The Domestic Hero

Chapter 817: It ’s better to follow the old king (Leader Gaggen)

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(This chapter is added to the leader hjz666, thank you for your support, and all the brothers and sisters for their support)


Several days passed quickly.

Today's Pacific Basin is still a sunny and good weather.

The sky is as blue as wash, there is plenty of sunshine, and several warship birds with wide wings are soaring in the pure white clouds, waiting for the opportunity to watch the fish in the water.

The sea breeze was smooth and there was a clear breeze suddenly. An elegant and luxurious three-body yacht on the sea opened the sails on the boat with a "snap".

The sail immediately captured the wind blowing from the sea, and the big white sails swelled and fluttered instantly, making a hunting wind.

The yacht was also lifted slightly by the wind, splitting the waves and galloping forward.

At this youth conference, there are many yachts sailing to the venue islands, but this is a modern, luxurious, three-body custom-made yacht, which is the only one in the world.

That is the "Love and Roses" given to Wang Yan as a gift by Prince Rose.

As the owner of Love and Rose, Wang Yan wore sunglasses and beach trousers, with his upper body naked, lying comfortably on a beach chair, enjoying the warm sunshine, and the clear blue between heaven and earth.

A cute little ferret was lying on his stomach in a good manner and stretched lazily.

Look at its joyful look, as if to say, hum, in the arms of Wang Yan's brother, but this palace's exclusive position, those Yingyingyanyan outside only have enviable shares.

Apart from this little ferret, two other chairs were placed side by side on the deck beside Wang Yan.

The two beautiful women lying on it, it is at the Youth Congress that stunned the young superpowers of the National African Affairs Bureau of the world-Huangfu Nanlian and Wuya Ange.

They are also very rare to relax. At this time, like Wang Yan, they wear sunglasses and bikinis, enjoying the warm and comfortable Pacific climate.

This basin is affected by the tropical oceanic climate. The average temperature throughout the year is around 28 degrees, with plenty of sunshine and humid air. Compared with the urban environment full of smog in China, this kind of clear sea with blue sky and fresh air is a paradise on earth.

"Your Highness, your French seafood teppanyaki is done."

The blood maid Natasha smiled and brought a seafood platter made on site to the short table beside Wang Yan.

"Squeak!" After smelling the fragrance, the little ferret's greedy drool suddenly jumped from Wang Yan's arms. He immediately picked up a scallop with Wang Yan from the platter. Almost.

"Miss Nanlian, Miss Ange, please use your fruit salad and cocktails."

The other two bloodline maids respectfully brought salad and cocktails to Nanlian and Ange.

On this boat, Wang Yan's five blood maids, the remaining two, are standing in front of a set of kitchen utensils and cooking food for Wang Yan and others on the deck.

These five blood-race maids are carefully selected by the Prince of Roses, all of them are enchanting and have good faces. Among the blood races, they are all orthodox little aristocrats who have a territory. For food cooking, life enjoyment, naturally no one is more refined and thoughtful than them. .

"Slap, pop ..."

A low table-sized hairy crab on the deck, carrying a plate on its back, bubbling while "gurgling", while the crab feet quickly climbed to the edge of the ship's side, beside the two young men fishing.

The two men were handsome in appearance, wearing beach pants and T-shirts, with caps on their heads, and the other face was gentle, and they were roughly the same as those around them, but there was a scarred bald head on their heads.

Don't think about it, these two are just wonderfully mixed with Wang Yan, Zhang Weidao and Wu are no longer abstaining.

"Amitabha, this meat is so delicious." Wu Wujie took a fishing rod with one hand and took a skewer from the plate on the back of the hairy crab. He took a bite of octopus meat covered with sauce and his mouth was ambiguous. Said, "It's better to follow Lao Wang. It's a blessing, but the treatment gap is a bit big ..."

Wu Wujie looked at the distance, and the five enchanting blood-servant maids took turns waiting for Wang Yan, and then looked at himself, but there was only a hairy hairy crab.

This treatment is really different.

"Poo! Poo!" When the hairy crab heard it, he immediately vomited bubbles, raised the crab claws, and solemnly protested.

what? You stupid bald man, Uncle Ben is the king of crabs, can't he compare to those blood race girls?

"Haha, Pharaoh is Pharaoh, worthy of our boss." Zhang Weidao also picked up a sauce skewers, took a bite, and smiled heartily, "The Heavenly Master has decided that after this time, I must work hard to practice, as soon as possible to understand the shackles of heaven and earth, become a land fairy, and fly with my Caier.

