The Domestic Hero

Chapter 989: Exhibition means

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"Uh, lad, you can't say that."

The beard frowned and replaced it with a cheeky face. He smiled and said, "Poaching is a crime. We call it gold rush."

He didn't care about the guy in front of him, and found out what they were doing, thinking he was completely under their control.

What's more, this fledgling stunned youth can understand what? It's true that the last one is slaughtered.

"Gold rush?" Wang Yan also continued to pretend to be puzzled, and asked curiously, "You are clearly ivory, and not ordinary ivory. How can you call it gold rush?"

"Of course it can be called gold digging. These bones and ivory are frozen mammoth fossils tens of thousands of years ago. Take this ivory. We usually call it tooth gold. The value of light is more than one hundred thousand dollars. For tooth gold and complete bones, that is sky high! "

The bearded man chuckled, "As for the country? Do n’t joke, the country can give me some money? It ’s a pity that your China country gave FBG, otherwise the organization used these paleontological genes to develop fortified drugs, and the price is more high."

"It turns out that you all have a relationship with FBG, it's amazing!"

Wang Yan deliberately made an amazed expression. FBG, a world cancer, has lost its conscience. I do n’t know how much has been done. At the time, it was led by China. The global joint action to eliminate FBG is due to him and his partners. .

But what he did not expect is that FBG has been annihilated, and its influence still exists.

It's no wonder that most of the supply of the earth's black market came from this organization that did nothing evil. This organization is gone, but the dark and rotten underground world still exists.

"Where and where, lads don't look at our small group of people, but in the mercenary world, they have real skills." The big beard raised his mouth, and he was flattered by Wang Yan.

In his eyes, Wang Yan looked like a stunned young man, and he was stupid with money.

As for the mercenary world in his mouth, in Wang Yan's eyes, they are just some desperate people who do things with money. Poaching tombs, illegal transactions, as long as the money is given, these desperate people will do it.

In many countries in the world, as long as the other side does not involve legal issues in the management of the mercenary industry, the official has closed his eyes and defaulted. Even the China National Bureau for National and African Affairs, it is impossible for all superpowers to join the National African Affairs Bureau, and there are many idle superpowers, even small superpower organizations.

However, if an organization of superpowers is formed, it must be filed with the National African Bureau and subject to the supervision and leadership of the National African Bureau. The National African Bureau, which belongs to their superior leaders, must achieve a certain degree of control.

After all, apparently law-abiding mercenaries, who knows what they will do behind the scenes?

For example, this group of people.

"Now I don't have FBG, are you dealing with those organizations again?" Wang Yan pretended to be amazed and asked curiously, "Especially that black market, it feels cool, I always wanted to go and see, but why No way found. "

"Why? The guy wants to see the black market?" The bearded eyes narrowed slightly and said pretendingly, "Our buyers of the goods can't tell you, but the black market is not inaccessible, just outsiders want to think about it. Entering this underground world is not so easy. "

"I know this big brother must have a way." Wang Yan pretended to be hooked, and said, "Look, can you do it conveniently, and take me to long-term knowledge? I heard that there are still women ~ slaves ... ... Hey, of course, I must pay everyone for my reward. "

"Of course, no problem. If you want to enter the black market, you first need a referral from a black market member. I will do this. But the reward ..."

Bearded grinned and looked at Wang Yan a few times. He seemed to be thinking about finding this stunned head and extorting something better.

"Boss Hulev!"

"Found it! We found it!"

Suddenly two young men came from afar, looking excitedly, "We not only found its nest, but also a small nest in the nest!"

"Haha, made it, this time we made it big!"

Bearded Hulev ’s excited eyes were shining, and he threw the matter of seeking Wang Yan ’s reward aside, mysteriously said, “Brother, do you want to see me, the most rare and endangered species on earth? ? "

"Oh? The rarest and endangered species on earth? I can see this."


Just as Wang Yan pretended to be a child of an ordinary rich family, mixed with a group of poaching mercenaries and heading towards his destination, hunting trials in other places were also in full swing.

Nan Lian decided to advance towards the north where the snow and ice elements are more intense. Unconsciously, she came to the edge of the endless Arctic Ocean.

She stood on a piece of ice floe, looking around, the calm and deep sea water, permeating the chill.

She has practiced at the north and south poles of the earth, so this environment is more familiar.

Right now, there is no way ahead. Nanlian tries to concentrate her energy and explore the surroundings. In a seemingly calm environment, there are usually hidden unexpected things.

Sure enough, not long afterwards, a loud, long rumbling sound passed from the cold water to the air.

