The Domestic Hero

Chapter 900: Too mean and shameless

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"How is it possible !?" Lydia was struck by thunder, revealing disbelief.

I was full of confidence just now, thinking that Hank would counterattack. But this situation is changing too fast, right?

Ten seconds? No, there is absolutely no ten seconds, the total is seven seconds! Hank, who is powerful and masters the simplified version of Ice Storm, will lose so fast and so miserably.

To her surprise, the man actually guessed the result ...

Lydia covered her mouth and looked at Wang Yan in shock, how did this guy guess?

"Ma, Brother Muggle." Bob, the fat man, also looked at Wang Yan with a dumbfounded look. "You, you hit me to see if I'm dreaming?"


Wang Yan usually does not refuse such a reasonable request, thus giving him a slap in the face.

"Woo ~ Brother Muggle, are you really fighting?" The little fat man covered his face with grievance, and looked at Wang Yan faintly. Muggle brother, can't you be humble? By the way, how do you see Muggle Brother Hank can only persist for ten seconds? "

"Nonsense, can a little chick fight an eagle soaring above the sky? The people in your school of magic are still theoretical students, and they have never experienced the baptism of wind and rain at all." Wang Yanhuan held his hands. He said lightly, "The student at Blackthorn College, from his breath, is obviously an old bird with a lot of blood on his hands."

That student may not be a big deal in Wang Yan's eyes. But for the student party growing in the ivory tower, it is definitely an old bird. How much can you do to deal with a rookie?

"What's more, your student Hank is more rigid than I thought." Wang Yan said disdainfully. "Before the battle has started, he has already hit the opponent's mouth. You must desperately make a gorgeous move. In order to prove his strength. Stupid, it ’s simply too stupid, and I do n’t know which idiot tutor taught. Does n’t he know that it ’s a simple truth to use the right magic at the right time? Hehe, he thought he was a handsome girl? "

Wang Yan is not a magician, but any profession is common in combat. In gorgeous moves, it is not as practical as a brick at certain critical moments. The move is dead, the talent is alive.

When he talked, he didn't even care about the reaction of Lydia next to her. At this time, she was already blushing and red ears, and she was ashamed to find a hole in the ground.

Lydia ’s face was hot, and she was a little angry and dissatisfied: "The black magicians are prepared, you said, they are the old birds in the field. Huh, I do n’t know how many good people have died in his hands. . And our students will mature after several years of experience. "

"It's weird," Wang Yan said, touching his nose. "Did you kill some good people if you had blood on your hands? Don't people like black magicians take some legitimate missions to kill monsters?"

Wang Yan is a young man of modern times. He is the most annoyed that others haven't done bad things yet, so he buckled others with hats of crooked ways. Black magic or white magic is magic. If you use the right one, you are right, and if you use the evil one, you are evil.

Of course, it is undeniable that magicians in the dark magic world are more prone to skew. After all, the temptation is too great, it is easier to lose nature. But even so, you can't kill people with one stick.

As far as Wang Yan himself is concerned, he also has friends with tentacles, friends with necromancers, and even friends who are proficient in Wu Gu. Even the dark virgin, who is also a friend, sacrificed her soul to a **** demon king in exchange for strength.

In this way, Wang Yan did not object to her.

"Huh ~ whose customer are you down to?" Lydia said arrogantly. "How do you stand on the side of the black magician? Do you have a position?"

"Even if I am a guest at Starry Sky Academy, can I speak without conscience?" Wang Yan said with a shrug. "In short, losing is losing, and you have to be graceful. At best, it's just lying on the salary and courageous. Next time we will win back. There is an old saying in the state that victory and defeat are commonplace among military strategists. Knowing shame and being brave is the true character of a hero. "

"Brother Muggle, although I don't understand it, I think you made a good point." The little fat man looked at Wang Yan with admiration. "If you are not a Muggle, I will treat you as an idol. . "

Although Lydia understands this truth, she is in a very bad mood at this time. She doesn't want to ignore Wang Yan for the time being. Don't overdo it. A sly and cute little person who is very angry with someone.


The black magic student, with a disdainful look, moved away from Hank, provoking several other students: "It's useless even if you're together with your waste."

"Cliff, don't be so selfish."

"We have to play too."

"Ah, these rookies are so pitiful."

The rest of the black magic students ridiculed me with one word at a time. In their view, it feels so good to rub these rookie students. Only the B-level black magic student closed his eyes and was too lazy to look at it again.

