The Domestic Hero

Chapter 804: Son of Flame! You're so deceiving

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In the stands, many otakus were excited. This, this, this is too exciting. A succubus is simply the dream of all men.

This child of flame is too happy. This is what life is like, what do you ask for?

The dark maiden gnawed her teeth and whispered blushing, "It's a shameless succubus."

"Holy lady." The dark son on the side asked weakly, "Is there a succubus in this world who wants a face? Where can I buy it?" Twice.


The poor child of darkness flew out by a giant hand condensed by a powerful dark force.

At the same time, in the corner of the Youth Conference.

"Lei Biao, have you seen it?" Indira hugged his hands and scornfully, "This flame child's private life is so unchecked, even more than Hupenggouyou, you must keep some distance from him."

On the other hand, a group of Wang Yan ’s fox friends and gangsters yelled in excitement. It ’s worthy of Comrade Lao Wang, even the succubus can get it, or a succubus that can only do what he wants.

Succubus does not have a bottom line, but the less the bottom line, the more men like it.

Especially Shen Tu Tianlu, even the tentacles were brought out in excitement, wild dances. Some female audiences on the scene screamed. Some female audiences can't avoid it, while others are rushing forward with their eyes full of light.


"What a mess, what a mess." Emmons was made a little irritable, and sternly sneered. "Son of flame, can you pay attention to the image? How many superpowers in the world are watching the live broadcast."

But he was envious in his heart, but this is a super succubus, and he didn't know where he got it from. What kind of luck is this? As a legendary strongman, he couldn't get a succubus to be a pet.

"President Emmons, you are blasphemy." Wang Yan coughed twice.

"Profanity?" Emmons' eyelids jumped straight, and he couldn't help but scolded. My mother, you are so brave, stinky boy, how dare you accuse this president of blasphemy? Where did the president provoke you? Don't take you like this to grab the **** pot.

If he didn't care about not far away, there was a bright angel, he would jump out and scold.

"The President, I don't know." Wang Yan said leisurely, "This succubus, but the God of Light personally reshaped her body for her, helping me to establish the succubus of the soul contract between the master and the servant."

Light, **** of light!

Emmons almost spit out his old blood, his eyes widened and he couldn't believe it. The first reaction, this, wouldn't this kid be bullshit?

No, it's not bullshit. Even if this kid is bold, he doesn't dare to bullshit.

After all, there are so many bright Holy See people on the scene. Moreover, not long ago, the will of the bright **** came to the earth and came to this youth conference venue.

For a time.

In Emmons' heart, it was like ten thousand heads ran wildly, his mouth twitching nonstop. Is this kid the illegitimate child of the God of Light? The God of Light was full and braced, even at the power of God, he helped him reshape the body of a succubus?

There was also an uproar at the scene, but it was the God of Light, and the Son of Flame even had friendship with him?

"If President Emmons doesn't believe it, you can ask Dai Er to help testify." Wang Yanyun said lightly, "This matter is not a secret in the light of the Holy See. The Pope, the Son, the Saint, many Everyone knows. "

As a result, Emmons believed completely. Even if the brave son was ten times as brave, he would not dare to joke about such things. In desperation, he had to declare: "After investigation, the succubus of the Son of Fire, which meets the calling characteristics, can participate in the war."

Just kidding, that is the succubus given by the **** of light, who dare to say that she is a wild succubus? He dared to question again, and he was really going to be blasphemy.

Ampei Zongxiu on the side, his face uncertain and extremely ugly. He didn't expect that the son of flame actually had such a hand. A succubus with a half-step S-level strength, and a soul servant from the **** of light.

Like Emmons, he also thought that Wang Yan did not dare to lie in this situation, otherwise, if it was deemed blasphemy by the Holy See, his son of flame would die.

It is also evident from this that the relationship between the Son of Flame and the Holy See is deeper than expected.

"Go ahead, Mei'er." Wang Yan carried the Warhammer upside down, and a series of afterimages exploded in his figure, violently rushing towards An Pei Zongxiu.

At the same time, the succubus issued a series of charming laughs, one wing, almost transformed into dozens of virtual shadows, covering the golden feather big tengu, layered whip shadows, blooming in the sky.

