The Domestic Hero

Chapter 985: and many more! See you again, wait!

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"According to the son of flames, are we tribe warriors all small characters?"

Looking around, in the crowd behind Igor, a handsome young man with long brown hair, tall, strong and almost perfect body, was looking at Wang Yan and others with a sneer.

The young man did not bring any pets of war, nor did he take any action. He just stood there and simply said a word, which immediately aroused the whispers of everyone present.

Regardless of the presence of the ancestral court or the tribes, the young man was in awe of the look. He could see that this young man had a very high status in the winter **** clan.

"Anatoly, I don't think the Son of Flame is afraid to speak out."

Beside the young brown-haired young man, a young man with a short stature but a strong body for several laps sneered at Wang Yan and others.

The man has some Mongolian ethnic characteristics, black hair, small eyes and short nose, wide face bone, but the body is quite strong and strong, it looks like a wooden pile.

And he looks fierce, with a fierce chain hammer around his waist, and a giant wild boar with the same fierce wildness beside him.

The wild boar is bigger than a cow, and its two long, pointed teeth resemble scimitars. At this time, just like its owner, it stared coldly at Wang Yan, and there was a burst of "huh" sounds in his nose.

But this ugly pet, standing with its owner, is really a perfect match.

Wang Yan just glanced at him lightly, still carrying his hands, and he was too lazy to take this provocation. To be honest, Wang Yan has grown in popularity over the years, and more and more people envy and hate.

No matter where you go, there will be such second-hand goods, and you are too lazy to take care of it.

Wang Yan didn't take their meanings, instead, Berissa's eyes condensed and she stepped forward. "Anatoly, you are so brave to dare to provoke my family's noble guests."

While scorning each other, Berissa secretly transmitted a voice to the three Wang Yan beside him.

"The young man with brown hair is Anatoly, the righteous son of High Priest Salar, known as the Tiger of the North. In our tribe, he is another young leader. His strength is not under me, but he did not join the polar bear. The Secret Service, so it did not participate in the youth conference. "

Wang Yan, Nan Lian, and the Red Tank, the three nodded slightly. The Youth Conference did bring together all the young superpowers on the bright side, but under the bright side, how many top superpowers did not show up? This number is likely to be very large under the huge population of the earth and a long history.

In front of me, the Winter God Clan who has almost avoided the world, I am afraid that it is the most representative and largest group of these super powers hidden under the bright surface.

"The guy who was accompanied by the wild boar, called Halbara, was an outstanding heir to the southern tribe. Like Igor, he was also the heir to the tribe."

The three Wang Yan immediately glanced at the Harbara. The heir to the side was sure that, like Igor, all the brows had a arrogant color that they had cultivated after standing for a long time.

"Belissa, your words are too serious. I just saw the son of the flame of the long-awaited youth conference champion and said hello."

Anatoly sneered, holding his hands in his arms, "Is His Royal Highness the Hunting God too wide?"

Igor, who was still provocating with Berissa, and Halbara, who were defiant to Wang Yan and others, immediately surrounded Anatoli, who looked forward to him and made a mockery. : "His Royal Highness Hunter hasn't been a patriarch yet, he started to manage so wide. When he becomes a patriarch in the future, that's enough."

Not only the two of them, but also the lineages brought by the two of them, followed by a burst of shouts, and the momentum was loud.

Bai Lisha's brow furrowed her eyes with coldness, and even the ancestors behind her clenched their teeth around her, confronting and scolding the people opposite.

Wang Yan and Nan Lian also clearly felt the strong smell of gunpowder.

This high priest, righteous son Anatoly, has gathered a lot of siblings. It seems that he is no longer a private grudge with Berissa, but secretly questioned and challenged the orthodox succession of Berissa Winter.

"Belissa, why should you be so nervous? The winter festival is coming. Everyone gathers together." Anatoly stretched his hand on Igor's shoulder, and said in a tone of voice, "According to our traditional rules, winter The Protoss can choose opponents at will and learn from each other. "

"Then Igor, talk about the opponent you want to challenge." Anatoly patted Igor's shoulder. Although his expression was smiling, his eyes were obviously sullen. "Remember to start with a little lighter , Do n’t hurt the VIPs who think we are small characters. "

In particular, the word "noble", Anatoli especially emphasized the tone, and the face of Berissa and the ancestors behind him also became more gloomy at this moment.

"Relax, I will be merciless ..." Igor's mouth twitched a cruel arc, and his eyes fell on Wang Yan. "I don't know if the famous son of flame, can I appreciate the boxing skills?"

Bai Lisha, Nan Lian and other people's faces became cold, he wanted to find Wang Yan's stubble? What a brave heart.

"Of course, I know that the famous son of flame is powerful and famous. But the distinguished son of flame, dare to let me go beyond superpowers and learn pure fighting skills?"

Igor's eyes gradually tightened, and the smile on his lips became stronger and stronger. "Or rather, the famous son of flame, if he does not use the flame superpower. Even the challenge of my small role, dare not accept it?

Although the Son of Flame won the championship at the youth conference, he did not even reach the half-step S-level at that time. Today, his strength is no more than a half-step S-level. Igor sharpened his fighting skills from an early age, and his fighting skills are superb.

