The Domestic Hero

Chapter 288: S-Class Legends

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Everyone on the island was shocked.

This kind of might is the legendary S-class legendary strongman?

The white fat man was injected with a pain medicine, and his body was extremely sensitive. Shocked by the sound, I was so shocked that my pants were all wet.

A smell of urination filled the room.

Wang Yan suffocated his nose, glaring at him in disgust. Turning his head and looking out of the window, his excellent eyesight made him see thousands of meters away, and there was a person standing empty in the clouds.

Uncle Gun is here.

To be honest, this is the first time Wang Yan has seen Uncle Gun really show off his power. In a small sentence, the whole island was shocked, and there was a faint trembling feeling. And Uncle Gun is really strong, even if he receives a text message, he will immediately set off.

So far it has only been more than two hours.

God, there are more than 7,000 kilometers from Uncle Gun's hometown!

In other words, Uncle Cannon can fly up to 3,500 kilometers per hour in the atmosphere only by flesh and body? It's really domineering!

After being promoted to level B, Wang Yan also tested his fastest speed. When running on the ground, the fastest speed can reach 215 kilometers per hour with the help of spirit-level treading boots.

However, this speed of explosion cannot be sustained. At most, it can last for ten minutes. If you want to run at a constant speed for a long time, the speed is about 100 kilometers per hour.

If you fly with Bat King wings, the maximum speed can reach 320 kilometers, and long-term constant speed flight can reach 200 kilometers per hour.

Uncle Cannon flew 7,000 kilometers in more than two hours. This is really exaggerated ... non-human.

In fact, there is a little bit of Wang Yan's trouble. If he flew out of the troposphere of the atmosphere first, and flew into the stratosphere, the speed would increase a bit. After all, in the stratosphere, the air is stable and much thinner than below.

The air is thin, the frictional force during flight is much less, and the stable airflow also helps flight. The civilian aircraft we usually take are basically out of the troposphere and gliding into the stratosphere. This is not only safe, but also more fuel efficient.

But even so, not everyone can fly so fast in the stratosphere. Compared to the speed of Uncle Cannon, those civilian airliners are as slow as snails.

at the same time.

The Duke of Rose also glared at the fat white man in disgust, pushing away the table and not going to eat any more. Although she has countless ways to isolate various odor molecules. But how can she tolerate such a natural cleanliness?

At this time, she also looked at Uncle Gun in mid-air. But she didn't jump out to recognize each other immediately, because she had to perform a play well next. Since the status of the Duke of Roses is quite popular with FBG, of course, it cannot be easily lost before the benefits have been maximized.


at the same time.

In the FBG headquarters building.

Through a large number of high-definition cameras in the sub-base, the president Simons who is watching good shows, panicked, and another cup of coffee was poured on the suit. He looked at the monitor in shock and said, "Yan, Yanyan Yanzun! This, how is it possible? How did Yan Zun find this subbase, how could he know that his apprentice was caught in the subbase."

Simmons planned well, and agreed that Duke Rose should seize the apprentice Yan Zun in the base, and torture and reform. Anyway, Duke Rose was not afraid of Yan Zun, so she put her in front and yell at Yan Zun.

That is, nausea and veneration, the National African Bureau. It can also attract the firepower of Yan Zun and the National African Bureau to the Duke of Roses. In the words of China, it is called two birds with one stone, no, three birds with one stone.

Then the Duke of Roses will be forced to stand on the same line as FBG.

His wishful abacus was crackling. Would it be a simple-minded person who can take the position of FBG president?

But what he didn't expect was that before this action started, Yan Zun killed the door. This sub-base is extremely hidden, and the National African Affairs Bureau cannot know it.

In fact, if the National African Affairs Bureau knew in advance that there was a first-level subbase under the eyelids, this subbase was already listed as the number one target in the first round of the offensive.

Could it be that the Duke of Rose revealed the secret? She stood on the side of the National African Bureau? For a time, Simmons face was extremely gloomy.

Sub-base island.

Suddenly, a black figure flew from the island into the air.

He was wearing a black suit of armor, and there were two curved devil horns on his helmet. The cloak was as scarlet as blood, and the majestic momentum made him descend like a god.

He replied vigorously in the Chinese language: "Is your Excellency Yan Zun from the China National African Affairs Bureau? Your Excellency knows where your apprentice is on our island?"

"Time is up."

In mid-air, Uncle Gun wore a bronze mask on his face, and his cloak hunted in the cold wind. For the black armor, I didn't even take a look at it. He stretched out a hand and grabbed the void.

