The Domestic Hero

Chapter 972: First visit to Northland

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Snow flakes floating around, pure white crystal ice crystals, like silk floating in the wind, glorified in front of eyes.

Wang Yan and Nan Lian stood on the edge of the cabin and looked into the distance.

In front of the left side of the airport, a clear and tranquil lake is like an endless ocean. Under the background of the slowly falling snowflakes, she is like a dazzling blue eye embedded in the Siberian plain. on.

"Lake Baikal, it was so beautiful ..." Nan Lian took Wang Yan's wrist lightly and looked at the snowy scene of Lake Baikal near him.

Lake Baikal is the oldest, clearest, and deepest freshwater lake in the world. Her beauty has always astounded the world, especially her top water area in Asia and Europe, which was once called her in ancient China. It is the North Sea.

Under the falling snow and ice, Nan Lian's long eyelashes twitched slightly, and a pair of blue ice eyes reflected the bright lake water at the moment. Wang Yan looked a little intoxicated on the side, and the corners of his mouth could not help rising slightly, "Your eyes are more beautiful than the lake water."

A touch of Feixia seemed to be blushing, staining Nanlian's cheek. She looked at Wang Yan with a little bit of shyness. The picture of the two people's affectionate models seemed to freeze here, leaving only pure white snowflakes falling, slowly Falling.

"Cough, the love between the son of flame and the ice queen is really envious."

A joke sounded like a cough, breaking the picture of the freeze.

Wang Yan and Nan Lian each smiled, and naturally understood who the person was speaking out, and the two turned around and walked under the aircraft ramp.

"Belissa, brother of tanks, don't come unharmed."

The Winter Hunter, Berissa Nova, and the red tank, Cristo Mayev, who had fought against Nan Lian and Wang Yan at the Youth Conference, stood on the left and right sides of the aircraft ramp. .

Behind the two men, there was a neatly lined up team of high-spirited soldiers, who could see that they should be the ground forces of the Russian Polar Bear Secret Service. They came to welcome Wang Yan and Nan Lian together.

"On behalf of the Polar Bear Special Service Headquarters and the Irkutsk branch, welcome two people." Berissa stood under the ramp and greeted with a smile.

At this time she put on a set of black leather jacket, tight under the tight leather jacket, her exquisite and perfect figure, more beautiful and moving. And the wolf cloak that symbolizes the hunted **** is still covered by her. The white and thick fur wolf's fur makes her already heroic and temperament, and sets off the majestic majesty.

Her indispensable darling, the North Bear King Reynolds, also shrunk her original mighty body and became the size of an ordinary white bear, sitting quietly beside her.

Opposite Berissa, the red tank known as the undead monster, Kristo Mayev, also looked at Wang Yan with a smiling face.

The tall and mighty red tank, still with short hair sunglasses, was dressed neatly in the military, but probably because of the cold weather, he put a military jacket on his T-shirt.

The army green thick cotton jacket set his tower-like towering body more burly and tall. Standing in front of people is like a high wall, full of visual impact.

Right now, including Wang Yan and others, these top superpowers do not wear clothes according to the season because they are cold. This is because they avoid living in this world like aliens. After all, whether it is a superpower or an ordinary person, they are all part of this world and need to be integrated into this society in order to enjoy the fun and goodness of life.

"Lao Wang, long time no see."

Seeing Wang Yan and Nan Lian get off the plane, the red tank greeted him first, extended his hand enthusiastically, and clung tightly to Wang Yan.

He and Berisha are not unfamiliar with Wang Yan and Nan Lian. When they meet again at this time, it is like an old friend. The picture of fierce fighting with each other at the original meeting seems to have stopped yesterday. Mesh.

"Huh? Brother Tank, are you S-Class too?"

Wang Yan was slightly startled. When he shook hands with the red tank, he felt an unparalleled force, and it came from the palm of the other party.

The air between the palms of the two immediately stirred up a translucent air wave visible to the naked eye. The overbearing power seemed to crush his palm together with the bone at any time.

Wang Yan turned his eyes and looked at the red tank. It must be said that in terms of pure power, the Red Tank is really the undisputed king on this planet.

At the beginning of the half-step S-class stage, the red tank was known as the king of land warfare with unparalleled strength, and it was an undead monster. At this moment, after advancing to the S level, it has reached a terrifying level, the monster among the monsters.

Wang Yan dare to say, let alone armored tanks in front of this force, even the mountains and rivers must fall apart.

"Haha, this is also thanks to the result of the battle with you. I thought that no one was my opponent in frontal combat, but you gave me a solid lesson." The red tank smiled soundly and saw the king Yan's reaction, the complacent look in his eyes could not help but increase a few points.

