The Domestic Hero

Chapter 918: Make a fortune

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"Bella Rocca, the earth flame demon, has been asleep for almost a thousand years. Only the night before the seal was damaged, he woke up once."

Lydia speculates excitedly, "These precious fire materials are all condensed by the rich flame elements here. This sub-space closed for thousands of years is simply an uncultivated treasure house! "

Wang Yan looked in his eyes and was equally happy in his heart.

Fire magic and abilities have always been famous for their wide range of applications and their aggressiveness. Especially some simple and practical fire magic, for most magicians, it is the basic foundation for them to learn magic at the beginning, and it is also an indispensable important skill in the future.

The magician needs to engrave seals and make scrolls with the magic materials of the fire department. The superpowers of the fire department also need a lot of fire resources to improve their strength. This shows how huge the demand for fire resources in the earth superpower community is.

In addition, precious fire-based materials are usually buried deep in the magma-rich mantle belt. No matter how powerful fire-based superpowers, they can not drill into the mantle and dive into the magma to extract these materials. The fire materials available on the market are usually volcanic eruptions, crustal movements, or explorations in underground caves. There are limited ways to explore.

Ordinary, powdered fire essence is very rare, and it will often be copied to millions or even higher prices once it appears. For the more advanced lens blaze, if you get the conversion from the National African Affairs Bureau, you will get 300 points of merit for one gram, which is more than 30 million yuan in RMB!

Don't look so expensive, sometimes you have money and merit, and you may not be able to get it.

You must know that fire pith is a very rare condensate of flame elements. It is not only a very beautiful gem and magic stone, but also contains a very strong flame power and law.

The demand in this world is far greater than the speed of mining and excavation.

It can be seen that Wang Yan and Lydia are so excited when they look at such a large film, at least dozens of crystal sparks.

What's more, the scene not only has fire pulp, but also more, more precious materials and treasures than fire pulp!

"Son of flames, look at it, it's a fire crystal growing in a magma lake! There are also precious fire minerals, red sun iron and ember stone!" Her tutor, she can see the preciousness of these materials in front of her.

"Wait, across from the Magma Lake, there is the firewood formed after the fire element invaded!"

"Oh my god, this is the best material for making fire wands. There are only a few of them in our college. There are three complete trees here!" Lydia clapped in excitement.

Wang Yan couldn't help raising his mouth in his eyes. He himself is a fire-powered person. Needless to say, he needs resources from the fire department. In addition, the Warhammer he used, plus the unmade Devil God suit, and the greedy three-legged Jinwu, require a huge amount of fire resources.

The flame forbidden land that has not been opened for thousands of years is a treasure trove specially prepared for him now!

"So what are we waiting for?"

The words were not down, the two were in a happy mood with one bird, all the way down the rocky ridge and rushed towards the huge fire treasures in the canyon.

"Baba Baba!"

A series of blazing flames came from the ground.

I saw all the small flames that were originally blooming near the treasures of the fire department. All because of the approach of someone, the flames soared into a personal or animal-shaped flame element.

But all the heavenly and earthly treasures call some spiritual creatures. These spiritual creatures will use the energy emitted by the natural treasures to grow, or wait for the moment when the natural treasures finally mature, and then devour them.

The flame elemental bodies in front of you should be condensed and produced by the energy from these fire treasures.

"D-class, C-class, yo, and two B-class, these elements can't stop us."

Wang Yan's eyes were calm as before, and he waved at the three-legged Jinwu at will, "It's your turn."

This cheap and cheap three-legged golden black bird is usually greedy for food and enjoyment. When it encounters an enemy, it will stand aside and set off its mouth and cannon. At this time, if it is not allowed to practice, it will probably become a three-legged golden pig.

In addition, the action of Wang Yan or Lydia will cause some movement, and wake up the earth flame demon, the problem will be bigger. Right now, let the three-legged Jinwu deal with the elemental body, which is more suitable.

