The Domestic Hero

Chapter 964: Miracle

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The students reacted violently, and Wang Yan was the matter of President Wang, which was really shocking. In particular, some students who are also helping gangs to prepare to get through with Wang Yan.

For example, classmate Zhang Wei, who is good at space, started to tremble, but he dared to challenge Wang Yan yesterday. Fortunately, at that time, President Wang did not care about him, but just sent a hairy crab to play with them.

If President Wang was really annoyed at the time, any finger could make them annihilate. The other students also looked at each other and found that the other party was ashamed. They were afraid that Headmaster Wang would be upset and turned around and slapped them.

How strong is Wang Yan, sweeping over at a glance, all the students' reactions are gathered in his eyes. Especially Zhang Wei's gang is miserable one by one, afraid that he will settle accounts after the autumn.

In fact, with Wang Yan's current state of mind, how can he care about a group of children?

Where there are people, there will be rivers and lakes. Will the students be the exception?

What's more, competition will make you more motivated. It is also a good thing to have more competition among students to promote growth.

Of course, in the eyes of most students, Wang Yan is an endless admirer. President Wang is so awesome that he can stand on the spot and carry the DF-15 hard. Trace.

After a little greeting from the students, Wang Yan returned to the leadership seat.

At this time, no matter whether it is Xiang Jiande or other head-level figures, they no longer dare to take Joe in front of Wang Yan. Their eyes were filled with awesome complex looks.

Before today, they never thought there would be such a powerful human being in this world. I have seen Nan Lian and An Ge being so powerful before, it is extremely incredible, challenging the limit of human imagination.

But today, Wang Yan has once again overturned their cognition, letting them know that there are people in this world who can single out a modern and elite army.

"Principal Wang, please be seated." Xiang Jiande spoke with awe, and invited Wang Yan to take the chair. There is no reason for him. It is because Wang Yan is too strong. Apart from a little power, he can't compare with him.

What's more, Wang Yan's administrative level is also extremely high, reaching the provincial and ministerial level, which is almost the same as his level.

Such a person really made Major General Xiang Jiande know. No wonder that both the Military Department and the National African Bureau both asked him to actively cooperate with President Wang to meet all his requirements and guidance suggestions as much as possible.

Wang Yan was a little humble, so he sat on the chief reluctantly. Indeed, his Wang Yan is an impressive S-class strongman, a member of the National African Affairs Bureau who is rooted in Miaohong, and can be regarded as the talent of the country.

Such a character, in some weak countries, even the head of state must be respectful even when he meets him, just like the presence of the emperor.

Regardless of identity or strength, it is well deserved to sit here as chief.

The rest of the people saw it. Although they were not suitable, they still accepted it naturally. Today's Wang Yan has really subverted their imagination. With his ability and status, sitting in this position really can't pick the thorn.

What's more, the reason why Wang Yan played this game today was that he wanted to test his defensive ability through the combat effectiveness of the army, and secondly, he wanted to knock down the mountain and tiger to make these army leaders sober to the superpowers Understanding.

As for Nan Lian and An Ge, the sitting position is slightly lower than that of Xiang Jiande, but higher than those of the regiment leaders. It is equally natural that no one will raise any objections.

After a few words of rapport with Wang Yan, they began the formal discussion. First of all, Wang Yan stated that, for the soldiers who were unfortunately sacrificed in the exercise confrontation, Wang Yan will personally contribute a pension of 5 million per capita to support the family members who sacrificed the soldiers.

Xiang Jiande and others immediately looked a lot better, and some of the complaints in their hearts disappeared without a trace. Although the army also provided compassion and placement for the sacrificed soldiers, it never reached such a huge number. Five million per capita, coupled with the military ’s pension policy, can allow families who sacrifice soldiers to live a prosperous and stable life.

"Besides this, I am personally willing to donate 2 billion to increase our military spending." Wang Yan said this figure calmly.


"Two billion……"

Xiang Jiande and others all stared. This is really an astronomical donation. If there is this military expenditure, whether it is the treatment of soldiers or weapons, there will be a qualitative leap.

Are superpowers so rich? A casual mouth is a donation of 2 billion yuan. To what extent is the principal Wang's net worth? In fact, they don't understand. Superpowers are really good at making money, but Wang Yan is a special case.

With a youth conference, he directly increased his worth to an extremely terrifying point. The two billions donated at will are just nine ounces.

