The Domestic Hero

Chapter 962: principal! Do you want a nuclear warhead?

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Those armor-piercing shells that could penetrate the armored car were ejected in such a round, as if they hit the diamond glass, Dingding Dongdong was crisp.

Both the rostrum and the student seats exclaimed.

Is it possible that this principal Wang is really a god-man?

"Hahaha, okay, okay." Wang Yan is also very incisive, his golden glass body is just a small state, and he already has such exaggerated defense. If you reach the state of Dacheng, I am afraid that you can directly carry the missile and bomb it.

Hundreds of heavy armor-piercing rounds were hit by Wang Yan. It is a pity that his golden glazed body is still as strong as a mountain.

"Something more fierce."

Wang Yan laughed loudly, "Heavy machine gun bullets are not enough to be enjoyable."

"Go on artillery!"

Xiang Jiande was in a distance, looking shocked. The strength of the principal Wang was really too powerful ~ abnormal. Nan Lian and An Ge are also strong, but their ability is better than strange. If they are asked to carry these armor-piercing shells hard, they will also be seriously injured if they die.


The well-prepared tank aimed and fired.

The shell was flat fired and blasted at Wang Yan.

The 125mm armor-piercing high-explosive shell is designed to deal with solid defenses, and even used to penetrate tanks and explode. This kind of power is definitely not a flesh and blood body that can be carried hard.

The speed at which the artillery popped into the barrel reached a speed of 1,700 kilometers per hour, wrapped in a white mark and a shriek, and came to the front of Wang Yan's face in a blink of an eye. In fact, the speed of modern shells is even above the speed of sound.

Many people do not even hear the sound, they will find the shells exploded around them.


To everyone's expectation, Wang Yan even stretched out a golden colored glass hand and instantly caught the hot shell.

What a terrible kinetic energy it is.

But Wang Yan's body didn't even shake, so he caught the cannonball in his hands.


The high-explosive bomb exploded in his hands, and the violent energy shock wave poured on Wang Yan. Under the strong impact, the glazed golden color on his body was faintly more splendid, and there were cracks in several weak places.

But those tiny slits healed quickly under Wang Yan's idea.

The podium and the students saw this scene through the big screen, and they were already dumbfounded. Principal Wang's terrible degree is far beyond imagination, people can't even shout out cheers, and all are moaning inside, full of shocking waves.

"Come again!"


With Wang Yan screaming, more than ten tank vehicles set fire to attack. The multiple shells fell several meters away from Wang Yan. Under the joint explosion, the power was increased by a large amount, and the entire battlefield ground seemed to be shaking.

Wang Yan's figure can no longer be captured in the camera, only the fire light as bright as the sun.

As the flame dimmed and the smoke was blown away, the crowd discovered that an irregular large pit had been blown out of the ground. But President Wang still stands proudly, and even a few feet of land under his feet is intact.

The only thing that affected him was the glazed gold body on him. Under the violent artillery cover bombardment, his glazed gold body finally cracked in many places, like a pair of old and decrepit armor.

But before those army leaders breathed a sigh of relief, as the golden light flashed on Wang Yan's body, Liu Li's gold body was restored in a few short breaths, and it looked better than the original Liu Li Richer.

Such changes have caused the military to nearly collapse.

What a terrible monster was President Wang, who stood there and let the army fight, but he couldn't hurt him. If he starts a sports battle, who can get him half a point?

If the world's superpowers are as terrible as he is, I am afraid that the army will not be necessary.

"General Xiang, let's make some more ruthless." Wang Yan smiled cheerfully. In fact, his mood is indeed good. After Liuli Jinshen was almost broken, he made some progress.

At the level of Wang Yan, every progress is commendable and gratifying.

"Will it be more ruthless?"

Xiang Jiande's face is a little numb. Even Superman in film and television works may not be so playable? In fact, he was thinking about this. The Superman of the Rice Empire will certainly be able to play together like Wang Yan, and it will slip even more than he does.

In fact, Mi Di's male superbook is one of the world's top powerhouses. Before Uncle Cannon was promoted to Demigod, he and the Super League were only between Bo Zhong.

Of course, the male superheroes are aliens, and their ethnic evolution has been higher than that of the earth. Even, the evolution of the Superman race is even more advanced than the abyss demons.

It is a pity that the race of the Super League is now almost extinct.

Of course, Wang Yan is also very powerful now. Even if I can't do it for the time being, I will never be crushed.

At this time, Xiang Jiande on the podium ordered: "Try an anti-tank rocket."

The anti-tank rocket launcher is a weapon used by infantry to deal with tanks, helicopters and other armored forces. It has powerful armor-breaking ability and blasting ability.


Several rockets dragged the long flame tail and slammed into Wang Yan.

