The Domestic Hero

Chapter 943: Boss, you are too powerful (4000)

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"Ah, ah."

Wang Yan in the stratosphere in the air sneezes a few times. No need to guess, everyone knows that Linghu Yaojue slanders himself behind his back.

To be honest, this time he played very well with Wang Yan, but also completely offended Linghu Yaojue. With her personality, she certainly won't give up on this matter.

However, even if he is not willing to give up, Wang Yan is not afraid. He is sitting upright, and he is already a country-level talent.

Not to mention, even if the ZY leader saw himself, he would be polite. Just kidding, land fairy. In ancient times, all were worshipped by rituals.

Putting his lips away, Wang Yan dropped his thoughts. Take out the phone and dial a number.

He uses a special satellite phone. Communication satellites are usually several hundred kilometers high, and the stratosphere he is in is only over ten kilometers high, which is completely within the signal coverage.

Beep, the target phone is in the off state.

Sister Nan Lian is very busy, Wang Yan laughed. I originally wanted to make a phone call with her and share her joy. However, Nan Lian has been busy with a big task recently, which is even busier than his Wang Yan.

Her busy tasks are also normal. The world is so colorful, as if there are countless secrets waiting for people to discover. In this world, Wang Guang is not alone around Wang Yan.

And Wang Yan also knows that Sister Nan Lian and her couple are all struggling to get into the S class. They are all amazing women, so naturally they are not willing to fall behind.

After hanging up, Wang Yan made another call.

Dududu ~

After waiting for a while, a lazy and slightly hoarse voice came across, "Xiao Yan, I'm busy on a business trip recently, and I don't know if I want to give me a call? Could it be mesmerized by a beauty in the Starry Sky Academy? "

"Oh, Sister An Ge thought a lot." Wang Yan said with a smile, "I'm back, are you busy?"

"It's not too busy, if you want to see me, I'll give you a position, let's fly over by yourself." Wu Ya Ange said slightly charmingly.

After chatting a few words, the two hung up.

Wang Yan received a message of shared location and looked at it, probably in a large city hundreds of kilometers away. Coincidentally, that was the city where Wang Yan went to college.

For a few years, Wang Yan hasn't been back yet.

After a little thought, Wang Yan did not fly over.

Instead, he came down from the sky and directly bought a high-speed rail ticket.

Nowadays, the high-speed rail system is very developed, and it takes less than two hours to get to that city. Why fly so hard in the sky, not to mention effort, not to touch the ground.

Wang Yan is in a bustling crowd, surrounded by ordinary people, but his heart is more comfortable and natural. I have been dealing with some messy superpowers all day long. For a long time, I am afraid that I will become more and more disconnected from the society, and I have no "human touch".

What's more, Taoism pays attention to the practice of joining the WTO. In this world of mixed tastes, we can better understand life and cultivate our own state of mind, and it is easier to achieve higher levels.

Think about it. Uncle Cannon's god-like characters are still very open to open a shop.

A plainly dressed Wang Yan, wearing a peaked cap and sunglasses, is handsome and sunny. He took the second-class seats, and the cars were crowded. There were students as well as ordinary white-collar workers, working people, and some people who traveled and visited relatives.

Sitting by Wang Yan's right side by the window is a character with acne on his face and wearing glasses. He curled up beside the window with his head down and holding a mobile phone while reading an online novel. On the left of Wang Yan is a middle-aged woman in gold and jade with a thick foundation on her face.

On the other side of the aisle by the window is a young female white-collar worker in her 20s or 30s. Although she is not beautiful, she is well-dressed and holding a physical book in her hand. read.

The other is a young couple, depending on their dress and temperament, they should be foreign couples doing small business or working part-time in Huahai City.

Perhaps he only bought a seat ticket. The young wife was sitting in the seat with a 3 or 4 year old in her arms, while the young father was standing by the corridor.

Because the children are crying, they are a bit restrained and helpless.

When Wang Yan looked at it, the young father, who looked a little honest, also smiled embarrassedly and apologetically at Wang Yan. Wang Yan did not care either, and smiled at him kindly.