"Leave it to the God! Hahaha!" The three-legged Jinwu flew straight down, domineering and leaked, "Gquack! Tiny scum, see how the God has broken you into pieces!"

Usually the opponent Wang Yan encountered was either the Satanic apostle or the sage of Wu Gu. One was more perverted than the other, and the other was stronger than one. They were almost scared to the jade tree's three-legged Jinwu.

It is a rare encounter at this time, this kind of low-level little everywhere, its self-confidence has been unprecedentedly satisfied, and has reached the point of bursting.

"Ah!" The three-legged Jinwu screamed wildly, the bird body shook, and its feathers immediately turned into blossoming flames, just like a phoenix descending from the sky, rushing towards a one-man high flame element.

The flame element body throws a flame fist, but the low-level elemental force can hit the three-legged golden body with A-level strength now, just like itching.

The three-legged golden Wulian didn't even drop a flame feather, hit it head-on, and instantly traversed the flame element body, accurately holding a small element crystal nucleus in his mouth.


The tiny element crystal nucleus, like a jelly bean, was swallowed by the three-legged Jinwu in one bite, "Ahaha, cool!"

"Scum, tremble under the power of the god!" The three-legged Jin Wuzhong II is full of momentum, soaring wildly into the air, turning its direction again and rushing towards another elemental body.

The firearm spirit in Wang Yan ’s warhammer seemed to be provoked by the three-legged Jinwu. He actually jumped out of the warhammer and turned into a flame elemental body with open teeth and claws. The element body washed away.

It is an elemental body in itself, and the attack method is more exaggerated. It was like a big fish eating a small fish, quickly rushed to the other party's side, and suddenly opened a huge mouth, "Ah", directly swallowed the other half of the body.

After that, he hiccupped and he rushed towards another goal.

The key is behind it, there is also a warhammer weighing more than 300 kilograms, and it is rattled by it all the way.

Wang Yan jumped in the corner of his eyes, what kind of second-hand goods did he raise, and they couldn't fight in a healthy, positive and **** way?

Lydia chuckled her lips, "Son of Flame, your favorite pet and the hammer of the holy weapon are really interesting."

"Is it?" Wang Yan made a haha, "Don't worry about them, let's collect materials."

He said that he took out a military dagger from a tactical backpack from the storage bracelet and used some power as a cutting tool.

"Well!" Lydia nodded and followed Wang Yan to the bottom of the valley, took out a wind-style gold dagger, used it as a shovel, and pryed up a lot of precious materials grown in magmatic rock.

The fire essence, fire essence, and these beautiful crystals that we usually see are all obtained after some preliminary processing. In the original environment, most of them were connected with some lava and minerals, so it takes a little effort to dig them out.

So within a moment, Lydia's forehead was covered with sweat, but the herbal pouch in her hand was also filled with more than a dozen large amounts of fire pulp.

Compared to Lydia, Wang Yan's condition is much better.

When I hit the knife, I fell down with one fist and the whole rock shattered. It was easy and convenient. So, apart from the fire pith, those fire minerals, red sun iron and ember stone, as long as they are precious materials, were all removed from the original stone, and he was put into the storage bracelet together.

Opposite the Magma Lake in front, there are three whole firewoods with a height of one person. Wang Yan also counted them back together. He can't use firewood for a while, and it is also very good to exchange some of the Bureau of African Affairs to help his colleagues. Anyway, his storage bracelet was sent by the maid of honor, and the large one is fine. Now he doesn't worry at all.

As for the three-legged Jinwu and the Fire Hammer Spirit, their strengths are above these elemental bodies, completely crushed, chasing those elementary bodies like dogs to run around, and disappearing without a trace in a while.

At this time, the three-legged Jinwu aimed at the flaming crystal in the magma lake, just about to take the flaming crystal, which was more precious than the fire pulp, but was unexpectedly stretched out from the lava lake The big hand, slapped back and slapped back.

