The Domestic Hero

Chapter 949: Overbearing teacher arrived!

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At the same time, An An's eyes also fell on Wang Yan. There was a comment hidden in my heart. The big brother was a little handsome, similar to Si Kongzhi, but he had a sense of sunshine and handsomeness, and he was very friendly.

Si Kongzhi asked for the glasses frame and glanced at Wang Yan lightly, without saying a word.

The atmosphere was a bit stiff at once.

"Hehe." Wang Yan smiled indifferently and waved towards the car. "Everyone is a classmate. Why are you so fierce."

That's right, this time Wang Yan entered the school as a student. And his appearance has also been adjusted. Including hair style, fine adjustment of bones, muscle control and so on.

Cultivation as strength has reached the level of Wang Yan like a land fairy, and his ability to control himself has already reached an incredible level. I dare not say that I can control every cell, but it can make all kinds of wonderful changes in body tissue.

After some adjustments, he is less handsome than the original, and can only be regarded as a little handsome. The strong man's momentum has also all converged with the technique of convergence, and it looks like a normal twenty-something young man.

"Oh, it seems that I won't let you taste it. You don't know how many eyes Lord Ma has." Zhao Chengtian punched his red hair and stepped over, striking Wang Yan with a punch.

His fist strength was filled with a strong gang of gas, and he could even gleam white light on the fist surface.

If this punch continues, I am afraid that even a horse can fall to the ground.

This is one of the reasons why Zhao Chengtian can become a key student. His arousal changes come from the changes in the body's cells. A special energy storage structure is born in his muscle fiber cells, which can be supplemented by food or free energy from the outside to store energy in the cells.

Once stimulated, it is like fighting with vitality and extraordinary power.

Of course, ability is one thing. However, if there is no suitable character, Wang Yan will not include him in the school, let alone the quota of key students.

Wang Yan spent a lot of manpower and material resources. Among the more than two hundred places, the first class of one hundred superpower colleges was screened out, most of them were in their teens and twentys.

Of these, only five were eventually judged by Wang Yan as key students and the admission notice was issued in person.

These five are young people with great potential and good character roots. If properly cultivated and willing to invest resources, the future is unlimited.

In fact, only China can play this set in the world.

With the base of one-fifth of the world ’s population there, coupled with the rising awakening rate in recent years, China has the world ’s strongest foundation of super talents.

However, based on the young people of China, online novels are read too much, and their personality is more restrained. After awakening superpowers, most will habitually hide themselves. As a result, Wang Yan installed abnormal energy fluctuation detection instruments in schools, hospitals, and densely populated high-speed rail stations, large airports, and subway stations throughout the country.

After thinking that they had awakened their superpowers, most of the young people who were unknowingly exposed were inadvertently exposed to the "national machine" and were investigated.

Of course, there are some young people who act more arrogantly after awakening superpowers, such as Zhao Chengtian. He was originally a "bad student" who was not good at learning. After awakening his superpowers, he started various high-profile actions and established an "underground force" in just one year. In his words, he would also unify the underground forces of the city ...

This is a typical secondary school teenager.

Fortunately, other people's morals are not bad, they are very important for people, and establish underground forces, but also to fight against various powers. In just one year, the law and order in that city has improved by several percentage points. Several officials who hunted down people's fats were ousted by him.

Between thoughts.

Zhao Chengtian's fist has blown the wind to the door of Wang Yan's face.

In the clear eyes of the little girl An An, there was no slight waves, and this has happened many times before this scene. Except for Si Kongzhi, the others were beaten by Zhao Chengtian and thrown into other cars.

Si Kongzhi closed his eyes boredly. He had no interest at all in such a competitive matter. The only reason for him to enter the Super Ability College is President Wang, hoping to follow President Wang and set foot on the top level.



With a crunch, Zhao Chengtian's powerful punch was lifted by Wang Yan and caught. He rightly supported Zhao Chengtian's fist with a smile, and said with a smile: "Classmates, don't be too tempered. We must respect and help each other."

This time Wang Yan pretended to be a student and entered the college. The purpose is very simple. It is to experience it from the perspective of the student. This college he has worked so hard to build. After all, seeing things from a high angle of view and seeing things from the perspective of students are completely two concepts.

And only by going deep into the student community can we better understand the students' ideas and talents, and then teach according to their aptitude.

"Huh?" The little girl An An blinked. She obviously didn't expect the other party to catch Zhao Chengtian's punch.

"Oh, you are a bit capable." Zhao Chengtian didn't expect Wang Yan to easily take the punch, and his pupils shrank slightly, and then sneered, "However, do you think you can be arrogant with me? One punch, I am only 20% explosive. If you can catch my 50% explosive punch, I will let you stay in this car. "

After all, Zhao Chengtian's momentum surged a bit again, and the whole body's bones crackled. The power contained in each cell, such as rainwater, converged into a river, running endlessly in his arms.

The expansion of his breath made his arms thicker for a while.

The fist burst, and a burst of explosive sound was made in the surrounding air. If you measure the explosive power, I am afraid that it can reach the level of two tons.


Si Kongzhi asked for the glasses frame, and there was a little surprise in his eyes. At first, he thought that Zhao Chengtian, the so-called key student, was just a boring secondary 2 teenager.

But he did not expect that he could erupt such a terrible fighting power. If the 50% explosive power is not bragging, then his combat effectiveness is really impressive.

Is the strength in his body internal strength or vindictiveness?

Sure enough, the person who can be chosen by President Wang and issued the admission notice must not be underestimated.

Well, in this way, the little girl with a pure braid, An An, certainly does not look so weak in appearance.

