The Eagle of Eastern Europe

Chapter 181 Appointment

A carriage was driving on the broad road. Judging from its appearance, it must be an official from Wallachia. The farmer looked at the carriage and wondered when he could get on it.

In the carriage, Deleanu was looking forward to his future, because he was promoted to a high-ranking official in Iasi Province because of his performance in Tulcea. This is a larger area than a town, and certainly presents more challenges.

The province of Iasi is one of the four provinces of Moldova and the richest province in Moldova. Thanks to the introduction of high-quality grapes and sheep, as well as technological advancements, the economy and population developed rapidly.

Entering the city gate of Iasi, this place has changed a lot from when Peter became governor of Moldova a few years ago. The population grew to 7,000, and four churches, 26 trading stations, 18 hotels, and an Armenian church were added.

With Peter's funding, the third university in Wallachia, the University of Iasi, was established. Moldova has its own educational institutions, as well as two libraries and a printing house.

"It's great here!" Deleanu said, full of energy at the thought of becoming the governor here.

I still remember that when he was in Tulcea, he dealt with various official duties every day, and caught the development trend of Wallachia, developing a small town into a city second only to Constanta. Now that he is in a new place, he will naturally continue to work hard.

The mayor of Iasi, Edward, also waited for a long time and saluted Deleanu. From today on, the other person is his boss.

In Peter's plan, in addition to senior officials, a province also has tax collectors responsible for finance, military commanders responsible for military affairs, and a large number of adjutants to help senior officials. The political structure of a province was thus established.

The original power of the parliament is almost gone, and power has been transferred to the center. Local nobles have either withdrawn from politics, or continue to wander in politics through other means.

Moreover, Peter believes in big data governance. Even in the Middle Ages without electronic technology, the most basic population, land, and financial data could always be calculated. But the result was that a large number of businessmen and lower-class people were promoted, and the proportion of nobles in politics gradually decreased.

In order to prevent the local area from becoming bigger, officials will not only be sent to places far away from home, but they will also be assessed by prosecutors once a year. Even if you pass the assessment, the Grand Duke also has a private intelligence agency to see if you are qualified for the position.

Not just Deleanu, but other local and central officials too. Therefore, appointments and dismissals were controlled by the Senate controlled by the Grand Duke, and the Prime Minister was also appointed and dismissed by the Grand Duke. With the help of Peter, Mircea achieved unprecedented centralization of power.

"Grand Duke, Thessaloniki is asking for our help. In addition, Morea has also gone north to attack the Ottomans. Do we want to join the war?"

At the meeting, Peter told Mircea what was happening in the south and asked for his opinion.

"Now the Ottomans are busy with the war in the east, and I have heard about the deal with Venice. If we accept this place, then we have to think about what we should face next."

As soon as he finished speaking, Adrian began to speak. As the director of military affairs, he had the most say.

"Grand Duke, I think we can accept Thessaloniki. First, most of the Ottoman troops in Europe have been transferred to the east, and the rest can only hold on at Gallipoli, and they have not set off yet, which shows that They have given up here. Secondly, Thessaloniki’s geographical location is important. If we can get here, we can face the Aegean Sea directly without being restricted by Venice and Genoa.”

Adrian mainly started from the current situation and proposed the benefits of Thessaloniki. The Black Sea Strait is now controlled by Venice and Genoa, and Wallachian merchants have to pay protection fees when they pass by. Although there is an Albanian port, it is always good to have one more Aegean port.

"Grand Duke, it is good to have an Aegean port, but if we fall into war again, the gains will outweigh the losses. We have fought two wars with the Ottomans in five years, and frequent wars will be unbearable for our farmers and citizens."

This also means that Wallachia has not had a good rest in recent years. Wallachia needs peace, even if it is five years, he needs more time to accumulate strength.

"Sir Louis, do you know that opportunities are rare?"

"But we cannot push the country into the abyss of war again!"

When it comes to war, it is a scene like this. Whether it is the main war or the peaceful, they will quarrel. Moreover, you also think that both sides are justified, which will put you in a dilemma. In the end, it's up to you to make the final decision.

Mircea rang the bell beside her, and the quarrels immediately fell silent.

"Since the differences are so big, let's take a rest first!"

Mircea announced that the meeting would be held tomorrow, and the ministers could not say anything. They all bowed and left the meeting room, leaving only Peter and him.

"Tell me, my son, do you think we should send troops?"

Mircea asked Peter that it was most likely done by him or his men, otherwise this urban uprising would not have been put on the stage.

He knew Peter too well, and his development in the past few years had even exceeded the speed of the entire Wallachia. And he is also the boldest noble. It is impossible for him not to know about this matter, so he wants to ask clearly.

Peter had no choice but to tell the Archduke the cause and effect.

"I didn't expect that a humble incident would trigger so many things."

"Father, this is an accident, but it is also an opportunity."

Mircea looked at Peter, making her final decision in her mind.

"In that case, I will leave this matter entirely to you. Soldier dispatch, financial budget, and local governance will all be left to you. Don't let me down."


Peter didn't expect Mircea to leave this matter to him, but it was expected. After all, no one can handle this, and it might be best for him to handle it.

Peter readily accepted the order. He first wrote to Constantine and asked him to lead a legion to stand by at Serre. Then head south when there is movement from the Ottomans.

In fact, Peter was overthinking. Ali Pasha had already ordered not to send troops, and he must protect the remaining European territories. If you lose Thessalonia, just lose it, you will get it back anyway.

The southern Balkans fell into a strange war. No one stood still, but the third party was quite active. As a result, the land that Bayezid expanded to Greece became an isolated island, and the defenders and residents became abandoned pawns. They could only watch the infidels attack, but they had no ability to resist, and they had no strong backers. They are alone and helpless, and they can only resist the country's mistakes.

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