"Boom! Boom!"

Changming's high-frequency throbbing, trembling air and sea water are buzzing and shaking, as if this side of the sea is shrouded in a primitive atmosphere of ancient floods.

Nanlian is black like a waterfall, standing still on the ice floes. The whole person seems to merge with the ice floes under his feet, as well as the sky and the sea.

Only the breeze gently brushed her hair, the fine ice and snow, wrapped around her, plus a lingering temperament, making her look like a goddess from the ice and snow world, beautiful and Touching again.


A column of water, accompanied by an air that seemed to be ruined to the ground, rose into the sky. At the same time, the deep sea water at the foot of Nan Lian suddenly reflected a huge mountain-like shadow with magnificent momentum, constantly pouring out to the water.

Nan Lian slowly opened her eyes and raised her mouth slightly, "It really came."


On the other side, the red tank entered a mountain valley in the middle.

He listened to Berissa's suggestion, condensed all his breath, and searched for the footsteps of the beast all the way. Wherever there was a beast, he went wherever he went, and he drew two knives towards himself halfway up.

This small injury would automatically heal to him in a few minutes, but the smell of blood flowing out greatly stimulated the nearby predators.

And the more high-level superpowers, the more nutrients they have in their blood, the more attractive they are to some monsters.

No, after he walked into the dead end of a valley, there were already hundreds of carnivorous beasts behind him, including some high-level monsters.

"Oh, good."

Seeing the success, the red tank sat down on the ground and waited for the prey to come to its door.

At this time, he is like Wang Yan, converging all breath, and looks just like ordinary people. Of course, it's just like an ordinary person who looks very delicious, so I'm not afraid that those predators won't be caught in the net.

Soon, after a long roar, the wolves first attacked!


Compared with the extreme means of red tanks using their own bait, other winter gods' hunting methods are much more normal.

With their pets, they arranged traps, tracked their footprints, and even sniffed out the position of their prey from the wind. They can show various techniques to the fullest.

Especially Anatoly, Igor, and Harbara, who are themselves outstanding young talents in the Winter Gods, especially Anatoly, who raised their own strength and are only uncles with Berissa between.

The three had previously suffered a little loss in Wang Yan's hands. They had already held their breath in their hearts for a long time, coupled with the pressure given by the high priest. In either case, they must successfully advance, even with the best results , Won the next snow baptism, and finally successfully landed on Dongdao.

Therefore, among the children of the Winter God clan, these three people have done their best, and their goals and gains are naturally of the highest quality.

It can be said that at this moment, the whole frozen ground of Northern Siberia is in full swing.

Far from the semi-dissolved tundra in the south, Wang Yan followed the poaching mercenary regiment headed by Hulev, and was not idle.

Halfway through, the bearded Hulev grinned and asked mysteriously, "Boy, I don't know how much you know about the rare and endangered birds in this world?"

"I don't really know this." Wang Yan shrugged. Who knows what rare species you are poaching gangs?

"Hey, let me tell you." Hulev thought that this young and rich second generation did not know that the rare species were normal, and he immediately introduced to Wang Yan, the record of this rare bird when it was first discovered. .

"According to records, as early as the pre-historic flood era, the entire northern hemisphere of the earth was suddenly submerged by unexplained floods. The high flood peaks of nearly a thousand kilometers almost engulfed all the land!"

"You are talking about the story of Noah's Ark in the Holy See?" Wang Yan asked curiously.

"Ce, the fellows of the Holy See are just for the sake of a single family, to fool the believers. In our line, the records of those ancient civilizations are very clear." Hulev waved his hands disdainfully and continued.

"The great flood was not just a story of the Holy See. The entire northern hemisphere was engulfed. For example, the Sumerian civilization in the Babylonian period, the Mayan civilization, the North American Indian civilization, etc. are all recorded. It is said that the ancient Greek city-state Atlantis, it was completely submerged by the flood at that time, alas, I do n’t know where the city-state is, or there will be many good things. "

"Oh, by the way, you seem to have a story in ancient China. It seems that it was because Vulcan broke a mountain, which caused a hole in the sky and caused a flood." Hulev laughed, "However, the legend of your country in China It ’s really interesting, how could there be mountains supporting the sky, and how could there be leaks in the sky? "

Huliefu, an old Maozi, does not understand the traditions of China, and naturally does not understand the myths and legends of China. But when Wang Yan heard this, his eyes lit up.

History is always surprisingly similar.

It turned out that the great flood involving the entire northern hemisphere was actually related to Vulcan!


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