But even so, the two billion figure is enough to make these military figures dumbfounded and admired President Wang. When I look at him again, in addition to the respect for the peerless masters, I look more at the eyes of God of Wealth.

"My personal donation is 500 million." Wuya Ange said with a bleak expression. "Because of insufficient estimates, some soldiers were injured or killed. I am also very sorry for this."

Waiting for the army generals to respond, Nan Lian smiled and also asked to donate 500 million yuan.

Such a huge donation really caught the army generals by surprise and was hit by huge pies. The sense of shame caused by the failure just now disappeared without a trace, and each one smiled with open eyes.

"Everyone, our army's quality is very strong, and the equipment is also very well-equipped." Wang Yan only officially said, "However, you don't have a clear understanding of the superpowers. The superpowers have strong individual strength and incredible capabilities. I I have even seen a strong man who can summon a meteorite from outer space to bomb. "

Summon meteorites from outer space?

The generals were a little ashamed when they heard the first half of the sentence. But the second half of the sentence shocked them. Unbelievable, this is really unbelievable.

"The strength of our division is not weak. If we can have a clear understanding of the capabilities and combat effectiveness of an S-class superpower, and can formulate reasonable tactics, we can still overcome."

The generals were in deep contemplation, and the Ministry of Military Affairs and the National African Affairs Bureau selected them from the military in various places. Naturally, these generals are certainly not incompetent. As Wang Yan said, they lack a clear concept of powerful superpowers.

Today, combining three battles, I carefully calculated and deduced it in my heart, and found that if I am prepared well in advance and fight in a targeted manner, there is still a great chance of winning.

Especially Nanlian and Ange, their strength is very strong. But at the same time, their weaknesses are also obvious.

It's just that for Wang Yan's perverted powerhouses, they are at a loss. The bombing of tank clusters is definitely useless. Those airborne missiles have little effect on him.

Crowd tactics, no matter how much they are piled up, are all food delivery.

The only possibility is to load a nuclear warhead on the cruise missile. But even so, dealing with him is extremely difficult, how to find him, how to locate him?

The generals, the more they thought, the more they were shocked, and the more they felt, the more they felt weak.

"You are powerless to S-level superpowers, that is because of the lack of superpowers' assistance." Wang Yan said with a smile, "Our army will have a large number of superpowers in the future. Between the superpowers and the army It will form a perfect complement. In addition, our National African Bureau also has some research institutes, which are developing some new weapons against superpowers. From now on, a batch of trial equipment will be sent. Under these equipment, the army The combat effectiveness of the game will be a huge increase, even against the S-level powerhouse. "

The spirit of the generals was shocked, and I heard that new equipment would be sent before. But before today, no one is taking it seriously, is this new equipment? No matter how strong it is, where can it be?

But now it feels different, everyone is full of expectations.

Xiang Jiande said: "Principal Wang, are you bringing these students, are you ready to let them integrate into the army?"

Students, yes, students.

The generals' eyes lit up, and the eyes of those students were fiery. Those are all superpowers, although they are still young. But once they grow up, the army is powerful.

I dare not say anything as powerful as President Wang, only one or two such characters as Miss Nanlian and Miss An Ge come out, then their army is domineering.

"Into the army, I can't talk about it for the time being." Wang Yan glanced at the students with a smile, said with a smile, "The students are still young, they are recruited by ordinary people's schools everywhere, it is inevitable that there is some irritability. The second time I let them come is to accept the baptism of the army ’s military soul and enhance their discipline and **** morale. "

As soon as Wang Yan made this remark, the generals all rubbed their hands excitedly.

The leader Wu Yingqun jumped out and said: "Principal Wang, you can hand over the students to me. My person is the best at training troops. In three months, I let them completely transform in three months."

"Why do you give me anything?" Jian Dingshan rushed to say, "My training level is leading in the whole army, but I had a lot of soldier-level first-class figures back then. Principal Wang, give it to me, I guarantee them all Become like a wolf. "

The rest of the generals also began to show off their abilities desperately, fighting for a source of students. Each of these students is a treasure.

"Oh, let's divide into three teams, let them have a competition with each other." Wang Yan said with a light smile, "In addition, these students are superpowers. I suggest you to train in the most strict and **** way. . Only pressure can transform better. "

Those students blinked their cute eyes and looked at Wang Yan and the generals on the podium from afar. They have not noticed that they are about to enter the life of purgatory.


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