The Domestic Hero

Chapter 938: The temptation to go home ~

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Fortunately, before this, St. Martha helped Wang Yan to say good things.

She caused her eyes to squint: "No wonder Her Majesty the Holy Lady will hate her teeth every time she mentions you. Forget it, for your contribution this time, this is 10%. Our Holy See is out. . "

With the status of St. Martha in the Holy See, of course, this can be counted. In fact, she is unwilling to take a high-level position within the Holy See, otherwise, even if she serves as the regional bishop, there is no doubt.

"Hey, don't blame Senior Martha, who called me small arms and calves, it's too poor." Wang Yan said with a cheeky face, not red heart.

"Just your poor?" St. Martha said flatteringly, "As far as I know, if you just gamble at the Global Youth Conference, you won a lot of money. It ’s not over. "

Of course, Wang Yan knew that the trouble he had solved for the Holy See could not reach the point of 10% of resources. Hehe smiled and said, "Actually, I still admire the style of Senior Martha. So, how about I donate a billion dollars to the International Red Cross?"

As soon as this remark came out, St. Martha's Day turned into a rain, and he smiled and said: "Very good. On behalf of the International Red Cross, I would like to thank you very much."

One billion dollars is not much for Wang Yan. St. Martha helped him, and should naturally vote for the peach. The most important thing is that Wang Yan believes in the International Red Cross, and they will use the money for the right way.

Wang Yan transferred the account to the Red Cross in a timely manner, and St. Martha repeatedly said that he would send Wang Yan a receipt of payment and a breakdown of the money used. As a large donor, Wang Yan can also check the accounts of the Red Cross at any time.

After some operations, Wang Yan was able to solve 80% of the resources.

Later, Wang Yan asked Emmons again, how to contact the dark chanter Babbitt. Less than ten minutes after Emmons released an owl, Babbitt appeared in front of Wang Yan and said anxiously, "Son of Flame, I heard that you are going to sell the crystal nuclei of the mourning banshee? Well, you You, have you been promoted to S-Class? "

Babbitt, who hurriedly came, was naturally shocked by Wang Yan's cultivation process. S-class, how old is this child of flames, and it is already S-class?

Babbitt also thinks he is a rare magical genius, but he thinks that compared with the child of flames, this age is like living on a dog.

Without comparison, there is no harm. For a time, Babbitt even weakened a little. With the talents shown by the son of flames today, if there is no accidental fall, it is a matter of course to cultivate to the level of the demigod in this life.

"Yes, that crystal core is very precious," Wang Yan said calmly. "But because I want to build a two-way transmission array, if you are willing to contribute one-tenth of the material, I will sell the crystal core to you."

"Two-way transmission of one tenth of the material?" Babbitt froze for a few seconds, and suddenly jumped up like a cat with a stomped tail. "Son of Flame, why don't you rob?" He is not stunned, of course, understands the tenth of the resource value geometry.

His Blackthorn College is a college he founded by himself. It is not a college with deep accumulation like the Starry Sky College, nor is it a super organization with rich money like the Holy See.

The resource requested by Wang Yan is almost equal to all the wealth that Babbitt can provide.

"It's not a matter of buying and selling." Wang Yan laughed, "You don't want to buy, then forget it. My son of flame, don't like to buy and sell." He calmly put away the crystal core.

"Son of flame, an S-class crystal nucleus, at most worth a two-way transmission array of 3% of the material." Babbitt said with his teeth, "I am willing to produce 5% of the material."

"S-class crystal nucleus of the law of death and the law of soul." Wang Yan did not ignore him, but said with a smile, "I believe there are many people in the Dark Council who will be interested."

"Damn, they won't pay me so much," Babbitt said anxiously, "and the law of soul has little effect on me."

In fact, he is lying. Many of the dark magic involve magic on the soul level. If he understands the law of soul well, the level of understanding of dark magic will be higher.

It is extremely difficult to find similar levels of crystal nuclei, which is also the hope that Babbitt can break through to the S + level.

"It doesn't matter, I am willing to buy with money," Wang Yan said lightly. He saw the potential needs of Babbitt, so the lion opened his mouth.

"Damn, damn. You are extortion, son of flames." Babbitt was so angry, the darkness around him entangled, and a breath of legendary power rose.

"Why? Your Excellency Dark Singer wants to learn from each other?" Wang Yan stared at him without any weakness, and said with a smile on his face, "I just got promoted to S rank, and it happened to be very itchy. I want to find someone to try how much I have grown. "

Babbitt felt a bit cold and immediately sobered a bit.