"Brother Zhao, don't ..." The little girl An An was anxious and stopped, "It's too dangerous, elder brother will dodge."

The students in the other two carriages also heard the movement and gathered at the link of the carriages. Obviously, they have already seen Zhao Chengtian show his power before. Even several of them have suffered from Zhao Chengtian's losses and have been beaten.

Some people expressed sympathy for Wang Yan and were angry at Zhao Chengtian's domineering. And some of them are in a blissful attitude.

But no one thought that the new guy could take such a terrible punch.

Poor fellow, Zhao Chengtian will definitely be beaten to death, and then thrown into other cars.

At this moment, Wang Yan put up a block with his hands, his body still.


Under the impact of the two cars, a strong wave hit the half of the car, and the rolled air wave set off a wind in the semi-closed car.


Zhao Chengtian's pupils shrank and looked at Wang Yan in disbelief.

How can it be?

With this punch, he was confident that even a cow was in front of him, and he could knock it back backwards and smash its internal organs.

But this seems to be ordinary, very strange youth, actually blocked!

"It's amazing." Si Kongzhi raised his brow slightly, and this young man who claimed to be Wang Yan was able to withstand the powerful blow. And it looks as if there is still spare.

Interesting, it's really interesting.

It seems that this time Superpower Academy is right.

The circle of life in the past was too narrow. It turns out that in this world, there are more powerful young people. Just like that Zhao Chengtian, like that young man named Wang Yan, and, um, that little girl named An An.

"Maybe, this kind of life is the real life I want." For a time, Si Kongzhi's eyes were full of unprecedented excitement, and he was also full of anticipation for the super energy college that had not yet arrived.

"Huh?" An An's eyes, also full of surprise, was speechless by covering her small mouth. Zhao Chengtian's great, she has seen. Several provocative guys before were easily cleared up.

Is this Wang Yan also a key student who has been issued the admission letter by President Wang personally?

"Oh, buddy." Wang Yan shook his arm and said with a smile, "Your explosive power is okay. However, everyone is a classmate, it is still expensive to be peaceful."


Zhao Chengtian's face was very dark and very dark. Unexpectedly, he exerted 50% of his power, but he couldn't help this guy. It is not impossible to use more power, but it will cause great damage to the body.

"Zhao Chengtian, you are just like that." Among the onlookers in the front and rear carriages, the ones who had suffered a loss began to ridicule. "It was so arrogant just now, I thought you were so good. It turned out to be just too A bully who is bullying and afraid of being hard.

"you guys!"

Zhao Chengtian's face suddenly turned red, and he glared fiercely at those gossips. He turned to Wang Yan and smiled angrily, "Dude, I didn't expect you to hide very deeply, and the real person doesn't show his face. I still say that, not a key student, get out of this car for me."

During his speech, his skeleton rattled again, his muscles swelled up, and the blue tendons on his face and neck burst. A violent and dangerous atmosphere filled him, and he said with a cold face: "Wang Yan, give you the last chance. When I broke out with all my strength, I couldn't control my strength at all."

It is now.

A low, cold hum sounded: "Dare little ants, do you dare to speak here?"


The word ants deeply hurt Zhao Chengtian. Angrily, he glared back. I saw just outside the car door, a voluptuous woman walked across the elegant and charming catwalk.

She wore a tight leather jacket and set off her curved body to the fullest. Every movement was full of fatal temptation.

Yes, it is fatal.

Under the endless temptation, faintly has a fatal sense of danger.


The onlookers all burst into excitement. The eyes of many boys stared at the beautiful and enchanting woman. Is she also a student of the Super Academy?

Too beautiful, too tempting?

Modern young people, with the influence of a large amount of online information, have also seen the "world". But they have never seen such a fatally seducing woman on the Internet or in reality.

In particular, the temperament exuded from her made the eyes of the young people stare out.

"..." Even Zhao Chengtian in the outbreak was stunned for a few seconds, then the momentum plummeted a few minutes.

Indeed, how high is the life of this enchanting woman? Every cell in her body is not comparable to ordinary women. There are no blemishes on the skin, and the body will not have a little fat.

That confident and powerful temperament even dumped countless streets of so-called female stars.

Under everyone's gaze, she blinked at Zhao Chengtian and enchanted her fingers enchantingly.

Zhao Chengtian's heart trembled, and the ghost was so staggering that he quickly walked forward two steps.


The voluptuous woman put out a finger, smiled charmingly, and pointed at Zhao Chengtian across the air.


Zhao Chengtian seemed to be hit in the chest by a shell and flew backwards suddenly.


He was like a broken toy, smashing the steel pipe in the car, the seat was fragmented, and even the thick wall in the car broke a deep pit.


Zhao Chengtian lay on the ground and vomited blood. After struggling a few times, he could not stand up. His eyes were filled with horror and fear.

All the students, including Si Kongzhi and An An, looked at the enchanting woman in horror. Just a second ago, she was still jealous of countless otesses, the otaku goddess.

The next second, it was incarnation for a deadly female goddess.

Everyone can see Zhao Chengtian's strength. But he couldn't resist one of the woman's fingers, no, to be precise, he just pointed it casually.

Terrible, it's terrible.

"Giggle ~"

The voluptuous woman gave a silvery bell-like laughter, her eyes swept across everyone, no one dared to meet her eyes, and shivered slightly from her eyes.

Suddenly, her laughter stopped abruptly, and her voice was cold.

"Listen to the children, I am your teacher Wu Ya Ange. From now on, every sentence I say, only obey, obey, and then obey."

The domineering queen's breath is revealed at this moment!

Everyone's heart passed through a lot of tremor.


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