This train is much more grounded than the magic train that I took some time ago.

Wang Yan felt as if he was in it, as if he had returned to his student days. At that time, he also traveled by train or coach at home and school.

"Cry, cry, this child is arguing dead, the countryman, really has no quality."

Just when Wang Yan was in such an environment, and felt a real-world perception, the middle-aged woman beside Wang Yan made a sharp voice, staring at the opposite side of the aisle with her nose in disgust. What kind of people are there in the waiting car? It's noisy, and it's annoying. "

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." The young father's face flushed, and he quickly apologized and said, "The child is crying and disturbing you."

"The baby is good, the baby won't cry." The young woman hurriedly teased the child.

The white-collar woman cast a little glance and continued to focus on the book. As for the acne student, he curled up closer to the window.

This is probably the case for the Chinese people. When they go out, they are now reluctant to do more business. This is not to blame for them. Too many frauds and cases that force judges to judge indiscriminately have made Chinese people less and less afraid to do more business.

Wang Yan frowned slightly and couldn't get used to it, but he didn't go to many tubes. Although the behavior of the middle-aged woman disliked him, others did not commit any crime.

"Damn Xiao Liu, I didn't buy a business seat for me. If I didn't want to hurry, I wouldn't want to sit in the second-class seat. They are a group of unqualified countrymen." Still a little bit unwilling and unforgiving, after squeezing his nose and cursing for a few words, he began to bury some innocent comrade Liu.

She looked proudly like a colorful peacock, standing high above her, and looked down at the mortals around her with her scornful eyes. It's a pity that the intoxicating quality is like the bare and smelly buttocks after the peacock opens the screen.

Consciously superior, but did not find his ugly.

The young couple on the other side of the hallway turned red, but they couldn't say anything. They just coaxed the children. It's a pity that what happened is contrary to the wishes, and the children are crying more severely, and many people around have cast strange eyes.

"The child may be hungry." The girl leaning on the porthole lowered the book and reminded gently.

"Yes, maybe it's hungry." The sweaty young father turned a ham sausage out of the plastic pocket and peeled it off for the child to eat, "Good baby, eat it quickly, just eat it Do not cry."

But the child was wayward and ignored, crying more and more loudly.

It was when the middle-aged woman raised her eyebrows again, ready to scold. Wang Yan interrupted her prematurely with a slight voice: "Auntie, if you want to be noisy, just change the place with me."

aunt! ?

The middle-aged woman was like a cat with a stomped tail, screaming and jumping, "Boy, who is your aunt? You open your dog's eyes and see, where do I look like aunt?"

Between the speeches, there was also a series of profanity, which caused many people to look here.

Wang Yan frowned and ignored her. With his current level and state of mind, he really doesn't want to worry about this kind of naughty woman. In fact, to his level today, even if the characters of the master level stand in front of him, they will stand upright and dare not surpass them.

"That **** Xiao Liu didn't even book me a first-class business seat. Sitting with a group of unqualified people is really tiresome." The middle-aged woman pouted, and expressed disdain for Wang Yan.

It is true that Wang Yan is tall and tall, wearing sunglasses and peaked cap, and has a good temperament. But the clothes are ordinary and look like a normal family boy.

The white-collar woman opposite and the acne student behind Wang Yan both gave sympathetic eyes to Wang Yan. When encountering such unreasonable shrews, most young people are disgusted, but there is no good way.

That was when the middle-aged shrew was still scolding and complaining that she had not booked a business seat. It happened that the high-speed train attendants came along and shouted, "The first-class seats and business seats of this train are still free. There are passengers who need to upgrade, please hurry up and apply."

Uh, uh ~

All eyes are on the middle-aged shrew. Do you not think the second-class car is noisy? Are the passengers' quality too bad? Are n’t you complaining, have n’t you reserved a business seat?

Now your chance is here, don't hurry to escape this "magic cave"?

The face of the middle-aged shrew suddenly looked ugly. The business seat is three times the price of the second-class seat. Although she can afford it, she will be extremely painful.