Then a menacing figure, like a lava giant, rose from the magma lake.

"Here, this is a fire demon! This is an elemental creature with a lava entity, or a full A-level strength!"

Lydia suddenly faced an enemy, and said nervously, "If you don't cope well, let the fire demon wake up the earth demon, we will ..."

However, her words did not fall, a warhammer came flying, "bang", and smashed the fire demon's body into a rotten.

"Okay, let's go to the next place." Wang Yan clapped his hands casually. Just at that hammer, he used completely brute force, did not use any abilities, it was a pure physical attack, and would not cause too much. The energy fluctuated, so it did not disturb the sleeping demon in the center of the ancient city.

"Okay, okay ..." Lydia's shocked eyes widened, and Tankou didn't close for a long time.

She knows that the Son of Flame is very strong, and a flame ability is unmatched in the younger generation, but she did n’t expect that even the power is so strong, that is a very powerful fire demon in the A class, smashed with a hammer Rotten!

"My God!" She secretly uttered in her heart, she felt scared!

Next, the fire demon crystal nucleus and the more precious fire fused crystal were taken back by the fire hammer weapon spirit and the three-legged Jinwu respectively.

Wang Yan and his team searched for excavations all the way, and it didn't take long for them to reach the broken seal node.

On this way, Wang Yan, a light-fired pluton, has mined several kilograms. As long as all the other fire minerals and precious resources can be removed by Wang Yan, the amount is temporarily not available for detailed statistics.

If it were not for the seal to be repaired, plus the fear that it would disturb the land demon in the center of the ancient city, there might be more collected.

"Son of flame, mine is also for you." Lydia was sweating and she smiled and handed two fire pills and fire crystals full of herbal medicine bags to Wang Yan. There seemed to be dozens of them. There are several fire crystals, even fire crystals.

"How did you give me all? Since we discovered it together, let's look back at half of us." Wang Yan smiled heartily. Although he needed fire resources, he was not a stingy person.

"Son of the flames, you accept it. You are a fire-powered person. You need these resources more than me." Lydia's pretty face was covered with a lot of mud and dust, but she still smiled brightly. After picking it up, I have at most calculated some strength. If you feel that you owe me, I will go back to China and travel to China. Please invite me to dinner. "

He also handed over two large bags to Wang Yan.

If this scene is seen by Emmons outside, it is estimated that he will cry.

Sure enough, the girl is outgoing, what is Bai picked up? These precious materials are obviously the wealth of the college. What else does Jue owe? Just have dinner? Can the value of these fire resources be borne by a meal? cry……

Wang Yan saw that Lydia was so sincere and did not refuse to say that she promised to compensate her in other ways in the future. Of course, there will be no shortage of guests for dinner.

The next thing went very smoothly. The tens of thousands of catamaran rune columns looked like toys in Wang Yan's hands. The process of replacing and adjusting the rune order was very easy.

The six rune pillars are connected by the underground magic net. After replacing the main rune pillars, Lydia read the spell and restarted the sealing circle.

I saw a lavender energy layer, like a big bowl, above the red clouds in this space, re-enveloping the whole ancient city.

"Now both the inner and outer arrays are fully repaired, and the Earth Flame Demon can no longer threaten our academy." Lydia said gratefully. "It's all thanks to you, otherwise it will be replaced by other people. It is estimated that even The flame element can't pass that level. "

"I don't have a hand, and I'm paid, right?" Wang Yan smiled. "Let's leave here quickly. I don't want to be in a room with an earth demon who doesn't know the depth."

Lydia nodded, and the two returned to the top of the teleportation circle at the fastest speed.

Lydia stood in the middle of the circle, blowing the melodious magic flute.

This is a magic signal whistle. At this moment, this space is completely enclosed by a double seal. General magic and power signals cannot penetrate, but the magic flute sound that causes space fluctuations can pass the signal well.

The flute sounded melodious and crisp, causing a small space to tremble slightly.


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