The Domestic Hero

Chapter 667: Old stuff! He dare

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The silence of the scene was terrible, only the silkworm-like worm licking and swallowing the brain marrow continued to reverberate around.

After counting the interest, the horror worm connected to Gu Sheng's arm retreated back into Gu Sheng's sleeve.

The blood of the big beach left on the ground also turned into a large blood mist, and was sucked deeply by Gu Sheng and sucked into the body.

For a long time, Gu Shengcai slowly exhaled, and said in his hoarse voice: "The blood of today is really not as good as one generation, and the purity of the blood is poor."

"However, your sperm blood looks pretty good." The Gu Mang's eyes surged in Gu Sheng's eyes, and his body was immensely imposing, like a sea of ​​sea, surging out. The air around him seemed to be sticky like a quagmire at this moment, and under great pressure Carlos Edward's bones seemed to be crushed.

Carlos dare to have a little bit of rebellion at this time, and immediately fell to his knees and fell to the ground, begging for mercy: "The juniors are not strict with the slaves, and they also invite Gu Sheng to atone!"

Gu Sheng didn't use the slightest dignity and law power before, and Gu alone would kill all the elite men he brought. Only a little dignity was revealed at this moment, and the blood, liver, spleen and lungs of his blood marquis seemed to be crushed. If he showed real strength, how strong would it be?

He felt that in the face of the coercion of the Gu Sheng horror, let alone his father's former marquis, even his European ancestor, Duke Edward, who was as strong as the S-class, could not be compared.

Seeing Gu Sheng didn't make a noise, Carlos was frightened by the sweat of cold sweat, and panicked again: "The junior came this time to ask Lord Gu Sheng to come out and strangle the child of flames. By then the junior will lead all the North American Edward family to Lord Gu Sheng ’s vassal, all wealth will be contributed to you! "

Carlos' head banged on the floor.

"The juniors and the Edwardian family in North America will be your servants. Please also accept Gu Sheng's mercy!"

Wu Gu, master Knu, glanced at Carlos and scoffed with a snort: "Stupid waste."

His master, Master Gu Sheng, has already been integrated with the golden silkworm Gu Wang, the strongest Gu insect. In front of this golden silkworm Gu Wang who has been raised by his master for a lifetime, his one is enough to be proud of the blood centipede in Southeast Asia. It's like ants.

How can these stupid blood clan with no eyes understand the terrible King of the Silkworm Gu?

But Master Gu Gu was right, and with the waste that could be crushed to death, there was no need to be angry. It was just that his brother and brother, all tragically dying in the hands of the son of flame and his girlfriend, how could this wickedness come out.

"The child of flames is indeed abhorrent, but his strength is the highest among the young people in the world, and I am afraid that his disciples are not his opponents." There was a hint of hatred in Kenu's eyes, and then Zuier asked Gu Sheng. Master Zun came out to avenge his brother and brother! "

"Oh, Son of Flame? What a big name." Gu Sheng smiled coldly, and suddenly his body began to skyrocket like a balloon.

He changed his previous rotten and dying appearance and stood up easily. The original shriveled paper-like skin, withered muscles and body like decayed wood all grew up and filled in a short time, and even the rickety bones made a crackling stretch, yellow hair, fallen teeth, all At a speed visible to the naked eye, rebirth quickly.

It takes only tens of seconds to transform decay into magic.

Before, there was an old man who was about to die, but at this moment, he turned into a tall, strong, middle-aged man.

That body was as magnificent as it was, pressing the mountains and rivers, showing the coercion that was several times stronger than before, and the vast air rushed to the sky.

Carlos, the blood marquis, didn't even dare to lift his head this time. He knelt at Gu Sheng's feet and shivered.

In the instinctive fear, Zhao Hongwen had a strong sense of excitement. This Gu Sheng adult was more terrible than the legend. In his ordinary mortal eyes, it was like a god!

Wu Gu, Master Knu, his eyes are full of reverence. He is the first time in these forty years that he has seen his master recover from his dormant state.

It's hard to hide the excitement and the trembling voice: "Master is worthy of the sanctuary of the witch gu in Southeast Asia! Compared with you, what is the son of the flame who does not know the heights and heights of the sky?"

After Gu Sheng recovered, he sneered slightly, and the first question he asked was not about the Son of Flame, but his old opponent.

"Now, what is the situation with Han Hongbo?"

Han Hongbo? Zhao Hongwen and Carlos were shocked. That was the general director of the State Administration of African Affairs. The name of the country in China was only the top figure after Yan Zun!

"Han Hongbo is now the general director of the China National African Affairs Bureau, and he is in charge of all superpowers in China." Knu replied respectfully.

"Humph." Gu Sheng's eyes flashed a cold, cold voice, "Notify the world that this seat will fight Wang Yan, the son of flames, in the oldest way!"

"If Han Hongbo dares to stop, this seat will kill him together!"

boom! Gu Sheng's arrogant and extremely fierce momentum caused a strong roar in the hearts of the three people at the scene.

At the same time, a warfare letter announcing the global power world was sent out.

Ten days later, the Great Buddha Pagoda in Chiang Mai, Gu Yan, the king of flames, Wang Yan!

