The Dragon of Dreams

Chapter 120: A Realm of Nothingness

Mid Morning - Early Winter : Northeast Space Rune

"Well, I believe it's time we go to Bahamut! Shall we?"

Following Mother, we walked back to the center of the room, she reached up and tapped the orb.

She glanced back at Father. "We want to go to central right? Or do you want to go by the elders hall?" (Elders Hall is a short flight from the northeastern most rune)

"Wait, what residence are we staying at?"

"My mothers old one."

Fathers eyes immediately lit up. "Then let's go straight there, I'd rather get situated before we introduce the kids to the elders."

"Good idea, central it is. Kids, you might feel a little queasy but you'll be fine."

As soon as she finished talking, she injected mana into the artifact and everything went black.

As the darkness filled the area, I felt an incredibly familiar energy come along with it.

It steadily filled my body until it hit my 7th attribute node. Feeling the attribute node right next to this foreign energy confirmed an old theory. -So that node is space attribute..-

Realizing what the energy was (space attribute mana), I pushed mana through my attribute node and filled the surrounding space with it.

The abyss-like darkness around me started to rip apart and fade, being replaced with a nebulous sky. Everywhere around me was just darkness with purple or blue clouds flowing through it.

-What the..-

I looked down below me and noticed a spider web of large tube-like things stretching through the huge empty space.

All of the tubes were empty with the exception of one.

Quickly zipping down one of the tube-like structures was Mother, Father, Krystallo and Maria.

-Sh*t I need to atleast watch what path they take..- Being sure to keep my eye on them, I tried to get closer for a better look at the tube.

I quickly flapped my wings but I didn't move forward at all.

Not thinking much of it, I quickly tried to activate my thruster magic but that didn't work either.

It was then that I realized a major problem. -There aren't atoms here..-

There was simply nothing. I couldn't sense or feel anything even with aura..

I was just stuck floating through this room of nothingness that felt all too familiar. -No... not again..-

A fear unlike any other quickly filled my body as I started to panic with the thought of losing my family.

As my heart started beating out of my chest, I felt something touch me. A paw. Ilios's Paw.

-Right.. Hooh.. I'm not powerless like then..- With the feeling of Ilios behind me, I quickly calmed myself down.

-I need to think rationally.. Nothingness is impossible.. so if there aren't atoms, there must be something else..-

Moving a large sum of mana, I flooded my space node and read the mana like it was aura.

-Everything is just space attributed mana..-

Everything around me was filled with ridiculously dense, liquid-like mana but it was all space attributed. -Can I only sense it with space attribute mana?-

I once again tried to feel anything with my regular aura but couldn't, it wasn't until I read the space mana I let out that I could actually feel the foreign mana.

-So that's why..- Back when I used to do some experiments to try and figure out what the node was, I could never sense mana coming out the back side of it. It was as if I just pushed mana into a black hole.

-The reason I couldn't sense and control the mana coming out of the node was because it was space attribute..-

After getting lost in my thoughts for a moment, I quickly shook my head. -That's not the problem right now.. I need to figure out how to move in this place..-

Focusing on my space attribute mana, I tried to use it to paddle my way through the area, but the mana I controlled just brushed past the surrounding space and didn't move me forward at all.

After trying several other things, I was starting to run out of ideas.

It was then that I got a long shot of an idea. -There's no way this will work though..-

I quickly dedicated my entire focus on the mana and tried several things till..

-No way..-

I managed to create a quark with space attribute mana.

Although this may not sound like an impressive feat, it showed that something groundbreaking was possible. -I can create matter..-

Quickly gathering more space attribute mana, I created a ball of hydrogen around a meter across.

-I.. broke physics..- It was something I had never even thought of even being a possibility. With the utilization of space magic, I had the ability to create and destroy matter and, in a sense, energy.

At that moment, I realized a way to move through this emptiness besides using the crazy inefficient thrusters. (They are inefficient when using space mana because of how inefficient he is with space mana currently)

I quickly moved a huge amount of mana and created a fairly large electromagnet around 10 meters in front of me.

Once I finished it, I made a large steel platform below my feet and quickly used my aura to hold the magnet in place.

-I'm moving!-

I managed to create an 'infinitely' accelerating 'vehicle' (Up to light speed) that didn’t need fuel!

As I started to move through the space of 'nothingness' I looked back down at the web of tubes and found the intersection my family went through.

-Luckily I kept my eye on them earlier..-

At the center of the intersection they went through was a large black sphere.

-So I should make it there if I just fly into that right?-

After fiddling around with my aura and mana for a bit, I managed to turn towards the black sphere.

Once I got a bit of speed in the right direction, I released my control of the magnet and plate.

Almost instantly, they tried to slam together but disintegrated as if being devoured by the space mana before colliding.

-How weird.. It turned back into space mana..-

After floating for a bit longer, I got to the black sphere and closed my eyes in preparation to pass through but I just bumped into it. -Its solid?-

The sphere was made out of space attribute mana just like everything else but instead of being a frictionless liquid like it was around me, it was crystalline.

-Sh*t.. Well I need to get in one way or another..-

Deciding it was too risky to try and cut a hole into it, I tried to mimic it by creating another crystalline sphere of space mana around myself.

The instant I completed the sphere, it collapsed inward and I felt a wave of air slam into my back. -Haha! It worked!-

- Zachari Ragnarok ~

"Alright, central it is. Kids, you might feel a little queasy but you'll be fine."

I quickly selected the central rune on the artifact and injected quite a bit of unattributed mana.

-I wonder if Vasilias will get an upset stomach from this..-

As the surrounding area quickly turned to darkness and my body became weightless, I remained calm with happy thoughts.

-I can't wait to show off Vasilias to Mother..-

An instant later, the darkness started to split apart and fade, revealing a bright blue sky and the sound of huge crashing waves.

"Haah.." -Home sweet home..-

"Mother!" Krystallo's voice rang out behind me with a sense of fear.

"Huh? What is it sweetie? Do you not feel alright?"

"No! WHERES BROTHER?!" Her eyes were filled with tears and panic.

My mind went blank as I realized what she said.

-He's.. not here..-

My heart started beating out of my chest as a nauseating anxiety filled me.

I looked around with a pale face which just confirmed my worries.

-No.. it can't..-


Catching us all off guard, a deafening noise ripped through the air

We all immediately looked up and saw that a massive black sphere had formed in the sky.

Falling out of it was a massive black dragon and a white wolf. -Its Vasilias!-

A sense of relief like no other washed over me, but something kept me on edge.

-He's.. different..-

As he fell, he was covered in a cloud of darkness with the blue and purple glow from beneath his scales making it look as if the night sky had formed around him.

Without realizing, I had fallen into a trance, my worries and anxieties quickly melting away. -How.. beautiful..-

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