The Son of Flame is a wonderful flower. In the half-step S-level, it has already killed the Gu Sheng in Southeast Asia and the banshee. Now that he has been promoted to S-class, his strength must have been greatly improved.

If one fails, he will become a stepping stone to his fame.

Even if it is a tie, it is extremely bad for him. The dark chanter was evenly tied with a 20-year-old boy.

At this time, once spread, his reputation for half a lifetime will be destroyed.

His face was half-sounding, and Babbitt sighed helplessly, "I finally understand why Emmons is so unwilling to see you. Son of Flame, your kid is just a vampire. Just ten percent. Just 10%, as long as you can successfully advance to the S + level, it will be worthwhile. "During the talk, the old face was full of yin and meat pain.

"Your Excellency Babbitt." Wang Yan smiled and took out the crystal core and threw it away. "You just need to hand over your part to Dean Emmons."

Wang Yan is not afraid that he will not give money by taking the spar. If that happens, Wang Yan has a way to deal with him and let him spit out more.

As soon as Babbitt got the crystal nucleus, his emotions changed, and his eyes were full of excitement: "I guarantee that the materials will arrive in half a month. Now, I'm going to study this crystal nucleus, and I will be out of escort."

In an instant, Babbitt held the disappearance of the crystal nuclei. That looks like a hungry ghost who has seen a peerless beauty, where can I bear it again?

As soon as Babbitt left, St. Martha said admiringly: "Great, the Son of Fire raised 20% of the materials between your hands. The remaining 10%, you should solve it yourself. Right? "

"Fortunately, fortunately, there is still some blood." Wang Yan said humbly. Wang Yan already has a solution for the remaining materials.

Through the underground black market, materials that can be smashed with money can be bought with money. If you ca n’t buy it, you will use the merit value to exchange it.

After this matter is completed, Wang Yan has a small private space, and the small flame space that is very suitable for his attributes is equivalent to making a large backyard for himself.

With Wang Yan's physique, practicing in such a small space, the progress will increase a lot. Today, Wang Yan needs this kind of cultivation environment most.

After everything was done, Emmons's face collapsed. Angrily waved and said: "Son of Flame, I am tired, I want to rest. You prepare the materials, I will build it for you."

The implication is of course to catch people. No way, Emmons is now back in the urge to see Wang Yan like beating him. This guy is a disaster star, and once he shows up, there is nothing good about keeping it.

"Haha, Dean Emmons, you take a rest slowly." Wang Yan is in a great mood, "I have been on a business trip for a month, and I just returned to China to speak for myself."

After saying goodbye, Wang Yan clicked on the mobile phone app in Lydia's reluctant eyes and checked the satellite flight. Then, headed straight to Yunxiao and took a free satellite back to Huahai City.

All the way home, it was evening. Wang Yan decided to go home and rest for one night, and then go to work tomorrow to report work.

As soon as I opened the door with the key, I saw that two beautiful women, one big and one small, were having dinner in the living room.


Wang Yan was dizzy and forgot. Linghu Yaojue, our new director of the National African Affairs Bureau, is already at home. He had originally thought that she and Sun Youmiao would never get along very well. When she had not been at home for so many days, she should have moved away long ago.

Unexpectedly, two beautiful women are eating hot pot around the dining table.

"Uncle is back?" Sun Youmiao saw Wang Yan and smiled more happily. She fell into Wang Yan's arms like a little white rabbit. "Uncle, I was just talking to Sister Linghu just now. When you came back from a business trip, did you bring me a gift? "

"Miao Miao, your uncle has been a servant all the way, and he must be tired." Linghu Yaojue said softly with a sly expression on her face. "You first let him take a hot bath."

"Oh!" Sun Youmiao came down from Wang Yan cleverly and said flatly, "Uncle, Miaomiao will help you to put hot water." After that, the smoke disappeared.

"Wang Yan, you sit down for a while." Linghu Yaojue made a pot of tea and said softly, "This time on a business trip, it's really hard for you. What will you eat in a while? I'll do it . "

At this moment, Wang Yan opened his mouth wide and didn't even say a word. The whole person is in a state of coercion. What is this situation like?

When was Linghu Yaojue and Sun Youmiao already close to sisters?

and also? Is this his Wang Yan's home, or Linghu Yaojue's home? How does it feel like she is the hostess of this house, and then entertaining guests.

Right or wrong, Wang Yan feels more like a "gentle and gentle" wife who is greeting her husband who is going home on a business trip.

A creepy coolness came straight from Wang Yan's heart into his head.


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