The Eagle of Eastern Europe

Chapter 389 The Counterattack of the Princes

The changes in Brandenburg lasted for a long time, and the local landowning aristocracy was basically gone. The rest are either weak or, like the Askani family, surrendered to the Elector.

Vlad acquired a lot of land from them and then distributed it to others, completing the reorganization of the local base. And relying on geographical location, Teutonic and Polish countries also came to visit.

Both countries need to stabilize all the countries that may join, and Brandenburg also pays attention to it because of Vlad's relationship. If this country joins the war, will Rome behind it join? At that time, it will be an unbalanced war situation, whether it is carving up Poland or destroying Teutonia, it is possible.

With Bernhard's help, Vlad began to gain some understanding of the situation surrounding Brandenburg. Brandenburg is currently facing pressure from domestic princes, who want to convene an imperial parliament to abolish his position as elector.

"There really is nothing to do. You have so much free time, so go fight against the infidels."

Vlad was speechless. This group of guys who fought internally and externally had no spirit of dedication to God. It was unreasonable to attack the believers while leaving the infidels alone.

Jobst suffered a lot of pressure, and after the persuasion of the Archbishop of Mainz, the Prime Minister of the Empire, he finally decided to convene the Imperial Parliament to discuss domestic affairs. But regarding the resolution to abolish the status of elector, they cannot continue to use it. After all, using it once before has caused a lot of harm. If this continues, it may cause disorder. The only way is to let the other party voluntarily abdicate.

But how could such a situation happen? Don't forget that the opponent is behind Rome. Do you want to risk offending Rome and force him to abdicate? A powerful person was also needed to propose the proposal. After much thought, they believed that the King of Denmark was the most suitable.

The Danish king had access to the Imperial Parliament by holding the titles of Holstein and Schleswig. Because he guards the Baltic Sea outlet, he has a lot of wealth. More importantly, the king is also the master of the Kalmar Alliance.

The Kalmar Union is an alliance between the Scandinavian countries of Denmark, Sweden (including Finland, which became part of the Kingdom of Sweden at that time) and Norway (including Iceland, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Shetland and Orkney Islands) The Commonwealth of Nations. This was established to counter the power of the powerful Hanseatic League in central Europe at the time in the North Sea and Baltic Sea. The current king, Margaret, used soft tactics to unite Northern Europe under her rule. She then succeeded in forcing the Alliance to relinquish direct political control of Denmark. She abolished the taxes imposed by the Alliance, causing heavy losses to the Alliance merchants.

Such a superb political person is undoubtedly the best person to propose the bill. Unfortunately, Her Majesty the Queen is not interested in the inland areas, so this matter may not work.

Not even Burgundy. The Duke is busy fighting for the dominance of France. Then only the other electors would do it. There will always be someone from Saxony or the Palatinate who is willing to come out.

As secular electors, both Saxony and the Palatinate wanted to become German kings. In this case, use this position to hang them. Especially Rupert, who fell into deep self-doubt after the failure of the Italian operation. Now that the opportunity is right in front of him, how could he let it go.

----Dividing line----

Peter spent some time in Buda, where he was required to make decisions on matters large and small in Hungary. Nowadays, all documents need to be signed by Mary and Peter to take effect. This is also the result of the nobles following the convention.

Of course, the children of the prince and the king also made their first appearance. At the meeting of the nobles, five-year-old Lajoche and Arno appeared in front of the nobles. Looking at these two little princes, what the nobles wanted was marriage and mentoring. After all, establishing a relationship with the future heir can guarantee the family's future honor and wealth.

The ceremony of the succession takes place two days later, and all the nobles and envoys come to the church to watch. If Sigismund knew this news, he would probably be upset. I don't know why he and Mary didn't have any children during the years they were married. Could it be him? But Elizabeth's birth refutes this statement, and it seems to be a matter of probability.

The construction of the capital has begun. Since this is a long-term process, it was first decided to build important buildings such as churches and palaces, and the construction of roads and bridges also began.

The bridge across the Danube will facilitate trade on both sides, so it was the first project to be built. The finest stones were used, and a large number of workers were recruited for construction.

"Your Majesty, the estimated revenue this year is 350,000 lei. After excluding various expenses, 30,000 lei will eventually enter the state treasury."

The finance minister reports to Mary, which is actually a very good result. You must know that Hungary also lost Croatia and a lot of its population, and finally recovered its strength. Naturally, it needs to take its time.

In the first few years of Sigismund's rule, the development of cities and citizens was encouraged, but the war with the Ottomans and the fighting between the domestic nobles slowed down the Hungarian economy. Coupled with Peter's contribution, Hungary's economic crisis broke out. The whole country is in danger of being divided.

But fortunately it's over now, and the kingdom can just farm and increase its national strength.

"I said to the Minister of Finance, our country currently needs to spend money on a lot of things. Is this revenue enough?"

"You have to have enough if you don't have enough. You all know the situation in the Kingdom in the past few years. It is not easy to have such an income now. It is impossible to increase taxes from 1 lei to 100 lei unless you borrow money from other places. We can only continue to rely on this money.”

The finance minister told the officials that Hungary could not afford more money for the time being, and Count Pinsk stopped the subsequent discussion.

"The construction of the bridge cannot be stopped. It is the most important project in the kingdom. Other than that, let's stop it first. Our country still needs to face the pressure of Austria, and they will come back at any time."

The Prime Minister's words resonated, but some scoffed. Austria is nothing, as long as Prince Pozzoni attacks, everything will be fine.

Pinsker rolled his eyes, the prince was not made of iron. You can't expect him to work continuously. As a minister, you have to share the burden for the king. Otherwise, how can you live up to the kingdom's kindness to you?

"According to the news, there has been nothing happening in the direction of Vienna recently, but because of the succession issue of the Elector of Brandenburg, a meeting will be held in Augsburg to discuss this issue."

When Peter, who was sitting on top, heard this, he must have thought that those people were watching his family gorge themselves on meat and were about to curb it, but he believed that his third brother would give these princes an unforgettable trip to the parliament.

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