The Domestic Hero

Chapter 956: Principal Wang, face lighter

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The next day!

Stationed in the army outside the lush, beautiful environment of the Super Energy Academy.

This is a new type of army. Unlike ordinary armored divisions, it does not exist in war with ordinary people. It's about fighting superpowers or various alien forces.

To ordinary people, aliens are still fantasy creatures in novels and film and television works.

But for the rulers and high-level leaders in this world, the existence of aliens is no longer a secret. Just like the sturdy space carrier of the United States, its anti-gravity system is a relic from aliens.

They even have a fifty-one area, which is a top-secret unit specializing in aliens and alien technology.

As for China, after the economy has gradually taken off in recent decades, various special departments have begun to form. The most typical is the unit of China National African Affairs Bureau.

Under the jurisdiction of the National African Affairs Bureau, there are dozens of research institutes, large and small, which are also specialized in researching various unnatural events and weapons.

This new army is the first super-powered army jointly promoted by the National African Affairs Bureau and the military. Of course, the so-called super army is just a conceptual design.

Currently, it is nothing more than an enhanced version of the heavy armored division.

It administers three armored infantry regiments, an attack helicopter regiment, a fighter group, a temporarily vacant super-special operations group, and various direct groups.

In this army, every combat unit is carefully selected, and the ace is carefully selected. Even a small infantry is an elite warrior who picks one from another.

Because this is a special division with a population of 20,000 or less, it is broken into a deputy military-level unit, and the rank of division commander is changed from major to major general.

at this time.

Division Command.

A capable and stable major general is holding a meeting. His name was Xiang Jiande, and he once participated in the counterattack against Vietnam. Now in his fifties, he is young and energetic, and is a typical hawkish general.

"Commander Xiang." Wu Yingqun, the head of a regiment, complained. "We are talking about building a superpower legion, but we have been stationed here for several months and haven't seen even half of the superpowers."

"Superman, ha ha." Xia Chi, the head of the three regiments, sneered disdainfully, "I also worked with the superpowers of the National African Bureau once when I was in the old army. Yes, they do have incredible superpowers. . But, even if the superpower is stronger, can it still be stronger than our aircraft tank? In my opinion, this time the reconstruction of the so-called super legion is purely nonsense, and it will be yellow after a while. "

"Don't worry, everyone." Commander Xiang Jiande lighted a cigarette, and the old **** was saying, "This time it was a joint reconstruction of the Military Commission and the General Administration of State Administration of African Affairs. We will do our part well, and let the rest wait and see. . "


A correspondent reported entering and whispered something in Xiang Jiande's ear.

Teacher Xiang Jiande laughed: "It's exactly Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here. Everyone knows President Wang?"

Principal Wang?

There was a whisper of whispers on the conference table. Everyone on the scene knew that their experimental army also had a task to protect the school behind it.

I have to admit that the school is still very mysterious, that is, it is impossible to detect any situation in that school, and there is an invisible and transparent wall outside. What to say, it was the mountain guard array of the Super Academy.

This is a bit unbelievable.

"Principal Wang is the principal of that school?" Jian Dingshan, the head of the Second Regiment, also lit a cigarette and said, "It's a mysterious figure with a great command. Our army has been here for a few months, and he hasn't seen him. Face, it really didn't take us into consideration. "

"Isn't it? I heard that he wasn't young, but he was already a cadre at the ministerial level." Xia Chi, the head of the three regiments, also said ecstatically, "You are all careful. From the military commission's order, our division is him ' The old man's directly under the leadership. Go back and put on small shoes for you to see how you can bear it. "

The rest of the leaders at the regimental level all laughed a lot, and they were very disdainful to the principal Wang who had never met him. There are many regiment-level cadres throughout China, but there are very few who really hold military power.

Each of them is a real power general, and how can he really take that so-called "Principal Wang" into his eyes.

"Okay, Principal Wang will come to visit the army for a while, you all give me a careful statement." Xiang Jiande said indifferently, "In addition, don't blame me for not reminding you, I learned the news through special channels, that Principal Wang is not Waiting for the rest. Personal combat strength can be called against the sky, and it is said to be able to beat one thousand. "

To one thousand?

A group of gangsters looked at each other, their expressions were a little unbelievable, with a rival of a thousand, is that a joke or a myth?

