It just so happens that tomorrow I also need to go there, and no one goes back to the apartment, so I can only take it to the training base.

Throwing the bag to Yu Shang, Song Ci put his hands in his pockets and followed Song Xiao.

As he walked out, Song Ci asked, "Speaking of brother, what about the designer you are talking about? Why is there no shadow yet?!"

Song Ci just asked casually, or it was a bit uncomfortable to say that he had nothing to say, so I was afraid that this matter would slip out.

And I didn't want to call to ask before, and now I have seen it, so what else can I be afraid of.

The figure in front of Song Xiao stopped.

He stopped and turned his head: "You said no one has contacted you yet?!"

Song Xiao looked dumbfounded.

After he finished the phone call with Song Ci yesterday, he asked the chief designer of his company to contact Song Ci.

At that time, the designer said that he would contact Song Ci as soon as possible, so there is no contact now as soon as possible?

Song Xiao narrowed his eyes, wondering what he was thinking.

"Actually, I'm not in a hurry." Song Ci shook his head when he saw Song Xiao doing this.

"Go home first, tomorrow I will re-arrange a designer for you." Song Xiao smiled, and said in a nonchalant manner.

Song Ci nodded lightly, indicating that he listened to Song Xiao.

Song Xiao continued to walk in front, and Song Ci and Chu Rong followed side by side.

After that, Song Banlan was chattering about something, and Yun Fei smiled from time to time.

After leaving the big theater, I saw three waiting cars outside.

Song Ci pulled Chu Rong into the middle car, and Song Banlan followed.

When all five people were seated, the car set off.

"By the way, I have to go back to the old house for dinner, I'm so afraid that my mother will hit me." Song Banlan sat in the co-pilot seat, and suddenly said after the car drove.

Song Ci leaned back in the seat lazily, and couldn't help but want to laugh when Song Banlan said this.

Song Banlan's parents, when they were young, their mothers were stricter, and their fathers preferred their children.

Therefore, if Song Banlan and Song Heng did something wrong, they would be spanked.

And their father, Song Ci's second uncle, although he spoils his children, he spoils his wife even more.

So watching a child being beaten, I never reach out to stop it.

Of course, it was also because her second aunt was very well-measured in beating people, and she would definitely not fight to death. She just wanted to let the brothers Song Banlan and Song Heng know that they couldn't make mistakes!

But when Song Banlan was a child, it was said that she was very skinny.

It was precisely because of this that Song Banlan was beaten frequently.

So far, Song Banlan has grown up, and his second aunt has not taught him for nearly ten years, but the fist lesson of his old mother still makes Song Banlan daunted.

In online language, Song Banlan once resounded the fear of being beaten and dominated.

"That's not necessarily true. Think about whether you have done anything wrong recently. You can beat the child before the New Year." Song Ci looked at Song Banlan jokingly and said.

In fact, the second aunt had already washed her hands in the golden basin and didn't beat the child anymore.

Song Banlan was beaten when he was a child, mainly because the child's three views began to take shape at that time, and the second aunt didn't only beat Song Banlan when he did something wrong.

Besides, Song Banlan is so old now, the second aunt is a sensible person, how can he still beat him now.

So Song Banlan is stupid.

Song Ci said that, Song Banlan really began to think about it seriously, feeling that he should have done nothing wrong, and immediately relaxed a lot.

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