112. Fighting the Black Spirit

Translator: Ning LL

Ever since Feng Xi had cultivated the Fire Plunder and refined the silver spear, he was always eager to find someone to battle with.

However, the people who accompanied him were well aware of his identity and didn’t dare to fight him at all. Moreover, all the members of the Green Nether Hunting Group were no match for him except for Carendra. Thus, Feng Xi still couldn’t test his true strength even if they agreed to fight him. In the meantime, the only person who was capable of fighting him simply ignored him.

Finally, when Carendra couldn’t bear Feng Xi’s pleading look, he then said that after he had achieved his goal, he would leave the people of the Icy Valley to Feng Xi to help the latter practice his skills.

That was why there came the sneak attack. As it turned out, this was all for a boy to practice himself.

The boy in red armor looked dazzling. Although his words sounded cheerful, the look on his face was rather stern and formidable. Right now, he was staring at Bing Leiting with a subtle impression, not knowing that his imposing appearance had already drawn everyone’s attention.

Bing Leiting was in a muddle because of the red energy inside his body. He had regarded it as the normal energy with fire property, but never expected that the fire ball which ran wildly in his body contained formidable power. As a result, his slightly slower action led to a serious injury on his body.

Neither did he expect what he had thought would be easily handled had a sudden turn.

Surely, Bing Leiting was astonished. He had observed the Sura family for almost ten years and knew about the power of this force. However, the appearance of the two experts in God Sovereign realm truly made him nervous because he suddenly had a bad feeling.

Bing Leiting knew that he was not able to defeat the two experts in the God Sovereign realm even if he reached his own peak of cultivation, not to mention that he was wounded right now.

However, what really scared him was the boy who had launched a sneak attack on Bing Leiting. The weird energy of fire property from the latter was even able to swallow the energy of ice property in Bing Leiting’s body. Even if Bing Leiting had gathered the spiritual energy inside his body to block the attack, he still failed to hang in there for three seconds.

The odds were already against the people of the Icy Valley, so they could only come here next time.

After Bing Leiting took a glance at the boy who was wrapped in fire, he roared in a deep voice, “Let’s go!” Then, he retreated right away. However, it was very hard for Feng Xi to find someone to practice martial art with him. So there was no way he would let Bing Leiting go.

As Feng Xi saw Bing Leiting trying to flee away, he suddenly shouted, “Stop there!”

After that, he rushed toward Bing Leiting with fire around his body while sending out scorching heat. When the fire hit Bing Leiting’s body, the energy of the fire and ice property bumped into each other at once, spurting sparks with a loud bang. The next second, Bing Leiting’s body was knocked into the air and then fell into the valley. No one knew whether he survived or not.

There were gasps around.

They had thought that the boy gained the upper hand only because he had attacked Bing Leiting secretly. Never did they expect that the boy’s attack would be so destructive that Bing Leiting didn’t even have a chance to fight back…

“What… what is happening now?” Jambhala was in disbelief and found Bing Leiting lying in the crater motionlessly like a dead dog. Just now, the man nearly killed him.

“Father, I’ll explain everything to you after this is over. Please let us handle this now!”

Carendra was also shocked to see the stir Feng Xi had caused. He didn’t expect that Feng Xi was already able to launch such a critical strike after only forty days of cultivation. Right now, the boy’s power must be ten times stronger than before.


Jambhala could detect the terrifying aura sent out from his third son. Surprised as he was, he still had to suppress his doubt first after hearing his son’s words. Moreover, Jambhala had a feeling that the boy wrapped in fire might have something to do with Carendra’s breakthrough in the God King realm.

After Carendra nodded and let go of his father, he walked to the battlefield.

“All the members of the Green Nether Hunting Group! Kill everyone of the Icy Valley!”

His murderous intention was very obvious when he uttered those words, making everyone feel their souls trembling. The experts who had followed Bing Leiting here, in particular, didn’t even dare to fight anymore with their faces turning pale. Then, they started to flee in all directions. After all, since their lord had already lost the battle, they had no chance to win for sure. No one would be so stupid to stay.

However, they were still one step slower. The members of the Hunting Group acted in tune right away by chasing in each direction respectively. The cultivation base of the people of the Icy Valley were from fifth to eighth grade, which meant they were no match for the members of the Hunting Group.

“Hey! You guys should at least leave one to me!’’

