The Domestic Hero

Chapter 927: Do not play dog ​​blood bitter drama

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"塚 桀桀 桀 ~ 咻 啦 嗼 哆!" The mourning banshee smiled angrily, spitting out several mysterious mysterious magic syllables in his mouth, a thin piece of claws violently, a dark ghost ghost claws toward Wang Yan grabbed it.

The ghost claws and windy winds are like claws of death, which can pull the soul out of the flesh.

"Boy, I will pull your soul out and torture for hundreds of years."

This time, it was very angry to report the banshee. As a legendary monster, other people can only fear and be awed by it. No one dared to laugh at it for being ugly, and dare to speak mockingly.

Facing Wang Yan's fierce ghost claws, there was no lightness in his appearance.

"Comrade Lao Wang, be careful." Comrade Shen Hao Saladin hurriedly reminded Wang Yan.

Saladin had felt the power of mourning the banshee before, and with his strength, he was equipped with the best equipment. But in the battle between the mourning banshee and the dark chanter, he barely had much room to intervene.

He was afraid that Wang Yan did not know the strength of the other party, and he suffered a loss.

Suddenly, at this moment.

The ancient flame demon roared, the whole tower of the starry sky trembled, and he slapped his hand and patted it. Although it has shrunk its body, it just removed the outer carapace. Even so, it is now more than ten meters tall, compared to humans, it is a giant.

The huge palm print hit the ghost's claws, and the negative energy of the air was shattered and shattered, and the fragments melted like snow under the hot flame. At the same time, the venerable hand of the ancient Flame Demon remained unrelenting and continued to cover up to the Banshee Banshee.

The fiery fire, the secret is on the whole floor.

"Ah ~" The mourning banshee was taken aback, not expecting that the ancient Yan Mo would suddenly shoot at it. Under the scream, he suddenly turned into countless crows and fled around in a flurry.


The floor of the Starry Sky Tower was beaten thunderously, shaking violently. Rao is superior in materials, and with the reinforcement of the defensive circle, he couldn't help but issued a groaning groan, with cracks like cracks.

After a few more trips, I am afraid that this floor, which has gone through a thousand years, will completely collapse.

The black crow's feathers flew around in a mess, burned by the fire, and burned cleanly. The group of escaped crows regrouped into a mourning banshee a few tens of meters away. Its skeleton-like face showed a little panic and anger: "Ancient Flame Devil Bella Roca, what are you crazy about? We are here this time, but to save you. "

"Oh ~" The ancient flame demon roared, stretched out a huge middle finger, and slammed the banshee.

"You!" The mourning banshee almost didn't faint. Doesn't it mean that the ancient Yanmo has contaminated the negative energy of some extraterrestrial demon, and his temperament has become volatile, very violent?

What kind of gesture is this? Where did this **** learn from?

"Ah ~~" A crow with three feet covered in flames flew to the shoulders of the ancient flame demon, grinning cheaply, "Beckham, you and your taste are too heavy, Even the mourning banshee must be **, brother I really admire you. "

The three-legged Jinwu is also a creature born in the initial fire. It also claimed to have reached the level of a god, and was regarded as the "sun" by the ancient three-eyed civilization. If everything is true, it is naturally qualified to call Bella Rocca Beckham.

"Aoao ~ green ~ hat ~ bird!" The ancient Yan Mo glanced at it contemptuously, and he didn't understand very much after listening to the word spoken by the son of flame. But it was more than enough to mock this crow.

"What !?" The three-legged Jinwu stopped, and his teeth spread with flames. "You stupid man, dare to insult the great sun god. Heads up, the **** wants to heads against you."

"You can't beat me." The ancient Yanmo urn was angry and honestly told the truth.

The three-legged Jinwu Haoxuan didn't give up, and then began to spray with tricky words, from the image of the ancient Yanmo to taste, sprayed it all over. But no matter how it sprayed, the ancient Yanmo always responded with three words.

"Green ~ hat ~ bird!"

This flaming bird, a riot between the ancient flame demons, made both the enemy and us dumbfounded, unable to figure out what happened.

"Son of flame, save my grandpa ~"

At this moment, Lydia cried with her grandfather crying, "Grandpa, grandpa, don't you die, woo ~"


Wang Yan blinked in front of her, dragging Lydia to the side and said, "What are you crying for? What about the bitterness drama? You shake twice more, and I keep your grandpa crying."

Lydia held back her tears and showed an embarrassed smile. She was really anxious just now. But with the Son of Flame shooting, Grandpa should have no problem. In one incident after another, Wang Yan's image is becoming more and more mythical in her mind.