"Joke." Xia Chi of the three regiments whispered, "We are not without contact with the superpowers, I just send a platoon of soldiers, and I can easily surrender him. Even if the so-called principal Wang is even more powerful, It ’s just flesh and blood. Maybe he can withstand bullets, but can he withstand cannons? Can he withstand the saturated blow of rockets? Besides, we also have a direct missile battalion with three short-range missile vehicles, one If the missiles go down, even the fairy can bombard them. "

Everyone laughed and laughed at each of them.

As for that Jiande, I knew a little bit about the inside story and did n’t talk much, but just smiled: "Anyway, Principal Wang is our summit. He came to our teacher, and the generals would join me in meeting him. . "

Under Xiang Jiande's leadership, a group of general officials went to the division department.

A few moments later, a few Eastern Warriors galloped and stopped at the division entrance. From the middle car, two young men, one woman and one woman, jumped down. The man's looks are rich and handsome, and he is extraordinary.

The woman is gentle and dressed as a secretary.

The generals, including Xiang Jiande, couldn't help whispering secretly. Does n’t that President Wang is coming to visit the army, how come these two young men?

Just when they were puzzled.

The handsome and handsome young man came up with a smile: "General Xiang, under Wang Yan, this is my secretary, Miss Bai. I'm ashamed and shameful when you bother waiting here for so long."

what? Wang Yan!

Everyone's eyes widened, and some could not believe it. Such a young man turned out to be President Wang? This is unbelievable. In their view, Xiang Jiande could be promoted to the major general in the fifties, which is already considered young and promising.

Principal Wang is not good, it should be 40 or 50 years old, right?

But looking at him now, it looks like a young man who has just graduated from college to work.

These generals were originally disdainful of the so-called headmaster Wang, and now he is so young again, and he is despised a bit in his heart. It is really a hairless thing. How great can this young man be?

However, Xiang Jiande's palace was very deep, and he welcomed Wang Yan with more enthusiasm. First I took him to visit the division, and then went to inspect some units directly under the division.

After having lunch together, I went to visit a group of armor.

In this process, Wang Yan is also at ease, and let Xiang Jiande arrange. Until the afternoon, after a round of armor walking around, Wang Yan said: "General Xiang, I came here this time to let the students train together to rectify the discipline and morale of the students. Otherwise, we smoke Time to discuss the details of the proposal? "

"Principal Wang, don't hurry." Wu Yingqun, the head of the accompanying group, said with a smile, "Our division is a new army built on superpowers, but the soldiers have reorganized for several months, not even a superpower. See. Since President Wang is here, let the generals look at the might of the superpowers. "

As soon as Wu Yingqun made this remark, the rest of the officials also echoed one another. You took Wang Yan to heaven one sentence at a time.

Wang Yan is a person who has experienced strong winds and waves, and even the people of the land fairy level have been beheaded. He is not the kind of stunned young man who just emerged. The other party's performance over the past half day has already made him see all kinds of dissatisfaction and contempt.

However, this situation is also normal, and Wang Yan will not be convinced under the empathy.

In the army, in the superpower world, it belongs to the place where the strongest respects.

If you are not convinced, just be convinced.

"That's right, I dare to feel just right, and I just want to try the power of some modern weapons." Wang Yan smiled kindly, "So, I will bring the students over tomorrow, just let them open Open your eyes. "

Try in front of the students?

Instead of being disappointed, the generals were more excited. Since you, President Wang, are so confident, you must lose a big face tomorrow, and see that you will still face the army in the future.

The heads of the group sneered under his heart. Maybe the principal Wang had some skills, but he probably underestimated the military's means. No matter how strong a superpower is, he is nothing but a flesh and blood. How can he resist an aircraft tank?

Our entire division has hundreds of state-of-the-art 99 tanks, dozens of armed helicopters, and dozens of fighter jets. A small part can be dispatched casually, and the principal Wang can be taken down gently.

Only the little rabbit sister called Miss Bai rolled her eyes. Xiao Yan, this guy, began to pretend again, pretending to be silly. Every time he showed such an expression, someone would be unlucky.

From the beginning of the corpse man, even to the bright Holy See, and then the youth conference, everyone is so fooled by him, and in the end, they are all "cool".


Little Rabbit's sister sighed with emotion. These poor generals are all frogs at the bottom of the well.

If you can easily deal with S-class strongmen with your weapons and equipment, then why should the Military Commission and the National African Bureau form a super-powerful legion?

Sister Bunny is full of sympathy for the faintly excited officers, and hopes that President Wang will lighten up when he hits his face tomorrow.


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