The situation is already obvious. These waste-star students of Starry Sky College can no longer set off any storms. Because the tutor even called him over to the town, there was no need at all, and Cliff alone could pick it all out.

The young people are all blood-swept, and Cliff ’s provocation is also provoking the anger of the students of the Starry Academy. Another C-level student jumped onto the stage and shouted loudly that you are not allowed to insult our college.

Fortunately, he learned from Hank's lesson. He wasn't stupid enough to make great moves at the beginning, but flicked his instant magic during the battle. But with such a mess and no tactical planning, how can we get Cliff?

After evading defenses, Cliff looked at a chance and a fireball blasted him down.

Thirty seconds.

This time, after faltering for thirty seconds, that Hank was not ashamed.

Immediately afterwards, another person screamed and rushed up. This time he persisted longer, and at the same time instant magic, he also put a magic shield on himself to achieve both offensive and defensive purposes.

It is a pity that the combat experience is a bit worse than the opponent. After a minute, the magic shield was exploded by several opponent's renju spells, and the ring was dropped.

This is followed by the fourth and fifth!

On the sixth, Wood pushed away a C-level magician student and rushed into the ring majesticly: "Damn fellow, your arrogant road ends here."

Obviously, Cliff, who has gone through five battles, has consumed a lot of magic, and his face paled and gasped. No matter how powerful he is, he is only a student.

Wood really saw this before he came to power first.

At the same time, his words also made the momentum of the Starry Academy alive, and some students cheered for him.

The black magician Cliff fought five games in a row. Not only did the magic cost half, but even the magic and routines that he was good at were exposed to Wood's eyes. But even so, with his excellent experience, he was entangled with the vital force Wood for more than two minutes before he was defeated.

Wood kicked Cliff off the ring with a kick, and mocked arrogantly: "Are you arrogant, arrogant again? Damn things, see you hit you once and again."

"Wood, Wood!"

Among the student group, Wood's name was cheered one after another. This was the first victory of Star Academy.

Even Lydia was a little excited. Lost five games in a row, and finally won one game.

"Uh ..." Wang Yan touched his nose and said, "How do I feel that your Starry Academy is the villain? People have only lost six games in Lien Chan. Should they be respected no matter what?"

In a word, choked Lydia's excitement back.

It seems that this is the truth. People lost only six games in a row. Anyway, they deserve respect.

"Also, the three views of your students are really wrong." Wang Yan shook his head and said, "That Wood clearly took the opportunity to pick up a bargain. It took a long time for the **** to pick up a bargain. Alas ~ I can't stand it anymore. "

Lydia's face was ashamed and blushing. That Wood seemed to be too much, and Lydia was a little annoyed at him. You won by picking up the cheap, can you be low-key?

However, Rao is very ashamed. But Lydia still gave Wang Yan a blank look: "Anyway, you are also a guest of our Starry Academy, can you have a stand."

"I already have a very strong position." Wang Yan shrugged and said, "In order to change my previous little grumpy temper, I have already shot the shameless stinky boy. Little fat man, can't you learn him."

"Well, Brother Muggle, I don't like the guy Wood." The little fat Bob nodded sharply and snorted in disdain. "It's too shameful. Even if I lose, I have to lose. Pay attention to the spirit of chivalry. "

Lydia nodded secretly while listening. The character of our students at Starry Sky College was still very positive. The mean Wood was just a minority. Good fat man, you have given me a face, Lydia, at least in front of this guy, pulled back a city.

"Little fat man, you are not right." Wang Yan said, "The knight spirit is the most fool spirit. If you pay attention to the knight spirit in the mission and on the battlefield, it is purely a deadly act. Kill the enemy. , Survive, is king. "

"Brother Muggle, are you teasing me?" The fat man was stunned, and he could not help crying. "You said you can't be mean and shameless, but now you say that the spirit of chivalry is a fool. What should I do ? "

Unconsciously, the little fat man who spent only two days with Wang Yan has begun to recognize Wang Yan as a spiritual teacher.

Lydia also gave Wang Yan a fierce look. Your words are clearly inconsistent and you hit yourself in the face.

However, Wang Yan said: "There is no contradiction at all. In the face of the enemy, of course, all the tactics are extremely poor, otherwise it is to send food to the enemy. But being a man, you can't be so mean and shameless."

"Oh ~ I get it." The little fat man nodded as if he knew something.


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