The Eagle of Eastern Europe

Chapter 146 Meeting

"Your Highness, please come with me." Lady Gabriel invited Princess Sofia to her temporary residence in Constanta, where she changed into traditional Wallachian clothes. After resting here for a few days, she would go to Bukul Yesti.

In this most developed seaport city, Sofia saw a different scenery from Morea. Industry and commerce are more prosperous than Morea, and the cultural atmosphere is also relatively strong.

"It's incredible."

Sofia looked at everything in front of her, and sure enough, seeing is believing. Wallachia was more prosperous than she thought, and its cultural atmosphere was very rich, which was fundamentally different from Kievan Rus. She is luckier than Princess Anna, but also a little unlucky, because at this time she still doesn't know what her future husband will be like. Can she make her husband fall in love with her? These are all Sofia's concerns.

After arriving in Constanta, Peter prepared a series of gifts for the princess. Gold and silver jewelry, silk clothes, and a Wallachian dictionary.

"I hope my future wife will like it." This was a handwritten note from Peter to Sofia, which made Her Royal Highness feel warm.

After a few days' rest, Sofia boarded a carriage for Bukul Yesti. She looked to both sides, and saw hard-working farmers and numerous trucks, and the roads were smoother than those in Moria. This made Princess Sofia want to know more about this country more and more.

"Have you asked Madam?"

"Your Highness, I had a chat with Lady Gabriel, and she said that your husband is the most amazing person in Wallachia. He built Constanta, and even Bukur Yesti, which we are about to arrive at, was built by him. Guidance.”

The maid told Sofia a lot about Peter's achievements, and Sofia couldn't wait to meet Peter. She still has hope for love.

After two days of travel, Sofia had seen the city walls of Bukul Yesti. The bastion on the city wall shocked Sophia's cognition. She didn't know what this thing was. Can this thing be defended well?

She still had a lot of questions waiting to be answered but it was better to meet her future husband now.

Peter is already fifteen years old, and according to European tradition, he will be an adult in another year. He can then be on his own, and of course, he can hold a wedding.

Peter had long thought that in this era, it was very common to get married at the age of 15 or 16, which was different from later marriages and children in later generations, because it was necessary to increase the population.

"Is my wife here?"

"Her Royal Highness the Princess has passed the city gate and is coming this way now."

Peter stopped archery and went to greet Princess Sofia. Before leaving, he told Mihai to study hard and see if he had improved next time.

Peter came to the gate of the castle to welcome the princess. Many ministers came with him, and Grand Duke Mircea also came.

"Your Highness, I saw the carriage."

"I saw it, you don't need to tell me."

The carriage stopped in front of the castle, and Sofia appeared in front of everyone with the support of the maid.

With just the right clothes, slender hands, and evocative eyes, she looks like a typical Roman princess. This made many people stunned. It was incredible that the princess of the Roman Empire was now appearing in front of them.

"May you live long, my dear Grand Duke."

Sofia saluted Grand Duke Mircea, who nodded. He was very satisfied with his daughter-in-law. He looked at Peter and saw that Peter was also staring at the princess, but that was all.

"Rome not only gave a princess, but also conveyed its goodwill. The two countries will definitely live in harmony."

After a simple meeting, the next step is the world of the unmarried couple. Everyone retreated in tacit agreement, leaving only Peter and Sophia.

Peter said nothing and kept staring into her eyes, which made Sophia blush a little.

"Hello, my wife."

"Hello, my husband."

This was the first exchange between the two, and although it was brief, it was of great significance.

"Please allow me to introduce this place to you."

"It would be a great honor for you to introduce me."

Peter began to introduce everything about Bukul Yesti to Sofia. They went to many places that day, and Peter's humorous language made Sofia laugh. The two were very harmonious together, and at dusk they walked hand in hand in the garden.

"I know too little about Wallachia. Thank you for letting me know this beautiful country better."

"This is what I should do."

Peter and Sofia walked under the sunset, then stopped. Peter held her hand and looked into each other's eyes.

"You are so beautiful that even the most beautiful flowers pale in comparison to you."

"I'm happy to hear your compliment because it comes from my future husband."

Soon, their faces were getting closer and closer. Peter held Sofia tightly, and the kiss was completed under the witness of the sun. Both parties were immersed in this sweet moment. (It seems a bit too fast, forget it.)

News about the two of them continued to reach the Grand Duke, and upon hearing that the two were satisfied with each other, Mircea also began to consider other issues.

Morea and Wallachia formed an alliance, so the Ottoman Empire was their common target. But Morea still had to destroy Athens before she could directly face the Ottomans. However, given that Osman has been severely beaten by Wallachia, he can still accumulate strength in the next few years.

Moreover, if a princess of the Roman Empire married his son, it meant that his son had the right to inherit Basilius. Then he could also transform Wallachia into the Roman Empire.

There are many examples of husbands marrying their wives and becoming kings. Poland and Hungary next door are typical examples. But this time the fight was not for the king, but for the emperor. Such temptation is not unreasonable. After all, it cannot be justified since it has always been a Grand Duchy.

At this time, the Roman Empire was already a hairless phoenix, worse than a chicken. Manuel tried his best to ensure the safety of Constantinople. Since he was so tired, he could let Wallachia share the burden.

You see, Wallachia and Rome both believe in the Orthodox Church and are Eastern European countries. Moreover, both Palaiologos and Bartland begin with the character "Ba". Isn't this similarity meant to be shared by God?

Moreover, Sofia's father only has one child. After his death, Morea will also belong to Wallachia. By then, only Constantinople will be left in Rome. What an embarrassment it would be if the Ottomans were defeated again and the Balkans were unified.

Mircea thought of a dozen reasons, but they were unlikely to convince Manuel. So now I continue to suffer. Waiting for a special opportunity to go out and get everything he wants.

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