There came Feng Xi’s voice again. As he saw that each of their enemies was chased by one of the members of the Hunting Group, he jumped up right away. He hadn’t had enough fighting!”

“Senro Black Fog.”

When Feng Xi wanted to go after those people, a gruesome voice suddenly came from behind him. After that, there was a large fog appearing in the sky, completely enveloping Feng Xi who was unguarded. Next, a terrifying giggle sounded from the sky.

“Tut-tut-tut, what a bunch of losers! You cannot even beat a small Sura family. I’ll deal with you guys after I kill that little bastard.”

Hearing that voice, the people of the Sura family all changed the looks on their faces.

Carendra stared at the Black Fog with a sullen face. He remembered having seen those black clouds before. An expert in the high grade of the God King realm had deceased because of the fog. The message he had received told that only Bing Leiting would come. Never did he realize that the strange man in black had been hiding aside the whole time. It seemed that this man didn’t trust Bing Leiting at all. Perhaps he was the one who had told Bing Leiting the secret of the Life River because he had wanted to use Bing Leiting to destroy the Sura family.

The Sura family was good at keeping secrets and none of the family members would be traitors. That was why Carendra had made that guess.

Nevertheless, the person he cared about most was Feng Xi who had been surrounded by dark clouds. He could tell that the cultivation level of the man in black was several grades above his and Feng Xi’s. Moreover, Feng Xi had only reached the first grade of the God Sovereign realm and was no match for the man in black for sure. If anything happened to Feng Xi, Carendra as well as others of the Sura family would all be held accountable.

The members of the Hunting Group also knew about that. Therefore, they all stared at the fog with a gloomy face.

In the dark, lots of malicious spirits roared crazily as if they were trying to take away others’ souls while the thrilling heads seemed to be breaking the layer which locked them. The cold and ghastly atmosphere was able to give anyone a chill.

However, Feng Xi who had been to the Ghost World before felt that this place was not as scary as the eighteenth floor of the Red Lotus Hell.

After all, the eighteenth floor of the Hell was the real purgatory of the world. Thus, the black fog which was created by the man was not able to scare Feng Xi at all.

He had heard from Carendra that the biggest weapon of those black spirits was the Black Fog and the secret weapon inside it had already injured lots of people.

As Feng Xi was thinking how to break the black fog and get out, the malicious spirits which hid in the fog suddenly gave a sharp cry.

The heads in front of him suddenly became twisted and the pupils on those faces turned into empty eyes which gave off bloody red light. After that, those heads gathered together and formed a huge skull. The bloody red eyes, filled with murderous intention, were fixed on Feng Xi in a short distance, sending out a strong gruesome aura…

Having sensed the coming danger, Feng Xi showed a serious look on his face with a silver spear showing in his hand.

Right at this moment, the black skull howled gloomily and broke through the layer. Then it rushed toward Feng Xi…

“First movement of the God Perishing Spear Art: Destroy Heaven Gang.”

Feng Xi held the spear tightly with the spiritual energy inside his body surging crazily. The huge dragon carved on the silver spear seemed to have come alive. Meanwhile, a small tornado with flames was stirred up around his body and then attacked the blood-eyed skull with an imposing manner at once.

The strike was rather fast. As the blood-eyed skull was halfway toward Feng Xi, the tornado with flames had already rushed to its front.

The collision of the two forces created a thunderous sound!

The Destroy Heaven Gang that Feng Xi had employed was still stirring up gusts of winds as if its energy would never be used up. At last, the blood-eyed skull stopped due to the strike. Then, with a huge bang, there was a crack appearing on the blood-eyed skull. After that, the fierce attacks of the tornado finally crushed the skull. As the crack kept expanding, the skull broke into tons of pieces with an explosion. The miserable cry of the spirits sounded at the same time and then vanished with the blood-eyed skull after one second.

However, the tornado still remained fierce. After it had destroyed the skull, it hit on the black fog at once. Then the black fog above Feng Xi’s head twisted when there came the shocked and angry voice of the man in black,

“Bastard, how could my Black Fog fail? No way, how’s a boy in the first grade of the God Sovereign realm able to do that?!”

Hearing that voice, everyone raised their heads.

The black fog which had blocked half of the sky was pierced through by a force. A flame rushed to the sky with a pit-a-pat. After that, the black fog, after a torsion, flew back to the body of the man in black. With an astonished look on the man’s twisted face, he finally vomited a mouthful of black blood, seeming to be badly injured.

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