Seeing other team members coming, Yu asked directly if anyone could play mahjong, and when he heard someone could, he directly abdicated and let the wise.

Instead of sitting there and being abused in various senses, this includes playing mahjong, being too lucky, and being a single dog.

In any case, in order not to continue to be abused, Yu must decisively give way and let others be abused.

And she decided to be a crowd who watched chess and didn't speak a word.

Keke, it seems that the people who eat melons are also chattering endlessly.

Yu expressed embarrassment.

But as a result, Yu's position was changed.

But I don't know what the metaphysical reason is, this man is about the same luck as Yu XX, he fought off in seven or eight, and he never fiddled with cards once.

At this moment, everyone is thinking, is there something metaphysics in this position, otherwise, why is it that whoever sits in it is out of luck? !

Rubbing hemp is just a temporary pastime after all. After everyone arrived, rubbing hemp was put on hold.

It's time to get ready to eat the whole fish feast.

Although the fish ponds cannot be fished, there is still a supply of fish in the manor.

After eating a whole fish feast, everyone held their swollen belly.

Then, everyone discovered that this fish is really a good thing, it tastes good!

After the dinner, another team member suggested going to KTV to sing.

Thinking of parting tomorrow, Song Ci and the others agreed.

Then, Song Ci and the group of people who went to KTV met a very annoying group of people.

However, it was not a direct collision. It was just that when the waiter took them to the box, they passed by a box, and there were very annoying people inside. Because the door of their box was not closed, Song Ci glanced at it and saw him sitting on the sofa. Sitting in danger, Tong Xianzhou's expressionless face.

Song Ci quickly forgot the episode, and after entering their box, he calmly took out his mobile phone to play Destroy Candy, and then expected that they could go back when the mobile phone was out of power.

Song Ci left Tong Xianzhou and the others casually behind, but Tong Xianzhou, who had also seen Song Ci, remembered it all the time.

I never expected to meet Song Ci here, and Tong Xianzhou lived in his own world all night.

Should he say hello, or forget it? !

Encounter is fate, if you don't say hello, it always feels a pity, after all, it is not easy to meet once.

After that, with the end of the decisive Yundian game, their chances of meeting each other became even slimmer.

Tong Xianzhou thought for a few hours on the little matter of whether to say hello or not.

When they finally made a decision, they went to Song Ci's box, only to find that the box was empty.

Tong Xianzhou's complexion remained unchanged, but his slightly dim eyes revealed his true emotions. He should have made a decision sooner. This time, it was a pity.

To talk about why Song Ci ended so early, it was mainly because the players had to go home too much tomorrow.

Most of the members of their team are students.

So they are not pure e-sports players like Tong Xianzhou and his team.

They may also go home, but they are not in a hurry.

More, people who have conflicts with their family because of playing e-sports, whose parents don’t understand their e-sports career, do not go home.

Therefore, in addition to e-sports not requiring a girlfriend, parents are mostly not needed.

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