Wang Yan continued not to hide.


The explosion roared like thunder, with Wang Yan's body as the center, and several small mushroom clouds lit up one after another. Its power was stronger and more powerful than the artillery.

But after the fireworks dissipated, Wang Yan still stood there calmly as usual, but the Liuli gold body had been broken in half, almost damaged. It can also be seen from this that it is impossible to be invincible with the glazed gold body alone.

At the beginning, Gu Sheng's old guy carried Wang Yan's personal tactical nuclear bomb, and his defense was also very powerful. However, even the most powerful S-class strongman can hardly carry the body and armor all the way.

At this time, the energy in Wang Yan's body quickly circulated, and the damaged glass body was repaired again. At the same time, he was filled with a huge amount of energy outside his body.

This is an air shield composed of pure yang true qi highly condensed. It is perfectly supported, just like a magic shield like an egg shell propped outside of Wang Yan's body.

Of course, Wang Yan ’s Gang Qi shield is far from ordinary magic shield, it shows a red color, like a flaming flame, which includes Wang Yan ’s perfect defense.

Gang Qi shield, glazed gold body, skin and flesh full of vigorous agitation, as well as the internal organs that are one hundred times stronger and hundreds of times stronger than ordinary people. These are all Wang Yan's defense systems.

It's just that he doesn't have a suitable armor now, otherwise the defense will add another layer.

The armor suitable for the S-class powerhouse is already rare and extremely precious. Of course, there are still some in the internal treasure trove of the National African Affairs Bureau, but they are not in line with Wang Yan's attributes.

The reason why Wang Yan did not exchange it is because Uncle Cannon and the maidservant kept some materials of the original Purgatory Demon God for themselves, and prepared to use the hardest skin on it to refine the armor.

In addition, the Purgatory Demon God is originally a fire deity, and it is very consistent with Wang Yan's attributes. It is good to cultivate each other for a long time.

Without defensive armor, it does not mean that Wang Yan's defense is weak now.

In fact, in terms of Wang Yan's defensive strength, it definitely belongs to the top class in the S class.

at the same time.

Just after Wang Yan carried the anti-tank arrow, he put up a shield in flames. In such a miraculous state, no one even cheered. It's no wonder that after many exclamations, everyone is numb.

Even if Wang Yan does something a little more exaggerated, it is for granted.

Just as everyone was numb, Wang Yan said aloud: "General Xiang, let's test for the last time. This time, we will go directly to the missile."


Rao is already numb to Xiang Jiande, his heart is still beating, and he is full of excitement. Isn't it too exaggerated to use missiles? That's a missile, not a kick that children play in the New Year.

However, since President Wang is going to try, then try it.

Xiang Jiande replied weakly through the communicator: "President Wang wants to try a surface-to-air missile, or an air-to-surface missile? If it's a surface-to-air missile, I also want to ask President Wang to fly to heaven first."


Wang Yan's voice was full of calmness, "What air-to-ground, ground-to-air are all small stuff, boring. I want to try DF-15!"

As soon as this remark came out, Xiang Jiande almost fell off the rostrum, his face full of shock and incredible, and the other generals were dumbfounded. Brother, we all call you Brother, do you know what DF-15 is? That is the Dongfeng series of missiles.

Among the students, there was also a heated discussion.

Some students knew some military knowledge. After being shocked, they hurriedly popularized the Dongfeng missiles with their classmates.

The students exclaimed, Principal Wang was really too bad.

If the air-to-ground and ground-to-air missiles are shotguns, then the Dongfeng series of missiles are definitely cannons. The most remarkable point is that the Dongfeng series can be equipped with nuclear warheads.

The most powerful one can cruise more than 14,000 kilometers, hitting every corner of the world.

Although the DF-15 is a short-range cruise missile, it can also attack targets at a distance of 600 kilometers. Once equipped with a nuclear warhead, it is a real top killer and the ultimate weapon of humanity.

Of course, if it is not equipped with nuclear warheads, only conventional warheads are not so powerful, but that stuff is not something humans can stop.

Xiang Jiande froze for a full ten seconds before he asked weakly: "Wang, Principal Wang? Do you want nuclear warheads?"

Nuclear warhead?


Wang Yan almost spit out old blood, eyes under the mask turned straight, worthy, worthy of you? I just want to try a conventional warhead. Even if Wang Yan is arrogant, he knows that it is impossible for him to carry a nuclear warhead.

At the beginning, it was used to deal with Gu Sheng, which was called a personal tactical nuclear bomb. I do not know how many times it differs from a serious nuclear warhead. At present, the only thing that has hardly carried a nuclear bomb and has not died is the World Extermination Demon Lord decades ago.


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