Chapter 64 Friday Special

  Happy days didn't last long.

   Friday was supposed to be a happy Friday.

  However, on this day, the goblins did another thing, which made this Friday unpleasant.

  They broke thousands of years of tradition, and corrected——

   They broke thousands of years of tradition for the second time on this day.

  A 'brand new' weekly magazine - The Goblin Friday Issue.

  The price is only 33 silver coins.

  What are you still hesitating about? !

   50 copper coins cheaper than the Monday issue of Goblin Weekly.

  Although, there are also a few smart people who speculate suspiciously that these green-skinned profiteers will use the "cut" pages in the old magazines to make up for it.

   But, who can say no to the 78th edition? !

  Maybe the 78th edition was moved to Friday's special issue, maybe!

  So, whether you see through the goblin tricks or not.

   For various reasons, everyone still bought Goblin's newly released "Friday Special".

  The headline news on the first page turned out to be various news about the Wizards Association.

   Please trust an ancient organization that believes in the goddess of magic.

  The long years have allowed them to spread all over the three major human empires.

  If each branch contributes a little topic, their association is definitely capable of supporting 10 pages!

  When the president of magic opened the newspaper in the office in the morning, he couldn't react.

   He called the acting vice president in astonishment, and asked them how much money they had bribed the goblin, and even bought ten pages.

  Actually, what Chairman Jin really cares about is whether they will need to eat dirt in the second half of the year! ?

  Funds, guild funds... No, I should ask, do they still have such things as funds? !

  The acting vice president was directly confused by the question.

  ... He didn't spend any money.

   Didn't cost money... huh?


  In the south of the world map, the Jinzera continent is known as the forbidden zone for humans.

  Shangdorila Floating City, which is the main venue of the Floating City Club, is floating above this continent.

   At this time, Shandorila is extremely "lively".

   One after another, the great arcanists who are well-known in all directions, sitting in those floating cities, arrived through the portal of the conjuration system.

   They are striding forward, full of momentum, but in a hurry.

  The soft cloth of mage robes worn by these great figures was blown up by the wind brought up by the walking.

   Very flamboyant.

  The notice of the emergency meeting was issued only half an hour ago.

  Although the masters of these floating cities have countless things to do.

  For example: dissect the newly discovered intelligent race, study the dissected intelligent race, catch the new intelligent race and come back for dissection...

   Cough, anyway, everyone is very busy.

  These great arcanists can come in a short time, and there are so many of them.

  It is enough to see how serious the problem is that they put down what they are doing.

   Chandori-La's luxurious circular meeting room.

  The conference table is entrenched like mosquito coils.

   It can accommodate about 500 people, and the height of the dome from the ground is the same as that of a large theater in the world.

  The air-type sound transmission arcane is applied to the space. The inventor is Sunder, so it is named after him.

  This arcane technique can make the speech of anyone sitting in any corner of this hall ring like a torrent of bells.

   Floating in mid-air are a few seating platforms, the luxury of which is comparable to the throne of a certain prince's royal family.

  It is enough to show how noble the people who can sit in these positions are.

  The vacancies in the conference hall were gradually filled by the great arcanists who came from all over the world.

  Finally, it was time for the meeting.

   There was a loud bang.

  The door of the conference hall was closed, and the Grand Arcanist was the last to walk in.

  He is holding a scepter of wisdom, and above his head are seventeen gray Ion stones that look like tears of angels.

  This super-arcanist was wearing a gray robe embroidered with intricate dark gray patterns.

  His name, Ian, the lord of Shandorila, one of the legends, Ian in the gray robe.

   is also one of the founders of the 'Floating City Club'.

   is also the convener of this emergency meeting.

  In his hand that does not hold the scepter of wisdom, he holds a large stack of newspapers hanging in the air.

   This large stack of newspapers was bundled with strong strings and floated in the palm of this ultra-arcanist.

   is particularly eye-catching.

  Since he walked into the venue, it became audible, and everyone's eyes were on him.

   A gorgeous seat floating in mid-air slowly landed.

  The grand arcanists in the audience stood up from their seats, bowing their heads slightly reservedly to the gray-robed legend, expressing their respect.

   This is not the humility of the weak to the strong.

   It is the courtesy of the great arcanists to the pioneers on the path of pursuing omniscience and omnipotence.

  The ultra-arcanist sat on the gorgeous floating chair.

  The seat is slowly lifted into the air.

   Don't stop until it's level with the rest of the floating seats.

  Ian glanced around and saw that the other seats were almost empty.

  There was only one, and on it sat a super lich with fifteen ioun stones floating above his head.

   It's no surprise this guy will be there.

  The black-cloaked super lich is simply a strange species among the dead.

  He doesn't like the quiet gathering place of the dead, but always goes to the lively place.

  Every meeting in the floating city club, he never failed.

  The level of chattyness is simply outrageous.

   It is often suspected that the boss of the transformation system pretends to be a super lich and runs out to scare people.

   Seeing Ian coming, the lord of the City of the Dead made an exaggerated 'swimming' movement.

  Cooperating with his movements, the floating chair under him slowly floated towards Ian.

  Ian, who has long been used to the other party going crazy from time to time, silently looks away, not watching this super lich's mischief.

  He flicked the hand holding the newspaper.

  The string that bound Friday's Special dissipated into the air.

   Then, with a random swipe of his finger, the newspapers scattered in all directions.

  Everyone present was given a copy of the Goblin Friday Special.

  The bewildered grand arcanists looked at each other.

  Finally, they all opened the Goblin Special Issue in their hands at the same time.

