two weakest people first. The Berlin League led by Vlad had blocked the unification of the HRE, and with the support of the Elector and Austria, Sigismund was ready to dismember it. The Duke of Normandy was left to the Duke of Burgundy.

Vlad came back with the purpose of integrating the members of the Berlin Alliance, but the direct integration reaction was too great, so other methods had to be used.

Fortunately, I also brought back a lot of good things from my trip to Rome. In addition to financial support and diplomatic recognition, the most important thing is to support Vlad in integrating the German region. If necessary, he can use his eldest brother as a sign to spread the pie to the princes.

After returning to Berlin this time, Vlad began to reintegrate the alliance, and it didn't take long for the new King of Germany to take action.

Sigismund directly issued an edict, saying that the Berlin Union had hindered the development of the empire. As the king of Germany, he ordered the alliance to be disbanded.

When this order came to Vlad, he laughed angrily. Why didn't he know that Sigismund had become the German King? Logically speaking, shouldn't all the votes of the electors count? Voting without him must have ulterior motives. This is illegal.

Vlad directly waved his hand and wrote a letter to Sigismund. The general content was: the three electors of Brandenburg, Pomerania and Bohemia did not participate in the vote. It is illegal, so I do not recognize your title of King of Germany. As for the letter you wrote, I do not recognize a word of it. Unless you can bring an army to fight, I will not recognize your status. .

This is quite rude. The Luxembourg family was actually challenged by the Bartland family when they said this. They have achieved so much in less than ten years after joining the Shinra, and in a few decades they may control the whole country, but old people like them will never allow that.

As for the domestic situation in France, which was even more dangerous, Bartland's comrade-in-arms, Secretary of State Salmon, was jointly sent to prison by the Burgundian and Orleans factions. At this time, they all felt that if Bartland was allowed to grow bigger, it would be dangerous.

To this end, they began to restrict each other's development. Limit the opponent's strength to Normandy. If necessary, you can make peace with Britain. At the worst, you can talk about the throne. After all, England was separated from France and had the same roots. Butland was a complete outsider.

Therefore, they must prevent the growth of the Bartland family. The Duke of Orleans originally did not want to join, but because the other party's momentum was too strong, and John of Burgundy was moved by his emotions, and he also promised that Orleans could obtain Gass. Cogne region, they just joined.

The youngest brother made a bet with his elder brother before leaving. If he could complete the counterattack with limited help, then he and his descendants could obtain ownership of Britain and Frankia.

But this is not easy to do. The population of Normandy where he is located is only 300,000, and it is very far away from the family territory. How to carry out counterattack has become an important idea for him, but the most important thing now is to rescue Salmon.

Because Charles VI was a psychopath, he could only win over other ministers to at least let him survive.

----Dividing line----

At the behest of the Roman Emperor, the Privy Council, responsible for providing advisory services, was officially unveiled. Members include: cabinet ministers, prime ministers, the two patriarchs of Constantinople and Rome, 14 members of the Boyar Council, and advisors personally appointed by the emperor. One person among all persons will become the President of the Privy Council. The President is responsible for issuing Privy Council Orders and Privy Council Orders. The latter is formulated by the Privy Council and can be directly submitted to the Senate for review without the emperor's approval.

Peter also showed balance in selecting members for the Boyar Council. Among the 14 members, there are 6 greens, 6 blues, one black and one white. Other members are also experienced officials, and the emperor can make the most reasonable judgment.

Of course, every member also needs to be loyal to the emperor. After entering the Privy Council, they all need to kneel down and say the oath. "In all matters, you must fulfill your duty as a loyal and true servant of His Majesty. May the Lord help you to abide by this oath."

Overall, Rome was the most centralized state in Europe. But it is still inseparable from the traditions of ancient Greece and Rome. The full name of the Roman Empire is also the Senate and the Roman People (SPQR), so the meeting must be retained, at least for now.

The establishment of the Senate, the Privy Council, and the Boyar Council were the foundation of the new Roman imperial system. How to control them in his own hands depended on the emperor's methods.

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