The Domestic Hero

Chapter 921: Give power! Wang Yan

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In the Starry Sky Tower, the situation changes dramatically.

Wang Yan and his entourage were also in great trouble in the flame forbidden area.

In the sky dyed red like the sunset, a huge flame eye, staring at Wang Yan and others with a dominance.

Lydia ’s jade hand held the staff firmly, her knuckles were raised due to excessive force, and the blood was not smooth, making her hands and feet cold and white. That fear comes from the tremor in the soul.

Being able to exhibit the level of supernatural powers such as 'Eye of the Void' is at least a level of half god.

Even if he is as strong as Wang Yan, he has a feeling of scalp tingling, and the tail vertebrae are chilling, as if being

Demigod, that's a strong level with Uncle Cannon. Wang Yan was dry for a while, and he swallowed.

"Yes, what's remarkable." The green-hat bird three-legged golden black bird, who has always been bullying and hard, has shrunk behind Wang Yan's **** like a quail bird, and still said hardly, "Ben, this **** was a god-level in the past. 'Eye' is like playing. "

"Since you are so strong, the ancient Flame Demon will be handed over to you." Wang Yan glared at him angrily. "Don't be polite, beat him to death."

"Don't, boss." The three-legged golden black head shrank, and said with a smile, "I haven't been sealed for too long, there is only a trace of remnant soul, is the power reduced? I think, or you personally compare safe."

Wang Yan didn't want to take care of it.

But what it said, it made Wang Yan's eyes shine. The seal is too long, the strength is greatly reduced?

That's right, this ancient flame demon has been sealed for thousands of years. And before being sealed, it was bombarded by a group of powerful magicians led by the Star God.

Perhaps in this strongest period of the ancient Flame Demon, it can reach a semi-god level strength.

But now, how can it be built up to strength?

It is impossible to escape. In this small flame forbidden land, where can the ancient Yan Demon with the ‘Eye of the Void’ magical power escape?

Since there is no escape, there is only one battle!

In Wang Yan's eyes, a hot and confident light burst out.

At this time, Wang Yan was no longer Wuxia Ameng. Cultivating oneself as strength, although not reaching the point of being thorough. But he has also stood in the ranks of the earth's peak combat power.

Unmodestly speaking, even in the face of those S-class powerhouses, Wang Yan will never flinch.

war! war! war!

He took a sharp breath, and within a hundred meters of the circle, those active and abundant flame elements gathered into a mass, as if being called by a certain force, and poured into his body frantically.

After the body was filled with a large amount of fire elemental energy, Wang Yan's blood seemed to burn, and his skin was covered with a light red. There were countless subtle thick energy on the surface, which seemed to be covered with a layer of flame armor.

Don't look at his thin skin now, it seems no different from normal people. But even with this skin alone, small caliber pistol bullets hit it, leaving at least one white spot.

If you bulge against your muscles and swell your energy to form an outer defense, even if it is an anti-equipment sniper rifle, you still want to penetrate his defense.

The flames lingered, leaving his legs three feet off the ground, floating in a vacuum.

A breath of vastness spewed out of him, pressing down on Skyrim's "Eye of the Void" without fear. His will is full of incomparably strong fighting will, almost like a real hammer, crushing all enemies.

"Son of Flame!"

Lydia covered her sandal lips and looked at Wang Yan in disbelief, her eyes flickering. She never imagined that Wang Yan dared to challenge directly against such a powerful creature, and his momentum was so powerful.

Prior to this, she had heard of the power of the Flame Child, and even defeated Gu Sheng, an S-class powerhouse. However, in the course of contacting again and again, the Son of Flame performed really well, but after all, it was slightly worse than the legend.

But now, she really believed. The Son of Flame does have a fighting power against the S-Class Chamber.

For a time, Lydia no longer feared. Standing next to Wang Yan, she has an unprecedented sense of security. Her eyes were full of worship.

"The boss is mighty, the boss is domineering." The morale of the three-legged Jinwu is also greatly boosted. "What kind of **** is an ancient demon, how can you compare with the boss?"


In the distance came a roar of tremors again, and the Void Eye dissipated into a cloud of mist.


The ground shook violently, and in the ruins in the distance, a huge monster straightened up from the boiling magma. Its physique is seven to eighty meters long, like a hill.

