Chapter 196:  Discovering the Secret

Translator: 飞弹

‘What should I do?’ Feng Xi felt that he was more and more fond of his boss.

Ever since he was conquered by the boss with extremely sexy words that day, he had been in a constant state of uncertainty. He had been giggling in delight all day and didn’t even notice the obvious abnormality of Feng Ling. Nor could he find that Ice Qilin was deliberately jiggling around in front of him.

“Oh no, why does this little brat seem to become stupid?” Ice Qilin rubbed his chin and felt that Feng Xi’s current state was very strange. Feng Xi, a person who used to be so lively, would only sit and giggle now, which was really bizzare.

“Has he been traumatized by something?” Feng Ling asked carefully.

Although he had been studying under Uncle White in the past few days, he didn’t spend much time on studies, which was just four to six hours every day. He could do whatever he wanted in the rest of the day, so he would go back to Feng Xi to serve him. However, when he returned, he found that his master seemed to have been giggling until now. Sometimes Feng Ling called his name but Feng Xi didn’t respond. He felt it strange and therefore asked Ice Qilin to have a look. But he didn’t even expect Ice Qilin to have no way to deal with it.

“I think he must have gotten hit on the head,” Ice Qilin snickered. ‘If he suffers traumas, I shall eat my hat! Actually it would be a mercy if this brat doesn’t traumatize others.’

Feng Ling didn’t realize that Ice Qilin was joking. “Ah,” he called out, “that shouldn’t be possible. Doesn’t Mr. Feng Xi have his Majesty by his side? How could he get hit on the head? Besides, his head doesn’t seem to be hit.”

Ice Qilin rolled his eyes and scolded him angrily, “You idiot.”

Feng Ling immediately looked at him innocently. ‘How could he suddenly swear at me groundlessly? I’m not wrong.’

Seeing that Feng Ling was too stupid to understand his joke, Ice Qilin didn’t bother to talk to him again and concluded, “Anyway, don’t mind him. His boss is even not apprehensive about his situation. What are you worring about? You would be well advised to make yourself more intelligent urgently, which is the most important, but…”

“Why do I feel like you’ve become somehow different?” Ice Qilin walked around Feng Ling and looked at him, sizing him up.

Feng Ling rubbed his hands nervously and lowered his head. “No… No, you has misjudged me.”

Ice Qilin was about to say ‘I think so’ when a voice suddenly interjected their conversation. It was completely unexpected and gave the two of them a fright. They looked around and just saw that Feng Xi, who should have been giggling, suddenly became full of vim and vigor.

“Little Ice Qilin, you think so too, right? In fact, I agree with you.” Feng Xi jumped up as if he had found a confidant, clasping Ice Qilin’s hand seriously.

“Ehh…” Ice Qilin felt that Feng Xi was even more eccentric and couldn’t answer for a while.

Seeing that the two people were really going to have a conversation about himself, Feng Ling was afraid that they would pump him for something. And if he was unable to answer or his words betrayed himself, he would really be ashamed of himself. ” Mr. Feng Xi, I still have gotten some business to attend to. I bid you adieu.”

Feng Ling ran off before Feng Xi could respond to him. Feng Xi was about to chase after him, but he didn’t expect Feng Ling to lower his head and therefore bumped into the arms of Uncle White who just walked in. Uncle White seemed to reach out his hand to hold him up, but when Feng Xi saw it was Uncle White that he bumped into, he immediately stood straight as a well-educated child who had made a mistake, yet his head bowed.

“How inappropriate you are to act so recklessly!” Uncle White scolded.

“Sorry,” Feng Ling apologized like a little wife, not daring to contradict anything Uncle White just said at all.

“If you do that again, you will not be allowed to eat for a day as my punishment.”

“Yes, I will remember it well.”

“Ha ha…” Feng Xi chortled. His body even bent down at his laugh. Then he walked to the two of them and looked them up and down. After that he tapped Feng Ling on the shoulder but said to Uncle White, “Uncle White, I think your punishment would be too light. He has already begun to cultivate magic arts. Isn’t it unnecessary for cultivators to eat? Could it be that a person on cultivation level like the deity still needs to have meals?”

Uncle White squinted and his expression became very dangerous. “Mr. Feng Xi, I heard that you’ve been obtuse these days. Would you like me to examine you?”

“Er, no, thank you. Uncle White. I still have something to do. I’ll leave you to your work.” Seeing Uncle White’s expression, Feng Xi was instantly on the alert. He quickly gave a strained laugh and disappeared to look for King of the Netherworld. Sure enough, no matter how handsome Uncle White looked, his character still didn’t change at all, which remained so dangerous.

Feng Xi, who was afraid that Uncle White would let him suffer, didn’t notice a fact at all─that is, Uncle White had muddled through his question.