Can only be regarded as not heard, continue to chatter.

"Sister, there is still business class, and there is still space." The acne student's eyes moved away from the online novel on the mobile phone and murmured.

"Why don't you care if you don't go there?" The middle-aged shrew shouted angrily, "I'm leaving. This seat is not cheap. This unqualified countryman, hum!"

"If you don't want to leave, please let me go." Wang Yan said coldly, "I'm going out."

The middle-aged shrew was annoyed and wanted to make trouble again unreasonably, but suddenly felt a flash of cold, swallowing the words in her mouth honestly and swallowing back.

Wang Yan stepped out calmly and stood in the aisle. He smiled and said to the child who was still crying, "Little baby, uncle made you a magic trick."

His voice seemed to reveal a different kind of magic. The child's cry was a little lower, and his eyes narrowed a slit to look at Wang Yan.

The rest of them looked at Wang Yan curiously.

Wang Yan smiled and stretched out a pair of white and slender hands. Because of the continuous evolution of his physical qualities, his hand is more perfect than that of the pianist, with almost no flaws.

When the white-collar woman saw Wang Yan's hand, she was ashamed and shook her hand back when she froze. Compared with the handsome guy's hand, her hand is not like a girl's hand.

After attracting the child's attention, two small flames burst out of Wang Yan's left and right hands. The flame was extremely flexible and danced in his palm.

"Wow ~"

Such magical magic suddenly caused many people to exclaim. This is close-range magic, or extremely rare flame magic.

Some people were shocked and habitually took out their phones to start shooting. Unexpectedly, they found that the camera of the mobile phone seemed to be blocked by some invisible things, and they looked all black.

Waiting for them to react, the flames in Wang Yan's hands changed again. They turned into a man, a woman and two little children, jumping and dancing happily in the palm of their hands. Even the expression on the face and the folds of the clothes are beautiful and beautiful.

Such a magical performance, beyond the exclamation, attracted everyone's attention and forgot everything.

In the palm of Wang Yan, the two villains began to interpret a small love story, intimate and noisy, and finally, they fused together sweetly.

After a few seconds, they separated again, and a smaller flame figure split into the body of the little girl. Then, a family of three people happily danced in the palm of Wang Yan to end the magic.

Dreamlike, this is really like a scene in a dream.

After five or six seconds of silence, the thunderous applause rang, and the ears continued for a long time. The crying baby also had her watery eyes widened, and was surprised and excited.

"Little babies must be good. It's not easy for mom and dad to raise you." Wang Yan smiled and stroked his head twice, a pure mental force, soothing his emotions like feathers.

"thanks, thanks."

The simple young couple thanked Wang Yan with all his strength.

"Sir, your magic performance is really good." The flight attendants who promoted the first-class seats and business seats were also attracted by Wang Yan, and his face flushed slightly. "However, on our high-speed rail, it is forbidden to play with fire. "

"Haha, sorry, sorry, all of me are prop flames." Wang Yan apologized with a smile, and then asked, "Is there any business seat?"

"Yes, sir." The flight attendant was also blushed by Wang Yan and nodded again and again.

"Thank you to give this couple and children a business seat." Wang Yan magically took out a stack of money and handed it to her, smiling and said, "Trouble you to take them and take care of the children." The rest is your tip. "

"Sir, this is what I should do." The flight attendant calculated the money and found the rest of the money to Wang Yan. He said hesitantly, "Sir, why don't you add WeChat, we can contact you if we have a situation." Obviously, she was so excited about Wang Yan that she took the initiative to attack.

"Ha, still have a chance to see you again." Wang Yan politely refused.

With the disappointed look of the flight attendants, and the couple's repeated thanks, they left.

Wang Yan did not want to squeeze with the middle-aged shrew again, and said to the white-collar woman: "Miss, can I sit next to you?"

The white-collar woman's face flushed with a rush, nodded her head in a hurry, and whispered shyly, "Please, please sit down."

"Boss ~"

At this moment, the acne student flew over and hugged Wang Yan's thigh, "Boss, you are too good at picking up girls, please beg me to be a disciple."


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