The Domestic Hero

Chapter 284: See the little teacher (for monthly ticket)

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The depth here is about two hundred to dozens of nearly three hundred meters. Ordinary people cannot dive even if they wear a full set of diving suits. Therefore, this place is very likely that no human has appeared so far.

Wang Yan was not in a hurry, first dived out of the water and contacted the bureau. Anyway, this sunken ship stays here, and won't be digged.

Deep sea diving is not that simple.

If the speed of surfacing is too fast, it will cause an imbalance in the internal and external pressure of the body, which is easy to cause huge damage to the body. Ordinary people, even if they are fully submerged to a depth of seven to eighty meters and work for more than ten minutes, it takes two hours to slowly climb up the rope and let a lot of inert gas out of the body.

If decompression is not smooth under water, you must drill a decompression chamber.

Even if Wang Yan is an extremely powerful superpower, he is also a human being and cannot violate the basic laws of physics. He has been in the deep sea with high pressure for a long time. If he rises to the sea at a very fast speed, it will cause permanent damage to his body.

But superpowers are superpowers after all, far from being comparable to ordinary people. Wang Yan controls the speed of his ascent, and allows pure yang true gas to circulate in the body, forcing out the inert gas in the body tissues. It only took a quarter of an hour to get out of the water.


Wang Yan took off his respirator and took a deep breath of fresh air. From the storage bracelet, he took out his super phone and looked at it. It was already half past three in the morning. Although it is night, the sky is very clear and the stars are bright and the moonlight is charming.

It's just that the surface of the sea is very windy and the waves of two or three meters come and go from time to time.

Wang Yan stretched out the wings of the Bat King and flew into the air a few meters high. The pure yang of the body vibrated slightly, and the skin on the body and the water on the clothes were all transpirationally clean.

Because the mobile phone received the satellite signal, the mobile phone continuously received various information for a while. There are reminders for missed calls, text messages for various inquiries.

Most of them were bursting bears. The colleagues of the ninth squad of Shen Tutian Road had already arrived at the South China Sea base safely and tried to contact Wang Yan or send messages directly to ask about the situation.

There are also calls and messages from the National African Bureau, which allows him to call back immediately after receiving the news. It was also mixed with several phone calls and messages from Uncle Gun, and also called for a call back.

Before Wang Yan started to call back, he received a call from the headquarters of the National African Bureau.

Obviously, the National African Affairs Bureau is paying attention to the situation of Wang Yan ’s mobile phone every second, and as soon as he is connected to the satellite, he will immediately notify the leader. Although it sounds like a little less privacy, the authorized leaders of the National African Bureau will not check your personal location through satellites.

In addition, once an accident occurs, the National African Affairs Bureau can quickly locate and send rescues in this way. If you want to use modern communication tools, there must be such a problem. The ordinary mobile phones used by us all have the authority to pass the base station signal to quickly locate you in minutes.

Wang Yan answered the phone and just said hello. Opposite Director General Han immediately breathed a sigh of relief: "Yeah, Xiao Yan, you're fine. It's great that I knew you would be fine. But this time, it was too dangerous. By the way, are you safe now?"

These anxious rushes made Wang Yan's heart warm. At least, the attitude shown by Director General Han is very concerned about his safety. Wang Yan took a deep breath and said, "Director General Han, I'm fine. It's safe now. It really makes you worry. I was hiding in the deep sea. I was hiding for a little longer because I was caught by the mysterious woman."

"Huh? You don't know who she is?" Director General Han asked slightly surprised.

"Uh ... should I know?" Wang Yan was also strange.

"Ah, this is a good thing for your master." Director Han said in a depressed voice, "Your kid is also impulsive, and he bombed the plane without saying a word. I heard that she was also beaten quite. It's embarrassing. With her temper, you're in trouble now. "

"General Director Han, isn't that person my enemies' enemies?" Wang Yan said inexplicably. "She said that she would unload me eight pieces and send them to the enemies a little bit. Then she said that she would also exalted him. Unloading the eight pieces also doesn't understand the hatred. "

"Puff ..." Director General Han sprayed directly over the phone, "Can you believe this? The world wants to dump your master, don't you know how much, but she is definitely not included. Hey? You are now The coordinates ... uh, stupid boy didn't expect you to be so unlucky, please ask for more blessings, remember not to run again, be honest. "

"Hey, what's the situation?" Wang Yan's face was inexplicable, and he couldn't help crying, "What's that, don't run away, be honest? Hey ..."

There was a beeping sound from the phone.

"It's inexplicable, my coordinates, how are my coordinates ..." Wang Yan suddenly widened his eyes, his back creepy. Looking back hurriedly, only a few tens of meters behind, a woman in a fairy pose flew away.