He was confident enough that in pure combat, he could beat the child of flames to find his teeth.

They had a good abacus, and the son of flames was a distinguished guest brought back by Palisa. If he can be beaten down, it will greatly reduce Palisa's reputation and status in the group.

Not waiting for Wang Yan to speak, the Red Tank took the lead in speaking.

"Even my brother dared to provoke, not knowing life or death."

The red tank face was covered with anger, one step forward, blocking Wang Yan in front. He took off his shirt easily, exerted a little force, and exposed his thick big arm and strong pectoral muscles. Suddenly, he was exposed and his muscles swelled.

"If you want to fight, I will fight with you!"

With a whisper of understatement, with an overbearing domineering momentum, it spreads out in all directions, like a peerless fierce beast rising from the ground. Wang Yan is a distinguished guest of the Polar Bear Secret Service and is presented by his red tank.

This group of guys willfully provoked Wang Yan, and it was the tiger beard who slapped the red tank. How could he bear it?

The people of the Winter God clan shuddered all around, even the beasts of war pets exposed by the fierce surroundings were all bowed down and dared not make orders. Even Anatoly and several outstanding young people showed awe.

They dare to provoke the son of flames, but for the red tank that has reached the S-class, they are extremely afraid, and they dare not answer.

"Tank. This is a custom in our tribe. Neither you nor the Pharaoh need to intervene. That Igor really wants to compete, I will play with him personally."

Berisha's tone was lighter, but between her speeches, the harsh chill seemed to spread to the surroundings in an instant like her somber mood at the moment.

The tribes standing around could immediately hear, and the ground made a "click" sound of icing.

Opposite, Anatoly, Igor, Harbara, their faces changed slightly, their faces darkened a bit.

The long winter hunting **** Berissa, has long been famous among the winter gods. In the early years of the winter festival, he killed the king of the blue wolf, and then he subdued the north bear king Reynolds. No one can break the records of the two beastmasters.

Discussing this kind of strength alone has long been deeply in the hearts of many people.

The red tank was even more terrifying. When he was a polar bear secret service commissioner in the early days, when he came to the tribe with Berissa, there were many tribal warriors who challenged him, but no one could hold it for three minutes. ! And the other party obviously did not exert their full strength.

The three Anatoly, all considered themselves fighting nations, but in front of the red tank, no one dared to be too big. After all, that guy is a real monster. To defeat this monster, you need some means and weapons, not Fist with him.

"Red tank, Palisa, we just acted in accordance with the traditional rules of the tribe." At this point, Anatoli had already ridden the tiger and had to stubbornly say, "If the Son of Flame doesn't want to fight, just ask a counsel , We will not force it. "

"Acknowledge, hum, you are really looking for death ..." Nanlian, who has always been low-key, also has a cold eyes, a pure and cold ice breath, sprayed out thinly, even more cold than just Balisa Awesome.

She came to the Winter God Race for the purpose of exploring her life experience, and did not want to intervene in anything within the Winter God Race. But these idlers provoked Wang Yan again and again, but it stirred her anger.

Many Winter Gods present were surprised, and turned their eyes together to look at the beautiful and cold Nanlian.

They didn't expect this friend from Huaxia, who still looks a little delicate. Such a huge amount of ice power was hidden in the body, which shocked them, the Winter Gods.

The three Anatoly also moved slightly. The three of them glanced at each other. In front of this beautiful and glamorous woman, who besides the ice queen Huangfu Nanlian of the China National Bureau of African Affairs?

When checking the data previously, the three of them thought that Huangfu Nanlian was just an awakener of ordinary ice abilities. There are more awakeners of ice abilities in the world.

But at this moment, they never imagined that the power contained in this Huangfu Nanlian's body was so pure, and the control of the power of the ice law was so delicate, which surprised them.

However, Nan Lian still had hands in the future, but Wang Yan held his hand and stopped at the same place.

"It's really interesting, you winter gods are really belligerent." Wang Yan smiled slightly at Nanlian, and then turned to walk into the round fighting field. The wind said lightly, "Since you want to play, then I Just play with you. "

This time, he accompanied Nan Lian to explore his life experience, not to show his way. For a long time, it has converged and maintained a low-key character. Unexpectedly, the more low-key is really more conspicuous.

What cats and dogs dare to jump out and provoke themselves.

In this case, Wang Yan felt that it would be better to show off his might and let these indigenous people stop.

The audience at the scene, whether it's the ancestral court or the tribes of the next line, exclaimed in a burst of excitement.

One of the distinguished guests from China, Wang Yan, the son of the flame, has always heard that the name is great, but does it really have the strength to match the name? Almost no ordinary people present knew.

But at this moment, this son of flames who do not know the depths, will be fighting with the powerful Igor! This suspense alone is exciting enough to think about it.

Seeing that the tricks succeeded, Igor stood in the field, and Anatoly and Halbara glanced at each other, each laughing with a ghost in their hearts.

"Son of Flame, let's start!"

Igor's eyes cold, a grin on his lips, and he moved towards Wang Yan.

"and many more!"

At this moment, Wang Yan suddenly raised his mouth, showing a smile, reaching out and interrupting, "Wait first."


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