The Eagle of Eastern Europe

Chapter 422 Continue to Advance

"Any new news from the Governor?"

Peter asks about Mason, who's been a little too obsessed with construction lately. Don't forget that he also holds the title of Governor of the East.

"The Governor said he would come back as soon as possible. He should be in Sofia now."

Peter wanted to discuss something with Mason, and by the way, he wanted to hear his insights on the new land.

In the city of Constantinople, the news that Rome had recaptured Sargbu caused jubilation. These Venetian rebels need to be managed well. They think they can do whatever they want with a little money in their hands, and let Constantinople teach them how to behave.

Venice is sad, if Salegbu is gone, this ally will also be useless. There is no foreign aid available these days, so they are left alone.

Moreover, Romagna's army had already set off from Verona, aiming for Padua. The Venetians were anxious. No one expected that the situation would deteriorate so quickly.

Before the opponent could further attack, some dignitaries began to flee with their families and property from the Alps to HRE. There were people fleeing on the mountain pass avenue. The Archbishop of Salzburg ordered everyone who passed by to pay some money to make up for his previous losses.

"Everyone must pay 20 florins before they can be released, otherwise they will not be given."

The archbishop ordered his men to maintain the defense of the mountain pass and make a profit before the Roman army arrived.

But the people under him also wanted to make some extra money, so they spread the word from person to person, and when the time came, the soldiers under his command would directly become 150 florins. This is also the annual income of ordinary people in northern Italy.

The people were miserable. In order to raise money, they sold off all their belongings, and some could not even raise enough money for one person. In order to leave here, they changed directions and headed for Milan.

Romagna encountered little or no decent resistance, Padua surrendered within a day, and the surrounding towns surrendered one after another. The Grand Council of Venice became anxious. They issued six orders a day to bring back Petro, who had attacked Trieste. At the same time, they began to mobilize, and everyone who was panting had to pick up weapons and be ready to fight at any time.

The congressmen stopped quarreling. In front of Rome, they finally understood that if they didn't try their best, they would die without a burial place. But they are still unwilling to pay for the most important money.

"I have no money now, all my property was reduced to ashes in Verona."

"Don't look for me. My home is in Padua and it's gone."

"Look what I'm doing, I've already received news that my manor was attacked by a mob and has been burned down."

Everyone is shirking responsibility, which makes Domenico feel tired. Why did you start the army in the first place? Why can't you live a stable life as a wealthy businessman at home?

Now it was too late to think about anything. He once again sent a message to Constantinople, stating that if the empire was willing to recognize his status as governor, Venice would return soon and he himself would continue to be loyal to the empire.

What a genius. It is an unequal war, but if you still give in, isn't this just letting the other side know that you are too weak? They will definitely continue to attack.

However, this situation is very common in Western Europe. As long as you recognize the other party's rule, you can continue to govern here. But Rome is not a Western European country, it is an Eastern European country. You cannot use the logic of Western European countries to guess what Eastern European countries think, and their political scores will only get a failing grade.

"Sir, Skrow hopes that we can help him with some food."

Domenico was completely disappointed with him, "Let the messenger go away, I don't want to see him again."

Domenico was also getting drunk at this time. He no longer considered the future of Venice, but tried to indulge in the pleasure brought by alcohol. Fuck independence and Venice, as long as you are good to yourself.

If the Governor does this, then no one else will be much better off. The congressmen are preparing to run away, and the cabinet and advisers are also packing their bags to hide in Milan. There are at least a hundred carriages leaving the city in the past few days, all containing their corruption gains.

The upper level is like this, but the lower level is not much better. Before, under the rule of Rome, the people here could still find work, and although the wages were low, they could still survive. But after Venice became independent, they were free, but they couldn't survive at all. You must know that what Rome lost was a port, and what they lost was a large market. Verona stored most of Venice's supplies and grains. Due to lack of timely transportation, these all belonged to him after Romagna was captured.

There was no raw material and no market. A large number of handicraft workshops were closed. Beggars were everywhere in Venice. Moreover, a food crisis broke out. The price of bread rose three times a day, and the poor could not afford it at all. As a result, protests broke out one after another, and the government mobilized the garrison to suppress them. The new republic was on the verge of collapse.

When Skrow learned that his home had been stolen, he immediately led his army to fight back. They met Rome in the town of Gradec near Zaregeb. After two hours of fierce fighting, Skrow's army was completely wiped out. He himself was captured and sent to Junshi. The Trial of Tintinburgh.

After settling on a goal, Giang carried out various bans in Croatia, prohibiting Catholicism and the Croatian language, moving all local people to the east, and redistributing local land.

Stanissa was in charge of the situation near Zaregb, and the ban was implemented most thoroughly. The achievements of the previous kings of Croatia were all destroyed by the Roman army in an instant. Except for their tombs, there are almost no traces that they once ruled here.

Since there is such a riot, then they will simply make the matter bigger. If they update their playing style and change their thinking, I don’t believe they can still cause trouble.

"My lord, this is a letter from Ljubljana."

When Ji Ang saw the result, he almost laughed. It said that as long as they stopped, they would re-loyalty to the emperor, and would also give the Duke a huge sum of 30,000 lei, hoping to be lenient and not fight.

"It's really a joke. If you knew it would be like this, why don't you fight me in the first place? What will happen now?"

Giang kept the letter and then ordered the army to continue the attack. The destruction of Venice was in sight and they must not be allowed to escape.

The army swept through the Croatian region and successfully opened a land passage to Trieste. The gentry in Ljubljana is already in trouble, leaving only Venice.

The locust-like behavior of the army has caused the population of this floating city to exceed 60,000, and the population is still rising. Both Milan and Salzburg have stated that they have no relationship with Venice and hope that Rome will not affect them. This directly cut off their last hope.

In the Parliament, everyone was dejected. They couldn't believe that a few months ago they were so motivated that they planned to do something big, but now they are destroying even the remaining culture. They wanted to save Venice, but they pushed it into abyss. The interests left by Rome made them lose themselves. Even if someone wanted to save the country, everything was in vain in front of Rome.

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