Her speed is extremely fast, just a few tens of meters away in a blink of an eye.

At night, the stars are bright.

Wang Yan clearly saw her face, even every detail of her face. At this time, her deep eyes were gathering magnificent anger. That kind of anger seems to burn everything in the world.

This blond woman, of course, was the mysterious woman who was bombed by Wang Yan and broke her arm. At this time, she has changed clothes and her arms seem to be well.

Wang Yan's heart was so cold that he looked at the cell phone, looked at the mysterious woman, and swallowed. Obviously, Director General Han already knew that she was nearby. God, I don't know if I want to report to myself and run quickly.

Did you sell yourself to the enemy?

"In your Chinese language, this is called Skynet's sparse and leak-free." The voice of the Duke of Rose, with endless coldness, sneered in the corner of his mouth, "Wang Yan, do you run again, drill into the sea?" . I want to see if you have any ability to escape from my hands. "

She bare feet, revealing a pair of crystal clear jade feet, just like a fairy like a sky floating above the sea. Under the clear moonlight, her temperament looked exceptionally curled up.

"Hi ~" Wang Yan smiled and waved his hand to say hello, "Hello beauty, what a coincidence, let's meet again? Why don't you sleep at midnight and hang out on the sea?"

My heart was secretly **, this day the earth is so big, the ocean is so wide, even she will be touched. This is simply disappointing ...

"You enter the sea for nine hours, even if you bring your own breathing system, even if you swim faster." Duke Rose said with a sneer, "You can go out at most one or two hundred kilometers, in fact, you are nine hours, only It ’s less than a hundred kilometers out, and it ’s really slow to swim. Next time, remember how far you can escape in front of the S-class legend master. Do n’t think that the time and distance are enough. ”

"Yes, what you learned is." Wang Yan remembered what Director General Han said just now, don't run away, be honest. Is it that the masters such as Director General Han are coming over?

"Do you want to wait for a master in the game to save you?" Duke Rose seemed to see through Wang Yan's mind at first glance, flicked his blond hair, and chuckled, "Do you think your master will come to save you? I tell you, he even watched I dare not look at all. "

Suddenly cold, Wang Yan exclaimed, "Impossible."

"It's impossible, you offended me. No one can save you." The Duke of Roses said coldly, "Well, don't talk nonsense, follow me. What dare you have Ghostly thought, I will kill you immediately. "

"Okay, okay, I'll go with you." Wang Yan said helplessly, "Can I call Master first?"

"No." The Duke Rose refused coldly.

"Then I remember the coordinates here." Wang Yan opened the mobile phone positioning software and glanced at the current coordinates.

"Well?" The Duke Rose frowned, wondering slightly dissatisfied.

"Uh ..." Wang Yan said with a smile, "I found a shipwreck below. I have a chance to dig back and see if I can make a little money. If you want, the shipwreck below is yours. Now. "

The Duke of Rose fainted, glaring fiercely at him and said, "You just came to the surface for a broken ship? It's really stupid. You're desperate to come back and dig, keep up."

After all, she turned and flew aside.

Wang Yan really didn't dare to play tricks at this time, and honestly followed her and flew past. Within ten minutes, she took Wang Yan to a huge luxury yacht.

"My Excellency the Duke, let me use all kinds of means to make him survive or die." The bodyguard in black forced him up, his face grim. Obviously, the bodyguard who has always been less talked about was irritated by him.

The Duke?

By the way, wait.

Suddenly there was a flash of light in Wang Yan's mind.

Before on the plane, I heard someone calling her on the phone. It ’s just that I did n’t get in touch for a while ...

Now think about the attitude of the National African Affairs Bureau, and then think about the very strange and ambiguous words of Director General Han.

Wang Yan's brain exploded in a sudden, his eyes widened and looked at her in surprise, saying, "You, you, are you the Duke of Roses?"

"Why, don't you know?" The Duke of Roses frowned slightly.

"Gosh, why didn't you say that early." Wang Yan slapped his forehead and said with a cry, "This is the flood of water that rushed to the Dragon King Temple, and his family beat his own family."

Duke Rose's face was cold, and he was annoyed and said in angrily: "Don't talk, who is your family with you?"

"Of course it is a family." The expression on Wang Yan's face was extremely sincere, and he saluted respectfully. "Teacher Wang Yan, see the little teacher."

The Duke of Rose's pretty face first turned red, and then turned extremely white, and her voice trembled and said, "Who, who is your little maid."


(Whew, after returning home from the annual meeting, I worked for three days in a row. Finally, I have updated the guaranteed chapter and the owed monthly ticket chapter. This chapter is a 1800 monthly ticket addition. Now, you can be confident Let ’s call again and ask for the monthly ticket?)

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