However, there was someone who couldn’t let Uncle White slip through so easily. Ice Qilin was not as easy to be deceived as Feng Xi. He watched it clearly aside and his intuition was telling him that something he didn’t know about was happening between Uncle White and Feng Ling. Otherwise, why would Uncle White change the subject to handle Feng Xi and use his fear of himself to cover it up? It was highly questionable!

No, he must figure it out.

Meanwhile, when Feng Xi, who was fleeing in a panic, was on the halfway, he finally realized the abnormality that Uncle White had not answered his question yet. With his intelligence, he thought that Uncle White had changed the subject to sidestep his question. However, it also staggered him that Uncle White would do it. He couldn’t understand it after thinking it over. He immediately quickened his pace to meet King of the Netherworld; maybe his boss knew why.

“Boss, I’ve gotten an incredible secret to tell you.”

Before he reached Quiet Stage Palace, Feng Xi’s voice rang out urgently, which could be heard from afar. He shouted so loudly as if he was afraid that others might not know. The four maids snickered and saw Feng Xi ran past them in a hurry.

Recently, King of the Netherworld had been busy attending to a disproportionate amount of official business in Quiet Stage Palace. When he saw Feng Xi running into the palace, he put down the jade slips from his hand and took Feng Xi in his arms. He stroked Feng Xi’s chest to help him breathe smoothly, “What secret is worth you running so vigorously?”

Feng Xi causally took a gulp of the tea that King of the Netherworld had drunk and looked at him with excitement. “Of course it’s worth it. It’s about Uncle White. I have discovered a secret of Uncle White today, so I immediately came over to tell you.”

King of the Netherworld thought that it would take him a longer time to find out, but he didn’t expect Feng Xi to discover it in only three or four days. Perhaps it seemed that Uncle White still couldn’t remain calm and that he let the cat out of the bag in front of Feng Xi. However, this was also good, saving Feng Xi the bore of staying in the temple. He did not want his little sweetheart to realize that he had already known the secret, so he asked according to Feng Xi’s words, “What’s the secret you just discovered about Uncle White, Little Feng Xi?”

Feng Xi took a few more mouthfuls of the tea before he said, “I just met Uncle White in the wing-room. I asked him about Little Feng Ling, but Uncle White changed the subject and frightened me off. I only realized it when I ran out. Otherwise, I could continue my inquiry. What a pity!!”

“Then what do you think causes him to do that?” King of the Netherworld asked calmly.

“There must be something wrong with him, but I haven’t figured it out,” Thinking of this, Feng Xi became dejected. He couldn’t find out what was wrong at all.

“Take your time, you’ll figure it out.” King of the Netherworld consoled him.

“That’s all I can do,” Feng Xi sighed helplessly.

King of the Netherworld touched his head and didn’t say anything. Feng Xi was also preoccupied with his own thoughts. The atmosphere around the two of them suddenly became more peaceful and intimate, yet it did not last long, which was interrupted by Feng Xi.

“I’ve gotten it. I’ll shadow Uncle White in the next few days. And I’ll definitely find the answer at that time, but…” Feng Xi looked at King of the Netherworld with a sly expression.

King of the Netherworld raised his eyebrows unobtrusively, “What do you want to say?”

Feng Xi immediately giggled, “Boss, with such power, Uncle White will definitely perceive it as soon as I get close to him, so… can you help me? Just let me be undetected when I get close to Uncle White.”

“You are quite shrewd, Little Xi.” King of the Netherworld flicked the forehead of Feng Xi who didn’t feel pain but moved closer to him.

“Promise to help me, please.” Feng Xi tugged at the sleeve of King of the Netherworld and tried hard to play cute.

King of the Netherworld listened to his soft voice of pleading and was very gratified. It wasn’t that he wouldn’t help him, but King of the Netherworld preferred to enjoy his little sweetheart being cute and badgering him near his ears, so he would always tease him, “It would be okay to help you, but what benefits can I have?”

“Benefits?” Feng Xi instantly raised his eyebrows. He didn’t expect such an answer. His eyes rolled and he immediately thought of something he had been willing to do very much before. He threw his arms around the neck of King of the Netherworld and pushed his face towards him with a smile, “Boss, there’s something on your lips. I’ll help you lick it off.”

After he said that, he stretched out his tongue and licked the lips of King of the Netherworld a few times. His saliva immediately wet the King’s slightly dry lips, making them look extremely seductive.

The corners of the lips of King of the Netherworld were slightly raised, making his lips perfectly sexier, as if he was very satisfied with this ‘benefit’.

Feng Xi stared blankly at him and swallowed his saliva. He looked like a lecher who saw an attractive person. He unconsciously recalled the same thing King of the Netherworld had done to him the last time. He kissed the King excitedly while trembling. Unfortunately, his kissing skill was far from perfect yet, so it was inevitable that he would bump into him.

King of the Netherworld sighed, gaining the initiative from being passive.

Although the four maids outside the door didn’t look sideways at them, their pretty faces already turned bright red. They kindly closed the door carefully, leaving them a room for privacy.

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