After he finished speaking, he glanced at the bitter haha ​​single dog, and he whispered with a smile: "Brother, don't be discouraged, rest assured, I will let Cai'er introduce you to one, better than the blood girl Fairy girl! "

"What ?! It's more perfect than a blood girl ... a goblin ?!" Wu Wujie's pupil was slightly taken, and he took a deep breath involuntarily. "The poor monk suddenly felt full of motivation in the future. We must also strive to be strong! "

"Ha ha ha, in short, after this matter is over, I will take you to have a few days of fun." Two like-minded hupeng dog friends, shoulder to shoulder, smiled happily.

Suddenly a heavy pull came from the fishing rod in Zhang Weidao's hands.

"Hey? Hey? Yes, there is a fish hook!"


A group of people eat, drink, and play to relax.

Under the control of electronic equipment, the Love and Roses traveled all the way through the wind and waves for a long time at sea.

The time was just after noon, the sun was just right, but unconsciously, a thick fog suddenly floated on the sea.

Almost everyone in modern times knows that the cause of fog formation is nothing more than that. Under the condition of sufficient water vapor and stable airflow, the temperature alternates between cold and hot, and the water vapor in the air condenses into small water droplets and is suspended in the air, so that the surrounding visibility is reduced. The phenomenon is called fog.

The water vapor on the sea is more abundant, so it is easier to fog than on land, but the fogging time is mostly at night and early morning, which is definitely not the present of the sun.

Besides, the strange and awkwardness of the mist is like a large gray cloud falling on the sea. The upper end extends to the sky, and I can't forget it at a glance.

The opposite side of the dense fog is still a brilliant sun. This kind of gloomy and half bright spectacular scene is indeed a bit magnificent, but it looks a little weird.

Love and Rose, this yacht is not small, but in front of this thick cloud like fog, the small is like a flat boat.

In addition, the braking force when the ship is sailing is not as sensitive as the vehicle brake, and the thick fog suddenly appears directly in front of it. At this time, it is too late to stop the ship.

"Pharaoh, this mist ... is not right." Zhang Weidao and Wu Wujie put away the fishing rod, instinctively left the ship's side, and took a step back.

The two of them are authentic Buddhism preachers. Naturally, there is no fear, but this fog is neither a monster fog nor a natural formation. It is a little disturbing to see.

The five blood-race maids are relatively shallow, and their hearts seem a little uneasy. The headed Natasha immediately asked Wang Yan about it.

"It seems that a guest is coming." Wang Yan glanced around through his sunglasses and waved his hand slightly, beckoning to keep the yacht moving at a constant speed.

In this way, Love and Rose slowly drove into the thick mist of the ghost.

Those fogs are like living things, tightly wrapped around the yacht.

The visibility around is extremely low, and there is a dim piece everywhere, even without a little extra noise, as if everything is isolated by the fog, the yacht in the water can only be driven by the dense fog. Drifting.

"Someone is watching us." Uya Ange took off his sunglasses, a pair of charming eyes, slowly opened, and his eyes continued to look around like water, "But the other party is not simple, I can't be sure of the specifics Location, the other party seems to be everywhere. "

Even the night witch Wuya Ange, who is good at stealth tracking, cannot determine the position of the other party. It seems that the other party does have a hand and is prepared.

Huangfu Nanlian and Wang Yan also took off their sunglasses, and the three exchanged glances with each other, still sitting quietly in the same position without moving.

The yacht did not know how long it had been driving in the quiet sea. A strong and disgusting stench came from the air, and the surrounding strangeness was stronger.

"Bloody smell?" Wang Yan frowned slightly, and the little ferret in his arms had already bowed up, calling cautiously.

Suddenly, the sound of the bow of the bow seemed to hit some floating objects.

And the sound of this impact did not stop for a moment in the next time, "slap, pop", again and again.

Wang Yan looked at Zhang Weidao. The latter nodded, and immediately took out a blast symbol in his left hand and a yang fire symbol in his right hand. At the same time, he cast the spell and threw it out.

With the help of wind to help fire, and the use of fire to drive off fog, after the two paper symbols exploded, a strong high-temperature fire blasted away the fog around the yacht for more than ten meters.

Everyone on the ship looked around, and his heart burst into a thud.

"God, my God!" Zhang Weidao stood on the edge of the ship's side, the closest to the sea, and just glanced at the sea. With a trembling feeling, he rushed straight from the tail vertebrae to the top of his head.

Dead bodies, floating bodies everywhere on the sea!

Looking at it roughly, it is so dense that the number is too large to count!

Among these bodies, there are men and women, old and young, and even immobile skin colors and different races, but without exception, their throats are cut with sharp blades, just like chickens and ducks. Neck, and then thrown into the boiling hot pot.

The sea water was stained with blood, and the **** smell was like entering a slaughterhouse.

No, it's not just the slaughterhouse, this situation is like walking into the human purgatory of the **** sea of ​​corpses!


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