The Roman army entered the city of Venice and began to transform the place into primitive times. Through various raids and arrests, glass craftsmen from Murano Island were captured and became royal craftsmen, as were various luxury goods craftsmen.

Others, such as carpenters, stonemasons, blacksmiths, leatherworkers, and textile workers, as long as they were skilled in craftsmanship, would be brought to the Roman Empire and become slaves, and they would play their role in the empire's economy.

As for the others, they will be taken back and left to the emperor to decide. Neither exile nor execution would give them freedom.

Those things taken from Constantinople were returned to their original owners, and 200 years after they were taken, they were finally home.

The soldiers demolished every house and took away the decorations and art inside. These will all be shipped back as spoils of war.

Of course, the most important thing is to find money. Venice is known as the number one trader in the Mediterranean, how could it have no money? However, the merchants obviously forgot about their reinvestment. Most of the money was exchanged for factories and other things, so it was also taken, sold and used by Rome.

"Your Highness, we received a total of 2.03 million ducats in cash from Venice."

"What, so little?" Peter didn't believe it. After all, Venice had dominated the Eastern Mediterranean for decades. Even if it fought a war with Genoa, it shouldn't be so little.

"Your Highness, we have searched everything in Venice. There is indeed nothing left."

It was much less than expected, but it was enough for Rome's fiscal revenue for a year. You can also get some gold coins by selling others.

"Everything here needs to be shipped back without any delay."

All Venetian relics, books, gold, silver, population, and other things were transported to Constantinople. This was Rome's greatest victory.

St. Mark's Basilica was completely demolished, leaving only stones, stones, and stones. There were so many items that it took more than ten days to ship them all.

Such plunder frightened Francisco, and he wondered if Genoa would also encounter such a situation. But Peter comforted him and said that if the peace treaty was completed, he would let them go. This gave him some comfort, and then he immediately went back to persuade the parliament to give more peace conditions.

Peter reduced some of the conditions he gave him, but the most important ones, the indemnity and subsidiary rights, remained unchanged. This was enough for parliament to discuss for a while. Now, his target is Milan and the Papal States.

The news of Rome's great victory in the naval battle of Venice and the capture of the city of Venice spread at an alarming speed, and all the Italian states were shocked. All of northern Italy was in fear of Rome.

With Venice gone, the League of Venice will naturally be disbanded. But they didn't know whether Rome would retaliate against them. All their troops were lost in the last battle. Now they could only try their best to prevent the other party from taking over. There was no way to face the robbery.

It's time for Rome to stop, but before that, it needs to be shocked. After Peter handed over the affairs of Venice to Constantine, he gathered some troops and went to Rome.

----Dividing line----

Mohammed of the Ottomans breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that Venice had been destroyed. He had been tempted by the plan to attack Rome with Venice, but now it seems that he was lucky not to join, otherwise Rome would have to destroy him.

Osman needs to recuperate now, and he will definitely knock Rome down one day to avenge his father.

Trebizond and Georgia sent envoys to Constantinople to express their submission, and Muscovy sent gifts to celebrate Rome's victory.

The East India Company also sent people to deliver gifts, including ivory obtained from East Africa, spices from India, and porcelain from the far East. These are the results of Mason’s continuous pioneering work.

After the company reached an agreement with the East African king, it began to expel local forces, and the company obtained the right to do business locally by providing firearms and mercenaries. Then the king went a step further and directly announced that the East India Company had obtained the right to do business nationwide and enjoyed the lowest preferential taxes.

Once the first one was done, the second one could naturally be done. Rome obtained its first colony in India, and obtained seven islands and a small piece of land from the Sultan of the Kingdom of Gujarat as a rest stop and trading point. The company built fortresses, churches, and markets here, and prepared to penetrate further into the interior.

Because the southern islands are in political chaos, the company naturally occupies a large area of ​​land. It’s just that there are forests in the interior, so progress is slow.

Now Rome exclusively enjoys the Eastern maritime trade, and a large amount of profits go directly into their pockets. In addition to handing over part of it, the rest is used for expansion and missionary work.

The spread of Orthodox Christianity in the East was somewhat unsatisfactory, not only due to local indigenous religions, but also to Crescentism and the heresies that had separated from the previous Ecumenical Council. However, after several years of development, it has gained a firm foothold. There are more than 2,000 converts in East Africa, nearly 500 in Arabia, and more than 1,000 in India.

The religious order sent priests to increase missionary efforts. As the population grew, and with the approval of the Patriarch of Constantinople, it was decided to establish the Eastern Diocese and establish a Patriarchate. Its headquarters was temporarily located in Aden, together with the company's headquarters.

The Orthodox Church took root here, building churches and monasteries, and also built the first religious school in the port of Androniko. Half of the company's revenue was spent building the colony, but the results were worth it.

There is progress in both the East and the West, and Rome has not been this powerful for a long time. The decorative arts and industrial equipment plundered from Venice are favored by some businessmen, who want to buy them to decorate their homes.

Egypt doesn't say it wants to help Venice anymore. First, Venice is gone. Second, because Rome controls Eastern trade, Egypt has benefited a lot from it. The Sudan doesn't want to send troops anymore, just make money.

The Roman army continued to attack Northern Italy. Bologna, Ravenna, Ferrara, and San Marino fell successively. Everywhere they went, Rome captured outstanding local craftsmen and transported them back. The local treasury was plundered, and the gold and silver treasures became Roman revenue.

Seeing the Roman army getting closer, the Republic of Florence underwent great changes. The local people overthrew the rule of the Obici family, and John Mason served as the standard bearer of justice to negotiate with Rome. This was the father of Mason, the governor of the East.

"I am not sure that the Roman Empire will let Florence go, but even if there is little hope, I will give it a try. I hope that the citizens of Florence can unite and face the coming enemy together."

John was already prepared. After all, the army that could easily destroy Venice would have to pay a high price for retreating. But when destruction comes, these costs become less important. He hopes to protect Florence. This is also the so-called social responsibility.

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