The world is shaken.


Wu Gu's technique has a long history, and it is said that it originated from the black sorcery in the primitive farming period of China.

During the Zhou Dynasty, during the eight hundred years of the Chu Kingdom, including the later Qin and Han Dynasties, etc., there were a lot of records about Wu Gu's art. Even kings would use Wu Gu's art to deal with hostile forces.

Later, Taoism flourished, and many alchemy spells began to unify. Only Wu Gu's art was too vicious, even the country's rulers were afraid of it. So Wu Gu's art was naturally expelled, and only the Miaojiang area remained.

However, the ancient witchcraft has flourished in Southeast Asia, and it has merged with many local witchcrafts. It has become a terrible evil that is now in Southeast Asia and is disturbing.

The horror of Wu Gu is unpredictable, weird and vicious, often people can inadvertently kill people invisible, and the death of the Gu Gu people is extremely miserable, and the pain they often experience is beyond imagination.

Some modern medical science institutions have also tried to crack the secrets of Wu Gu, but these Wu Gu's heads not only involve poisonous insects and poisons, but also include bacteria, viruses, microorganisms, spiritual spells, and even laws and laws in nature. Covering a wide range of content, there are many different ways, and each method is different, and medical science institutions in various countries are basically helpless.

Want to configure antidote? It's like an idiot saying a dream. If unfortunately contaminated with Wu Gu lowered his head, unless there is help from an expert, otherwise there is only one way to die.

It can be seen from this that the technique of Wu Gu is absolutely not comparable to that of witchcraft and poison, and the harmful means are extremely extreme.

Now the Tesor, known as the Holy Witch Gu, became the first person of Witch Gu in Southeast Asia more than eighty years ago. His achievements have not been surpassed so far.

His approach to Wang Yan is also a long-standing tradition in the superpower world.

Any personal grievances can be resolved by way of a battle, regardless of life and death, after a war is cancelled, and the forces of both parties are not allowed to revenge for this grievance.

This approach is in line with the super energy world, even in the natural world, the weak flesh and strong food, the strong style of the consistent style.

It's just that in modern society, civilization is civilized, and almost no one will use this method of solving problems with a war. What's more, it's the first time in history that an S-class sage domain strongman who has been famous for more than 100 years has to challenge a junior with only a half-step S-class.

Therefore, as soon as the news was sent out, it caused shock all over the world.


"Gu Sheng Tesol, offer to fight Xiao Yan?"

At the headquarters of the National African Affairs Bureau, Han Hongbo was sitting at his desk, holding the documents he had just delivered, and his eyebrows twisted into a knot. "I can't think that the old guy is still dead. Yan maliciously retaliated. "

"Not only did not die, Gu Sheng didn't even grow old."

At the desk, a young woman in a black OL suit, with a graceful figure and a capable temperament, stroked the black-framed glasses on her face, handed a tablet to Han Hongbo, and said, "This is our Information collected. "

"The Gu Gu, I do n’t know what secret technique was used, so that the body is dormant like a bug, not only delaying aging, but also secretly constantly enlighten the law of heaven, strength and heritage, I am afraid that it is much stronger than when I played with you. , It is not yet possible to fully estimate. "

This young woman wearing black frame glasses is the deputy director of the State Administration of African Affairs, Linghu Yaofei's sister, Linghu Yaojue.

She had previously wanted to teach Wang Yan because of some minor contradictions. In her view, this was her own business, and she was still Wang Yan's aunt in terms of her seniority. But if outsiders want to shoot Wang Yan, she is the first to disagree.

Han Hongbo glanced at the information a few times, frowned slightly, and pondered for a moment, before showing a solemn expression: "It seems that the old guy has fully integrated with the natal Gu Gu, which is not an opponent that Xiao Yan can handle."

Gu Sheng may not understand the new generation of superpowers, but in the eyes of the older generation, that is really a top figure. Even if it is put into the present, it is also an old monster without compromise.

At that time, Hua Xiaguo had just founded the country, and the country was a waste of life. This Gu Sheng also took his apprentices at the border between Yunnan and Guizhou for more than ten years. He eventually took the action of Han Hongbo himself before he was expelled from China.

But he just drove him out of the country, because Gu Sheng ’s golden silkworm Gu was very weird. With the soil power of Han Hongbo, he could not be completely killed, and finally let him escape to Southeast Asia with his apprentice.

It can be seen how Gu Sheng was arrogant before meeting Han Hongbo.

Now, coupled with the accumulation of decades, the strength is definitely not trivial.

"Yao Jue, please tell Xiao Yan that he doesn't have to agree to this matter. The current China State is not as good as the foreign enemies. They dare not take a half step. If the old guy wants to fight, I will play with him personally." Hand, "Go."

Linghu Yaojue nodded and was about to go out. A female secretary holding a folder ran in panic.

"Report, report to the General Administration! The big thing is not good!"

In a panic-stricken report from the female secretary, Han Hongbo and Linghu Yaojue immediately opened their eyes and shocked the scene.

Han Hongbo even banged the desk with a "bang", "What are you saying? The old guy dare!"


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