This succubus is one of Wang Yan's cards. After learning about the Youth Conference, Wang Yan was already preparing for it. The resources and contribution points on hand were almost all exchanged for resources available to the succubus to help her advance to the half-step S-level.

Fortunately, Meier itself is a superb succubus with excellent qualifications, and her strength has reached the peak of A-level. Under the massive resources, she has lived up to Wang Yan's high expectations and achieved a half-step S-level.

It became a powerful hole card for Wang Yan.


An Pei Zongxiu's scalp became numb, and his strong sense of crisis made his cold hair stand up, and the fan shook and hurried backwards. He is a Yin-Yang master, good at runic spells, summoning gods, rather than fighting melee perverted guys.

The melee ability of the Son of Flame is terrible. Among the young masters participating in the war, he is definitely one of the best in existence, and it is not much more difficult than the red tank.

Give An Pei Zongxiu a few more leopard galls, and he dare not play melee with Wang Yan.

His speed is extremely fast, flickering in between, like a ghost. A series of runes splattered out and turned into various spells to bombard Wang Yan, so as to snipe Wang Yan and increase the distance.

At the moment, Wang Yan's immobile Ming Wang Liuli Jin's body was wide open, and the whole body of the golden glaze was brilliant, just like a wrathful King Kong of a demon in the town. The Warhammer in his hand is flaming and domineering.

Regardless of the spell that came, it was all attack by attack. The aftermath of the spell energy hit him, and he was completely isolated by the golden glass body, and he could not shake the ripples.

Wang Yan chased An Pei Zongxiu and the island was chaotic, embarrassed.

The battle between the succubus and the golden feather big tengu has also entered a fierce stage, and their strength is almost equal. One is whiplash heavy, the other is wind blade flying.


Suddenly, the succubus issued a series of charming and charming laughter, and an invisible wave enveloped Jinyu Big Tengu. Suddenly, the big tengu's movements were sluggish, and his fierce eyes were slightly dazed.


This is the talent skill of every succubus, it is a weird spell that moves your innermost **. It doesn't matter whether the person being cast is male or female.

The masters are competing, the difference is the slightest. Jinyu Great Tengu was only lost for a moment and was drawn by the succubus' soul-eating whip.


The barbed soul-draining whip was drawn on the big tengu, and it pulled out more than ten meters, pulling out a flesh and blood.

"Ah!" Big Tengu screamed, but the sound was excited, and the whole body shook with excitement.

How sharp is the succubus,


The whiplash is heavy.

Although the big tengu is hiding, it is not active, and three or four whips fall on it.


But even so, An Pei Zongxiu, who was chased by Wang Yan up and down the world, saw this scene, and was almost spitting out blood. The golden feather Big Tengu, who he relied on by virtue of his strength, even took the initiative to lie there and bear the soul whip!

It really makes no sense, useless garbage.

"Oh, brother shemale, do you dare to distract, isn't this the child who despised me?" Wang Yan, a fan of demon wings, appeared behind An Pei Zongxiu like a ghost, smashed with great force.

This hammer, pure yang really lingers, and the spirits spread their teeth and dance claws like a demon. It seems that even a sturdy tank can be smashed.

"not good!"

An Pei Zongxiu was horrified, and he hurriedly hurriedly painted freehand, and a barrier of enchantment blocked him like a shield.


Wang Yan's warhammer hit the enchantment barrier, and the terrifying impact shocked the enchantment barrier to fall apart. The energy remained unsettled, and Ampezong Xiu hit the ground, slamming, and the rocks flew down, hitting a hole. .

Lying in the pothole, Ampezongxiu had several broken sternums, and he kept spitting out blood in his mouth, his expression was furious and fierce.

"Hehe." Wang Yan made a good job with a sneer on his lips. "Human ~ demon brother, haven't you been arrogant before? I was very happy with the second enemy. Unfortunately, the dog you raised It ’s too cheap, you wo n’t be able to walk after being pumped with two whips, yo, look at it and compare it with what you have. ”

as predicted!

The golden feather Great Tengu was pumped out of blood and flesh, but he cried more excitedly, as if to say, let the whip come more violently.


An Pei Zongxiu, who was furiously rushing out of his heart, spewed out a bit of blood, and his white robes were stained with stars, and he said with a fierce anger: "Son of Flame, you are so deceiving."


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