The Eagle of Eastern Europe

Chapter 162 Conditions for Population Growth

The Hungarian army and the Transylvanian army faced off at Atelaide, 100 kilometers away from Cluj. This small town was the first barrier to Cluj, the headquarters of Transylvania, and a siege began.

Hungary gathered 12,000 troops to attack, but the city's defenders plus mobilized residents were less than 3,000. However, the defenders resisted heroically, causing Hungary heavy losses.

Peter's reinforcements are already on the way, and Andrei will also call on the believers to go for revenge. If they cannot capture this place in a short time, the Hungarian army will suffer a more violent counterattack.

At this time, Mary not only needed an army, but also needed more money. Maintaining an army requires a lot of money, so Mary turned Transylvania's treasury upside down, grabbed every gold coin, and with the sponsorship of the Wallachian Chamber of Commerce, she could barely maintain it.

But now, the war has become protracted, and Mary must obtain more money in exchange for soldiers and supplies, so she approached the Chamber of Commerce Bank of Wallachia.

"Dear Grand Duke, although the Chamber of Commerce sympathizes with you, the Chamber of Commerce cannot grant you a loan without suitable collateral."

Mary has lost her silly persona and begun to move closer to a politician. She knew what it would be like to have no money to maintain an army, and she knew the current situation in Transylvania, but the resources there were abundant and could be traded.

“I can mortgage Brasov to the Chamber of Commerce, and if that’s not enough, Alba Iulia and Sibiu.”

Taking out three towns as collateral in one breath, the other party was a little unable to react. Mary said again.

"Decide quickly. If you don't help, the person behind you will force you."

Seeing that Mary had figured out the person behind them, the representative of the Chamber of Commerce stated the conditions he had given.

"6,000 unequipped soldiers, four months, pledged as collateral for the three cities of Brasov, Alba Iulia, and Sibiu and nearby minerals."

Mary nodded.

"Congratulations, you will soon become part of Transylvania."

The Chamber of Commerce reached an agreement with Mary, and then some mercenaries went to Atelaide to help out, and some gold coins were converted into supplies and shipped to the front line.

----Dividing line----

The war in Transylvania did not affect the lives of the people in Wallachia. People from all walks of life performed their duties. Compared with previous years, the people of Wallachia had changed a lot.

The tools used by most farmers have been replaced by iron tools, and wooden tools have declined year by year. Moreover, due to the extensive use of curved plows and waterwheels, Wallachia's agricultural output has increased several times.

A large number of iron farm tools not only increased productivity, but also brought a large demand for iron. The iron smelting industry developed again. The blacksmiths Peter had persuaded from Western Europe brought their iron smelting facilities to Wallachia. Together with Peter's iron smelting plant, Wallachia's heavy industry began to catch up with Western Europe.

In addition to tool advancement, population growth is also a reflection of Wallachia's national strength. The increase from 500,000 to more than 3 million, in addition to the population in the newly conquered lands, also attracted immigrants and increased the fertility rate.

Because all walks of life in Wallachia are very prosperous, people's lives have improved, and with the promotion of religion, the fertility rate has doubled.

Wallachia proper increased from 500,000 to 830,000, and Moldova increased from 220,000 to 480,000. The population growth approach is showing initial results.

Wallachia also valued medical skills. Peter collected a large number of medical books from the Golden Horde, Anatolia and Constantinople, and established medical schools at Constanta University and Bukur Yesti University, and Unlike the West that advocates bloodletting and emetics, Eastern medicine focuses on herbal management and lifestyle habits. Wallachia brought the "Dietary Almanac" from Constantinople to promote it. Other books, such as "Medical Compendium", "Compendium of Medicine", "On the Structure of the Human Body", etc. are all required books for medical students. . Students can obtain medical qualifications after passing the exam. They can open their own clinics or join public hospitals to work.

Public hospitals can be traced back to the Eastern Roman Empire and were original in many aspects of institutional establishment. Roman medical institutions pioneered the concepts of "general hospitals" and "specialty hospitals" and put them into practice. Take the Hospital of Christ the Savior in Constantinople as an example. When Emperor John II established the Monastery of Christ the Savior in 1112, he also built an affiliated Hospital of Christ the Savior, a home for the elderly, and a leprosy hospital four miles away. Christ the Savior's Hospital was similar to today's general hospital, while the Leprosy Hospital was a specialized hospital and the Home for the Elderly was a public charity institution with medical functions. In addition, the Roman Empire established various specialized and charitable medical institutions after the 5th century, such as passenger relief stations, hospitals for outsiders, and orphanages.

East Rome Hospital pioneered the outpatient-inpatient system, which uses outpatient services to classify patients' conditions. Outpatients can leave the medical institution after treatment, while inpatients require round-the-clock care. This system helps improve hospital efficiency, avoid waste of medical resources and excessive medical treatment, and enable patients to receive the most appropriate treatment. According to the charter of the Eastern Roman monastery, Christ the Savior Hospital had outpatient departments and inpatient departments, just like modern hospitals. There are two doctors in the outpatient department, and the inpatient department has 50 beds and 5 mobile beds, as well as medical staff.

Wallachia learned and promoted the Roman hospital system, and opened surgery, internal medicine, gynecology and other disciplines. Constanta Hospital is the best hospital in Wallachia, with 40 doctors and 70 beds, and has a very good reputation.

The hospital stipulates the responsibilities of different staff in detail, with the purpose of saving manpower and improving efficiency. The first is the completeness of the management and supervision system. The administrative staff consisted of abbots and monks, and the supervisory staff consisted of hospital administrators and medical supervisors, all of whom were medical experts. The second is to implement the agent purchasing system. Agents are responsible for the supply of food and medicine. Unlike doctors in ancient Greece and Rome, doctors do not buy and sell medicines themselves, thus eliminating corruption such as drug kickbacks. The scale of Bukur Yesti Hospital under construction will far exceed that of Constanta, which is the capital.

Private clinics are regulated by the government, and doctors have a very high social status. They will sell some potions and herbs, and sometimes treat other diseases, but this requires a fee.

The improvement of medical conditions and the increase in food production have jointly promoted the increase in population. It is a pity that the population growth rate cannot be calculated at this time, otherwise the numbers would be very good.

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