He can heal the pollution in the ancient Flame Demon, and he takes it down. Treating her grandfather, isn't it within reach?

"Old man, are you still alive? Without looking, I blinked and looked at me?" Wang Yan said angrily to Emmons, who was all gray and black.

It is no wonder that Wang Yan is very rude to Emmons now. This old thing even covered the ancient seal before he came out. Does this want to murder Wang Yan, or does he want his granddaughter to have children with him?

If he is not strong enough to solve the crisis of Ancient Flame Devil, he might be trapped in the flame forbidden land.

Emmons was already angry, but still managed to raise his eyelids. With his strength at his level, the stubbornness of vitality is no longer comparable to ordinary people. So even if his curse has spread all over his body, he can still barely live.

"Alas, I can't think of my majestic son of flames, being a nurse twice in a day." Wang Yan shook his head helplessly. Under Lydia's pleading look, he squeezed Emmons' arm, and a pure ray of pure yang fire followed his veins into the body.

"His ~"

Even if it was expected, the situation was bad and Wang Yan took a breath.

The curse in Emmons is very malicious, not only destroying the vitality in his body, but also implicating his soul. As soon as Wang Yan ’s pure Yang really got in, he was besieged by a large spread of cursing power, and he was declared dead in just a few seconds.

Indeed, the true fire of pure yang can exterminate all evil and pollution. But just as water can extinguish fires, it can make water evaporate if the fire is big. When those filthy cursing powers reach a certain level, they can in turn encircle and suppress Wang Yan's pure Yang true fire.

"Fire, son of flames, yes, sorry. Forget it, my life has been extinguished, extinct, you, you can't save me." Emmons returned to the light, his face flushed, grabbed Wang Yan's arm, and struggled, "Hemp, please, take care of Lydia."

"Grandpa ~"

Lydia cried mournfully, "Grandpa, you can't die, Son of Fire, please, please save my grandpa. No matter what the conditions are, I promise you."

"Li, Lydia." Emmons coughed black blood and said, "Answer, promise grandpa. Take care of yourself. The fire, the son of flame, is actually a good person. Yes, it was grandpa who was biased against him before, Biased. "

"Woo ~" Lydia nodded in pain, crying.


Wang Yan on the side interrupted helplessly and said, "What are you two, grandpa and granddaughter? This is not the way to play dog ​​blood drama? I'm still watching. The villains BOSS are also pestering, Don't take people too seriously. "

In fact, everyone was watching this scene, and there was no reaction for a while.

Hearing Wang Yan ’s words, the mourning banshee and the lich Marshall Qiqi awakened together and could n’t help but nod. Indeed, Emmons, your two grandpas and grandchildren, do n’t take people too seriously. Ah, there is no dignity at all.

"Marshall, let's go, hold the son of flames, and win the tears of the stars." The mourning banshee ordered it to rush forward with Marshall.

Unexpectedly, the ancient Yanmo giant feet straddled the front and looked at them with scornful eyes, and the voice rumbled: "Stop. Obediently there, wait for my young master to send off."

Afraid of the power of the ancient flame demon horror, the mourning banshee and the lich Marshall stopped, looking at each other, young master? What is that stuff? Inevitably, this ancient Yan Mo recognized Yan Zun as the master?

No, I heard that the ancient flame devil Bella Roca was in its heyday, but it was a demigod. Although its strength is now greatly reduced, the dignity of the demigods should still be there. Will it not be regarded as the juniors who are also demigods?

"Hum ~" Babbitt's eyes swelled, and he stood behind them illusoryly, Shen Sheng said, "The mourning banshee, it's all this time, you dare to remember the tears of the stars? Really enough stupid."

The dark chanter Babbitt is now the first person in the world of black magic. This time I was back to the college to save the scene, but unexpectedly, the sparrow was reported to be behind, and my heart was burning.

If he heads out in a fair environment, he is not afraid of the old monster who has lived for hundreds of years and is half dead.

"Okay, let's stop arguing." Wang Yan waved and said, "You guys will rest for a while. I'll stabilize the injury of the old Emmons first, and then come to deal with it."

Report the mourning banshee and lich Marshall anxious, what do you think of yourself as the son of flame? The two of us are villains. Why should I listen to you?

Just when they are ready to move.

Wang Yan snorted coldly: "Lao Bei, who dares to have a little change, just shoot me to death."

"Ao ~"

The ancient flame demon Bella Roca roared loudly, a pair of burning eyes, staring at the mourning banshee and the lich.

That fierce gaze straightened the mourning banshee and the lich into a panic, swearing inwardly, mother, what the **** happened? This ancient flame demon, how to listen to the words of the child of flames, it sounds like a dog!


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