  In a very dramatic scene, the forehead of the Arcanist sitting below was covered with blue veins.

  The blood in the blood vessel is rioting, and it is only one step away from bursting the blood vessel.

  God knows how gloating everyone here is on Monday.

  At this time, the eye-catching and jealous words on the headlines of the front page are the best tribute to them.

  【The branch president of the Holy Tricolor Copper Empire Magic Association made a speech: Without the Ion Stone, the Arcanist is useless! 】

  It's all right now, Feng Shui turns around, who will the heaven spare?

  Ian's hosting style has always been concise and to the point, "Now, let's discuss what we should do."

   "Damn it! I'm just talking about these green-skinned bloodsuckers, how could they suddenly go crazy and cut the price of the weekly magazine?!"

  The words of a red-robed great arcanist resounded in the conference hall.

  When encountering such a thing, the great red-robed arcanist is always the first to stand up in a rage, without exception.

   The furious red robe can't wait to bombard the stronghold of the Goblin United Chamber of Commerce now.

  Another red-robed great arcanist stood up, "I propose, all of us here, start to wipe out all the goblins within the floating city immediately! Immediately! Kill these **** **** goblins!"

   Some red robes have stood up, so is it still far from all red robes standing up?

  Ian rubbed his forehead lightly, and he unconsciously looked at the floating chair that belonged to Louis.

   Not surprisingly, the floating chair is still empty.

   This guy hasn't been to the party for a long time, and I don't know what he's been up to lately.

   Only he can hold back these red robes.

  Louis is the most rational among the red robes.

  At least, he is one of the few beings in the red robe who can communicate with language.

  As for other red robes, you may have to beat them down first, and then try to communicate with them with words.

   Seeing that the red robes were about to explode, Ian waved the scepter of wisdom in his hand.

  The legendary Enchanting Ion Stone above the head shines, directly releasing a group of mind control.

  Eighth-level enchantment arcane magic is at your fingertips, this is a super-level legend.

  The red robes all sat back in their seats as if a basin of cold water had been poured on them.

   Obviously, none of their complexions are very good-looking.

  No one would like to be enchanted legend, throwing a "forced calm" great arcane on him.

   Controlling the scene, Ian changed into a comfortable position, with the scepter of wisdom placed across his lap.

  He said with a straight face:

   “I want a solution to a problem, not a war.”

   With Ian's town hall in place, arcanists from other factions began to speak.

   "Quack quack quack quack quack ~~~" A sudden burst of laughter silenced the audience.

  Ian's hand holding the scepter of wisdom slowly tightened, and he didn't let go until the blood in his hand faded.

  He took a deep breath indiscriminately, "Edward, what's your 'high opinion'?"

   "Haha~hahaha~ sorry, quack~ I'm not kidding you, Ian, it's this Friday special, ha~ it's so funny.

  I decided to order 500,000 copies of "Friday Special", which will become the best entertainment project in the city of the dead, ha~quack~"

  When he smiles, the skeleton will make a creepy "quack" sound, which is both scary and joyful.

  Ian: “…”

   I endured and endured, but I still couldn't help the bulging veins.

  Should he expel this guy from the floating city club?

  I feel that he can make more trouble than the red robe!

   "No, no, old friend, I'm serious~" Sensing Ian's dissatisfaction with him, Edward immediately changed his seriousness.

  The super lich sat upright.

   When serious, the Ultra Lich is trustworthy.

   Putting away his cynicism, the Ultra Lich began flipping the newspaper with his fingers.

   "But it's also really funny, everyone, please turn to the bottom left of the ninth edition, and someone can read the title for me."

   There was a sound of 'cracking' flipping newspapers underneath.

   Then, a yellow-robed great arcanist spoke in a strange voice:

   "Shocked?! Who stole the dentures of the head of the Holy Gold Empire Anbis City Association..."


  It wasn’t Edward who was laughing this time. The arch arcanists who were close to him couldn’t help but hold back their laughter.

   But their faces couldn't be straight anymore, so they could only cover them with their hands raised.

   "Do you want to continue reading? Your Excellency?" The end of the great arcanist trembled slightly.

  Hold back the laughter.

  He hurriedly glanced at the content of the draft, and almost lost control.

  If the title of this "refreshing and refined" can make the grand arcanists who collectively have high blood pressure laugh.

  Then the content of the following manuscript is too insane.

   No one will read this manuscript again, because they are afraid of pounding the table and laughing wildly in a serious meeting.

   "Are you crazy? Are the magicians finally crazy? Is this all going up?"

   "The one who is crazy should be the goblin?"


   There were many discussions below.

  The benevolent sees the benevolent and the wise sees wisdom, and the two sitting on the floating chair quickly flipped through the "Friday Special".

  A minute later, Edward and Ian closed the "Friday Special" in their hands at the same time.

   "Ah, almost all the pages that were cut from Monday's "Goblin Weekly". But there is a lot more content~

  It’s a ‘conscience publication’ that even cares about the ‘unsolved case’ of the missing dentures of the president of the magic branch in a small town~”

  The terrifying-looking Super Lich said humorously.

  Edward changed his leg bone and crossed his legs, folded his hands and said:

   "The discussion of today's meeting can be changed.

   Next Monday, how can the goblin expand the layout of the Arcanist.

   Or, let me put it more directly.

  Everyone, let's discuss how many gold coins we should send to the goblins.

   Then, everyone can start pocketing and donating these gold coins. "

   Thank you for today’s tickets~

   Continue to ask for tickets for tomorrow~




  (end of this chapter)

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