"So after the competition, for half a year, I was pondering the meaning of fighting with you, plus I also experienced a chance to die, and the result was just half a year earlier than you, and I was promoted to S-level!"

"Brother Tank is amazing." Wang Yan was interested. It seems that in this world, not only he is working alone, but there seems to be flames rising in his eyes.

"Compared to the Son of Flame who has caused so many deeds in the world, my score is far worse." The red tank said modesty, but the strength in his hand increased a little, "At the beginning half of the step S I thought I was inferior to you at the first grade, but now I accumulate more than you in the first half of the year, so you have to be careful. "

The red tank is eager to try, and he is confident that with the accumulation of the past six months, he will surely catch up and even overwhelm Wang Yan.

Behind him, the elite team of soldiers also showed excitement, excitement and pride.

"With the unmatched power of the red tank, the Son of Flame has lost!"

Out of friendliness and courtesy, these soldiers did not say what they said in their hearts, but the red tanks were the idols of these Russian soldiers. Now the red tanks are powerful. These direct troops have witnessed them with their own eyes.

That powerful cruise missile, hit in the front, only hurt him a few points.

Although the name and related deeds of the Son of Flame are well-known in the world, as a superpower at the top of the fire department, in terms of physical strength, he certainly cannot compare with the hero in their army, the red tank!

Few people in the audience were optimistic about Wang Yan, only the hairy crabs carrying luggage behind him and Nan Lian beside him looked at the red tank with sympathetic eyes.

Even dare to pretend to be forced in front of the Pharaoh, it seems that he hasn't learned a lesson yet.

"Brother Tank lost the last time, do you want to try again?" Wang Yan smiled disapprovingly.

He understands that the other party is not malicious. The red tank has the typical personality characteristics of Lao Maozi. When confronted with enemies and strangers, it will appear quite indifferent and terrifying, but if you really want to be a friend, you will find the other party's bold and enthusiastic side.

But since the other party wants to compare, his Wang Yan will not let him.

"It seems that I will give you another lesson today." With a staring gaze, Wang Yan immediately transported his body to the pure fire of the pure sun, and counterattacked it with a force that was not inferior to the other party.

I saw the squeezed muscles on the palm of Wang Yan's palm, and immediately swelled up. At the same time, a temperature that seemed to melt steel began to rise on the surface of his palm.


The skin of Wang Yan's arms began to redden slightly, the skin and muscles became hard like steel, and the strength was immense. At the same time, the body surface temperature was hot like lava. Soon, the white steam began to rise continuously at the intersection of the red tank and the palm of Wang Yan, and the expression of the red tank became more and more dignified.

"His! Ah!"

After a few seconds, the red tank could no longer withstand the double pressure of power and flames, whispered, retracted his palm, and defeated.

"Pharaoh, you are such a monster! I have never seen a fire-powered person who can have such a strong power."

The red tank frowned, and then he saw that there was a crimson mark on his palm.

Wang Yan didn't take it for granted, but instead smiled rather usefully, "I feel honored to be called a monster by your monster."

The team of soldiers behind was stunned. The child of flame is not only a **** of fire, but also has no weakness in power. It is really terrifying! The key is that he is still so young. If he goes on like this, what will happen in the future?

"Cough, Christopher, the son of Flame and the Queen of Ice, but our distinguished guests of the Secret Service, you are so impolite." Berissa smiled politely at Wang Yan, and walked sideways to the steps Nan Lian.

"Xiao Yan, we are guests, or should we keep a low profile." Nan Lian said, extending her hands, and shook her with politeness very politely.

The two generous and decent women are much more low-key than the two fleshy men, but you can still feel that between the two women's gaze, the fierce and secret fighting spirit is violently colliding.

Superpowers are the top of the biological chain on this planet, so having a good opponent is the key to their continuous improvement. The relationship between them is like two top-notch top athletes, competing with each other, making progress, being friends, and adding a lot of fun to their life.

"Disrespectful and rude, Pharaoh, wait for the opportunity to discuss with you once."

"Brother Tank is welcome, you are a good opponent, and I look forward to playing against you again."

The two shook hands again very friendly and politely turned over each other.

When everyone was about to get into the car from the red tank, there was a cry of surprise from Berissa.

"Wait, this ... Nanlian, why do you have this necklace?"

Berisha's eyes contracted and her eyes stayed in front of Nan Lian's lapel, unable to move away for a long time.

Nan Lian's eyes widened in surprise, "This is the necklace left by my mother, you, do you know it?"


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