A highly concentrated fireball appeared in his palm.

Wave down easily.


The fireball dragged the long flame tail into the center of the island like a shooting star.

It was extremely hot, and the burning air showed ripples. The speed was so fast that it almost exploded on the ground almost in the blink of an eye.

A huge wave of energy envelops the flame, and a sea bowl with an inverted button explodes.

The flame exploded in a hemispherical shape, and a wave of energy that was invisible to the naked eye swept away in all directions. Wherever I went, whether it was towering trees, buildings, or stones turned into powder.

The whole island shook violently under the power of this blow, just like a major earthquake.

The explosion is just an instant.

A huge crater with a radius of tens of meters appeared on the ground. The aftermath of the explosion almost spread to the whole island. All the large trees within a few hundred meters of the explosion were destroyed.

The flame fragments that exploded fell like a celestial girl to the whole island, and a fire broke out in at least a few hundred places.

With just a single blow, Uncle Gun's firepower was revealed to the extreme. This attack alone is not inferior to the power of missiles.

Wang Yan was shocked.

Uncle Cannon is also fierce?

"It's too deceiving, deceiving too much." Simmons punched **** the desk at FBG headquarters and said with a roar, "Mr. Ming, you and the base have full firepower, kill me Yan Zun."

In his eyes, Yan Zun is also a human being, and the firepower on the base island is not a joke, and there is also an S-level Mr. Ming. There may not be a chance to leave Yan Zun.

With a command from Simmons, the first-level sub-base began to run with all its might.

"Yen Zun, you don't take me too seriously." The man in black armor was also in a rage. With one stroke, there was a black sword with two hands in his hand.

The sword seemed to be like a magic weapon from Nether Hell. As soon as it appeared, a wave of negative energy enveloped the world.

The black armor man raised his sword with both hands, which attracted the dark clouds. One sword cut to Yan Zun.

A huge half-moon-shaped black sword gas, Li Xiao cut towards Yan Zun. Where it passed, the space was torn, revealing a black endless void.

Yan Zun, wearing a bronze mask, waved his hand and propped up a white flame shield on his left.


The black sword gas blasted on the flame shield, bursting a terrifying shock wave.

All the air was squeezed out cleanly at this instant. At the center of the explosion, it seems that there are countless broken black fragments, those are the residues of the broken space.

But the self-healing ability of the space is very strong, just a moment, those black fragments disappear. The space is like a fluid, and it will return to normal after two waves.

Sir Newton, who first proposed space theory, believed that space was a chaste woman and she always existed in a fixed posture.

However, according to Einstein's theory, space is a bitch. As long as the energy is strong enough, you can twist her, twist it, and fold it. In short, as long as you have the ability to be overbearing, you can let her take any posture. Her toughness and flexibility are very strong. Even a "strong man" like a black hole can withstand it, even though it will be distorted by the ravages.

Of course, if the instantaneous explosive force is strong enough, the space can be broken. But after breaking up, she was still able to recover.

Obviously, of the two great cattle, Einstein was right.


"How is it possible!" Mr. Ming was shocked. Although the blow just now was not all-out, it was at least 70% or 80% strength.

Even if Yan Zun wants to make a hard connection, you have to take a serious attitude? With a shield of flame, you can easily block it? He continued to float in mid-air without moving his hair.

"What if you don't put you in your eyes?" Yan Zun said coldly with one hand on his back.

"You!" Mr. Ming almost spit out an old blood, he is also a legendary S-level strongman. No matter where he went, he was generally treated as an emperor. For the first time, this was ignored by a person.

But he could not do it. Obviously Yan Zun was better than him.

"Mr. Ming!"

A beautiful voice sounded in mid-air.

The Duke of Roses wearing a feather hat with feather feathers and a pure white dress appeared in the air step by step, and the voice was extremely cold: "I will help you, we will work together to eradicate Yan Zun."

Mr. Ming was overjoyed, and the Duke of Roses was also a famous S-class legend. The combination of the two of them, combined with the fire support on the base island, greatly increased the chance of leaving Yan Zun.

At the same time, the sub-base island also began to operate at full capacity.

In the hum, the cover covering the ground was opened.

The propellers of armed helicopters roared into the air. Over the cave, a fighter jet was ejected, and in the roar of roaring mighty raids in mid-air.

The missile stand stood upright, and the fierce warheads were the weapons from hell.

"Cao Jinglue, you'll die for me." The Duke Rose scolded, and a pair of wings raised high on her back, her eyes full of scarlet colors.


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