It was burning with flames all over it, and the dark red semi-solidified magma was the body, and it was filled with a ruinous atmosphere between its hands and feet. On the hill-like head, two red flame eyes spewed hot flames.

Obviously, Wang Yan's unbridled provocation angered it.

Can the dignity of the ancient Yanmon be provoked by a tiny human being?

"It's it!"

The three-legged Jinwu exclaimed, "I think of it, I know it."

Waiting for Wang Yan to ask a question, it quacked like a bean: "This is one of the generals under the leadership of the **** of fire, I can't remember its name. Quack, I lost too much memory."

"嗷 ~ 嗷 ~" The ancient Yan Mo made a few horrible screams, the flame elemental life scattered around the flame forbidden place, as if received some order, gathered like a stream, and rushed to Wang Yan and his party like tide people.

The dense flame elements are probably not less than a few hundred. The worst are C-level, most of them are B-level, and there is even some A-level.

The wisdom of these flame elements is not high, but fighting by instinct alone is enough to destroy a modern army.

"Is there more people bullying and fewer people?" Wang Yan sneered, and slapped his palms. A flame element stored in his body spewed out and gathered together.

An incredible thing happened.

It was gradually twisted into a humanoid warrior with a height of several meters. Its body structure was formed by the condensed energy of flame elements. It carried a flame-striking war knife in its hands.

Flame avatar!

This is one of Uncle Gun's combat skills.

After repeated practice, Wang Yan has initially mastered the flame avatar skills.

If this trick is performed in an ordinary environment, the effect is not very significant, because to condense the flame avatar, you must consume your own flame energy. The more energy given to the Flame Doppelganger, the more its own combat power is weakened.

But it's completely different when it's forbidden in this flame. Wang Yan can draw on the flame element that is incomparable between heaven and earth to condense the powerful flame avatar.

After condensing a flame split, Wang Yan did the same.

Thanks to the sky and the endless flame elemental energy, Wang Yan condensed ten flame avatars in a short time. But by this step, it was almost his limit.

It is not that the surrounding flame elements have enough energy, but that his mental strength is not enough.

Every flame avatar needs a part of his spiritual power. Even if his mental power is very majestic and pure, after dividing ten, he has reached the limit of his current mental power.

But even if only ten flame avatars were standing in front of Wang Yan, they were still so majestic.

The ten flame avatars exude the momentum, which is not inferior to the other party's hundreds of flame elemental lives. Because the strength of each avatar has reached the A + level of strength, compared to the half-step S level, it is only a line of separation.

Even Wang Yan in the heyday, against these ten flame avatars, will be very difficult.


As Wang Yan's spirit wave passed by, the ten flame avatars turned into ten flame meteors and killed the dense army of elemental life. Ten ripples traced across the places they passed, showing the speed and strength.


Just a few seconds later, the ten flame avatars, like blades, penetrated the elemental army. Their every move, every style, is full of powerful force. As a tiger enters the flock, a large area is instantly killed.

"It's so strong." Lydia's eyes widened, looking at this scene in disbelief. Each of the avatars summoned by the Son of Flame can be called a metamorphosis of strength. Even if she went in person, it would be good to deal with any one.

In fact, she didn't understand that Wang Yan's understanding of the law of flame was very different from the ordinary fire department superpowers. In this place where the flame element is extremely abundant, his fighting power is far beyond the ordinary place.

Instead of being a normal place on earth, Wang Yan may be able to summon ten flame avatars in one go, but each one has to consume a lot of his flame energy. And their strength can never reach this level.

Between this breath, where you can get a lot of flame elemental power, Wang Yan has almost endless power.

"呱呱 ~" The three-legged Jinwu, who has been bullying and afraid of hard temper, at first sight, fluttered his wings and flew into the army of flame elements. He had to frown and smile, not thinking about Shu.

At the same time, Lydia also began to walk on the edge of the battle array, singing ancient magic spells, and a blue wind blade screamed out, killing those fire elemental lives with precision.

I saw a wind blade as thin as a cicada's wings, and a B-level flame element could not escape, and was cut into two. When her jade hand was raised, the core of the essence element fell into her hand.

This also shows that Lydia is indeed a very talented magician. In this place where the flame element is too abundant, and other elements are lacking, she can easily control the battle, and every move and every style is exactly like a scalpel.

And she is still young, as long as she does not fall halfway. In time, it must be a peak-level master.


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